Amerithrax (68 page)

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Authors: Robert Graysmith

Tags: #True Crime, #General, #Fiction

BOOK: Amerithrax
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New York Times
, March 23, 2002.

“No New Evidence Linking Hijackers with Anthrax.” Reu- ters, March 23, 2002.

“Hijacker’s Lesion Deepens Mystery.”
Baltimore Sun
, March 24, 2002.

“Britain Accused on Terror Lab Claim.”
Manchester Guard- ian
, March 24, 2002.

“Anthrax Probe Was Complicated by Muddled Information FBI Says.”
Wall Street Journal
, March 26, 2002.

“Did Junk Mail Give Woman Anthrax?” Associated Press, March 27, 2002.

“Mystery Death from Anthrax Is Analyzed.”
New York Times
, March 27, 2002.

“Memo on Florida Case Roils Anthrax Probe.”
Washington Post
, March 28, 2002.

“Anthrax Victim Wasn’t Wearing Gloves.” Associated Press, April 4, 2002.

“More Anthrax Tests Planned.”
Hartford Courant
, April 5, 2002.

“Powder Used in Anthrax Attacks ‘Was Not Routine.’”

Washington Post
, April 8, 2002.

“ ‘Thousands’ Could Be Anthrax Suspects.”
USA Today,

April 9, 2002.

“A Sophisticated Strain of Anthrax.”
, April 15, 2002.

“Anthrax Patients’ Ailments Linger.”
Washington Post
, April 19, 2002.

“Anthrax Contaminates Army Lab; Employee Tests Posi- tive.”
New York Times
, April 20, 2002.

“Scientists Weigh In with Deductions on Anthrax Killer.”

Los Angeles Times
, April 21, 2002.

“2nd Leak of Anthrax Found at Army Lab.”
Washington Post
, April 24, 2002.

“Anthrax Traces Found in Post Office.” Associated Press, April 26, 2002.

“Official: Atta Didn’t Meet Iraqi.” Associated Press, April 30, 2002.

“A Few Anthrax Spores Can Kill, Doctors Say.”
Baltimore Sun
, May 1, 2002.

“FBI Agent Warned Last July That Middle Easterners Train- ing at U.S. Flight Schools.” Associated Press, May 3, 2002.

“Anthrax Sent through Mail Gained Potency by the Letter.”

New York Times
, May 7, 2002.

“Postal Theory: Mail Sorter Acted as Mill for Anthrax.”

New York Times
, May 9, 2002.

“Gene Research May Help Solve Anthrax Mystery.”, May 9, 2002.

“Scientists Find New Markers for Anthrax Isolates.” TIGR press release, May 9, 2002.

“Anthrax Traces at Fed Could Be False Positives.” Reuters, May 9, 2002.

“Anthrax Attack Bug ‘Identical’ to Army Strain.”
New Sci- entist
, May 9, 2002.

“Clues to Anthrax Attacks Found.”
Washington Post
, May 9, 2002.

“Anthrax Investigation Gets Boost.”
Boston Globe
, May 10, 2002.

“U.S. Intercepting Messages Hinting at a New Attack.”
New York Times
, May 19, 2002.

“FBI to Polygraph Workers in Md., Utah on Anthrax.”
Bal- timore Sun
, May 21, 2002.

“Anthrax Antidote Being Developed.” Associated Press, May 31, 2002.

“The ‘Lone Wolf’ Theory Is Evidence of the Bureau’s In- eptitude.”
Wall Street Journal
editorial, June 3, 2002. “Administration Sued in Anthrax Case.” Associated Press,

June 7, 2002.

“Boca Mayor: Feds Should Take Over Anthrax- Contaminated Building.”
South Florida Sun-Sentinel
, June 11, 2002.

“Bush Signs Measure Boosting U.S. Bioterror Defenses.” Reuters, June 12, 2002.

“Unfinished Task of Anthrax Probe.”
Indianapolis Star
, June 13, 2002.

“FBI Looks into Possibility Anthrax Was Grown Secretly at Fort Detrick.”
Baltimore Sun
, June 13, 2002.

“Scientists: FBI Questions Suggest Insider Grew Spores at Lab, Refined Them Elsewhere.”
Hartford Courant
, June 13, 2002.

“Who Is Steven Hatfill?”
The New Prospect
, June 17, 2002. “Genetics Not Helping Anthrax Probe.” Associated Press,

June 19, 2002.

“Anthrax in Mail Was Newly Made, Investigators Say.”

New York Times
, June 22, 2002.

“Anthrax Spores from Hill Said to Be Made Recently.”

Washington Post
, June 23, 2002.

“Anthrax Killer ‘Could Grow More Bacteria.’”
The Guard- ian
, June 24, 2002.

“FBI Searches Home in Anthrax Probe.”
Washington Post
, June 25, 2002.

“Search of Biologist Is Uneventful.”
New York Times
, June 26, 2002.

“Frederick Scientist’s Home Searched in Anthrax Probe.”

Baltimore Sun,
June 26, 2002.

“FBI Searches Home in Anthrax Case.”
Hartford Courant
, June 26, 2002.

“Scientist Theorized Anthrax Mail Attack.”
Baltimore Sun
, June 27, 2002.

“The Case of Dr. Hatfill: Suspect or Pawn?”
Hartford Cour- ant
, June 27, 2002.

“FBI’s Anthrax Probe Focuses on Scientists.”
Trenton Times
, June 28, 2002.

“No Anthrax Found in Apartment of Ex-Army Scientist

Questioned in Deadly Mailings.” Associated Press, July 3, 2002.

“Ex-Rhodesian under Probe for US Anthrax Attacks.”
Zim- babwe Mirror
, July 9, 2002.

“Solving the Anthrax Case—with No Mistakes.”
, July 15, 2002.

“U.S.: Al Qaeda Tried for Bio Weapons in Afghanistan.” Reuters, July 17, 2002.

“Boss Says Md. Doctor Isn’t Anthrax Suspect.”
Baltimore Sun
, July 18, 2002.

“White House Warns on Anthrax Tests.” Associated Press, July 19, 2002.

“U.S. Considers Takeover of Tainted AMI Building for Use as Anthrax Lab.”
South Florida Sun-Sentinel
, July 19, 2002.

“The Noose Widens.”
, July 21, 2002.

“Media Manufacture Cloud of Suspicion over Hatfill.”
In- sight
, July 22, 2002.

“Clash of Agencies Hampered Inquiry into Anthrax Mys- tery.”
, July 23, 2002.

“White House: Anthrax Test Kits Not Reliable.” UPI, July 23, 2002.

“FBI Searches Trash Bins near Former Army Researcher’s Home.”
, August 1, 2002.

“Anthrax Investigation Leads Back to Scientist’s Home.”

, August 1, 2002.

“Md. Home Searched in Probe of Anthrax.”
Washington Post
, August 1, 2002.

“Apartment Searched Anew in F.B.I.’s Anthrax Inquiry.”

New York Times
, August 2, 2002.

“Ex-Fort Detrick Scientist Is Put on Leave from New Job at LSU.”
Baltimore Sun
, August 3, 2002.

“Germ Researcher Is Put On Leave.”
Boston Globe
, August 3, 2002.

“Scientist Says FBI Asked About Setup.”
Washington Times
, August 3, 2002.

“Anthrax Probe Proceeding with Increased Vigor.”
USA To- day
, August 8, 2002.

“Security Clearance with Faulty Resume.”
Baltimore Sun
, August 8, 2002.

“Hatfill to Make Statement Sunday.” Associated Press, Au- gust 9, 2002.

“Anthrax Inquiry Draws Protest from Scientist’s Lawyers.”

New York Times
, August 10, 2002.

“Ex-Army Scientist Denies Role in Anthrax Attacks.”

Washington Post
, August 11, 2002.

“Experts: Hatfill Courting Public.” Associated Press, August 11, 2002.

“Steven Hatfill’s Statement.”
New York Times
, August 11, 2002.

“Steven Hatfill’s Statement.”
Washington Post
, August 11, 2002.

“The Q&A Session with Dr. Hatfill’s Lawyer Victor Glas- berg.” Transcript, August 11, 2002.

“Scientist Steps Up Anthrax Defense.”
Washington Post
, August 11, 2002.

“US ‘Anthrax Suspect’ Trained at Porton Down.”
London Sunday Times
, August 11, 2002.

“The Hunt for the Anthrax Killer.”
, August 12, 2002.

“FBI Said Not Ready to Clear Hatfill.”
Washington Post
, August 12, 2002.

“Anthrax Investigators Test Mailbox in Princeton Area.”

Wall Street Journal
, August 12, 2002.

“Official: No Physical Evidence Links Anthrax to Hatfill.”

USA Today
, August 12, 2002.

“Scientist Denies Anthrax Link.”
The Guardian
, August 12, 2002.

“A ‘Person of Interest.’”
, August 12, 2002. “Scientist Says He’s Anthrax ‘Fall Guy.’”
Baltimore Sun

August 12, 2002.

“Agency Hushed Anthrax Scandal.”
Florida Today
, August 13, 2002.

“FBI Second-Guessed in Anthrax Probe.”
Washington Times
, August 13, 2002.

“Anthrax Doctor Failed Lie Test.”
New York Post
, August 13, 2002.

“Hatfill Novel Depicts Terror Attack.” Associated Press, August 13, 2002.

“The Anthrax Files.”
New York Times
, August 13, 2002.

“Anthrax Found in Mailbox.”
Trenton Times
, August 13, 2002.

“Anthrax Probe Goes Door to Door.”
Trenton Times
, August 14, 2002.

“Merchants near New Jersey Site Are Canvassed in Anthrax Probe.”
Wall Street Journal
, August 14, 2002.

“FBI Shows Hatfill’s Photo; Researcher Denies Having Been to Princeton, N.J.” Associated Press, August 14, 2002.

“Anthrax Finding Prompts Questions in Princeton about Sci- entist.”
New York Times
, August 14, 2002.

“Agents Circulate Hatfill Photo in N.J.”
Baltimore Sun
, Au- gust 14, 2002.

“Anthrax Doc Denies Being at Mail Site.”
New York Daily News
, August 14, 2002.

“Evidence Lacking as Probe of Scientist in Anthrax Scare Intensifies.”
Washington Post
, August 15, 2002.

“FBI Agents Investigate Tainted Mailbox in N.J.”
USA To- day
, August 15, 2002.

“Legislator Irate over FBI’s Anthrax Probe.”

August 15, 2002.

“Murky Past of a US Bio-Warrior.”
Johannesburg Mail & Guardian,
August 16, 2002.

“Feds Hold 9/11 Hijackers’ Remains.” Associated Press, August 16, 2002.

“Anthrax’s Killer ‘Is US Defense Insider.’” BBC, August 18, 2002.

“The Hatfill Case: Essential Background.”
Wall Street Jour- nal,
August 19, 2002.

“U.S., Russia Tussle over Deadly Anthrax Sample.”
USA Today,
August 19, 2002.

“Official Suspects Anthrax Is from Last Fall.”
New York Times,
August 20, 2002.

“Hatfill’s Work Continued after Firing.”
August 22, 2002.

“Unconventional Detective Bears Down on a Killer.”
Sci- ence,
August 22, 2002.

“Handling of Anthrax Inquiry Questioned.”
Washington Post,
August 24, 2002.

“Hatfill Files Complaint on FBI Probe.” Associated Press, August 25, 2002.

“FBI to Search for More Evidence at Anthrax Site in Boca.”

South Florida Sun-Sentinel,
August 26, 2002.

“Anthrax Figure Steps Up Offense.”
Baltimore Sun,
August 26, 2002.

“Hatfill Gives Public Statement but Refuses to Answer Questions.”
Hartford Courant,
August 26, 2002.

“Anthrax Probe to Use New Methods.”
Miami Herald,
Au- gust 27, 2002.

“Anthrax Mail May Still Be inside American Media Of- fices.”
Miami Herald,
August 28, 2002.

“Hatfill to Undergo Blood Test for FBI.”
Washington Times,

August 28, 2002.

“LSU Scientist Discounts Hatfill’s Blood-Test Offer.”
Ad- vocate,
August 29, 2002.

“Tabloids Get Anti-Snoop Pledge.”
Palm Beach Post,
Au- gust 29, 2002.

“FBI Scouts Back Issues of Tabloids in Search for Anthrax Motive.”
South Florida Sun-Sentinel,
August 29, 2002.

“Former Anthrax Researcher Loses Job.” Associated Press, September 3, 2002.

“U.S. Teams Scour Former AMI Building for Traces of An- thrax.”
South Florida Sun-Sentinel,
September 3, 2002.

“Scientist in Anthrax Probe Fired.”
Washington Post,
Sep- tember 4, 2002.

“The Iraq Connection.”
Wall Street Journal,
September 5, 2002.

“LSU: Justice Did Not Cause Hatfill Firing.”
Washington Post
, September 5, 2002.

“FBI Continues Hunt for Clues in Boca Raton Anthrax At- tack.”
Daytona Beach News-Journal,
September 6, 2002. “Anthrax Kills Butte County Cattle.”
Rapid City Journal,

September 7, 2002.

“Anthrax Killer Outlasting the Hunters.”
Hartford Courant,

September 7, 2002.

“Anthrax Investigation at AMI Still ‘Day-by-Day.’”
Palm Beach Post,
September 9, 2002.

“U.S. Not Claiming Iraqi Link to Terror.”
Washington Post,

September 9, 2002.

“From the Mixed-Up Files of Mr. Steven J. Hatfill.”
The Weekly Standard,
September 10, 2002.

“Feds Still Stumped by Source of Anthrax in Boca.”
Miami Herald,
September 10, 2002.

“FBI Concludes Search of Florida Anthrax Building.” Reu- ters, September 10, 2002.

“FBI Finishes Searching AMI Building for Clues.”
South Florida Sun-Sentinel,
September 11, 2002.

“Scientist’s Apartment Searched a Third Time.”
Baltimore Sun,
September 12, 2002.

“FBI Returns to Hatfill Apartment.”
Washington Post,
Sep- tember 12, 2002.

“Anthrax Hunters’ Next Job: Checking 5,000 Samples.”

Palm Beach Post,
September 12, 2002.

“FBI Finds 800 Anthrax-Tainted AMI Letters.”
Palm Beach Post,
September 13, 2002.

“Anthrax at AMI Traveled via Copiers.”
Palm Beach Post,

September 15, 2002.

“The Hunting of Steven J. Hatfill.”
The Weekly Standard,

September 16, 2002.

“Anthrax Hits, Misses Traced in CDC Study.”
Hartford Courant,
September 18, 2002.

“Dead Anthrax Spores Entered Boca Sewer.”
Palm Beach Post,
September 19, 2002.

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