American Language (144 page)

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Authors: H.L. Mencken

BOOK: American Language
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fail, 614

failed, 375

failure to compensate, 293

fair, 466

Fairfield, 480

fairway, 562

fairy, 305

Faith, 516

fake, 565, 609

faker, 86

fall, 33, 42,62, 100, 128

fall, to, 431, 440, 578

fall down, to, 227

fallen, 428, 431, 440

Fallentimber, 539

fallen woman, 304

fall for, to, 227, 229, 565

fallopian, 411

Falloppian, 411

Fall Riverite, 549

fambly, 353

family welfare, 292

fan, 191, 227, 565; -club, 586

fancy, 334

fandom, 178

Fanestil, 484

fanlight, 236

fantan, 162

fantom, 402, 406

far, 335, 336

farina, 341

Farinholt, 503

farmateria, 177

farmerette, 178

farther, 349

farzino, 472

fast, 336

faster’n, 464

fast-freight, 146

fat-cat, 186

Fate, 525

father, 280, 334, 349, 371

Father of Waters, 150

Fats, 520

fattigmand, 215

faucet, 235

fault, 397

faut, 397

Fava, 522

faveur, 384

favor, 383, 384, 386, 388, 390

favorit, 403

favorite-son, 148

favour, 383, 388, 395

favourite, 396

F.D.R., 183

Fearhake, 484

feaselick, 110

feather, 383, 384

feature, to, 37, 227

featurize, to, 193

feaze, to, 141

February, 379

Feb’uary, 353

fed, 431

fed-up, 269

feed, to, 431

feed-plant-engineer, 290

feel, to, 431, 439

feeled, 439

feel good, to, 254

feet, 612

Feil, 484

Feivel, 506

Felicity, 547

Felix, 507

fell, 115,431,440

fella, 353, 425

feller, 425

fellow, 254

fellow countrymen, 6

fellowship, 98

fellowship, to, 128, 150

felonious attack, 304

felt, 431, 439

female, 184, 303, 304

fen, 115

fence, 386

fences, 148

fender, 236

F.E.R.A., 209

Feramorz, 516

Ferguson, 499

Fernall, 503

Ferreira, 494

ferry, 536

fertile, 341

fertilizer, 292

fervour, 395

- fest, 218

festschrift, 220

fetch, to, 431

fetched, 431

fete, 183

fether, 384

feuillage, 75

few, 374

ffarington, 504

Ffebrewarie, 379

ffinch, 504

ffoulkes, 504

ffrench, 504

F.F.V., 208

f.h.b., 209

fiancée, 347, 409, 412

fiat, 173

fib, 126

fiber, 388, 402

fictioneer, 180

fiction-engineer, 290

Fielder, 498

Fieldhouse, 485

fiend, 182

fierce, 466, 54°, 40′, 518

fight, to, 431

fight-fight, 373

fightingest, 463

figure, 345

figure, to, 572

fil, 403

fild, 402, 403

filed, 402

filibuster, 148, 231

filing-cabinet, 228

Filipino, 375

Filipowicz, 488

fill, to, 30

fillet, 236, 240

filling-station, 227, 582

fill the bill, to, 142, 558

fillum, 353

filmdom, 178

film-engineer, 290

filosofy, 406

filthy, 467

fin, 578

financial editor, 244

financial-engineer, 290

find, 352

find, to, 431

Findlay, 479

fine, 71, 352, 466

fine, to, 431

finger, 150

finger, to, 578

finif, 578

Finis, 522

finish up, to, 198

finite, 405

Finkelstein, 499

Finly, 516

Fionnlagh, 479

fir, 397

fire, 397; -assessor, 239; -brigade, 243; -bug, 145, 183, 243; -call, 243; -department, 243; -dog, 27; -eater, 62, 563; -raiser, 243; -water, 106

fire, to, 147, 199, 227

fire-alarm box, 243

fireboy, 583

fireman, 228

fireworks, 564

firr, 397

first, 346, 367, 605

first broom, 587

first floor, 235, 238

first joint, 302

first speed, 237

first standard, 241

first storey, 238

first-year-man, 242

fish, 580; -dealer, 234; -monger, 234; -plate, 147; -slice, 260

Fisher, 513

Fishpaugh, 482

Fishpaw, 482

fisic, 402

fit, 423, 431

Fits-U, 209

five-and-ten, 234

fivebled, 25

five minutes of three, 159

five-o’clock tea, 155

fix, 231

fix, to, 26, 197, 210, 253

fixt, 403

fizz, 149

fizzle, 565

fizzle, to, 119

fizzle out, to, 142, 232

flag, to, 147

flagman, 146

flag-stop, 238


flap, 586

flap-jack, 128

flapper, 266, 569, 586

flapperdom, 178

flare up, to, 99

flat, 233; -boat, 145; -car, 146, 582; -foot, 563; -footed, 93, 143; -joint, 584

flatten out, to, 578

flavorous, 395

flavour, 395

flaw, 328, 349

flay, 184

flay, to, 199

flea, 375

flea’s eyebrows, 561

flee, 184

flem, 383, 402

flesh-peddler, 587

fletcherize, to, 193

flew, 432

flimflam, 557

flimsy, 126, 583

fling, 184

fling, to, 431

flip-flop, 47, 185, 263

flippant, 126

flirtation, 126

flit, 184

flivver, 263

Flo, 519

Floarea, 509

floater, 148

flong, 261

flooey, 263

flooie, 184

flookum, 584

floor, 231, 328, 349

floor-covering-engineer, 290

floorwalker, 234

floozy, 176, 263, 305

flop, to, 162

flophouse, 162

Flora, 509

Floramay, 521

Florea, 509

Florence, 507, 509, 518

Florentine, 551

Florida, 526

flour and feed store, 27

flow, to, 432

flowed, 432

flowerdom, 178

Flower moon, 106

Floyd, 510

flu, 170

flume, 37, 108

flummuck, to, 568

flung, 431

flunk out, to, 99

flurry, 145, 231

Flushing, 532

fly, 109, 532

fly, to, 432

fly a kite, to, 581

flyer, 239, 565

Flynn, 493

fly off the handle, to, 119, 558

fly-time, 101, 102

fo, 401

F.O.B., 208

foes, 401

fog, 343

Fogelsong, 484

foist, 367, 368

fold up, to, 585

followd, 403

folly, 119

fonetic, 406

fonograf, 403, 406

Fonseca, 501

Fontaine, 481

food, 344

foofff, 561

fool-proof, 228

foot, 462; -hill, 115; -path, 235, 247; -wash, 150;

-wear, 227

foots, 170

fop, 126

foppish, 564

forbid, to, 432

force, 101

Ford, 483

fordize, to, 193

fore, 562

forego, 394

Foreman, 483

Forest, 492

forestal, 380

for ever, 350

forgather, 392

forget, to, 432

Forgetto, 505

forgo, 392

forgot, 432

forgotten, 428, 432

fork, 101, 115, 536

for keeps, 95, 232, 609

fork over, to, 99

form, 241, 268

former, 274

formulæ, 412

fornication, 303

For Rent, 266

Forrest, 492

forsake, to, 432

forsaken, 428, 432

forsook, 432

forte, 585

forth and back, 215

fortnight, 250

Fort Riley, 529

forty-rod, 149, 568

forward, 204

forwards, 204, 468

fosfate, 406

fotch, 431

foto, 406

fotograf, 402, 403, 406

Foucher, 547

fought, 431

found, 431

Fountain, 481

fourbled, 25

four-flusher, 187, 191

Fourth of July, 577

fowl-run, 234

Fox, 499, 552

fox-fire, 128

fox-grape, 115

fox-trot, 155

foyer, 237

fragile, 341

frame, to, 263, 264

frame-house, 57, 116, 234, 263

frame-up, 227, 565

frame up, to, 564

franchize, 402

Francis, 513, 515, 519

Francisco, 508, 509

Frank, 505, 507, 508, 509, 513, 515, 519, 520

frankfurt, 220

frankfurter, 155, 186, 220

Franklinton, 529

Franz, 505

Franzosen, 296

frat, 170, 242

fraternal-order, 239

Frates, 494

frau, 347

Frazier’s Bottom, 535

frazzled, 568

F.R.C.S., 272

Fred, 515, 519

Frederick, 507, 515, 520, 524

Fredericktonian, 550

Freedman, 483

free-lunch, 85

freez, 401

freeze, to, 432

freeze on to, to, 142,

freeze-out, 86, 167, 232

freeze the hub, to, 583

freight, 238; -car, 146; -train, 609

freinschaft, 159

Freitas, 494

Frémont, 484

Frémont, 484

French, 296

French-bean, 235

French letter, 296

French Lick, 535

frend, 381

fresh, 158, 572

fresher, 242

freshet, 122

freshman, 242

Fresser, 501

fretful, 564

Friday, 496

fried, 568

Friedmann, 483

friendly-society, 239

frier, 240

frijol, 152

frijole, 152

Frisco, 543

frisk, to, 566

Fritz, 110, 506, 519

friz, 432

frizzgig, 118

Frog, 573

frog, 96, 146, 294

froggie, 294

Frogtown, 554

frolick, 383, 386

frolicksome, 386

from hell to breakfast, 314

from here, 468

from the hoofs up, 259

from there, 468

from where, 468

frontier, 324

front-lot, 121

front-room, 579

Front Royal, 537

froze, 432

frozen, 432

fruit-dealer, 234

fruiterer, 234

fruiterer’s, 234

fruiteria, 177

fruit-seller, 234

fruit-store, 234

fry, to, 581

fudge, 317

fuhrer, 411

führer, 411

Führmann, 483

fulfill, 348

full-house, 191

full professor, 242

fumigating-engineer, 290

fun, 126

function, to, 210

funds, 244

funeral-car, 287

funeral-director, 287

funeral-home, 287

funeralize, to, 140

funk-hole, 573

funny, 464

funny-bone, 239

Funny Louis, 533

funster, 178

fur, 359

furlo, 402, 403

furnished-roomateria, 292

furnishing-engineer, 290

furnitor, 179

furniture-engineer, 290

Furth, 483

further, 372

furtherest, 463

fuse, 389, 394

fust, 346

fuze, 389

g, 348, 352, 368, 377, 389, 402, 405, 484

G.A., 206

gabblefest, 218

gabfest, 218

gadget, 211

gaffer, 584

gag, 394, 586; -rule, 148

gage, 394, 411

gaiety, 392

gaily, 467

Gainsborough, 500

gal, 346

Galgenvogel, 501

Gallagher, 504

Gallipolis, 530

Gallo, 493

gallon, 462

Galloway, 493

galoot, 144

galoshes, 235

Galway, 582

gambling, 126

game-chicken, 302

gandy-dancer, 582, 584

gang, to, 564

gangster, 178

gangway, 236

ganov, 578

ganze, 250

ganz gut, 157

gaol, 383, 389, 390, 392, 393

gaoler, 389

gape, 335

G.A.R., 208

Garabedian, 497

garage, 215, 338

garantee, 402

garbage, 233, 582; -incinerator, 234

Garcia, 494, 543

gard, 399, 402

garden, 547, 583

garden-lot, 121

gargle, 359

garmenteria, 176

Garnett, 479

Garnette, 521

garter, 234, 309; -snake, 114

gas, 169, 170, 183, 236, 334, 559, 564, 566, 585

gasoline, 236, 256

gassed, 199

gastly, 402

gat, 259

gate, 583

gate-money, 191

gather, 338

gauge, 411

gauz, 401

gave, 432, 440

gavel, to, 195

gavot, 401

Gawd, 305

Gawd-a-mighty, 308

gayety, 394

Gay-pay-oo, 209

gay Quaker, 100

gazer, 579

gazet, 401, 403

gazooney, 582

G.B., 208

G.b.F., 209

gear-lever, 236

gear-shift, 236

Geary, 542

gebummelt, 156

gee, 257

geechy, 113

gee-gee, 240

geek, 584

gee-whiz, 158, 316

Geez, 305

gefilte-flsch, 217

geflop, 146

Geisdorff, 514

gelastics, 117

Gelbfisch, 500

Geldschrank, 501

gelt, 578

gem, 183

gemütlich, 157

gemütlichkeit, 409

general, 274, 283, 340, 379, 583

general expert, 292

generally, 467

generator, 236

gentil, 411

Gentle Judge, 525

gentleman, 69, 294; -author, 294; -clerk, 294; -cow, 301; -player, 294; -rider, 294

gentlemanly, 120

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