Ambitious Brew: The Story of American Beer (62 page)

BOOK: Ambitious Brew: The Story of American Beer
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sons, relationship with,

syndicate offer, reaction to,

underestimates prohibition movement,
work habits of,

Pabst, Frederick, Jr.

canned beer research,

cheese manufacturing by,
as company officer,
education of,
livestock breeding by,
merger orchestrated by
stock ownership,

Pabst, Gottlieb,

Pabst Grand Circle (restaurant and theater),

Pabst, Gustav

animal breeding by,
education of,
president of United States Brewers’ Association,
retirement of,
stock ownership,
sues John Strange,

Pabst Harlem (restaurant),

Pabst Hotel,

Pabst-Premier Corporation,
Pabst Brewing Company

packaged beer,

See also
home market; specific brewers

Palm Garden,

Palmer, A. Mitchell

career of,

confiscates Busch property,
confiscates Ehret property,
investigates brewers’ activities,

investigates Busch family,

Panic of 1857,

Papazian, Charlie.
See also
American Homebrewers Association; microbrewing

American Homebrewers Association, founding of by,
entrepreneurial instincts of,
Great American Beer Festival founded by,
homebrewing experience of,
homebrewing, teaching of,
influence of Michael Jackson on,

microbrewing, creates forum for,

microbrewing, early recognition of its importance by,
view of small brewing industry,
vision of,




Paul Masson Mountain Winery,

Paulus, Tom,

Pearl Brewing Company,

Pepsi-Cola United Bottlers,

Peregrine Golden Ale,

Perlstein, Harris,
See also
Pabst Brewing Company

Peter Hand Brewing Company,

Pfeiffer Brewing Company,

Philadelphia Centennial Exhibition (1876),


Philip Morris,
, l85,
See also
Miller Brewing Company

Phoenix Brewery,

Pickett's Sons Brewing Company,

Pickett, Joe,

Pickett’s Premium beer,

Piel Brothers Brewing Company,

Pils, Bohemia,

Pilsener beer.
lager, Bohemian

Pittsburgh Brewing Company,

Plank Road Brewery,

Portland, Maine,

Premier Malt Products,

Prial, Frank,

price wars,




Procter & Gamble Company,

Progressive Party,

See also
home market; specific breweries

alcohol consumption during,
crime and corruption during,

criticism of,
Democratic Party calls for repeal of,
and the Great Depression,
homebrewing during,
long-term consequences of for brewing,

organized movements against,
parade for repeal of,

popular image of,


prohibition movement.
See also
adulteration; Anti-Saloon League; Eighteenth Amendment; National Temperance Society; neotemperance; Russell, Howard Hyde; temperance movement; Wheeler, Wayne; Women’s Christian Temperance Union

brewers ignore dangers of,
forces closing of saloons,
high license movement and,
infighting, damaged by,
influences state laws,
leadership of passes to Anti-Saloon League,

legislative agenda of,
Ohio, success of in,

opposition to by brewers,

origins of in 1870s and 1880s,

promotes local option laws,


pure food craze manipulated by,

resistance to,

Russell, Howard Hyde, influence of on,
success of,
and wartime grain rationing,
Wilson refuses to endorse,


Prohibition Party,

Prohibition, repeal of,
See also
legal beer, return of; Volstead Act

Prospect Brewing Company,


pure food movement,
See also
adulteration; prohibition movement


Quality Brewing: A Guidebook for the Home Production of Fine Beers,


Rahr Green Bay Brewing Company,

Ranier Brewing Company,

rationing, wartime, prohibition movement and,


Red Tail Ale,

Red Top Brewing Company,

Red Wolf Lager beer,

Redhook Ale Brewery,


reform movements,


refrigerated rail cars,


Reich, Matthew,


Reisinger, Kurt,

Remove Intoxicated Drivers (RID),

Renner Brewing Company,

Republican Party,

Retail Liquor Dealers’ Association of Ohio,

Reutelshofer, Simon,


Liebmann Breweries, Inc.

adjunct brewing

Richardson, Dorothy,


Richmond, Virginia,

River City Brewing Company,

Rixford, Charles,

Rochester Standard Brewing Company,

Rockefeller, John D.,


Rodale, Robert,

Rolling Rock beer,

Roosevelt, Franklin D.,

Roosevelt, Theodore,

Royal Amber beer,

Royko, Mike,


Rumely, Edward A.,

Ruppert Brewing Company,

Ruppert, George,

Ruppert, Jacob (“Jake”)

death of,
newspaper, purchase of,
Prohibition, response to,

repeal, reponse to,
as Yankees owner,

Ruppert, Jacob Sr.,

Russell, Howard Hyde,

See also
Anti-Saloon League

Russian River Brewing Company,

Ruth, Babe,



conflicts between brewers and,

relations with brewers in 1870s,

relations with brewers in 1880s,

See also
Anti-Saloon League; beerhalls; beer gardens; specific breweries

appeal of to workers,
brewers’ changed relationship to after repeal,
brewers’ dependence on,

crime associated with,

description of,
emergence of in 1850s,
growing intolerance of,

growth of in late nineteenth century,
long-term impact of Prohibition on,
number of,

problems caused by for brewers,

“tied” system described,
“tied” system, emergence of,
women and,


Salt Lake Brewing Company,

Samuel Adams lager.
Boston Beer Company; Koch, Jim

San Antonio Brewing Association,

San Francisco, German brewers in,


Saranac beer,

Satchell, Roy,

Scahill, John,

Schad, W. F.,


Schaefer, F. & M. Corp.,

Schaefer, Maximilian,

Schaefer, Rudolph (founder),

Schaefer, Rudolph,

Schandein, Ella,

Schandein, Emil,
See also
Best Brewing Company; Pabst Brewing Company

Schandein, Lisette (Best),

Schandein, Louise,

Schell Brewing Company,

Schleuter, Jim,

Schlitz Brewing Company.
See also
Krug, August; Schlitz, Joseph; and specific listings of Uihlein family members

annual production: in 1860s,
; in 1870s,
; in 1950s,
; in 1960s,
beer defective in 1970s,

beer gardens owned by,

beer, quality of,

board of directors dominated by Uihlein family,
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