Ambitious Brew: The Story of American Beer (57 page)

BOOK: Ambitious Brew: The Story of American Beer
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Lee, Martin A., and Bruce Shlain.
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The New Individualists: The Generation After the Organization Man.
New York: HarperCollins Publishers, 1991.
Makower, Joel.
Woodstock: The Oral History.
New York: Doubleday, 1989.
Markoff, John.
What the Dormouse Said: How the Sixties Counterculture Shaped the Personal Computer Industry.
New York: Viking, 2005.
May, Kirse Granat.
Golden State, Golden Youth: The California Image in Popular Culture, 1955–1966.
Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2002.
Miles, Barry.
Zappa: A Biography.
New York: Grove Press, 2004.
Nelson, Daniel.
Shifting Fortunes: The Rise and Decline of American Labor, from the 1820s to the Present.
Chicago: Ivan R. Dee, 1997.

Nelson, Jon P. “Broadcast Advertising and U.S. Demand for Alcoholic Beverages.”
Southern Economic Journal
65, no. 4 (1999): 774–90.

Patterson, James T.
Grand Expectations: The United States, 1945–1974.
New York: Oxford University Press, 1996.

Uncovering the Sixties: The Life and Times of the Underground Press.
New York: Pantheon Books, 1985.

Perry, Charles.
The Haight-Ashbury: A History.
New York: Random House, 1984.

Perry, Paul.
On the Bus: The Complete Guide to the Legendary Trip of Ken Kesey and the Merry Pranksters and the Birth of the Counterculture.
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Postman, N., C. Nystrom, L. Strate, and C. Weingartner.
Myths, Men, & Beer: An Analysis of Beer Commercials on Broadcast Television, 1987.
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Called to the Bar: An Account of the First 21 Years of the Campaign for Real Ale.
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Rawls, James J., and Walton Bean.
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Rice, Richard B., William A. Bullough, and Richard J. Orsi.
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Sobel, Robert.
The Great Boom 1950–2000: How A Generation of Americans Created the World’s Most Properous Society.
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Spitz, Robert Stephen.
Barefoot In Babylon: The Creation of the Woodstock Music Festival, 1969.
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Stevens, Jay.
Storming Heaven: LSD and the American Dream.
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Takebayashi, Shuichi. “The
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and the San Francisco Hippies: A Study of Counterculture Business.” Master’s thesis, Pennsylvania State University, 2001.


Abrams, Sol,

Ackoff, Russell,

Acme Brewing Company,

Addams, Jane,



See also

adjunct brewing.
See also
adulteration; Bohemian lager; Budweiser

Anton Schwarz and,

criticism of,
experiments with,


introduction of in the United States,




alcohol, attitudes toward.
See also
neo-temperance; prohibition movement; temperance movement

impact of prohibition movement on,
in 1980s,
in early nineteenth century





All About Beer

specific amendments

American Brewer

American Brewers’ Review

American Can Company,
See also
packaged beer

American Federation of Labor,

American Homebrewers Association (AHA),
See also
homebrewing; Papazian, Charlie

American Issue

American Specialty Craft Beer Company,
See also
Miller Brewing Company

Anchor Brewing Company.
See also
Maytag, Fritz; Steese, Lawrence beer, quality of,


beers brewed by,
effort to save by Fred Kuh,
equipment of,
financial difficulties of,
label design,
purchase of by Fritz Maytag,

Andreae, Percy,

Angell, George T.,

Anheuser Brewing Company.
Anheuser-Busch Brewing Association

Anheuser, Eberhard,

Anheuser-Busch Brewing Association.
See also
Anheuser, Eberhard; Budweiser beer; Nagel, Charles; and specific listings of Busch family members

advertising by,


animated frogs in advertising,
annual production: in 1860s,
; in 1870s,
; in 1880,
; in 1890s,
; in 1950s,
; in 1960s,
; in 1970s,
; in 2000s,
antitrust rulings against,
antitrust violations,
awards won,
beer making,

Bohemian-style lager developed by,

bottling introduced by,
Budweiser acquired by,
Budweiser developed by,

Budweiser, importance of,
canned beer and,
Civil War and,
college students targeted by,
creditor to gambler,
diversification by,
exhibit at World’s Columbian Exposition,

expansion of: in 1870s,

; in 1880s,
; in 1940s,
; in 1950s,
; in 1960s,
founding of,
industry campaign sponsored by,

inflation, impact of in 1970s,
large-scale brewing,
light beer introduced by,

Los Angeles brewery,
market share,
mechanization of brewery,

microbrewing, response to,

Miller Brewing, competition with,
Miller Brewing, complaint filed against,
Miller Brewing, lawsuit against,

Newark brewery,
pasteurization introduced by,

produces baking yeast,
Prohibition, response to,


quality emphasized by,

rank in industry,
real estate holdings, nineteenth century,
Redhook, share purchased of,

repeal, response to,


reputation of,
shipping long distance by,
Spuds McKenzie,
syndicate, refusal to sell to,
Tampa brewery,
Texas, investments in,
Widmer Brothers Brewing, share purchased of,
at World’s Columbian Exposition,


anti-Prohibition movement, emergence of,


Anti-Saloon League (ASL).
See also
prohibition movement; Russell, Howard Hyde; Wheeler, Wayne

brewers mount opposition to,


budget of,
coercive political methods,

creation of,
opposition to, lack of,

political strategy of,

power struggle within,
prohibition amendment presented to Congress by,

propaganda published by,

success of,
structure of,

tactics of,


tests strength in Congress,


Arizona Brewing Company,

Armadillo World Headquarters (Austin),

Armstrong, Sue F. (Mrs.),


Association Against the Prohibition Amendment (AAPA),


Association of Brewers,

Atlantic Garden,

Austin City Limits,

Aztec Brewing Company,


Baker, Patrick,

Ballantine Brewing Company,

Balling, Karl,


Barkley, Don,
See also
Mendocino Brewing Company; New Albion Brewing Company



Bartholdt, Richard,

Bartholomay Brewing Company,
Bass Ale,

Bates, Tom,

Baumann, Ruby,

Bavarian Brewery.
Anheuser Busch Brewing Association

Beecher, Lyman,

beer, American preferences in,

. See
lager, Bohemian

beer, bland.
beer, American preferences in

beer can.
packaged beer

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