Always Managing: My Autobiography (55 page)

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HR becomes manager of 6, 252, 278

HR leaves 268–9, 271, 277, 286, 298, 337–9

HR returns to 275, 305–10

league won by 252

Mandaric buys 244

and Tottenham approach to HR 30–1

training ground of 252–4

Presland, Eddie 98

Primus, Linvoy 254, 263, 265

Prosinecki, Robert 248

Prutton, David 281

Pulis, Tony 152–4, 178, 409

Quashie, Nigel 283

Queen Park Rangers FC (QPR):

culture of decay in 382

HR becomes manager of 278, 379–80

HR contemplates sacking from 298

lateness of players at 382–3, 406

poor training facilities at 379

relegation of 393

Quest 9–11, 14

and stolen letters 15

Question of Sport

Quill, Jimmy 60–1

Quill, Patsy 60

Radford, Ronnie 65

Raducioiu, Florin 211–13

Rafferty, Billy 132

Ramos, Juande 339, 340, 342, 347

Ramsey, Alf 67

Reardon, Terry 80, 86, 87

Redknapp, Billy (uncle) 86

Redknapp, Harry:

abuse directed towards 273–6, 279, 282–4, 286, 310, 338, 339

acquittal of 1, 24

Bentley dumps water on 345–6

childhood playing of 77, 78–81

childhood and youth playing of 83–96

corruption allegations levelled at 327–31

dragging court case of 401

fanzine interview given by 236, 238

favourite for England manager’s role 25, 27, 34–7

first house bought by 104

freedom of Portsmouth received by 338

health worries of 392

heart problems of 19, 392–3, 401–3

knee problem of 113, 406

management roles of,
see individual clubs

and Mandaric,
Mandaric, Milan

marriage of 104

in minibus crash 147–50

Monaco bank account of 7–8, 9–10, 13, 14–15, 16

and money management 18

motivations of 331

opportunities turned down by 39

in police cell 13

in police interview 13–14

police protection given to 283

police raid on house of 11–12, 14

post-crash recovery of 151

proud of achievements 326

restaurant owned by 125

at school 78, 80–6

school training sessions conducted by 115

and stolen letters 15–17

supermarket job of 103

thigh injury of 101

Tottenham scout approaches 86–7

and transfer money 233

trial of 1–5, 9, 19–24, 401

unemployed 375

US move of 114

Redknapp, Harry Sr (father) 73, 75, 77–8, 85–7, 104, 184, 278, 287, 405

Redknapp, Jamie (son) 1, 284, 286, 335–6, 370, 384, 391, 405

at Bournemouth 288

broken ankle of 290–1

childhood playing of 130

and Gullit 371

and HR’s heart problems 401

and HR’s QPR invitation 379

and HR’s trial 3, 4, 23

at Liverpool 165, 288–9

mother praised by 102

at Southampton 291

at Tottenham Hotspur 287–8, 289

US move of 114

at Wolverhampton 289–90

Redknapp, Jim (uncle) 73, 86

Redknapp, Louise (daughter-in-law) 335

Redknapp, Mark (son) 1

broken ankle of 286, 289

as football agent 332

and HR’s trial 3, 4

US move of 114

Redknapp, Sandra (wife) 402–4

HR meets 102

HR’s courtship with 102–3

and HR’s heart problems 393, 402–3

and HR’s trial 3–4

marriage of 104

and money management 18

and police raid 11–12

returns to hairdressing 119–20

RH’s broadcast joke concerning 346–7

US move of 114

Redknapp, Violet (mother) 74, 104, 286

death of 237

Regent Boys League 79

Reina, Pepe 405

Rémy, Loïc 385, 387, 388

Richards, Carl 136–9

Richards, Dave 49, 69

Rieper, Marc 215

Rivelino 50, 51

Rix, Graham 246, 250–1

Roach, Dennis 251, 271–2, 279

Roberts, Jason 259

Robson, Bryan 281, 287, 318, 319

Rodgers, Brendan 36–7, 40, 364

Liverpool move of 41

Roeder, Glenn 193–4, 240–1, 330

Ronaldo, Cristiano 326, 345, 368

Bale in shadow of 354–5

Rooney, Wayne 162, 281, 326

HR’s support from 35

Rosie (dog) 7

Rosser, Tony 63

Routledge, Wayne 310

Roux, Guy 334

Royle, Joe 376

Ruddock, Neil 198

Rudge, John 130

Saha, Louis 369

Sainsbury, Mrs 290

Samba, Christopher 386–7

Sandro 366

Sansom, Kenny 164

Santa Cruz, Roque 352

Saunders, Dean 207

Scholes, Paul 326

Sealey, Alan 94, 98–9, 182, 239

Sealey, Les 239–40

Seattle Sounders 93

Gabriel becomes player-coach at 114

HR joins 114

HR leaves 48

Moore at 50

Shepherd, John 225

Sheringham, Teddy 8, 16, 259, 265–6, 334, 380

Sherwood, Tim 178, 265, 348, 360

Shevchenko, Andriy 378

Shipperley, Neil 120

Shreeves, Peter 287

Sinclair, Michael 147, 148

Sinclair, Trevor 206, 207

Sissons, John 92, 95

Sky 280

Smith, Bobby 88

Smith, Jim 9, 159, 258–60, 262, 266–8, 272, 274, 285, 292–3, 294, 298, 335, 365, 409

Smith, Phil 30–1, 32

Smith, Tommy 95, 106

Smith, Walter 11

Song, Rigobert 234

Souness, Graeme 165–7, 289, 399–400, 411

Southampton FC:

academy 304

HR approached by 271–2

HR becomes manager of 272–3, 277, 308

HR leaves 275, 305–9

Southgate, Gareth 28, 37

Spackman, Nigel 118

Spandau Ballet 208

Sporting Chance 256

Spragg, Mark 14

Standen, Jim 98

Stankovic, Dejan 359

Stapleton, Frank 124

Stavin, Mary 56–7

Steadman, Richard 291

Stefanovic, Dejan 309

Stevens, Lord 331

Stewart, Marcus 213

Štimac, Igor 215, 216

Stock, Alec 122

Stone, Steve 252–3, 258

Storrie, Peter 6, 10, 13, 15–16, 175, 177, 188, 217, 261, 306, 312, 314–15, 325, 333

charged 14

and Margas 210

and Smith 266–7

and Tottenham approach to HR 30–1

trial of 401

and West Ham’s troubled finances 228, 229

and Zajec 268

Strachan, Gordon 391

Stretford, Paul 377, 379

Stubbs, Alan 279

Sturridge, Mr (teacher) 84

Suárez, Luis 220

Sugar, Alan 217

Šuker, Davor 216, 236

Summerbee, Mike 54

12, 14, 16–18, 179

and stolen letters 15, 16–17

Sunday Sport

‘Survival Sunday’ 280, 281

Sutton, Chris 311

Swansea FC, and Rodgers 36

Taarabt, Adel 405

Tabor, Michael 228–31, 257

Taylor, Matt 258, 281

Taylor, Matthew 312

Taylor, Peter 247

Taylor, Shaun 40

Taylor, Tommy 76

Teale, Shaun 154

Terry, John 43–4

HR’s support from 35

Terry (Tabor’s assistant) 229, 230

Tevez, Carlos 210–11, 242, 326, 345, 352

Thompson, David 84

Thompson, Ian 124–5

Thompson, Steve 120

Tiler, Brian 55, 56, 122, 134, 144, 145–6, 147–9, 152, 333

death of 147–50

Tiler, Hazel 150

Tiler, Michelle 150

Tindall, Ron 98

Todd, Andy 327, 329

Todorov, Svetoslav 234, 248, 318

Topliss, Lee 396–7

‘Topliss, Lee’ (impostor) 394–7

Tottenham Hotspur FC:

and Champions League 33, 35

HR approached by, for management 30–2

HR approached by, for playing 86–7

HR becomes manager of 15, 29, 32, 278, 337–8

HR begins training with 87–8

HR leaves 372–4

youth team of 3

Townsend, Andros 387

Tyler, Dudley 65

Ukraine national side, HR contemplates managing 38, 377–8

Unsworth, David 183

Upson, Matthew 311

Utaka, John 322

van der Vaart, Raphael 235, 363

van Nistelrooy, Ruud 281

van Persie, Robin 162, 235

Vaughan, John 160–1

Vedran Corluka 345

Venables, Terry 41, 287–8, 290

Vernon-Jackson, Gerald 338

Vertonghen, Jan 373

Vidic, Nemanja 364

Villas-Boas, André 348, 364, 407

Viollet, Dennis 76

Walcott, Theo 302, 303, 304, 305

Walker, Dickie 86–7

Walker, Harold 113, 118–19, 120

Warnock, Neil 305, 307, 309

Watkins, Trevor 143

Webb, David 66, 117–20

Webster, Simon 162–3

Weimann, Andreas 388

Weir, David 279

Welbeck, Danny 162

Wenger, Arsène 33, 36, 62–3, 215, 221, 299, 324, 337, 338, 343–4, 365

West Ham United FC:

FA Youth Cup won by 50, 92, 95–6, 241

and Ferdinand transfer 231–3, 235, 236

Ferdinand transfer has demoralising effect on 235

Greenwood leaves 62

HR apprenticed to 91

HR becomes manager of 95, 154–5, 177, 278

HR joins first team squad of 50

HR leaves 5, 238–41, 298, 331

HR’s early love for 89

HR’s first full season at 92

HR’s first senior game for 96

Intertoto Cup won by 227

Macari sacked by 144

Moore ejected from ground of 48–9

Moore’s visits to 48

Premier League debut of 173

Premier League first season of 161

Premier League promotion of 40, 159, 234

troubled finances of 228–31

in UEFA Cup 227

Whelan, Dave 70

White, John 88

Whitehouse, Eric 148

Whitehurst, Billy 124

Whiteside, Norman 124

Wigley, Steve 271

Wilkinson, Jonny 295

Williams, Ashley 36

Williams, John 130, 143

Williams, Keith 142, 153

Willis, Brian 150–1

Wilson, Mr (supermarket owner) 103

Wise, Dennis 302

Woan, Ian 129–30

Wood, Ray 74–5

Woodgate, Jonathan 340

Woodward, Clive 294–9, 302, 316

World Cup:

1966 49, 91, 105

1990 147

2006 328

2010 41–2

Wright, Ian 137, 212, 244

Yakubu 8, 255, 258, 284

Young, Ashley 361

YouTube 190–2

Zahavi, Pini 217, 258

Zajec, Velimir 267–8, 271, 285, 298

Zamora, Bobby 388–9

Zamperini, Alessandro 248

Zanetti, Javier 359


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First published in 2013 by Ebury Press, an imprint of Ebury Publishing
A Random House Group company

Copyright © Harry Redknapp 2013

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