Always Managing: My Autobiography (54 page)

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Cross, Roger 98

Crouch, Peter (juror) 19–20

Crouch, Peter (player) 248, 250, 279, 281, 283, 352–3, 358, 366

Portsmouth buys and sells 6–7

sent off 368

Cudicini, Carlo 342, 359

Cunliffe, Arthur 100–1

Curbishley, Alan 376

Cusdin, David 7–9, 17

Dailly, Christian 234

Daily Mirror

D’Alessandro, Andrés 310, 312

Dalglish, Kenny 174, 240, 288, 289

Davenport, Calum 279, 280

Davidson, Jim 119

Davies, Steve 225

Davis, Sean 310

Dawkins, Trevor 93

Dawson, Michael 341, 386

de Zeeuw, Arjan 254, 260, 265

Deacon, David 244–5

Dear, Brian 52, 53, 97

Defoe, Jermain 158, 187–8, 232, 321, 342, 352

Delap, Rory 279, 296

Dennis, Mark 164

Desmond, Dermot 230

Di Canio, Paolo 139, 192, 198–9, 201–8, 215, 235, 242, 248

and fitness 199, 222

Diarra, Lassana 30, 321, 323

Dickinson, Jimmy 244

Dicks, Julian 155, 161, 162–7, 170, 173, 222

Dinenage, Fred 247

Diop, Papa Bouba 260–1

Distin, Sylvain 30, 322–3

Docherty, John 113

Docherty, Tommy 89

Dowie, Iain 199

Downes, Wally 392

Downing, Stewart 280

Dublin, Dion 160

Dunn, David 311

Dunne, Richard 311

Dyer, Nathan 304

Eastick, Brian 28

Eddy, Keith 51

Edwards, Duncan 76

Edwards, Martin 185–6

Elias, Malcolm 304

Elliott, Paul 49

Ellis, Sam 142

Elsom, John 247–8

England, Mike 286

England national side 104–5

Capello quits 25, 27, 33, 43

Capello’s management of 32, 36, 42–3

and European Championship 33, 36, 40

falling standards of, under Capello 42

Hoddle’s management of 40–1

Hodgson becomes manager of 27–9, 32–3, 37

HR favourite for management of 25, 27, 34–7

HR turned down for management of 27

painful to watch 43

Venables’s management of 41

World Cup win of 49, 91, 105

Enniver, Mr (teacher) 80–2, 85

Eriksson, Sven-Göran 41

Essien, Michael 343

Eto’o, Samuel 359

Evans, Dennis 74

Evans, Harry 88

Evans, Maurice 293–4

Evra, Patrice 346

FA Youth Cup 50, 92, 95, 96, 109, 241, 304

Fagan, Joe 399–400, 410–11

Fahey, Richard 394

Fairclough, David 399

Fashanu, John 120, 173

Faye, Amdy 10–11, 12–13, 14, 334–5, 336

Fellaini, Marouane 388

Fenton, Ronnie 130, 292

Ferdinand, Les 348

Ferdinand, Rio 96, 158, 184–6, 192–3, 244, 331, 332

HR’s support from 35

transfer of 231–3, 235, 236

Ferguson, Alex 33, 182, 197, 207, 235, 280, 294, 328

heart problems of 402

HR’s relationship with 364–5

Modric sought by 344

superstitious side of 350

Ferguson, Bobby 52

Ferguson, Duncan 279

Fernandes, Tony 385–6

Festa, Gianluca 263, 264

Finney, Tom 75

Firmager, Gary 236, 238

Flamini, Mathieu 366

Flashman, Stan 77

Flynn, Sean 166, 167

Foé, Marc-Vivien 207, 215, 235

Football Association (FA), and England manager’s role 27–8, 29

Forssell, Mikael 311

Foster, Ben 344, 372

Francis, Gerry 217

Francome, John 186–7

Fry, Barry 134–6

Fülöp, Márton 372

futebol de salão

Futre, Paulo 213–15

Gabriel, Jimmy 109, 112, 113–14, 115–17, 244

Gabriel, Pat 116

Gale, Tony 178

Gallas, William 370

Gardiner, Ken 152

Gattuso, Gennaro 366–7

Gaydamak, Alexandre 30, 31, 313, 339

Gaydamak, Sacha 313–15, 316, 321, 323, 324, 339

Gerrard, Paul 205–6

Gerrard, Steve 39, 42, 43, 332

HR’s support from 35

Giggs, Ryan 291, 320, 345

Giles, Johnny 96, 106

Gillam, Eddie 214

Gittens, Jon 212

Gomes, Heurelho 359, 368

Goodwin, Dave 184, 185

Gordon, Dale 200, 201

Gorman, John 171

Graham, George 42, 376, 380

Graham, Milton 124–5

Grainger, Martin 202

Grant, Avram 33, 315, 316

Gray, Andy 179

Greaves, Jimmy 107

Green, John 224

Greenwood, Ron 54, 59, 62, 70, 91–2, 93, 96–7, 172–3, 293, 297, 410

HR’s coaching appetite whetted by 115

and HR’s supermarket job 103

and Lampard Sr 189–90

low point in HR’s relationship with 106–7

old-school nature of 91

and youth team 89, 94, 95

Gregory, Ernie 92, 97, 299

Gregory, John 314

Groves, Alan 110–12


Guardiola, Pep 299

Gullit, Ruud 370–1

Guthrie, Peter 151–2

Hagi, Gheorghe 212

Hammam, Sam 173–4

Hampson, Jimmy 158, 181–2, 184, 186, 187

Harford, Ray 255

Harris, Bill 102–3

Harris, Brian 103

Harris, Clive 85

Harris, Les 85

Harris, Mr (teacher) 83–4, 85

Harris, Ron 58

Harrison, Peter 328, 329, 330

Hart, Joe 40

Hartley, Trevor 112

Hartson, John 217–22, 231

Hayward, Geoffrey 174–5

Hayward, Norman 154

Hazard, Eden 407

Henri, Andy 335

Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) 14, 17

Hernández, Javier 162

Heskey, Emile 311

Higginbotham, Danny 280

Hilaire, Vince 243

Hill, Alan 129

Hill, Cling 384

Hill, Jimmy 49

Hislop, Shaka 202–3, 254

Hoddle, Glenn 40–1, 186, 272

Hodgson, Roy 44, 375

becomes England manager 27–9, 32–3, 37

Holland, Matt 190–1

Houghton, Bob 28

Houllier, Gérard 33, 332

Howe, Bobby 93, 112, 114

Howe, Eddie 307, 376

Hreidarsson, Hermann 327

Huddlestone, Tom 352

Hudson, Alan 114

Hughes, Charles 28

Hughes, Mark 328, 389

Hughes, Richard 263, 307–8, 377

Hulse, Rob 382

Hunter, Norman 54

Hurley, Mr (teacher) 84

Hurst, Geoff 50, 62, 66, 91, 98, 104, 114, 286

Hutchison, Don 199, 408–9

Ince, Paul 263, 291

Ince, Thomas 291

Inter Milan, Bale’s memorable games against 359–62

Irwin, Denis 263

Izzet, Muzzy 311

Jairzinho 50

Jakobsson, Andreas 280

James, David 317, 323, 346

Jenas, Jermaine 342, 343

Jenkins, Bill 99–100

Jenkins, Rob 100

Jennings, Pat 348–9

Jenny (secretary) 18

Jimenez, Tony 325

Johnson, Andy 388

Johnson, Anton 66, 122

Bournemouth sold by 124

Johnson, Glen 30, 158, 232, 315, 316, 322, 397

Johnstone, Jimmy 243

Jol, Martin 339

Jones, Cliff 88

Jones, Kenwyne 302–3

Jones, Vinnie 173, 219, 221

Jordan, Joe 260, 298, 314, 338, 345, 351, 366–7, 395

Kaboul, Younès 363, 368, 370

Kagawa, Shinji 162

Kanouté, Freddi 235

Kanu 317–21, 326

Kawaguchi, Yoshi 249–50, 264

Keane, Robbie 342, 350

Keegan, Kevin 159

Kelly, Mike 299

Kelsey-Fry, John 2, 5, 19, 22–4

Kelsey, Jack 73–4

Kemp, Gary 208

Kemp, Martin 208

Kemsley, Paul 325–6

Kendall, Howard 109, 366

Keys, Richard 349

King, Ledley 340, 369–70

Kinnear, Joe 221

Kirk, John 120, 121, 132

Kitchener, Bill 92

Kitson, Paul 217–18, 231

Knight, Alan 249

Knowles, Peter 306

Kranjcar, Niko 316

Kray, Ronnie 59–60

Kutner, Steve 254

Kuyt, Dirk 39

Lallana, Adam 303, 304

Lampard, Frank Jr 43, 44, 190–5, 207, 232, 244, 291, 297, 343, 370, 371, 407

father’s influence on 188

and ‘nepotism’ accusation against HR 231

Lampard, Frank Sr 48, 51–2, 60, 67, 78, 95–6, 98, 104–5, 177, 181, 182, 185, 188–90, 192, 194, 219, 247, 297, 299, 301, 305–6, 404

and Ferdinand departure from West Ham 231–2

influence of, on Frank Jr 188

leaves West Ham 239

leg injury of 104

Pat meets 102

Lampard, Hilda 48

Lampard, Pat (sister-in-law) 67, 102

death of 403–4

Lauren 317

Layton, Nigel 10

Lazaridis, Stan 311

Le Saux, Graeme 279

Leadbitter, Chris 161

League Managers’ Association 29, 32, 45

Lee, Sammy 400

Leicester City FC, HR offered job by 247–8

Leigh, Ian 125

Leitert, Hans 347

Lennon, Aaron 197, 340, 342, 346, 352–3, 369

Leonard, Judge Anthony 23

Lescott, Joleon 263

Leslie, Lawrie 75

Lesser, Len 115–17

Levy, Daniel 10, 29, 178, 310, 333, 337, 340, 347, 349, 363

and HR’s leaving 372–3

HR’s meeting with 30–2

Lewis, Carl 136

Logie, Jimmy 77

Lomas, Steve 204

Lowe, Rupert 241, 271, 272, 274, 285, 292, 294, 296, 298, 301

LuaLua, Lomano 284

Lyall, John 62, 242, 338

Lynam, Des 49, 69

Lynch, Kenny 58, 327

Macari, Lou 144, 163

McClaren, Steve 33, 124

MacDougall, Ted 109, 113

Machin, Mel 185

Mackay, Dave 88, 365

McKay, Willie 10, 260, 261, 334, 396–7

Mackleworth, Colin 92, 102

McLeish, Alex 273, 349, 351

McMinn, Ted 165

McNab, Bob 244

McParland, Peter 74

Maguire, Mick 237–8, 268–9

Maicon 361–2

Maloney, Shaun 388

Manchester United FC:

Bournemouth’s FA Cup defeat of 124–5, 140

in FA Cup final 1957 74–5

and Munich air disaster 76–7

Mancini, Roberto 352–3

Mandaric, Milan 188, 243–52
, 259–69, 285, 292, 299, 301, 305, 306–7, 308–9, 310, 311, 312–14, 333

charged 14

and Crouch purchase 6–7

HR approached by 244–5

HR meets 243

HR offered job by 5–6, 245

and HR’s investments 7, 9–10

and Kawaguchi 249

millions lost by 9

and Monaco account 7–8

Portsmouth bought by 244

protective of HR 266

and San Jose Earthquakes 243–4

and Smith 266–7

and stolen letters 15–16

trial of 4, 20–1, 24, 401

and Zajec 268

Manley, DI David 21–3

Margas, Javier 209–10

Marsh, Mike 167

Martin, Alvin 68

Mata, Juan 407

Match of the Day

Matthew, Stanley 75, 87, 106

Maxwell, Robert 293, 294

Mbia, Stéphane 388

Meadows, Billy 65–6

Megson, Don 55, 122–3

Meira, Fernando 11

Melia, Jimmy 123

Mendes, Pedro 310, 311

Merson, Paul 254–8, 320, 380

Merton, Mr (teacher) 82

Messi, Lionel 161, 181, 355

Miller, Paul 288

Millichip, Bert 49, 69

Mitten, Charlie 100

Modric, Luka 197, 339–40, 341–2, 343–4, 352–3, 359

Moncur, John 198, 199, 215, 409

Monk, Garry 36

Moon, Keith 306

Moore, diligence of 52

Moore, Bobby 47–55, 58–70, 90–1, 94, 97, 107, 111, 114, 181, 282, 286, 330, 337, 338, 409–10

becomes England captain 50

chauffeur’s hat of 101, 247

death of 47, 68–9, 174

early house of 104

factory work of 103

Ferdinand fascinated by 193

and Jenkins 99–100

parties hosted by 53

threat made against 60–1

thrown out of West Ham ground 48–9

Moore, Doris 61

Moore, Tina 51, 53, 60, 61

Meadows’s insults against 65

Moran, Ronnie 288

Morgan, Stuart 129, 133–4, 137, 151–2, 410–11

Morgans, Kenny 76

Morley, Trevor 156, 163, 167, 197

Motson, John 49

Mouldon, Paul 155

Mourinho, José 33, 35, 316, 324, 359, 366, 389

Moyes, David 33, 235, 320, 365

Munich air disaster 76–7

Muntari, Sulley 321, 326

Murphy, Colin 120

Murray, Shaun 287

Musgrove, Malcolm 189

Nani 368–9

Neal, John 126

Neighbour, Jimmy 181

Nelsen, Ryan 381–2, 386

Neville, Gary 213

Newcastle United FC, HR offered job at 325–6

News of the World

Newson, Mark 133–5

Nicholson, Bill 87, 107

old-school nature of 91

Nolan, Jim 141, 144

Nolan, Kevin 348

Norman, Maurice 88

O’Brien, Vincent 229

O’Driscoll, Sean 154, 187

O’Farrell, Frank 189

O’Hara, Jamie 344–5

O’Leary, Paddy 100

O’Neil, Martin 247–8

Osman, Mike 302, 303, 304

Over Land and Sea
236, 238

Owen, Michael 96, 209

Oxford City, HR assistant manager at 63–4

Palacios, Wilson 342, 343, 366

Pamarot, Noé 310

327, 328, 329

Parker, Scott 363

Parks, Tony 348

Pavlyuchenko, Roman 340, 342–3, 358

Pearce, Stuart 162, 205, 212, 223–4

Pearce, Ted 237

Pegg, David 76

Pelé 49, 50, 114

Pennant, Jermaine 311

Perrin, Alain 285, 305

Peters, Martin 96, 104

Peyton, Gerry 149, 160, 410–11

Phillips, Kevin 291

Phoenix Fire:

HR joins 115–16

HR leaves 48, 117

scam 116–17

Platini, Michel 69

Portsmouth FC:

difficult first Premier League season for 8

FA Cup won by 30, 33

financial plight of 321

HR becomes director of football at 5–6, 245

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