Read Almost a Cowboy Online

Authors: Em Petrova

Tags: #Romantic Suspense

Almost a Cowboy (25 page)

BOOK: Almost a Cowboy
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He plunged his finger into her ass, stoking a fire she knew only he could extinguish.

God, his rugged features and blazing look would kill her. She squeezed her eyes shut.

“Look at me and answer, baby.” He twisted his finger, fitting it in brand new ways and dialing up the tension ten notches.


A satisfied smile stole over his features. With eyes filled with love and longing, he kicked off his boots and peeled off his shirt and jeans over solid muscle. His boxers and socks were last. When his swollen cock sprang out, she bolted upright. She scooted to the end of the bed and wrapped her fingers around the base, directing it to her mouth.

The bead of pre-come on the fat tip made her mouth water. She snaked her tongue out and ran it through the slit. The salty juices hit her taste buds and made her moan.

Locking her hair around his fists, he guided his cock into her mouth. She scooped her tongue around the edge and then rode a vein downward. Sucking him in all the way. When he hit the back of her throat, she relaxed to take him deeper, even as she cupped his balls.

Using slow, steady strokes, she sucked him in while fondling his balls. He rubbed against her, rotating his hips. Need exploded in her—to give him as much pleasure as possible. She’d crawl through hot coals to give him the same ecstasy she felt.

She dug her fingers into his ass, dragging him deeper.

“Shhhit,” he hissed.

She swallowed around him and slid a finger down under his balls to the smooth spot. For long minutes she worked his shaft with her mouth and explored with her fingers. He parted his legs, thigh muscles trembling, and let her have her way.

He always gave her what she wanted—needed. Why did she even hesitate to believe she belonged anywhere but in his arms?

As she sank the points of her nails into his ass cheek, his hold on her hair tightened. The sting felt good—with him it felt right. She wanted more. And more of that delicious burn in her backside.

She swirled her tongue back up his shaft, looking at him as she did.

“Hell. Fuck.” He pulled back. “I’m going to come too soon. Lie back.”

She did as he asked. With a fierce expression, he crawled up her body and captured her nipple in his mouth. The exquisite pull dizzied her.

“I stopped and got something,” he panted after pulling away. She arched a brow. As he climbed off the bed and strode bare-ass naked to the dresser along the wall where he’d dumped a bag, she followed the movement.

God, the sight of his body threatened to steal her breath. It certainly stole her sense. Right now if he pulled a ring box out of that bag, she’d say yes and let him do anything he wanted with her.

Angling away so she couldn’t see what he was doing piqued her curiosity. When he rotated back, he held a tube.


She shivered. “You planned well.”

“I’ve learned to plan for anything over the years. Except for those two flat tires I got after I read the letter from Clinton saying Pa died. I was stuck in the woods for hours.”

She giggled, thinking of the big, brawny man with his foul temper being stranded.

“You thought my road rage only shows itself in cities.” He wagged his head and approached her with purpose. The sound of the cap opening sent new shudders along her nerves.

He kneeled on the bed. “Roll onto your belly.”

She met his gaze. Silently she asked for him not to hurt her.

He read her plea. “Never hurt you, baby. I thought you were the adventurous one in bed. Now turn over.” He delivered a slap to her outer thigh that made her gasp—and her pussy flood.

Flipping onto her stomach, she fought to control her breathing. He placed a pillow under her hips, angling her upward. The tickle of his leg hair against her calves might have been butterfly wings. They matched the ones in her belly.

Then he dropped his jaw to her lower spine. His coarse stubble dug into her skin oh so right. She arched for more.

He dragged his jaw down her skin to the crest of her ass. Then his tongue created a wet path right down to her netherhole.

Gasping, she gave herself up to the intimate kiss. He swirled his tongue over her rim, loosening her. Her pussy throbbed.

She forgot about their purpose for this trip and the years between them. The city of Louisville beyond those curtains didn’t matter at all. Nothing but Utah existed.

When he finally raised his head, she was squirming. He slipped a fingertip into her ass with ease.

“Oh yeah, baby.” He worked it in and out. Then he poured some cool lube over her ass and added a second finger. As he scissored them apart, she grew wetter, more ready.

And something was happening in her heart too. Every ounce of passion she’d ever felt for this man crested, peaked into a swell so monumental she’d never get away from him without losing herself completely.

“Damn, you’re beautiful. Watching my fingers disappear into your ass—” He broke off, voice suddenly hoarse.

She glimpsed him from the corner of her eye. Mouth set, eyes burning. He rolled on a condom and generously lubed her. When he grasped her hips, she grew a little fearful. The one time Jeremy had tried to take her this way, he’d been rough, and thankfully, unsuccessful. Of course, she’d squirmed from under him and brained him with a bookend.

But this was Utah—the love of her life. She wanted him to have her in every way possible. She dipped her lower back, thrusting her ass into the air in invitation.

“Jeezus.” He rubbed the rubberized head of his cock over her ass. Smacked it lightly. She cooed. Then he fitted his head to her opening.

With a gentle push, he entered her. His shoving past that ring of muscle was far from bliss, but the farther he inched into her, the better it felt.

He stroked her spine. “Relax, baby. It’s going to be good. I’ll make it good.” He sounded as if he were chewing nails back there.

When he pulled her hips up more, he slid right in. To the hilt.

She cried out, mind whirling with sensation and her body on fire. With him seated so deep, she felt the last threads of her resistance snap.

He began to move, slow and gentle at first. She quickly adapted to the thrusts and learned how to move her body to take him best. Their moans filled the air. He increased his pace, balls slapping her cunt.

“My pussy…”

Growling, he reached under her and found her throbbing clit with his fingertip. Maneuvering it back and forth, he plunged deeper, harder. She felt his restraint slipping.

“Take me, baby. Faster,” she rasped.

“Hell, yes!” He toggled her clit and took her fully, using her just as he’d promised—well.

He tensed around her, and her own unseen release was suddenly right there, a golden ring shimmering in the light of their love. She stretched, flexed around his plunging shaft, and leaped into the abyss.

Fire consumed her. Her body coiled around his heat. He slammed into her with a raucous grunt. For what seemed like several minutes, they drifted in pleasure.

When he fell forward, blanketing her with his body, she knew she was a goner. Utah Davies owned her heart, body, and soul. Always had, always would.

Chapter Sixteen

Utah took leave of his brother with much reluctance. Talking to Jefferson was like talking to an old friend. They understood each other in ways he and Clinton or Gunnison never had. It stunned Utah that he shared so much with this brother when they didn’t have the same mother.

Jefferson took him and Caroline to his apartment and showed them childhood pictures of himself, his mother, and Hollis. Utah stared at their father’s smiling face and wondered what the fuck the guy had been thinking.

He’d probably never find out. In the end, would it matter? Their lives were all changed by being brought together. And there were still more siblings to run to earth.

When he crossed the state line to find the next group of brothers and sisters, Utah would feel a heavy weight at leaving behind Jefferson.

The day was overcast, reflecting Utah’s mood. Caroline sat still and silent, withdrawn in a way she hadn’t been since he’d convinced her that they were good together the night he’d showed up at her house.

He threw a sideways look at her. She had barely gotten a few hours of sleep in the best bed they’d had on this journey. After giving her several releases, Utah had laid with her tucked close, talking.

Now that he thought about it, though, he’d been doing all the talking.
Maybe I missed some crucial cue, and she’s angry.

He rifled his mind for something he had done. She’d given consent and seemed to enjoy the anal sex. And as far as he knew, he hadn’t said anything stupid.

Resting a hand on her upper thigh, he said, “Hungry?”

She shook her head.

“Feel like making a detour to see some sights today?”

She lifted a shoulder in a half shrug.

He squeezed her thigh. “Talk to me. You worried about something?”

At that, she roused. Her hair was still damp on the ends from her shower and curled against her breasts. “My article, yeah. I only have two weeks to get it to my editor.”

“Will it take long to write?”

“Not if I had a topic.” She turned her face aside, not meeting his gaze.

He slid his hand down to her knee. The silky knob under his hand felt perfectly right. “Wanna talk it out? Maybe you’ll spark an idea.”

“I’ve had a few,” she said under her breath.

“Well, the place I want to take you today might do the trick.”

She finally looked at him, and he dropped her a lazy wink. Her lips tightened. Instead of returning his smile, she slid her attention to the road stretching ahead of them.

He continued east until they crossed the Virginia state line. Their destination was off route, but it would be worth it. Once upon a time, in a history class long ago, they’d studied this particular national forest. The pictures in their books had intrigued Utah. And to a raw-boned boy with passion on his mind, he’d only imagined one person with whom he wanted to share it.

Years later that wanting was bigger, hotter. When Caroline was around, he could think of little else.

Today she seemed locked in a private world. He hoped she really was just worried about her deadline and not thinking about a proposal she was obviously terrified of him making.

He’d try to ready her for it, but sooner or later the words would burst out of him. Going home together as an engaged couple felt right to the marrow of his bones.

The miles passed, and silence settled over them. Utah flipped through the radio stations and found some country tunes. They stopped for gas and food they could eat on the road. He suspected Caroline was ready to end this journey. She balked at the choices on the fast food menu and ordered in a flat voice.

In the truck again, he slung an arm around her shoulders and drew her to his side. She felt stiffer, holding herself apart.

He stomped on the gas, eager to reach the place he hoped was as magical as it looked in the school books.

When they passed the sign for Daniel Boone National Forest, she sat up straighter. “What are we doing?”

“You’ll see.” He flicked his gaze over her beautiful face. He directed the truck through the countryside. Through the open window of his truck, humidity filled the cab. Under the chirp of birds and the rustle of leaves, he caught the sound of running water.

“Falls?” Caroline asked, eyes wide.

Utah smiled at her expression. “Yeah. The Niagara of the South.”

“This isn’t anywhere near where we think Franklin and Alexandria are, is it?”


He found a place to park at the head of a trail leading to the falls. They got out, and holding hands, traversed the leaf-strewn path. They picked their way along the hillside, drawn by the rush of water. Caroline slipped in some mud, and he righted her before she got dirty, lashing her tight to his body.

She tilted her face up to his, confusion knitting her brows. He pressed a soft kiss there before leading her on.

When they came out on a pebbled beach flanked by huge boulders, she gasped. A mist fogged the air, and the white water plummeted from a shelf of stone beyond the boulders.

“Moonbow,” she whispered.

He nodded at the sight of the rainbow created by the water and sun. “I have an urge to continue on to Canada after we’ve done our business in Maryland.”

She pulled her hand free and folded her arms.

His heart contracted a little at her withdrawal. “Come on.” He walked along the beach and picked up a flat rock. Skipping it across the water before them, he listened to the noise of the falls behind. Moving around felt good after so many long hours driving.

He continued down the waterline, marking every few feet by skipping another rock. Caroline trailed behind him, her hair curling from the humidity.

“You always were a champion rock skipper.”

“Got better at it the past few years since I didn’t have a beautiful woman to fill my time.”

She shifted from boot to boot.

An idea struck. “Wanna go wading?”

She nodded but didn’t look excited as he’d hoped. Damn, this detour might send her scurrying farther away from him. When she hitched her leg up and pulled off a boot, he did the same and then rolled his jeans to his knees.

Caroline threw him a glance and rushed into the water without waiting for him. His breath caught. Seeing her silhouetted against the natural surroundings of rock, water, and sky made his heart tumble.

Throat tight, he picked his way into the water after her. When he neared, she scuttled out of reach. Water droplets dotted her thighs, and he licked his lips.

She raked her gaze down to the bulge in his jeans. Her features smoothed into a mask he couldn’t read. She faced the falls and stood looking at it for long minutes. Utah caught up to her and planted himself close.

How to break through to her? Grab her and sink to his knees, beg her to marry him? Or let her come to him on her own? She felt far away.

Down the beach, a few people played in the water, splashing and hollering. Utah grabbed Caroline’s left hand.

She stiffened.

BOOK: Almost a Cowboy
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