Alluring Seduction (Bayou Stix) (18 page)

Read Alluring Seduction (Bayou Stix) Online

Authors: Skye Turner

Tags: #romance, #Erotica

BOOK: Alluring Seduction (Bayou Stix)
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Blue laughs again and says, “You should go over there and talk to them. Give them an autograph and take a picture. They’ll be the most popular girls in school.”

“Come with me.” I hold my hand out to her.

She looks at me with a question on her face, but takes my hand. We walk over to the table.

“Hello, ladies.” The girls mouths drop open. Blue smiles. “I’m Jessie. Would you do me the honor of taking a picture with me? Two pretty girls like you would make me look really good in a picture.” The older lady smiles and mouths, “Thank you.” I wink.

“Su-sure… you want to take a pic with us?!” She’s stuttering and she drops her fork onto the table.

“I certainly do. I love taking pictures with pretty girls.” Looking at them, I ask, “Would either of you happen to have a camera phone?” Both grab smart phones off of the table and hand them to me. I hand them to Blue. “Would you mind?”

She smiles. “Not at all.” Then looking at their chaperone asks, “Would you like to get into the picture too?”

She smiles and comes around the table as well. I put my arms around both girls and say, “Smile for the picture. I need you to look really happy.” They both beam and Blue takes a couple of pictures with each phone before handing them back. I talk to them for a few minutes, sign some menus, and then kiss their hands and we head back to our table, just as our wine arrives.

“You’re a softie, Jessie Adams.” She has a really content look on her face.

“Shhhh. Don’t tell anyone. You’ll ruin my badass image.” I laugh and she laughs with me. Reaching over, I grab her hand and entwine our fingers. “I like kids.”

She smirks. She’s so beautiful. “Your secret is safe with me.”

Our food arrives and we eat, talk, and laugh. Halfway through our meal, the girls walk by and smile and wave. As the older lady approaches the table, she stops. “I don’t want to bother you, but I wanted to thank you. That was very sweet what you did. You just made both of them deliriously happy.” She then turns to Blue and says, “You have a good man there, not many stars would take the time to talk to two young fans when out with a beautiful woman. Thank you for helping make two young girls’ day. They will never forget that.”

Smiling at her, I reply, “It was no problem. Thank you for allowing me to take a picture with them.”

Shaking her head and waving, she walks away.

Blue smiles at me. “What?” I ask.

“Oh, nothing… just that this Jessie Adams is not the same Jessie Adams who gave me shit for eight years. I like this Jessie Adams,
much.” She props her chin on her hands and gazes at me.

I snort. “You liked me as an asshole too. Even if you didn’t want to. But, I’m sorry I was a dick to you.”

She laughs. “No, I didn’t like you. I just wanted to punch you in the face and jump your bones at the same time.”

I choke on my wine and stare at her. Did she just say that?

She winks and takes a sip of her wine.

“Well, baby, you can jump me anytime you want from now on.” I bump her knee with mine under the table.

She laughs again and throws a napkin at me.

I grin back at her lasciviously and lean across the table to kiss her.


We see a movie, make out like teenagers a little in the dark theater, and then head back across the street to Jessie’s apartment. It’s still early, but I’m beat from the flight, the sex, and the day.

I settle on the couch and Jessie heads to the entertainment center to grab the remote and my cell pings with a new text.


Monkey sex out of your system?

10AM tomorrow, Lex and I will be by to grab you.

Dress shopping, florist, and then manicures.


I bust out laughing and Jessie walks over with his brow raised. I hold the phone out so he can read it and he chuckles. “How does she know we fuck like monkeys? How do monkeys fuck?”

Snorting at him, I type a reply.


None of your damn business.

Ok, I’ll be ready.”

He settles next to me on the couch and pulls me into his body. I’m a little shocked, but within seconds, I’ve curved into him and I’m laying against his chest. His arm snakes around me. I like this sweet Jessie. Turning my head up, I kiss the side of his neck.

His arm tightens around me and he glances down at me. “What was that for?”

Smiling, I reply, “Because I wanted to.”

His brow raises, but he only says, “What do you want to watch?” I laugh and swipe the remote from his hand. “Woman, don’t you know better than to touch a man’s remote control?”

Settling into his side, I find the channel I want and look at him defiantly. “Don’t you know better than to talk like that to a woman you ever want to have sex with again?!” I blow him a kiss.

He looks at the TV as my phone pings on the table. He swipes it.


M… E…O…W”

He busts out laughing. “Is Bradi in my apartment?” and hands me the phone. I laugh too. He gestures to the TV. “Seriously… more vampires? Do I need to bite you or something?”

Pointing to my neck where he likes to nibble, I say, “You already do bite. I like it.”

“You do, huh?” He shakes his head and clicks his tongue. “Constantly surprised. I swear, I’m constantly surprised.”

“Why?” I look at him in confusion. I really want to know what he’s thinking.

“Because, I am.” He shrugs and pulls me closer to his side, resting his hand on my hip. “You’re not like I always perceived you to be. I guess that’s my fault.”

Smiling at him, I run my hand over his face where his bruises are turning colors. “I made assumptions too, Jessie. I mean shit… you messed up this face over me. And I love this face. We’re both at fault.”

He grabs my hand and licks my palm before kissing it and then setting it on his chest, where he holds it, and we watch some TV.

It’s been a crazy few days and we fall asleep on the couch.

Chapter Twenty


wake to bright light in my eyes and a warm body lying across me. Blue and I fell asleep on the couch last night and somehow, in sleep, I’ve pulled her into me and I’m cradling her in my arms. Damn, she fits against me perfectly. Her lush curves fit to my hard muscle like we’re pieces of a puzzle. I don’t spend the night with women. But, I’ve done this more than once with her and I like it. It feels… right.

It also feels right to have her ass pressed against my crotch, where something is demanding attention. Damn morning wood.

Looking over at the clock against the wall, I catch the time. “Blue. Blue, wake up.” She doesn’t budge. Instead, she snuggles deeper into me and rubs that delectable ass against my already rock solid dick. Gritting my teeth, I try again, “Blue! Woman, wake up. It’s 8:30, if you want to be ready on time for Bradi and Lexi to grab you, you need to get up.” She rubs harder against me. Wait, is she awake? Taking my hands and running them over her stomach, I slip them under her shirt and palm her full breasts. She moans and her nipples tighten. Ah hell, she’s going to be late.

Thirty minutes later, she’s hopping out of the shower, fully sated and rosy cheeked. Now that’s a great way to wake up.

“What are you going to do today while I’m gone with the girls?” She’s putting on that coconut lotion she wears and I’m mesmerized as she rubs it into her legs. The bathroom smells like the beach.

I’m sitting on the counter in a towel while she gets ready. I have never watched a woman get ready before. I’ve never wanted to. “Heading to Dade’s place. We’re supposed to try to nail down the new music today.”

“When do you start on the new album?” She’s now moved onto her stomach and it’s glistening. I can’t take my eyes off of her hands.

“Huh?” Stopping, she props her hand on her hip and turns around to look at me. Her brow arches and she grins. “What? Sorry, you’re distracting. I can see your ass cheeks under the bottom of the towel, Blue.”

“You just had your hands and mouth all over my ass in the shower, Jessie.” She laughs.

Waggling my eyebrows at her, I wink. “I know.” She laughs and turns back to the mirror. I watch her fluff her hair. “We’re supposed to start laying tracks at the end of January.”

“Ah, ok.” She drops the towel and steps into her panties. These are light purple and her plump ass cheeks hang out. Who the hell knew panties other than thongs were so fucking hot?!

She puts on a matching bra and then shimmies into a purple sweater dress. Jesus, she’s gorgeous. I think I swallow my tongue and she’s fully clothed now. That has
happened before.

What the hell are all these feelings? I want her. I want her again. But more than that, I want to keep her. Oh God… I need to get out of here.

At ten to ten, the doorbell rings and Blue gives me a quick kiss before leaving with Bradi and Lexi, who are pulling her out the door.

I need to breathe. I don’t know what all of these feelings are racing through my body and I don’t understand this
I have for Blue. I decide to take a drive and organize my thoughts. I feel like I should be freaking out… I think I need to freak out… why am I
freaking out more?!

Two hours later, after aimlessly driving the River Road and through some old neighborhoods to organize my thoughts, I stroll into Dade’s house near LSU. It’s an older house, but he got it for a steal. It was a fixer upper, but he’s invested the money and now it’s a prize. It’s a lot of house though. I call out from the foyer to see where they are, Dade answers from the back of the house, the sunroom, turned music room, “We’re back here.”

As I walk in, I see Jude and Dade hard at work on the sofa. Cruz is across the room, near the windows scribbling furiously on a piece of paper, no doubt writing down some genius chords. Liam is smirking at me from near the bar. There are take-out coffees from Java and Sweeties spread across it. I find the one with my name. Taking a huge sip, I stare back at him. “What?”

“Nothing. How’s your face, dude?” He laughs again.

Smug fucker. Flipping him off, I shoot back, “How’s yours, Pretty Boy?” Then I look at his face. His eye is still messed up, though it’s more of an ugly brown/yellow than black, his nose has a cut under it, his lip is still split, and his bruises are starting to fade to the same mottled yellow and brown as his eye. I got him good. I laugh.

He laughs too and points to my face. “About as good as yours. The ladies want to console me for what big bad Jessie Adams did to me. Worked out in my favor.” Then he takes in my appearance. I look away. “And apparently in yours. You and Blue good?”

My head whips back. “Yup. All good.”

He smiles. “Good. Don’t make me fuck up your face again.”

“Don’t plan on it. She’s… she’s different.” I sigh and his feet hit the floor. All of a sudden, I realize I’m the center of attention and four pairs of eyes are on me. Dade whistles. Jude laughs, and Liam says, “Son of a bitch. She’s got you. I don’t believe it. She’s really got you.”

“Shut up, Pretty Boy. What? What are you laughing at, Jude?” I challenge them all.

Jude clears his throat, but laughs again. “You. You sound so shocked. About time you get your head out of your ass. So, you and Blue are the real deal?”

“Uh, I think so. I mean, yeah. I guess so. She’s with me and I’ll kill anyone who touches her, so yeah, I guess we are.”

Dade chuckles and says, “You good with that man? I guess that means you’re officially not a slut-bucket anymore then. Blue is not going to tolerate your shit.”

“What shit? What are you talking about?” I rake my hands through my hair. “I’ve never done relationships. So, what shit?” Throwing my hands up at him in exasperation, “I’m not going to cheat on her if that’s what you mean. I actually like her. Like, I
her. I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing here, but I like her, and I don’t want to fuck up again.”

Cruz cuts in. “Wow! You’re in love with her.”

My mouth drops open.

I’m not in love with Blue. I care about her. I like her. I don’t want anyone else near her, but I’m not in love with her. I don’t even know what being in love with someone is about. I’m not in love with Blue!… Am I?!

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