Alluring Seduction (Bayou Stix) (15 page)

Read Alluring Seduction (Bayou Stix) Online

Authors: Skye Turner

Tags: #romance, #Erotica

BOOK: Alluring Seduction (Bayou Stix)
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As the door ricochets off of the wall from Anthony’s exit, my resolve drains and I slump to the floor. I knew something like this would happen, but fuck! I’m unemployed! I’ve worked for Rock Hard for eight years! I’m one of the main reasons it is what it is. And this fucker just fires me because I refused to take his cheating son back. Shit!

I feel soothing circles on my back and look up into the concern on Jessie’s face.

“I’m so sorry, Blue. I just got you fired.” He runs his hands through his hair and pulls. “

Placing my hands on his, I stop him. “Stop, Jessie. You didn’t get me fired. They were looking for a reason and you provided a scapegoat. It’s fine. Really.” I smile at him. “I don’t blame you. And I was going to quit anyway… soon enough. I can’t work for people like that.”

“What will you do now, Blue?” His concern and obvious distress makes my stomach flutter.

I shrug and smile. “I don’t know. Whatever I want to, I guess.” I laugh. “I can freelance. I can start my own company. I can call any other magazine and get hired immediately. I have options, Jessie. And I have money. I’ve been a single girl working seventy-plus hour weeks for eight years. I’ll be ok. But right now, I’ll be taking some time for myself.” Wrapping my arms around his neck, I nip his chin. “I was thinking I might like to hang out in Louisiana for a while.”

He pulls back and looks into my eyes. “Yeah?” I nod. “It just so happens, I have some connections. I can probably make that happen.” He smiles at me. “You want to come home with me for a bit? We can hang out and really spend some time together. Get to know each other in every way.”

The permanent smile on my face has my cheeks hurting. “You want to get to know me, Jessie?”

He shrugs. “Yeah. I do.” Smiling sheepishly, he says, “I like you, Blue. I enjoy spending time with you. We’re great in bed. But I really like
and I want to know more.”

My heart speeds up and my stomach does a flip. “Ok, then.” Kissing his mouth and pulling his lip ring into my mouth, I wink and whisper, “I like you too, Jessie Adams. Very much.”

Walking me backwards to the couch, he sits us both down, and pulls me into his side. “When do you want to go?”

I think about it. I have no job. My apartment is paid through February and there’s really nothing keeping me here anymore. There’s nothing in my office I really care about, I just wanted to rile that asshole up. “How about tomorrow? I can help Lexi and Bradi with the wedding while I’m down too.”

“Tomorrow?” The shock on his face is hilarious. “Wow, ok then. Nothing like jumping right in.”

I laugh. “I don’t wade. I’m an all-in kind of woman. If I’m going to do something, I do it big!”

Growling at me, he pulls me into him. “I like that about you. But right now, I have something big that needs attention.” He wiggles his eyebrows at me and smirks.

“Well, I guess I should return the favor.”

We move the couch with our ministrations again and then settle in to watch more Vampire Diaries before retiring to my bedroom. Jessie falls asleep with me on his chest. Looking around I realize, I won’t miss this place all that much. Tomorrow, a new adventure awaits me in Baton Rouge. I look back at the face of the man I’m involved with and realize, I am very much in love with him. I’m scared to death. I just pray I don’t get my heart broken.

Chapter Sixteen


t takes Blue all of about two hours to pack what she needs after we schedule our flights back to Louisiana. By 9AM, we’re at LAX, waiting to catch our direct flight back to Baton Rouge. Jude will meet us at the airport once we land.

Blue has left word with her apartment building to forward all of her mail to my place for the foreseeable future. I’m freaked out as hell about the fact that this is the first time I’m going to have a woman stay with me. She’s essentially going to be living with me while she’s in town. What am I doing?!

I’ve let Liam know he’s not bunking at my place anymore, and after some discussion, he’ll be moving in with Dade. It’s just going to be Blue… and me.

What the fuck am I doing?!

As we wait for the flight to be called, I notice we’re being tailed and photographed. Leaning in, I whisper into Blue’s ear. “Don’t turn, but we have an audience at nine o’clock. He’s snapping away.”

She smirks at me. “Hmm, well I guess the fact that the manwhore, Jessie Adams, has been seen with the same woman on numerous occasions is newsworthy. I’m messing up your game.” And she winks.

Growling at her, I lean in and kiss her quickly. She wasn’t expecting that. She looks at me with those gorgeous blue eyes and I want to pull her into the nearest corner and have my wicked way with her. “Does that bother you?”

Her brows arch. “Does what bother me?”

“The fact that I’ve been with a lot of women. Most only once and most only for sex.”

She shrugs. “No. I know what you are. I’m not an idiot. And I went into this knowing your past and how you view women, Jessie.”

“How I view women? How do you think I view you?” I’m a little pissed off. Is she insinuating that I’m only using her for sex?!

Placing her hand on my face and tracing the bruise on my cheek, she says, “I’m not picking a fight with you. I know that you used women for sex and they used you. It was mutual, Jessie. And I know that you know I’m not like what, well, what you’re used to. I’m not a virgin or a prude by any means, but for me, sex is not just about sex. I don’t fuck everything with a penis and you know that. But I do fuck
… so…”

Grabbing her and pulling her into my body, I say against her lips, “You
fuck me, woman!” And I take her mouth in a bruising kiss.

She shocks me by biting my lip and pulling my lip ring into her mouth. I moan. Then pulling back, she looks at me and pins me with her gaze. “And
only fuck me. I won’t share you.” Swooping in, I capture her mouth and squeeze her ass.

Dear God. She revs me up. Calm down, Jessie. I don’t know what this is between us, but my heart is on the fast track with her.

The intercom breaks into our passion filled make out session. It’s time to board.

Next stop, Baton Rouge.


Good Lord. My heart is still pounding from that conversation before we boarded. Shit. Jessie touches me and it’s like my body is consumed.

Jessie is stowing our carry-ons and I’m trying to get myself under control. All I want to do is climb on top of him and join the mile high club. Sheesh, who is this woman he turns me into?!

He sits, buckles himself and then me, and looks over at me. “You ok? Still want to do this?”

I smile sheepishly and shrug. “Do what? Come to Baton Rouge?”

He runs his hands through his hair. I love that nervous habit.

“Yeah. Come to Baton Rouge. With me.”

“I do. Yes. Do you still want me to?”

He sucks his lip ring into his mouth and reaches for my hand. My heart starts doing cartwheels… “I do. Yes.” He winks. “You do realize I’ve never had a woman stay with me, right?”

I smirk and wink back. “Yeah, I know. Manwhores don’t typically allow sleepovers for extended periods of time.”

“Manwhore? Well what does that make you then, woman? You know what I am and you choose to sleep with me anyway?” He looks annoyed.

Leaning in, I nip his ear and whisper, “A woman who likes to be fucked good and hard. That’s what.”

He moans and grabs his jacket to cover his crotch. “Don’t say shit like that, Blue.” Closing his eyes and leaning his head back, he starts reciting numbers.

Giggling, I have to ask, “What are you doing?”

Never opening his eyes, he mumbles, “Distracting myself. Because right now, all I want to do is fuck you good and hard.”

I reach under the jacket and rub his rock hard dick. Through gritted teeth he says, “Dammit, Blue…”

He looks at me and I open my eyes wide, expressing my innocence. I bat my eyes. “What, Jessie. What’s wrong?”

“You’re evil.” He growls. “And so bad.”

“You love it, so shut up.” I blow him a kiss and squeeze.

“Well, unless you’re going to actually do something with that… you need to move your hand and I’m not really all that fond of getting arrested on a plane because I fucked you in the open.”

I laugh and move my hand. Jessie catches it and wraps his large hand around my small one. “Lean back and relax. We’ll be in Louisiana soon and I have no idea what’s waiting for us at the airport.”

The flight passes quickly as Jessie dozes. I can’t help but stare at him. He’s so gorgeous. All muscley and tattooed with that hair and those eyes… and that lip ring drives me crazy. He’s not my type at all, but damned if I’m not completely consumed by him.

Suddenly, I hear, “I can feel you staring at me.”

I grin. “I am staring at you. Sorry.”

He cracks his eyes open and my breath catches. Dear Lord. He smiles and my heart takes flight.

“It’s ok. I know my male perfection is distracting. Stare away.” He winks.

I pull my hand out of his and roll my eyes. “Shit, Jessie… and then you open your mouth. Perfect picture ruined.”

He laughs out loud. “Don’t act like you don’t like that about me.”

I smirk back and then laugh. “Sheesh. How do you fit through a door with your head that big?”

Grabbing me, he pulls me in for a kiss. “You like my big head.
of them.”

“Oh my God… you are too much… I think your groupies have gotten to you. Do you stare at yourself in the mirror too?”

He’s belly laughing by now. I’m trying hard to hold my own laughter in and keep a straight face. “I don’t have to. You stare at me enough that I don’t need to stare at myself. And hey… don’t knock my fans. They are dedicated.”

“Yeah, dedicated to getting in your pants.” I mutter. I might be a little jealous…

“You wanted in my pants.” He mutters under his breath.

“I did not.” I poke him in the chest, and he grabs my hand. “You touched
You followed

“Uh huh. Keep telling yourself that, woman. You’re the one coming home with
.” He lets go of my hand and rests his hands behind his head, gazing at me with hooded eyes and a smirk.

“Yeah, because fraternizing with
got me fired. Good thing the sex is good.” He’s so exasperating. But damned if I don’t love it.

“Hey now. I’m sorry about that. But the sex is not ‘good’!”

My eyebrows shoot up and my mouth drops open. My hands are gripping the armrest so hard my knuckles turn white. “Wh-what? The sex isn’t good?”

He looks at me with a serious look on his face, then smiles that panty melting smile. “Nope. The sex is fan-fucking-tastic. You are a rock star in bed, Blue.” He winks and looks at my hands. “You might want to let go of that armrest. You break it, you buy it.” I blush as I see the man in the seat across the aisle listening intently to our banter.

“Oh, God… Shoot me now.” I whisper.

Jessie turns and smiles at him. “Enjoying the show there, Bud?”

He turns bright red and apologizes. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to. I’m sorry.” And he faces the window.

Jessie turns back to me and grins. I roll my eyes. The flight attendant comes over the intercom and says we’re about to land.

Fifteen minutes later, I’m watching the plane circle Baton Rouge and I am staring out of the window as we come in for our landing. We’re in the front of the plane, so fifteen minutes later, the doors open and we are unloading.

Well, I’m here… Come what may.

Chapter Seventeen


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