Alluring Seduction (Bayou Stix) (14 page)

Read Alluring Seduction (Bayou Stix) Online

Authors: Skye Turner

Tags: #romance, #Erotica

BOOK: Alluring Seduction (Bayou Stix)
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“Yes, you are.” I run my hands over his chest and tangle my hands in his hair. “And it’s hot.”

“No.” He’s shaking his head in denial. “I am not.”

“Uh huh. True, Liam is probably the most gorgeous man I’ve ever seen…”

“The fuck?” He’s trying to move me and stand up, but I cut him off and squeeze his hips with my thighs. Still smirking and feeling like a million bucks, I continue to run my hands through his hair.

“But… he’s too perfect for me. I like tattoos… and piercings… and lip rings…” I lick his lips. “But I think the fact that you’re jealous is so very,
hot, Jessie Adams.”

“He’s perfect? Perfect is boring. For the record, I’m not jealous.” He’s now massaging my ass.

“Sure you’re not.” Leaning in to whisper in his ear, I lick the seam and blow, before biting the lobe and pulling on his piercings. “
You’re the only man in the band I want to jump on, Jessie.”

He flips our positions and before I know it, I’m on my back underneath him. His legs are on both sides of my hips and my shirt has risen up a bit. His hands cup my breasts through the fabric of my top. He tweaks my nipples and growls. “I’m the only man who touches you, Blue.”

I groan as I thrust myself into his hands and rub his erection through the fabric of his grey lounge pants. He leans in and kisses me. His tongue sweeps along my lips, seeking an entry. He pinches my nipple and I gasp. He swoops inside and we make out like teenagers.

Somehow, he’s now lying with me on the couch. We’re both sideways and our legs and arms are tangled as our mouths glide together and our tongues collide.

The doorbell breaks into our make-out session. We break apart and take each other in. Our eyes are glazed and our breathing is ragged, and even though all we did was kiss and pet, I feel like something significant just happened.

He scoots to the edge of the couch and says to grab some wine while he gets the food. And he presses another kiss to my head before whistling on his way to the door.

In minutes he’s back and we dig in as I start The Vampire Diaries. We get through the first episode without him making too many rude comments and only snickering a few times. I go to start the second one and he takes all of the food in the kitchen and brings more wine. We settle into the couch and he pulls me tight against him before I start the show.

Halfway through, he says, “Wait a minute. So this dude is a vampire? A really old vampire and he’s in love with that hot blonde vampire, but she’s in love with that werewolf? And why does that other guy always smirk like that? He’s so sarcastic.”

I pause it and reply, “Yes, he’s in love with her, and she is in love with the other guy, but she has feelings for him too, and they will end up together.” Then cutting him a look and scooting away from him so I can poke him in the chest, I say, “And I know you are not making fun of Ian Somerhalder?! That man is gorgeous and smoldering and makes women’s panties wet all over the world.” That gets an eyebrow raise.

“He makes your panties wet? I think I should investigate. He seems like an ass.” He reaches for me, but laughing I evade him.

“Apparently I have a thing for asses. He very much reminds me of someone else I know who smirks and is a total smartass. And who also makes my panties
wet.” His breathing is a little erratic and my own is right along there with him.

“I think someone was supposed to model some panties for me. Stand up.”

“Huh? You want me to stand up? Right now?” He nods yes and points to the floor.

“Stand up, Blue.” I do. “Back up a little… now, push your pants slowly off of your hips.”

I feel the moisture flood my core at his words. Who knew being bossed around was so arousing. Once my waistband reaches my hips, I pause and wait for his instructions.

“Push them down and let them pool at your feet.” I do. He gasps as his gaze rakes my body, stopping at my jade lace hip huggers. “Step out of them… now, turn around.”

Turning around, I present him with my backside. He reaches out and cups my cheeks, pushing them together and pulling them apart. Pulling me backwards, he stops me when I’m between his legs, with the back of my knees pressed against the couch. My breathing is so erratic. I feel his breath through the lace near my hips. The bottoms of my cheeks hang out of the panties. He traces the area with his fingers. Feather light. Then, he kisses both cheeks.

I look at him over my shoulder and he’s memorizing my curves.

He looks up and sees me watching him and groans. Turning me around, he pulls me onto the couch and lays me back with my back propped against the arm. Scooting all the way down, he pushes my legs open and gazes at the wet spot on the jade lace. He reaches out and rubs it, coating his fingers. I moan at the contact. “Spread your legs as wide as you can.” I comply. He pulls the wet lace to the side, exposing my drenched pussy to the air and his gaze. He leans in and runs his finger through the slick folds while holding the fabric to the side with the other hand. Back and forth. From my anus to my nub, he rubs, spreading moisture, but never touching where I need him to.

“Ugh… Jessie, you’re torturing me.” I moan through tight lips.

“What do you want me to do to you, Blue?” still slowly sliding his finger close to where I need it, but never close enough.

“Touch me. Touch my clit. Put your fingers inside of me. God, I don’t care, but please stop teasing me.” My hips are rising of their own accord trying to move his hand to where I want it.

“Put my fingers where?” He touches my slick channel, barely dipping in. I moan and try to make him go deeper by moving my hips. Then he pulls out completely and rubs the rim of my asshole, spreading my moisture around. Biting my lip, I push back against his hand. “Do you like anal play, Blue?” He gently pushes the tip in. I moan and press against him. He groans. “Good God, you do. Thank you to whoever decided to make me wake up.”

I moan out, “Yes, I like it, now less talking, more fucking. Put your fingers inside of me.
I can’t take it, Jessie.”

A smile spreads across his face, even with the bruises and cuts, he’s gorgeous. “Yes, ma’am.” He leans down more and licks me once. I buck off the couch. I’m so wet; the couch is slick underneath me. Grabbing his head and tangling my fingers in his hair, I hold his head hostage. He chuckles.

Wrapping my legs around his head to make sure he can’t move, he starts to lap at me. Licking followed by sucking and the entire time, he’s gently circling the rim of my back door. My excited moans seem to fan his desire and he starts flicking my clit roughly with his tongue as his finger slides into my ass. I buck off of the couch, screaming with my orgasm. “
Mumbling incoherently, “Dear God… You’re amazing… Never stop… Never in my life…”

Kissing the inside of my still quivering thighs, I think I hear him mumble, “Holy shit. What the hell? So fucking responsive.”

Using my foot to turn his head towards me, I smile as our eyes meet. I am splayed out, legs spread, on the couch and he’s just looking into my eyes with awe. “Jes-Jessie, I…”

The doorbell rings.

Chapter Fifteen


s that the doorbell? Who the hell is here now? Blue pushes me off and starts scrambling for her clothes. “Just a minute.” She calls out towards the door. Then under her breath mumbles, “Who the fuck is that?” I grab her pants, which are near my feet, and toss them at her.

“I’ll get the door. Go get dressed while I see who’s here and what they need.” Grabbing my shirt and pulling it down to try to cover my raging hard on through these thin lounge pants I hobble to the door.

She looks at me and heads towards the bedroom. Sighing, I check the peephole. It’s an older man with slicked back hair and he’s holding an envelope. Who the fuck is this? Only one way to find out. I open the door and lean against the jam taking care not to draw attention to my groin.

He looks at me and his eyes take in my appearance; he pauses at my waist. He gives a calculated smirk. I get a sense of foreboding. “Can I help you?”

He looks at me again and smiles coldly. “I’m here to see Blue. It’s important.”

I quirk my brow and pull my lip ring into my mouth as I take in his appearance like he just did to me. “And you might be?”

He holds out his hand. “Anthony. I’m Anthony Jager.” My brows raise in question. He isn’t pleased with my lack of response to his name. He tries again, “I own Rock Hard Magazine. I’m Blue’s boss.”

Oh shit. This can’t be good. Why would her boss be paying a visit to her house on a Sunday at 9pm?

His eyes look around me and the calculating smile comes back to his face. From behind me I hear, “Hello, Anthony. What can I do for you?”

She walks to the door. He takes in her appearance and I swallow. It’s very obvious from her flushed skin and her mussed up hair what has been going on here. He smiles again and looks at me before returning his gaze to Blue. “Can I come in for a moment? This won’t take long.”

Stepping aside, she gestures him in. I place my hand on the small of her back and I feel how tense she is. She looks at me and shakes her head “no”. I step back. She walks into the room, leaving me near the door.

“I don’t think this is a social visit, Anthony, so let’s get on with it.”

He tries to look contrite, but I can see the ill-disguised glee in his eyes. He dramatically sighs. “Sadly, Blue, no this isn’t a social call. I thought about doing this at the office tomorrow, but out of respect for you, I decided to come here tonight. It seems that you and Mr. Adams have become involved in conduct unbecoming. It was brought to our attention that while on the tour, you two became ‘involved’, and well… you know that is strictly against our moral code at Rock Hard Magazine.”

She gasps. I turn to look at him. “Are you serious right now, man? ‘Conduct unbecoming’? You mean like screwing an intern on your desk in the office?”

Blue shakes her head at me and murmurs, “Jessie, no.” while his face blanches and then turns a mottled shade of red.

“That is not what is under discussion here. Blue represented
magazine. She works for
! Her behavior was inappropriate and cast a negative light on Rock Hard Magazine. Becoming sexually involved with
while on assignment is strictly frowned upon. Not to mention what I clearly just walked in on here.” He opens the folder and removes a few pages, before he turns muddy brown eyes towards Blue, spearing her. “Can you tell me that you are not involved with Mr. Adams, Ms. Delaney?” He’s holding up photos from earlier today at the café. We are clearly kissing and touching in the photos.

“Now, wait just a damned minute. Those are from today, not on tour! And we are both consenting, single adults, so there is no issue that I can see…”

He holds up his hand to stop me. He takes out another photo and pushes it towards me. It’s from the elevator incident in Vegas. It was taken right after we got off and from our appearances, you can tell something went on. Fuck me!

I’m about to punch him in his smug face. Blue, grabs my arm. “No, Anthony, I can’t tell you that. Jessie and I
involved. Though it’s very recent and didn’t happen on tour. Not that you care. Thank you for coming tonight. You can mail my last check and I’ll expect compensation for my vacation and sick days, it’s quite a bit. You owe me a hearty bonus for the tour. You can also send my things from my office; make certain my signed memorabilia is packed carefully. I won’t be back to collect any of it.” She walks to the table by the door, grabbing her purse she removes her wallet, and takes out her Rock Hard ID. She then takes a key off of her keyring. Handing both to him with a smile, “Now, since that concludes our
you can let yourself out.” She gestures to the door behind us.

He looks at the ID and key and glares at her and me. “That’s all you have to say?”

“Yes, that’s all I have to say. Goodnight, Anthony.” Her head is held high and her back is straight. I’m so proud of her right now.

“Don’t forget, Blue. You signed a non-disclosure clause. You can’t utter a word about Rock Hard Magazine
its employees.” His fists are clenching and unclenching and his face is almost purple.

“Oh, I’m aware of that. Your secrets are safe and trust me, the world doesn’t need me to tell them that you and your son are disgusting pigs. You send that message out loud and clear, all by yourselves. Now, it’s time to go. Or, I can call security.” She smirks coldly. “Your choice.”

I look at Blue. Her steel backbone amazes me. Why did it take me so long to realize what a treasure she is? But she just lost her job because of me… sonofabitch. Blue has no job… Because of me. Fuck!

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