ALL THAT HE WANTS (Volume 1 The Billionaire's Seduction) (49 page)

BOOK: ALL THAT HE WANTS (Volume 1 The Billionaire's Seduction)
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He laughed.
“I’m joking. I just finished for the day.”

I finally breathed in again. “Thank

“I didn’t know you were so prudish, Lily.”

“About you talking about booty calls in front of elected officials?”

“No, just booty calls, period.”

“I’m NOT.”

Actually, I was. First of all, I’m not sure a boyfriend calling you to have sex is technically a booty call. And if any of my exes had tried it while we were together, I probably would have just hung up on them.

“Is that what this is?” I continued. “A booty call?”

“Hell yes.”

hot and bothered.”

“Happens when my plans for world domination go as planned.”

“The meetings went that well, huh?”

“You have no idea.”

“If you get hot and bothered when things go your way, then I think I have an idea.”

“Where are you?”

“About to leave the Venetian.”

“Go wait out front, I’ll pick you up.”

“Wait out front where?”

“I don’t know – go out front and describe where you are. What are you wearing?”

“Is this for identification purposes, or are you starting in on phone sex now?”

“Well, it WAS for identification purposes, but I like the way you’re thinking.”

I laughed. “Wow, if you don’t get your morning fix, you just turn into a little horndog, don’t you?”

“Yes. Like that movie GREMLINS… sort of. ”

“I love that movie!”

“I figured you might. Are you outside yet?”

“Yeah… there’s a sort of bridge that connects the Venetian to Treasure Island.”

I only knew it was Treasure Island because of the gaudy green, red, and blue sign out in front of the casino. That, and the words ‘Treasure Island’ at the top of the twenty-story hotel. I’m brilliant like that.

“Right by that bridge, there’s a break in the railing where cars can drive up. Can you pick me up there?”

“Absolutely. You still haven’t told me what you’re wearing, though.”

“A little black dress.”

“Ah. Is it easy access?”

“Aren’t they all?”

“Some more than others. What have you got on underneath?”

I giggled a little as I headed over to the meeting place. “Are you serious?”

“I am totally serious.”

“What has gotten

“The question is, how long before I’ll be getting into you?”

“Oh my God, that sounds like one of the cheesiest pick-up lines ever.”

“I have a better one. Want to hear it?”


“That dress looks very becoming on you. And if I were that dress, I’d be coming, too.”

I actually burst out laughing in the middle of the sidewalk. “Oh my GOD.”

“Huh? Huh?”

“I don’t know if you’re going to be able to wait until the hotel room.”

“Ohhhhh, I SO like the way you’re thinking.”

“That was an observation, NOT an invitation!”

“Too late. I want to have my way with you. Immediately.”

I have to admit, by now I was getting turned on.

“Do you know how much I’ve been thinking about fucking you today, Lily?”

Oh my God.

“I’ve been sitting in all these boring meetings, and all I could think about was making you come.”

I stopped breathing.

“I want you so badly, Lily, you have no idea. Just thinking about the things I want to do to you… how badly I want to hear you moan…”

“You weren’t thinking about me at all,” I said, trying to be playful, or hard-to-get, or something, but I didn’t quite pull it off. My voice hitched a little, and I just ended up sounding like I wanted to hear him say more.

“Oh yes I was. I was thinking about taking off all your clothes… lowering you down on the bed… licking you up and down like an ice cream cone… parting your legs… taking my cock… and slooooowly filling up that gorgeous little pussy of yours.”

I stood there on the street corner, my mouth open, my eyes bugged out, the phone glued to my ear.

Normally I don’t like the ‘p’ word.

I was liking it a whole lot better right about now.

he purred in my ear.

“…yes?” I whispered.

“The only time I really feel alive is when I’m inside you.”

That last one kind of took my breath away.

I think I whimpered a little bit.

he murmured seductively in my ear.


“Are you wet?”

“Jesus, Connor!” I whispered, blushing red as a fire truck. I turned around, sure that a platoon of nuns was walking by and had somehow heard every word with their holiness-enhanced hearing.

“Yes or no, Lily? Are you wet?”

I was soaked.

I breathed heavily into the phone, glancing around me, afraid people could somehow read my thoughts.


“Do you know how hard you make me, Lily?”

I could imagine it: the heat radiating off his shaft as it moved up my leg, brushing softly against my inner thigh…

he said, breaking me out of my daydream.


“I want you to do something for me.”


“I want you to circle your hand like you’re holding my cock.”

My heart skipped a beat.

I looked around again. I was sure my cheeks were going to catch fire any second.

“Connor, I can’t do that! – ”

“You don’t have to let anyone see. I just want you to put your fingers together like you’re holding my cock.”

“I am
giving you an invisible handjob on Las Vegas Boulevard in broad daylight!”

He laughed.
“So you’d do it in the middle of the night? Or on another street?”

“What?! No – !”

“Technically it’s ‘imaginary,’ not ‘invisible.’”

I made a bratty little face, irritated that, yes, he was right.

“And I just want you to hold it.”

I gave a furtive look around me. “Can’t this just wait until we get back to the – ”

“No, it can’t. Do it for me, Lily. Put your fingers together like you’ve got your hand around me.”

“Can Johnny hear any of this?!” I whispered frantically.

“No, he can’t. Do it for me, Lily. I want you to put your fingers together like you’re holding me in your hand.”

“Out here on the street?!”

“Out there on the street. No one’s going to know what you’re doing. They’ll think you’re standing there with your thumb touching your other fingers, that’s all.”

“…can I hide my hand while I do it?”

“Of course.”

Clutching my hand under the arm holding the phone, I bent my fingers in a ‘C’ and touched the tip of my thumb to the tip of my middle finger.

“Are you doing it?”


“Now I want you to close your eyes.”

“Are you serious?!”


I kept my eyes open. “Okay, they’re closed.”

“No they’re not. You’re a terrible liar. Close them.”

I whimpered nervously, then closed my eyes.

“Is your hand around my cock?”

I swallowed hard. I imagined my skin against his, the pulse of his heartbeat under my fingertips as his massive member throbbed in my grip.


“Do you feel how hard you make me?”


“Do you feel how hot my skin feels against your hand?

God help me, but I was actually standing on the Strip in Vegas, my eyes closed, fantasizing about holding him in my hand. The noise of the traffic, the heat, the chattering of tourists all around me, it all faded away as I stood there.

“…yes,” I whispered.

“Keep your eyes closed when I tell you this next part.”


“I want you to move your hand up and down. Not much – not enough so anyone knows what you’re doing. Only you’re going to know and I’m going to know that you’re stroking my cock. Just… slow. A tiny bit. An inch or two… slowly… up and down… slowly… will you do that for me?”

My heart was hammering like a jackhammer in my chest, but… hell… he was so persuasive…


Hidden behind my arm, I slowly moved my hand up and down, no more than an inch.      If only the people walking past knew what I was thinking.

“Do you feel me in your hand?”

“…yes…” I murmured.

“Do you feel how hot you make me?”


“Do you feel how hard you make me?”


“Do you know how much I love having your hand on my cock?”

“…almost as much as I love having your cock inside me,” I whispered, and then my eyes popped open.

Holy shit, I can’t believe I just said that OUT LOUD.

Apparently Connor couldn’t, either.

“God DAMN, Lily, you almost made me come,”
he whispered breathlessly.

I glanced around. Nobody was staring; they were all walking by, completely ignoring me. In retrospect, if
saw me on the street, I probably looked like an overstressed chick trying to calm down, her eyes closed, rubbing her arm a little, trying to find her ‘Happy Place.’

And I’d found it, alright. I can’t think of many ‘happy places’ better than me kneeling down in front of Connor, my hand around his manhood, making him groan with pleasure.

Unless they included him being inside me.

“Are your eyes closed?”

“No, but I’m closing them now,” I said, my cheeks burning red.

Happy place, happy place, happy place –

He whispered into my ear again.

“Stroke me, Lily… are you stroking my cock?”


“Are you going to do that for me when you get in the car, Lily? Are you going to use your hand and your gorgeous little mouth and show me how hot you make me?”


“Are you going to straddle me and let me fill you up, and make you come over and over?”

“…oh yes… yes…”

“Good. Now open your eyes and get in the car.”

My eyelids flew open.

There was the Lamborghini pulling up right beside me.

As I opened the passenger side door and slipped inside, my face was about the same color as the car’s maroon paint job.

Connor looked over at me like he was having the most boring day ever. “Hey. You talking to somebody on the phone?”

I hit him about fifteen times on the arm as he roared with laughter and pulled off into traffic.


“You think you’re soooo funny,” I griped as I buckled the seatbelt.

I’m so funny,” he grinned, then glanced over at me. “But I’d like to pick up where that phone call left off.”

“Ohhhh no. And where’s Johnny?!”

“Ditched him again.”


“I told you. Booty call.”

“You are
getting any of
booty, not after your bad behavior.”

“I think you
my bad behavior.”



He slid one hand over to my exposed thigh and softly caressed it. “I think you do.”


Yes yes yes

His fingers curled around my leg. The tip of one finger slowly stroked the inside of my thigh, light and soft as a feather. “I think you’re lying.”


Yes I am keep doing that keep doing that –

The tip of his finger slowly, slowly made its way between my legs… touched my drenched panties… and began to stroke my clit through the wet cloth. Softly… just making light circles…

He never took his eyes off the road.

I moaned and gripped the hand rest on the door like I was on a rollercoaster.

“You’re a bad girl, Lily,” he said in that deep voice, soft as velvet.

“No I’m not,” I whispered.

Yes I am yes I am

His finger pulled the edge of my underwear to the side, and the tip of his finger touched the dampness of my lips.

And began to stroke me… slowly… up… and down.

I whimpered and clenched my teeth together as cars and buildings flashed by outside.

“Yes you are,” he said, soft but insistent as his fingers returned to my clit and softly, wetly, began to circle it. “You were thinking about stroking my cock out there on that street corner, out in front of everybody.”

“…you… you made me…” I whispered and gasped.

“No… you didn’t have to do anything I said. I think you did it because you’re a bad, bad girl… and you
liked it.

“…no…” I whispered, barely audible.

He had stopped circling and was slooooowly, ever-so-softly, stroking my clit over and over again in the same direction. The same light pressure, over and over, making my insides feel like they were liquid fire.

“Did you like thinking about my cock?” he whispered as he stroked me… softly… wetly…


I braced one hand against the roof of the car and gripped the leather headrest of my seat with the other. My mouth was hanging open and my breathing was ragged. My thighs tensed, straining against the building pleasure between my thighs.

He still never looked away from the road as he wove the car from lane to lane, around traffic.

But he kept talking, his voice hypnotic.

“Did you like thinking about stroking my cock with your hand?”

“…yes…” I whimpered, rocking my pelvis forward the slightest bit, trying to get the tiniest bit more pressure of his skin on mine.

“Did you like thinking about how hard you made me?”

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