ALL THAT HE WANTS (Volume 1 The Billionaire's Seduction) (50 page)

BOOK: ALL THAT HE WANTS (Volume 1 The Billionaire's Seduction)
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“Yes, oh God yes – ”

The sensations were building up inside me. The tightness, the heat, the tension –

“Did you like thinking about how hard my cock was in your hand?”

“Yes – ”

“Did you like thinking about putting your gorgeous mouth around my cock?”

“Yes – ”

“Did you like thinking about my cock inside your beautiful, wet pussy?”

“YES,” I gasped, my body contorting in the seat – and still he kept stroking me.

Oh my God, I was getting so close –

“Are you a bad girl, Lily?”

I almost said ‘no.’

But instead I whispered, “…yes.”

With you, yes, only with you, yes –

I couldn’t bear it – and still his finger just caressed me, stroked me, made me feel like I was going to explode


“What?” I moaned.

“…are you going to come for me?”

At that instant, he increased the pressure of his finger on my clit, just the most miniscule amount.

And I exploded.

“FuuuuUCK,” I screamed, holding onto the headrest like I was being swept away, slapping one hand against the inside of the door, fighting against them, trying to contain myself as wave after wave of pleasure rolled through my body, wracking me from head to toe.

The pressure from his fingertip subsided, and he merely went back to stroking my drenched lips, slowly, sensually.

Meanwhile, I had turned to jelly over in the passenger seat.

“…oh my god oh my god oh my god…” I whispered as my arms and legs trembled.

He slowly withdrew his fingers from between my legs… letting them softly graze the inside of my thighs… and then, with a devilish smile, he put his index finger in his mouth and licked the taste of me off of his skin.

He cocked one eyebrow as though to say
and then glanced over at me with a wicked grin.

“So… you having a nice day?”

“I thought I was until now,” I said in a shaky voice. “Now I’m having an


He laughed, then settled into a grin. “So… what are you going to do for

A seductive smile slowly dawned on my face, and I looked down at his pants.

There was a
large shape pressing beneath the cloth, sort of at an angle. It looked incredibly uncomfortable for him, poor boy.

Time to make it MORE uncomfortable.

I unbuckled my seat belt (which, I might add, freaked me out a bit, but… oh well. Living dangerously and all that) and slid a bit closer to him – as close as I could manage with the car’s center console in the way.

I moved my hand over to his lap and let my fingers rest on his upper thigh. Then, with the tip of one fingernail, I slowly brushed that massive shape inside his pants, generating the slightest bit of friction against the cloth.

He lost his smile and got a look of severe tension on his face as he stared straight ahead at the road.

“On the phone, you said you wanted me to hold your cock… didn’t you?” I whispered.

He didn’t answer.

“Didn’t you?” I asked louder.

“…yes,” he said.

Now the tables were reversed.

I grinned.

I started stroking the shape in his pants with my fingertips, slowly, tracing from the base up to the head, then slowly back down.

“You said you wanted me to stroke your cock for you… didn’t you?” I purred.

“…yes,” he whispered.

My fingertips found the zipper on his fly, and I slowly pulled it down.


But I didn’t do anything else.

“You said you wanted me to use my gorgeous little mouth on that big, thick cock of yours, didn’t you?”

His face looked like he was in serious pain. He stared straight ahead at the road like he couldn’t afford to do anything else, or he would be lost.

“…yes,” he whispered.

I put my fingers inside the fly of his pants and slowly probed until I found the front flap of his boxers.

Then I eased my fingers in until I touched hot, scalding skin.

“Unh,” he groaned, and gripped the steering wheel until his knuckles were white.

“You sure do talk big for a guy who doesn’t want to be photographed on the top of a thirty-story building,” I teased.

“That’s not true. Last night – ”

“Oh, yeah, I forgot… you’ll have sex outdoors if you’re a thousand miles away, out in the desert, in the middle of the night.”

“You didn’t enjoy it?”

“Oh, I
it. But something tells me you’re not exactly Mr. Risk Taker when it comes to getting caught.”

“Oh really?” he grinned, and then the grin faded to an open mouth and a feverish frown as I stroked his shaft again. Only a few inches, up and down – I couldn’t reach any further than that because of the pressure of his pants against my fingers.

“Please,” he said urgently.

“Please what?” I teased.

“Do it.”

“Do what?” I asked, as though I was soooo innocent and had absolutely
idea what he was talking about.

And I stopped stroking him when I said it.

“Keep going,” he choked out.

“You mean… this?” I asked, and slowly stroked again.

“More,” he whispered.

“Even though we’re driving in a car in the middle of the day where everybody can see us?”

He paused, as though thinking it over.

I suddenly felt alarmed, as though I might have just killed the moment.

Don’t stop,
I pleaded in my head.
Don’t stop –

“Yes,” he finally whispered. “Keep going.”

I figured I wouldn’t push my luck any more than I already had, so I just shut up and let my fingers do the talking.

I pulled my hand away from his fly, grasped his belt, and unbuckled it. Then I unbuttoned the top of his pants. It took some doing – I’m not the most adroit or practiced girl in these types of situations – but I think I did relatively well.

His pants almost popped open from the straining pressure inside.

Now I had more room to play.

I put my fingers inside his boxers again, and caressed his entire rock-hard shaft all the way up to his swollen head.

Damn, I wasn’t the only one who was wet.

He had soaked the top of his boxers with his own juices, he had been so turned on.

“Did I do this to you?” I whispered, letting my fingers glide over his slick, wet skin.

“Yes,” he nodded, his eyes intent on the road.

“Do you like thinking about my…”

I didn’t want to say it – it was too much –

You’re a bad girl now, or don’t you remember that?
a little voice said gleefully in my head.

 I guess I better talk like one, then,
I answered back.

“…my little wet pussy?” I whispered in his ear.

He groaned.

My fingers were wet with him now, and I let them glide over the underside of his shaft. The sensation of my skin slick and slippery over his was

“Do you like thinking about putting that big… thick… amazing cock… inside me?” I purred as I slowly stroked him up and down.

His arms were trembling as he gripped the wheel of the car.

“Yes,” he said savagely.

I let my fingers glide back up to the top of his shaft and rubbed my thumb over the head, slicking the swollen skin with his own pre-cum, massaging him, enveloping him, teasing him, pleasing him… all incredibly slowly.

I could feel his manhood straining, harder than I’d ever felt it before.

“Do you like thinking about making me come with that loooong… thick cock of yours?” I whispered.

His eyes rolled briefly back in his head, and he forced himself to focus again on the road.

“Yes,” he gasped.

I leaned way over and used my other hand to rearrange his boxers so that his shaft was finally freed through the flap in the front.

God, it was gorgeous.

Held in place by the cloth, it was standing straight up, a beautiful, sculpted piece of art – perfectly pink, very long, mouthwateringly thick. His balls were still in his boxers, so there was nothing but a long, uninterrupted, silky smooth column of pure sex.

I caressed him again, slowly up and down. His shaft contracted violently, just once, a single tremor, and a tiny bead of clear dew eased up from the tip of his swollen head.

I thought about using it to continue slicking him down with my hand – and then decided, no, I wanted to taste him instead.

I bent over the middle console, which was incredibly uncomfortable.

But the rewards were worth it.

After a bit of negotiating, I got my mouth right above his swollen head.

I used my tongue to swirl around the soft, hot skin… and then slowly took his head in my mouth, salty and wet and slippery against my tongue.

God I loved feeling him in my mouth. Just the softness of his skin… the heat of his skin on mine… the wet, sensual feel of my lips surrounding him…

And I
hearing him. He was groaning now, moaning, a desperate man caught between pleasure and a burning need for more.

I was starting to
get turned on again.

I slowly moved down on him, letting my lips slide over his wet skin, taking him as far in my mouth as I dared. I was at an odd angle, it was uncomfortable, and he
incredibly large… I could only do so much.

That, apparently, was enough.

He grunted as I moved up and down, slowly, teasing him with my tongue. I took him out of my mouth, then brushed my wet lips down the underside of his shaft, taking extra care on the ridge of skin just beneath the head.

“Jesus,” he groaned.

I settled the side of my head into his lap, my right ear between his legs, and worked my tongue down around the base of his cock, probing into the folds of cloth, seeing how deeply down there I could lick –

And then I felt the car change course.


He turned the steering wheel and accelerated a little too quickly.

I looked up at him, which was a bit comical considering where my head was, and what was just a few millimeters away from it.

“What are you doing?” I asked.

“I have to have you. NOW,” he said, his face wild and furious, his eyes intent on the road.

“Are we at the hotel?!” I asked, fear freezing my stomach.

“No,” he said, his voice husky and low.


This was a little alarming.

I pushed up on my arms and raised myself from his lap, then looked out the window, hoping to God nobody would see the worst cliché in the world: gorgeous guy in Lamborghini, disheveled chick rising up from his lap.

We were away from the Strip and the crowds. I wouldn’t call where we were ‘seedy,’ but it wasn’t nearly as glitzy as the main drag. Not nearly as tacky, either. Vegas by night is a wonderland of lights; Vegas by day is a monument to excess and the question ‘Did they really think that would look

We were outside something that looked like a condo or a timeshare – a bunch of tan, nondescript buildings. More subdued, not as tacky, pretty boring.

Not many cars were in the parking lot. Nobody was walking around outside, either. I guess they were all down at the main drag, and this was where they came to sleep.

“What are we doing here?”

Connor parked the Lamborghini, then hastily stuffed his erection back into his pants. It was kind of a process, considering how much there was to work with.

“I told you – I need you. NOW.”

There was something animalistic in his voice, a tone that was absolutely
going to be denied.

It was a little scary.

And very, very hot.

“What – here in the car?” I asked, freaking out – and puzzled, too.
Why’s he zipping up if he wants to do it in here?

“No,” he said simply as he buttoned and zipped up. The head of his shaft protruded beyond the beltline of his pants, but it was hidden by his tucked-in shirt. I only know because I had watched him rearrange himself.

wanted to reach out and touch him again, but he was already out the door, slamming it, and then walking around to my side.

He yanked the passenger door open, reached down, and took my hand. He didn’t hurt me, but he was
about it as he dragged me out.

The heat slammed into me like he’d just opened an oven.

I staggered onto my feet as he shut the door and locked it with his keychain remote. Then he started pulling me towards the building.

“Wait – what are we doing?”

“I told you – I need to fuck you

My breath caught in my throat, and my already drenched panties got a little wetter.

“Do you have a place here?” I asked. The idea seemed a little ludicrous – Connor was strictly a
Nothing but the best will do
kind of guy, and this place seemed more suited to my budget back when I was still a struggling secretary.

Like, yesterday morning.

“No,” he said as he dragged me up the sidewalk.

“Well then where are we going?” I asked, my panic slowly beginning to rise as I figured out what he had in mind.

On the backside of the building, all the ground-floor units had a series of patios that opened out onto a sidewalk and a grassy area.

I was guessing the sidewalk led to a pool – which meant a moderately high-traffic area.

Even though the place was deserted.

The patios were like little enclosed courtyards, maybe fifteen feet on each side, surrounded by six-foot high stucco walls, with sliding glass doors that led into the apartment. There was a tiny gap in the wall so you could go in and out of the patio, but there weren’t any doors or gates. Anybody could walk into one from the outside.

They were somewhat secluded, in theory – I mean, you could lounge out in your bathing suit, if you wanted, or chat with friends around the glass table with its giant umbrella in the center. But anybody walking by could see what was going on inside the patio. Maybe not back in some of the corners… but you would still get a fleeting glimpse.

BOOK: ALL THAT HE WANTS (Volume 1 The Billionaire's Seduction)
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