ALL THAT HE WANTS (Volume 1 The Billionaire's Seduction) (44 page)

BOOK: ALL THAT HE WANTS (Volume 1 The Billionaire's Seduction)
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“Connor… your dad… does he have a lot of energy stocks?”

“That’s an understatement. I’d say over 40% of his net worth is in companies involved in fossil fuels and related industries, like the energy sector and automotive companies.”

“OH MY GOD!” I cried out as I jumped to my feet. “You’re doing this to screw over your dad?!”

He laughed. “No, that’s just a nice by-product.”

I started pacing back and forth.

I hadn’t exactly grasped what he meant earlier when he said he wanted to destroy his father’s empire, just to watch it burn.

Now I did.

And it was frightening me.

He walked over, stopped me from pacing, and put his hands on my shoulders. “What’s wrong?”

“If your dad is as big an asshole as you say he is, there’s no
he’s going to let you get away with this!”

“I told you, all the pieces are already in place. It’s just a matter of tipping over the first domino now.”

He sounded supremely self-confident.

“But the fact that you want to do this just to screw over your dad? That’s messed up! You should really talk to somebody about this – like a psychiatrist!”

Connor looked at me a long moment… and then he asked, “Lily, do you know who Nikola Tesla was?”

If you’re a nerd girl, you
know who Nikola Tesla was. It’s like knowing who James Tiberius Kirk is, or who Anakin Skywalker became.

“Serbian-American inventor in the early 20th century,” I said. “Total genius. What’s he got to do with anything?”

“Tesla was quite possibly the greatest unsung inventor in the history of science. He was hired by Thomas Edison to fix his direct current electrical generators – and then Edison stiffed him out of his fee. Tesla turned around and basically invented alternating current – and Edison tried every dirty trick in the book to stop him. When Marconi invented radio, he was using over a dozen patents first registered by Tesla. He came up with the idea for radar in 1917, but Edison was the head of R&D for the U.S. Navy, and he nixed it because he hated Tesla. So it didn’t actually get invented until 1935 by someone else. And he devised things we still don’t understand to this day, and still can’t duplicate – like transmitting electricity wirelessly, or pulling it out of the atmosphere. An investor had him build a tower near New York City to do just that – pull electricity out of thin air. Tesla was going to give it away free to the entire planet, but when the investor realized he wouldn’t be able to control it or charge people for it, he had the tower torn down.”

“I know all this,” I said.

Connor gave me a look.

“Well… I know
of it,” I said grumpily. “What’s it got to do with you? Are you saying you’re a modern-day Nikola Tesla?”

“No. Not at all. But I
a businessman, and I’m in the position of being able to help guys who
modern-day Teslas. Imagine if that investor had never torn down that tower. What would the world be like today?”

“Different,” I admitted.

different,” Connor said. “But my father? He’s like that investor who tore down the tower. He’s like Edison. Well… if Edison had never gotten famous for inventing anything. Edison might be credited with inventing the light bulb, but he didn’t. He
the light bulb. He paid a laboratory of technicians to improve on an existing design, created by someone else, until it could be manufactured on a massive scale. That’s Edison – and my father – in a nutshell.”

“Edison was a genius,” I protested.

“Yes, he was. But his main gift was in self-promotion and business. Look at what he did to Tesla – cheated him, slandered him, fought against some of the potentially biggest advancements of the 20th century – because Edison wanted money, and fame, and power, and he couldn’t stand to be upstaged by someone else. My father’s like that. Hell, just about every CEO of every major corporation that controls the levers of the world is like that. They’re invested in the status quo, and they’ll do whatever they can to protect it – even if it means hindering progress that could benefit all of humanity. They convince themselves that the new kids on the block are just crackpots, flavors of the month. But even if they were presented with undeniable evidence,
they wouldn’t care.
They make decisions to benefit themselves and their rich cronies. They don’t give a damn about what
could be.
Not unless it directly lines their pockets, or gives them a return on their money in the very foreseeable future. And if they can see that a technology works, but they see it as a threat, then they’ll actively sabotage its development. Only when the genie’s out of the bottle, and it’s a choice of jumping on the train or getting run over,
they’ll finally sign on. But until that point, they’ll fight tooth and nail against progress – because all they care about is the almighty dollar. And in their eyes, a nickel in the hand is worth ten possible dollars in some distant, unproven future. No matter how amazing that future might be.”

Connor stepped away. He started pacing back and forth like a mad conductor in front of some unseen orchestra in the darkness.

“I don’t want to be that guy. I want to be the guy who changes the world for the better. And if I can’t
him, then I want to
the guy who’s going to change the world for the better. I want to be the man who enables geniuses to lift the world up. I want to be the person who helps make the world a better place, who helps usher humanity into the future. Because that’s what I’m good at – the game. The selling. The arm-twisting. The power plays behind the scenes. I can do that for the people who
do it for themselves. The dreamers, the scientists – the Nikola Teslas of the world.”

I wanted to believe him. He was more passionate than I’d ever seen him (well… with his clothes on, anyway).

He obviously cared about this deeply.

But I wasn’t entirely convinced.

“And if you can screw over your dad in the process, all the better, right?” I asked, my arms folded across my chest.

“If I want to actually do the things I’m talking about, I’m going to
to screw over my father, and every other CEO like him. People who want to keep the world the way it is, no matter how many people get sick because of it, no matter how many poor people get victimized, no matter how many bodies are buried in the foundation. Because
that’s the status quo,
and they will do
to protect the status quo. You want to change the world? Nature isn’t your enemy. The slow tide of scientific discovery isn’t your enemy. Your enemies are the people who control the way things are. The bureaucrats… the power brokers… the mega-rich… anybody who stands to lose by having things change.”

“Aren’t you doing this for the money, though, too?”

“Yes – but money is just a by-product. The money’s not the reason. It’s
the reason, it’s never
the reason. The ultimate reason is the
. Against all odds, to create something amazing and beautiful – like the Dubai. Why do you think I got into hotels as a hobby? To make money? Fuck no. I could make ten times the money in oil exploration. It was to create something beautiful – something that will be around in a hundred years, and still be considered beautiful and classy.”

He walked closer to me, talking more passionately the closer he got. “Now imagine doing something that will be around for a thousand. Something that won’t just benefit the rich, but poor people on every continent. Something that the history books will say changed the course of human civilization.
what I want to be part of. Something amazing. Something that changes the world.”

He slid his arms around my waist and pulled me against him.

I don’t like to admit it, but I’m a little shallow. I mean, after all, I’d fallen for Connor partly because he was the most beautiful man I’d ever laid eyes on.

And… as much as I
to admit it… the trappings had affected me, too. The beauty he’d exposed me to. The amazing experiences, the magnificent surroundings.

But you start talking about Nikola Tesla, and how you want to change the world by helping geeks and scientists…

…that was it. Game over, man.

I was a goner, totally swept up in his enthusiasm and passion.


He bent down to my mouth, his lips warm and forceful.

I opened my own lips to let him in.

I could feel the heat of his body against mine in the cold night air as he kissed me passionately. His wild enthusiasm from a moment ago became feverish motion as his hands roamed over my body.

I draped my arms around his neck and pulled him deeper into me.

His hands cupped my ass, ran up the red dress, caressed the bare skin of my back. Then I felt one hand circle around to the front of my body and softly move over my breast, feeling its weight in his palm.

And I felt something else stir below his waist.

I pressed my body against his hips and thighs, felt the delicious weight and size of it as it grew by the second. I dropped my left hand from around his neck and let one finger trace its way down his shirt – over his firm chest, down the ridges of his abs, and to the front of his pants, where I let my palm gently cup the thickness under the cloth. I stroked him, back and forth, slowly, sensuously, feeling his girth expand in my hand, feeling him harden in my palm.

He groaned and dropped both of his hands down to my ass again. At first I thought he was just feeling me up – and then I felt myself being lifted into the air.

“Oh,” I gasped. Then I gasped even louder as he tilted and lowered me backwards, softly, slowly, until my entire body from ass to shoulders rested softly on the Lamborghini hood.


The warmth from the metal flooded through me, like getting into a toasty warm bed on a bitterly cold night.

He bent down over me and braced himself with one hand against the hood. The other hand tugged at the top of my dress, pulling both it and my bra down until my right breast was exposed.

Then he took me in his mouth.

I moaned and felt my excitement grow as he greedily sucked at my nipple, then licked around it sensuously, then urgently pressed his mouth into my skin, trying to devour me.

Warmth from his mouth on my breast… warmth from the excitement building deep inside me… warmth from the Lamborghini beneath me… all of it combined to flush me through and through with pleasure, and need, and want, contrasting deliciously with the cold night air on my face.

His head moved up and buried in the crook of my neck, his lips nuzzling my skin, caressing my ear, his tongue lightly licking my flesh – not so much wet as soft.

By now, the front edge of my dress was up around my thighs, and I felt the outline of something thick and long press between my legs. I gasped as the pressure rubbed over my clit, sending shivers of pleasure all through my belly.

Then he stood up slightly, and his hands reached under the edge of my dress.

I stared up at him, a silhouette against a billion stars, and felt his warm fingers move over my hip bones… caress the tops of my thighs… and then hook through my lace panties and slowly begin to pull them down.

I arched my back and wriggled, helping him slide them off. I felt my own wetness brush against my thigh as the panties came off, and then he pulled them completely over my high heels and shoved them in his pocket.

One of his hands moved back down to my thighs, and I felt his fingers trace over my wet lips, caressing the skin, making me quiver with anticipation.

His thumb lightly – ever so lightly – traced its way over the hood of my clit, then circled around, teasing me, giving me just the slightest hint of pressure.

But no matter how good it felt, I was paying more attention to his other hand.

It slipped down below his belt and unzipped his fly. Then his fingers reached into the cloth. His cock was so long and big and hard that he had to pull his hips back and change his stance to finally tug it out – but when he did, the shaft wobbled briefly and then jutted up into the air, hard and thick and massive. The light color of his skin showed up against the dark cloth of his slacks, and even in the dim starlight I could see how beautiful and long and enormous it looked, even with the base and the balls still tucked away within his pants.

I reached out one hand and touched it.

Oh my GOD it was scorching hot… soft skin over a rock-hard shaft.

He rocked back and forth, letting his cock move over my soft palm, as though I were pleasuring him with my hand. I felt it strain even harder in my grasp, and my mouth watered and my insides ached because I wanted him inside me so bad.

I seized him – not too hard, but hard enough – and pulled him towards me.

He complied, and I felt the swollen, thick head graze the inside of my thigh, then slide up soft and hot over my skin until the tip touched my lips.

Then he slowly pushed his way inside me.

I groaned as he filled me up, gradually at first, then sinking deeper and deeper.

, it was so thick and huge inside me.

The weight of his body slowly settled against mine, and I was pressed deliciously between the warmth of the Lamborghini and the muscles of his body and chest.

It was the first time he had been fully clothed while he was inside me. The unfamiliar sensation of cloth on skin was new and exciting, and I realized exactly what was happening:

A rich, powerful, gorgeous man, fully dressed, was fucking me on the hood of his half-a-million dollar sports car, under the most beautiful sky full of stars I’d ever seen.

And I

He thrust into me, hard and thick, his skin wet from me, sliding deep inside me, slower, then faster, harder, then gentler – and with every thrust, I moaned and gasped.

When my eyes weren’t rolling back into my head, I was staring at the Milky Way above me, overcome by the beauty all around me, swirling overhead –

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