All of You (33 page)

Read All of You Online

Authors: Jenni Wilder

Tags: #romance, #hockey, #rich and famous, #love relationships, #passion and love

BOOK: All of You
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It appeared he had fallen back to sleep on
his stomach while I was in the shower. The bedspread was pushed
down past his hips and my mouth watered at the sight of his
delicious muscles. I crawled up next to him, letting my wavy dark
hair hang down over one shoulder.

Kneeling on the bed, I sat back on my feet
and watched him doze. When I could no longer contain myself, I
leaned forward and nuzzled his face while running my hand across
the small of his back and squeezing his tight behind. “You, sir,
have the most gorgeous behind,” I said with a smile when Lincoln
finally awoke.

Lincoln hummed softly and kissed me out of
the corner of his mouth. I moved my lips to his ear and whispered,
“I want to grab it and squeeze it as you move inside me.”

Lincoln’s eyes flew open and he rolled to his
side, suddenly wide awake. “Well, your wish is my command,
Princess.” He sat up so he was level with me, cupped the back of my
head with his hand, and pulled my mouth to his, kissing me

Lust rushed through me, and I clutched at his
body. I grabbed his butt cheeks as he moved to kneel over me and
pushed me down against the bed, never breaking the kiss.

“You look so sexy like this,” he said,
pulling back from me to gaze down at the #14 jersey I was

He was naked, and I could feel him growing
hard. He grasped the top of my thighs and slid his hands under my
jersey. He bent down and began trailing kisses up my body as he
pushed the jersey up. When he exposed my breasts and began
massaging them, I reached down and pulled the jersey over my head
and tossed it on the floor next to the bed. Lincoln took a nipple
in his mouth and groaned against my flesh. I echoed his groan and
shivered with pleasure as he caressed my nipple with his

Now that I knew how good he could make me
feel, I felt the pleasure quickly building inside me. He was damn
good with his tongue, but I wanted him to fill me.

“Inside me, Lincoln. I need you inside me,” I

Lincoln shot an arm out toward the nightstand
on his side of the bed. He fumbled around blindly, not taking his
mouth off my nipple, knocking several items off the top before
finding the pull knob for the drawer. He opened it slightly,
reached his hand inside, and pulled out a condom. He pushed it into
my hand and sat back on my legs, his knees on either side of my
hips. I looked at the condom and then back to him, suddenly

“It’s easy, baby,” he said with a smirk.

“Hey, no laughing at the newbie.” I

He laughed and kissed me. “I’m sorry,
Princess. I’m not trying to laugh at you. It’s actually seriously

“It is?” I doubted that.

“The first guy you put a condom on is me? Oh
yeah, that makes me hard, baby.” He grabbed my hands and slowly
guided me to open the package. He moved his hand over mine and
directed my fingers to slide the condom out. “Pinch the tip like
that,” he instructed me. His voice had gotten deep and husky. “Now
just roll it on me.” he said, letting his hands fall away.

I looked up at him as I ran my free hand over
the length of him. He let his eyelids droop and his head fall back
slightly with a groan as I stroked him. He inhaled deeply. “The
condom, baby,” he said, and I slowly rolled it on him.

Once it was all the way to his base, I bit my
lip and looked at him for approval. He was looking down at me
lovingly and ran his hands up my waist, over my ribs, and cupped my
breasts. He leaned down to kiss me deeply and I whimpered into his
mouth, wrapping my arms around him. He moved over me, positioned
himself between my legs and gently pushed inside me. I arched my
back as I felt him enter me.

“Does that hurt, baby? Are you sore?” he
asked halting his advance.

“No, I’m fine. Don’t stop. Don’t stop!”

I slid my hands down his back and clenched
his butt pulling him in tighter against me. This is what I

I moaned as he thrust the rest of the way
into me, and he groaned deeply.

“You feel so amazing, Jillian,” he said as he
moved in and out of me.

I threw my head back and whimpered with
pleasure. I dug my fingernails into the skin at the bottom of the
curves of his ass and surrendered myself to the sensation of his
movements. He gasped and dropped his head to suck mindlessly on my
breast as he pressed into me, harder and harder. My legs quivered
and I squeezed his backside tightly one last time while shuddering
under him. I cried out as I climaxed.

“Jillian! Auhhh!” he yelled out before moving
into me one last time and stiffening as he released into me. We
froze against each other as our shared pleasure overtook us before
Lincoln finally collapsed on me.

I massaged the muscles in his butt as he lay
on top of me while we both recovered. I hummed happily every time
my muscles squeezed him as I enjoyed the aftershocks of my orgasm
and Lincoln’s heavy weight on top of me.

Finally he pulled out and rolled off me. He
removed the condom and threw it in the trash next to the nightstand
before snuggling up next to me, kissing my shoulder. I sighed as I
enjoyed this moment of total and complete bliss.

“I didn’t know you had such a thing for
asses,” he teased.

I giggled and scooted down so we were
face-to-face. “I didn’t either. Must just be yours.”

“Better be just mine. I think you might have
drawn blood,” he said, continuing to tease me. “I can’t wait to see
what the guys in the locker room say when they see your claw

I turned bright red and covered my mouth as I
gasped in horror. “Oh my God! Lincoln! They aren’t really going to
see, are they?” I asked, not knowing if he was still teasing.

He laughed loudly. “Well, it wouldn’t be the
worst thing we’ve ever seen in the locker room, believe me.”

I giggled at that before Lincoln stroked my
arm and kissed the end of my nose. “Let’s shower.”

“I already did,” I reminded him.

“So?” he asked, cocking an eyebrow.

I smiled and nodded, but then frowned when I
heard my phone signal low battery. “I’ll be in a minute. I just
want to plug my phone in.”

Lincoln grinned widely before kissing me
deeply. He got out of bed, grabbed another condom from the drawer,
waggled his eyebrows at me with a smirk, and walked to the

My face erupted in a giant smile, and I
giggled at him with glee. I was beyond happy.

I heard the shower start up, and I scampered
out of bed, eager to join him. Digging through my overnight bag, I
frowned as I realized I forgot to pack my phone charger. Lincoln
must have one around here somewhere, I thought.

I searched the dresser and closet but came up
empty. Logically, there should be a charger next to the bed. At
least, that’s where mine always was. I knelt next to the bed to
look under it, searching for any hidden outlets or power strips it
would be plugged into. I frowned and sat back when I didn’t see

A glint of light from the partially opened
drawer on the nightstand caught my eye and I realized that’s
probably where a charger would be. I stood up to get a better view
into the drawer and saw light reflecting off more condom packets. I
pulled the drawer open farther and giggled when I saw just how many
condoms Lincoln had stashed in there.

I grabbed a handful and held them up,
partially excited, partially worried about the plans he apparently
had for me. He expected to be a busy man. I hope I can keep up, I
thought to myself and giggled.

I put the condoms back and pulled the drawer
open farther. I smiled as I saw a pair of panties bunched up next
to the condoms. It was the pair I left in Lincoln’s bed the first
time I stayed over. He had saved them. The thought made a bubble of
joy rise up in my chest.

I scanned the rest of the drawer but failed
to find a phone charger. Seriously? I thought to myself. I was
about to close the drawer and give up when a piece of paper caught
my eye. It was folded in quarters and lying next to my panties. My
eyes had passed over it the first time I scanned the drawer and
thought it of little consequence. But this time something made me
do a double take. Before I could stop myself, I reached for it,
unfolded it and gasped in horror, falling back on to the bed.




Lincoln had called to me several times from
the shower and now stood in the doorway with a towel wrapped around
his waist, his hair still dripping wet. “What are you doing?” he
asked me as I threw more items into my overnight bag. I was now
fully dressed and haphazardly repacking.

“I’m packing,” I said gruffly without looking
up at him.

He took a step closer. “Why?”

“Because I’m leaving.”

“Oookay… where are we going?”

“We’re not going anywhere. I’m leaving and
never coming back,” I said, and my voice broke.

Lincoln was next to me in an instant. “Baby,
what are you talking about?” he asked with a hint of panic in his
voice. He hooked his finger under my chin and tried to pull my face
towards him. “You’re crying. What’s wrong?”

“Leave me alone, Lincoln. Just leave me
alone,” I said, defeated, and I grabbed my bag off the bed.

“Leave you alone?” he asked confused. “Tell
me what’s wrong, Jillian. Did I—did I hurt you?”

My eyes finally flashed to his, but I’m sure
any love that was once there had been replaced by burning rage.

“Are you fucking kidding me? Explain this!” I
demanded and held out Mackenzie’s picture of me. His face paled as
he recognized it, and he glanced at the nightstand. “Yeah, I found
it. Now get the hell out of my way, you bastard.” I pushed past him
and marched toward the bedroom door.

“No! Jillian, listen to me. Let me explain!”
He grabbed the strap of my bag, forcing me to stop and turn toward
him. He clutched at it, not letting me go. “I’m sorry, baby. I
should have told you.”

I crossed my arms and waited, knowing nothing
he said at this point would make a difference.

“The day after Mackenzie saw us at the Winter
Festival, she came up to me after a game. She said she knew what
you were hiding from me. I shouldn’t have played into her trap, but
if she had some information on you, I wanted to know what it was.
She gave me that picture and made another attempt at getting with
me. She thought the picture would scare me away from you, but she
didn’t realize I was already in love with you.” Lincoln’s voice
took on a tone of hope. “I already loved you at that point,
Jillian. You were already the most beautiful thing in my world;
that picture didn’t change anything.”

I stared at him in disbelief, and I could see
Lincoln’s face fall as he realized nothing he was saying was going
to break me.

“You’ve had this picture since the day after
the Winter Festival??” I asked him, shocked. I had assumed the
tabloid photographer had given it to him just days ago.

Lincoln nodded sadly. “I wanted to tell you.
Please believe me. I didn’t want to hide it from you, but I also
didn’t want you to be upset. I thought maybe after last night, you
would feel more comfortable with yourself and with me, and I’d be
able to tell you without you freaking out. Please forgive me,” he
begged. His eyes were pleading with me. He knew he had royally
fucked up.

“Forgive you?!” I exploded. “I don’t even
believe you!” I was astounded by his audacity. I couldn’t believe I
was still here listening to this crap. I turned to leave, but he
held my bag.

“What’s that supposed to mean? It’s the
truth!” He sounded angry.

“Yeah, right! You and Mackenzie probably had
this all worked out from the beginning. Seduce the poor, ugly,
fucked up, burned girl. Make her believe you love her and then
what? Hold me down and take more pictures of me?”

Lincoln gasped in shock. He let go of my bag
as the power of my words hit him. “You really think I would do
that?! I love you, Jillian! I would never hurt you!” Lincoln was
furious, but I didn’t care anymore.

“You already have, Lincoln,” I said with a
sniffle as I tried to stop my tears. “I don’t know why either of
you thinks I deserve to be treated like this, but I don’t. I never
did anything to her or you. Just leave me alone. Please. I can’t
take any more. Tell Mackenzie she’s won, again.” I wrenched open
the bedroom door and turned my back to Lincoln.

I fled out of his bedroom, and I heard him
call after me as I broke into a sprint across his man cave and ran
upstairs. I halted as I saw Deacon and my sister smiling and
feeding each other fruit at the kitchen counter. Rebecca sat up
when she saw I was upset.

“We’re leaving. Now,” I told my sister.

“What’s wrong?” she asked, standing and
approaching me. I was grateful to see she was dressed and her
overnight bag was sitting by the front door.

“We’re leaving!” I repeated and frantically
grabbed Rebecca’s arm, ushering her toward the front door. I could
hear Lincoln’s footsteps rushing up the stairs and knew he was
coming after me.

Rebecca was putting on her coat as Lincoln
grabbed me from behind and spun me around to face him.

“Don’t leave. Don’t leave me, Jillian. I’m
sorry I didn’t tell you but you’ve got everything wrong. None of
what you said is true!” Lincoln said in full-on panic mode.

“Dude, what’s going on?” Deacon asked as he
appeared next to his teammate. No one answered him, however, and
Lincoln continued to plead with me.

Rebecca handed me my coat, the one Lincoln
had bought me. I took one look at it and shoved it at Lincoln. He
stared at the coat and then at me, tears welling in his eyes.

I dropped the coat at his feet. “Good-bye,
Lincoln,” I said in a cold, dead voice.

He dropped to his knees and grabbed my hand,
surprising everyone. “Don’t do this, Princess. I love you. I can’t
be without you,” he begged.

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