All In (Casino Nights #2) (16 page)

Read All In (Casino Nights #2) Online

Authors: Melanie Jayne

Tags: #Casino, #Long Distance, #Older Woman, #Older Man, #Menage

BOOK: All In (Casino Nights #2)
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“Love you, Remy,” she mumbled against his chest.

“I love you, Francesca.” He fell asleep holding her to his chest with a smile on his face.


Chapter Nine


Francesca waited patiently to be escorted to her seat by a groomsman.

When Trevor saw her in line, his gaze swept over her body. “My God, you are going to outshine the bride,” he said as he leaned down to kiss her cheek.

“Shh, don’t say that,” she chastised him. However, she was pleased with her appearance. Hadley had found an ankle-length dress in a deep copper. The skirt was somewhat sheer with black and gold crystals in small clusters throughout. Her hair was loose and moved in the breeze flowing through the roped-off area of the platform built on beach.

As he took her arm, his hand stroked the side of her breast. She shot him a narrow-eyed glare.

Trevor flashed a cheeky grin. “Sorry,” he said, looking anything but.

“I bet,” she said under her breath.

“All natural.”

“What?” She tried to look anywhere but at him.

“Your tits—I wondered. Remy’s a lucky shit.” He led her to the second row on the bride’s side.

“Shouldn’t I be on the groom’s side?” She looked across the aisle, and then back at Trevor.

“Nope, Lacey wants you to sit with her family.”

She started to move her arm away, but Trevor held firm.

“It’s a nice thing you’re doing for her. I think she’ll need a friend.” He gave her forearm a squeeze and let her go.

She moved to the middle seat and started to ponder his words. She and Lacey were the new additions to this group, and it was hard not to like the bride. She was so upbeat and positive, a little bit like a puppy, totally adorable.

The ceremony was lovely. The white tent shielded the seating area from the afternoon sun but was open behind the bridal party. The foamy surf was the backdrop.

Lacey looked beautiful in a white strapless gown with a huge skirt. She giggled throughout her vows and smacked Bruce on the back of the head when he paused before kissing her.

Francesca tried to focus on the couple during the ceremony, but her gaze kept wandering to Remy. Standing beside the groom, he looked so sexy in his tux. He caught her staring a few times and even winked at her during the pronouncement.

The guests were instructed to remain seated until an usher came to dismiss them. Remy waited at the end of her row, and when she attempted not to hold up the other guests exiting, he blocked her with his body. “Kiss me.”

Before she could utter a smart response, his lips were on hers. She moved her hand to cup his cheek, and then pulled away. “Remy.” She’d meant to chastise him for creating a bottle-neck, but his name sounded more like a plea for more.

“God, you look amazing.” He gave her a dazzling smile, but let her go to follow the other guests to the reception.

The ballroom was decorated with tulle-draped tables in an icy blue with brown accents, incorporating both the fall season and the beach. Each centerpiece was a tall hurricane lamp surrounded with shells sitting on brown netting. Francesca was assigned to table three. She walked along the wall trying to read the table numbers.

The table sat directly across the dance floor from the head table where Lacey, Bruce, and their parents would be seated. At last, she found her place card. She was to sit between Remy and Trevor.

A waiter approached immediately. “May I bring you something to drink?”

“I’ll start with a tonic water with lime, please.” She would start slowly today. She’d consumed more wine on this trip than she had in the last two years.

The waiter returned with her glass. She sipped and watched the other guests enter the room. It felt good to sit quietly for a few moments. Since she had become a part of the wedding group by her association with Remy and her friendship with the bride, her schedule had been crazy busy since early that morning. She and Remy had met the group for breakfast, and then the wedding coordinator had arranged for her to meet with the band’s guitarist so that she could practice. Lacey had invited her to the bridal suite to have her make-up done by one of the professionals hired for this special day. There, she was met with much giggling and teasing amongst the bridesmaids. While she’d waited for her turn to be made up, she’d sipped a glass of champagne and chatted with Kara’s and Bruce’s mothers. Kara was emotional; Lacey was her only child. Mrs. Feldman was the mother of five and much more relaxed. She had already been through four of her kids’ weddings. At one o’clock, Francesca had excused herself and returned to her and Remy’s suite to change.

She’d dressed alone. Remy had been busy with his groomsman duties. After breakfast, he’d left with the guys to do God knows what. She was happy to see that they all appeared sober for the ceremony.

Another couple joined her at the table, one of Bruce’s brothers and his wife. They were friendly, chatting about their jobs and life in upstate Washington. As the tables filled, a drumroll sounded and the band leader introduced the bridal party.

She watched Remy and Sara, the bridesmaid he was assigned to escort, cross the dance floor. Remy followed her to a table two spots away from Francesca, but after seeing the other woman seated, he headed toward her.

Francesca’s heart skipped a beat as he moved closer. What was it about a man in a tux?

“Hey babe.” He leaned over and brushed his lips against hers. He pulled out his chair and dropped into it. “God, I need a drink. I’m dying of thirst.” He scanned the room for a server.

Trevor appeared and pulled on the back of her hair. “I must be doing something right.”

“Really, and what is that?” she asked in a teasing tone.

“I’m being rewarded two nights in row by getting to share you with Remy.” He smiled sweetly, and then turned to introduce himself to the others at the table.

She told herself not to read too much into Trevor’s words. Was he thinking about the three of them together?

“Did you get to meet with the band?” Remy asked quietly.

“Yeah, the guitar player.” She met his eyes, wanting to talk about her nervousness, but hating to admit that she was scared shitless.

He took her hand. “How’d that go?”

“His name is Javier, and he knew the song, so I hope that will help. We ran through it three times.” She looked away.

“You nervous?” He stroked his thumb over her knuckles.

She nodded. “Very.”

“What can I do to help? Talk to you? Bring you drinks? Keep everyone away from you?”

Remy was so kind. “I don’t want to drink too much. Well, not until afterward.” She frowned slightly. “Just do what you’re doing. It’s nice having you near.”

“That I can do.” He flashed a huge smile. “But if you need something, just tell me.”

She squeezed his hand. “I will, thanks.”

The server returned with the men’s drinks and pointed to Francesca’s. She nodded that he could bring her another.

“Do you know what they’re feeding us?” Trevor asked.

“Kara mentioned surf and turf,” she said.

“I’m starving.” He turned toward Remy. “Man, are you hungry, or did you get so much of Francesca last night that you’re good?”

“Trev,” Remy growled and shook his head.

“What? She’s a beautiful woman, and I noticed you two disappeared early last night.” He gave a huge smile. “If I had Francesca in my room, I would definitely feast on her.”

Francesca shifted on her seat. Heat spread from her cheeks to her chest. “You are a bad boy, Trevor, and I think you’re purposely trying to make me blush.” She tapped his cheek in a mock slap. “Maybe I should call your bluff and ask for details about what you would have done with me?”

Before Trevor could answer, Remy cleared his throat. “Don’t answer that, Trev. Frankie, don’t encourage him.”

She leaned back in her seat and pasted a frown on her face. “I never get to have any fun,” she said, pouting her lips.

He chuckled, and Trevor joined him.

Trevor gave her a stern look, “Now, I know that’s a lie. You look like a very happy woman.”

Luckily for Francesca, the server arrived with their appetizers.

She could find no fault with the dinner. The food was delicious and hot, and that was no small feat with service for three hundred.

Their server had returned and was now filling their glasses with champagne. Mr. Haviland walked to the microphone stand in front of the band.

“How was dinner?” His voice carried to the back of the room.

The crowd clapped.

“Good, good. Kara and I want to thank you so much for sharing this day with us. We’re so lucky our little girl met Bruce and was smart enough to realize what a good man he is. And Bruce being an intelligent man, fell in love with our baby girl. On behalf of my family, I welcome you into our family, Bruce, and I wish you both many years of happiness.” He lifted his glass, as did the crowd, toasting the couple.

Trevor whistled and everyone at their table cheered.

Mrs. Feldman took over the mike. “Wayne doesn’t like to speak in front of a crowd so I am going to just say, son, you did good. We are so proud of you. Lacey, you are a beautiful woman, inside and out. We’re so happy you agreed to marry our son. We love you.”

More drinking ensued. Remy and Trevor swapped stories with Bruce’s brother while Francesca relaxed, laughing with them.

“We’re going to have to get ready for our dance,” Remy told Trevor.

“The two of you together? That I really want to see. Who gets to lead?” She teased, but there was a wave of excitement flowing through her blood. She enjoyed being in the middle of the two attractive men. Remy was big and serious, while Trevor had a more slender build and a charming demeanor. She’d thought often about the two of them together and what it would be like to be added to the mix.

Remy raised a questioning brow in her direction. “I’ll be back after I take care of my duties.” He kissed her cheek.

Trevor pointed his finger in her direction and mouthed. “Behave.”

She shook her head and grinned.

She watched Remy dance with Sara, and then both mothers.

Mr. Haviland approached, holding out his hand. “Would you do me the honor?”

She rose gracefully and placed her hand in his.

The next dance was claimed by Trevor. It came as no surprise that he was an excellent partner. “You are a really good dancer,” she told him.

“I am very good at many things.” He pulled her a little closer in his arms.

“I bet.” She relaxed and followed his lead. She was comfortable in his arms, and he smelled really nice, a mixture of clean cotton and citrus.

“It feels really good, doesn’t it?” he whispered into her ear.

She hadn’t noticed how close their bodies were and tried to make a little room.

His arms tightened for a beat, but then he allowed her to move away a little.

“Yes.” Her voice came out breathy like she needed more air.

“I was serious when I told Remy that you’re a beautiful woman, and I’m attracted to you.”

She felt the goose bumps rise along her arms. She’d have to be dead not to respond. Trevor had sexual magnetism; he was hot. “Remy said that it was my choice, you know, if I wanted to.”

“It is. I just wanted to make sure you knew how much I want you.”

She tried to control her breathing, but his raised eyebrow told her he’d caught that her breath had hitched at his proclamation. His smile was knowing.

Luckily, the song ended, and he held her hand as they returned to the table.

She took a sip of water and glanced toward the band. Javier motioned with his hand. “Wish me luck. I think it’s time for my song.”

Trevor stood and pulled her chair back for her. “Want me to walk with you?”

He was a nice guy underneath all of the games. “No, but thank you.”

He leaned in and kissed her cheek softly. “I know you’ll do great.”

She smiled into his eyes. “Trevor, I do like you.” She made her way toward the bandstand.

Mr. Haviland joined her standing off to the side of the band. “I really want to thank you for doing this.”

She made a face. “You might want to wait until I’m done. This might be a disaster.”

“You could ruin the song, miss every note, and Kara and I would still be thrilled. What you are doing for us, for my girl…well, it’s really generous. I hope that you and Lacey can become good friends. She needs someone like you in her life.” He gave her forearm a light squeeze and moved toward the band leader.

“I hope that you’re all enjoying yourselves,” he beamed like a proud father should on this important day.

“Yes” rang loud and clear, followed by a cheer.

“I asked Francesca if she would do me a huge favor, and she agreed. She blew us away last night during karaoke, and I know that she will do the same tonight.” He beckoned her toward him.

She smiled as the crowd applauded, and she swore she could hear Trevor whistle. She took the microphone and concentrated to find her center. “When Mr. Haviland asked me to sing a song for Lacey and Bruce, I felt so honored, then I got really nervous.” She paused allowing the guests to chuckle and commiserate. “Now, let me warn you, I’m not a professional singer, so don’t set your expectations too high.” Again she paused, and then looked toward the main table. “However, the words to this song come from my heart.” She smiled at the bride and groom briefly, then searched for Remy in the crowd. He and Trevor were standing side by side at the back edge of the dance floor, directly in front of her.

Remy gave her a thumbs up signal, and she winked at him.

Javier had made his way beside her, sat on a stool, then lightly strummed his guitar. He kept his gaze on her, waiting for her cue to begin.

She replaced the microphone into its holder and ran her tongue over her lips. She nodded at Javier and listened to the introduction to Keith Urban’s “Making Memories of Us”.

As she sang the last word, she realized that her body was shaking from emotion. Javier ended the song, and she turned. “Thank you so much, Javier.”

He clasped her hand. “Anytime. You were great.”

She smiled at the bandleader then walked away to cheers.

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