All In (Casino Nights #2) (15 page)

Read All In (Casino Nights #2) Online

Authors: Melanie Jayne

Tags: #Casino, #Long Distance, #Older Woman, #Older Man, #Menage

BOOK: All In (Casino Nights #2)
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Remy leaned his forearm on the table facing Francesca. “So can you sing?” She didn’t look upset or worried. He wanted to know how she would handle this.

“Beyoncé has nothing to worry about.” She gave a shoulder shrug. “But I was lucky—I got to choose my song first. I don’t think you’ll need to cover your ears.” She glanced to her right. “And no howling like a dog, Trevor. It would hurt my feelings.”

Remy relaxed.

Trevor let out a dramatic sigh, which turned into a chuckle. “I won’t howl, but I will grade you just like Simon on American Idol,” he said with a wink.

“We’re supposed to start in ten minutes, and I go last.” She reached for her wine glass.

“So they saved the best ’til last?” Remy pushed a random lock of hair behind her ear.

“I don’t know about that. I’m just hoping everyone is considerably more wasted in thirty minutes, and they won’t notice the bad notes.” She twirled her bracelet around and around her wrist. Her posture was more rigid, a clear sign of nerves.

Trevor lifted his chin. “Remy and I will give anyone who heckles a dirty look. We’ll scare the shit out of them.”

“Thanks, sweetie. That makes me feel better.” Francesca leaned toward Trevor and kissed his cheek.

Trevor shot Remy a look and raised one eyebrow. Remy knew Trevor wanted him to note that Francesca was comfortable touching him.

Remy gave a single nod of understanding.

The M.C. returned to the platform and told the crowd about the event. The winner would receive a gift certificate to the hotel for a two nights stay.

Francesca leaned back in her chair, so he moved his closer and draped his arm around her shoulders. She appeared calm, but her hands were flexing.

“Do you want another drink or some water?” he whispered in her ear.

She smiled at him sweetly. “No, then I’d have to pee. Just hold onto me. It helps.” She moved closer to him.

“You got it.” He stroked her arm lightly.

Trevor caught his eye after the singer finished. He rolled his eyes. The singer hadn’t been very good.

Francesca stirred beside him as Meghan, one of the bridesmaids, stepped onto the podium. “I told her not to choose this song,” she muttered. “Whitney’s really hard to sing.”

Meghan took the mike and introduced herself. The first notes of “I Am Nothing” began.

Remy watched Francesca flinch at each missed note. She leaned forward and took a sip of wine.

Finally, the song ended, and Trevor moved closer. “Wow, that was bad.”

“Pretty much,” Remy agreed.

Francesca opened her evening clutch and freshened her lipstick. “Wish me luck, guys.”

Trevor squeezed her hand. “Break a leg.”

Remy kissed her hair so he wouldn’t muss her freshly colored lips. “I’ll cheer for you.”

“Thanks,” she said in his ear, then stood and made her way along the wall to the waiting spot.

The next singer was the groom’s cousin, and he’d chosen Ed Sheeran’s “Thinking Out Loud”. The guy could sing, and he was hamming it up, getting down on one knee. The crowd laughed and applauded his effort.

Trevor moved to Francesca’s chair. “So, can your woman sing?”

“I have no idea.” Remy told him with a shrug. “She didn’t seem to be freaking out about it, so I hope that’s a good sign.”

The singer finished, did a deep bow, and raised his hands over his head. The crowd cheered.

Remy felt his hands get sweaty and his heart rate speed up. He was nervous for Francesca.

The master of ceremonies came forward. “And now for out last participant—let’s give a warm welcome to Francesca.”

Remy watched her gracefully walk across the podium. She looked poised. She flashed the man a smile as she took the microphone. “Good evening everyone. This song is for someone very special to me.” She looked right at Remy.

She turned her head slightly to look at the computer screen and began singing the opening line to Big & Rich’s “Gravity”.

Remy wasn’t sure he was even breathing. Francesca was a natural. She hit the notes and had the crowd was in the palm of her hand. Before the song was over, Trevor was standing and waving the candle from the table’s centerpiece back and forth. Others were doing the same. Remy stood and never stopped staring at the beautiful woman singing to him. When she reached the final verse, she wiped a tear from her cheek, and the room erupted in cheers. She gave a simple nod at the end of her time and handed the mike to the M.C.

Remy moved toward her. She saw him making his way, and when he was close, she fell into his arms. He kissed her, and the crowd cheered even louder.

“Was I okay?” Her eyes were huge as if she hadn’t noticed the cheers.

“You were terrific.” He kissed her again. “I love you, Francesca.”

“Lacey, Bruce, have you picked the winner?” The M.C. asked the couple as they nodded and made their way to the platform.

Lacey took the mic. “Francesca! Francesca is our winner.” Lacey’s excitement couldn’t be contained as she yelled her answer.

Remy let go of Francesca so that she could retrieve her prize. She walked onto the platform, and Lacey nearly jumped on her, giving her a huge hug. Bruce pulled her back and gave Francesca a brief hug. Francesca thanked them both and left with an envelope in her hand.

She made her way to Remy, and was instantly surrounded by people congratulating her. He watched her smile and thank them for their compliments. She glanced at him and raised her brows. He ran his arm along her back. This was her moment, and he wanted her to enjoy it.

Trevor appeared and handed Francesca her purse and a glass of wine.

“Thanks, Trev.”

“Oh my God, you were great up there,” Trev said. “I can’t believe you didn’t tell us you could sing. Your man was so nervous for you, and you killed it.” He kissed her cheek.

She turned to Remy, “Were you really nervous for me?”

“Maybe a little.” Well, a lot—but he didn’t want to admit that.

“You are so sweet.”

They stood talking to friends, and Mr. Haviland, Lacey’s dad approached. “Francesca you were great. I’m a huge country music fan, and that is one of Kara’s favorite songs,” he said as he leaned in and kissed her cheek.

“Oh, thank you. I love the words, too.” She smiled at him.

“I was wondering if you might do us a favor.”

Francesca straightened. “I can try.”

“Kara and I want you to sing at the reception tomorrow. It would mean a lot to us.” He waited for her answer.

“Oh, um I don’t know.” Francesca looked around the room to the happy couple. “I’m not a professional or anything.”

“But you are Lacey’s friend, and I know she would really be touched if you would perform.” He gave her a bigger smile, likely knowing she couldn’t refuse.

Francesca laughed. “Well, now, I can’t say no. Tell me who I need to talk to, and if it won’t make too much work, then I will.”

“Kara will have the coordinator call you tomorrow. Does she have your cell number?”

“Yes, and so does Lacey.” Francesca smiled in Kara’s direction at the head table.

Kara clapped her hands and mouthed, “Oh good.”

“Great, this will be just great. I can’t thank you enough.” Mr. Haviland walked away.

“He didn’t give you much choice.” Remy waited for her reaction.

She raised an eyebrow. “I think we can see why he’s a successful businessman. He has no problem using whatever tool is at hand.” She shrugged and smiled. “I just hope I don’t make a mess of it in front of your friends.”

He hugged her. “I know that you’ll be fine. Plus, I think they are our friends. You’ve officially won them over.” No one else approached them so he took advantage of the opportunity. “Ready to go?”

“Think anyone will notice?”

“I don’t care. I want you.” He was already guiding her toward the door.


Once in their suite, Remy jerked off his tie.

Francesca stopped and kicked off her shoes. “I don’t care if they were only two inch heels. My feet are killing me.” She continued walking toward the bedroom.

“Get naked, and I’ll rub your feet,” Remy promised.

“You might think you mean that, but I know better. The minute I lose this dress, your hands will be on my boobs.” She reached behind her to pull down the zipper on her dress.

He moved quickly, grasping her hips. “Let me.” He nuzzled the back of her neck. “Did I tell you how amazing you looked tonight?”

She rested her back against him. “You did, but I can hear it again.” Her voice had gone low.

“Francesca, you were the most beautiful woman in the room tonight. When you sang, nobody could take their eyes off of you.” He freed one hand and slowly lowered the zipper.

She made a purring sound.

The dress dropped to the floor, and his hands were on her breasts. He felt her laugh. “I can’t help it. I love the way they feel.” He kneaded their softness.

After a few moments, she turned in his arms, facing him. “It’s been nice, being here. Thank you for inviting me.” She kissed his chin, and then her fingers went to work on the buttons on his shirt.

“Thank you for coming with me.” He moved his hands to unhook his belt.

“They’re nice people—your friends and their families. It’s good to meet other people who aren’t patrons or working in the industry. I don’t get the opportunity very often.” She was concentrating on his buttons. “I guess that’s another thing that’s wrong with my life.”

“Babe, I don’t want to take your work away from you. I know how important it is. I want to help you find balance. I understand casino life. If you’ll work with me, I promise to work with you. Okay?”

“I’m being stupid.” She started to step away.

He grasped her upper arms, keeping her close. “Stupid, no, I don’t think that. You are insightful and cautious. I don’t blame you.” He kicked off his pants. “I’m just asking for you to give us some time to find a kind of balance that works for us.”

She walked backward toward the bed.

He followed.

“It might not be easy. I mean, I might screw up a few times.” She turned to pull back the duvet and sheet.

He watched her crawl on to the bed. He sat down on the side and pulled off his socks. “The important things rarely come easily. I’ll give you time if you promise to tell me what’s going on in your head.” He shifted and moved to lie next to her.

“I’ll try.” She glided her hand down his chest and didn’t make another sound for long moments as she continued to stroke his skin.

“I hate it when you go silent. I know something’s bothering you, but I don’t know what it is.”

“It drives everyone crazy.” She let out a sigh.

“The next time you do it, I’m going to push you to talk and afterward, there will be punishment.” He laughed and rose up on his elbow to kiss her. He wasn’t completely sure what the silence meant, but he knew she wasn’t going through one of her quiet periods again.

She lowered her body onto his and kept kissing him. He smoothed his hands up and down her back, then rolled her onto her back and cupped her breast. He tongued the hard nipple and took it into his mouth, sucking gently.

Francesca’s fingers were in his hair, lightly scratching his scalp. He moved to her other breast, and this time he gently nipped her. Her body jumped, but then relaxed as he lightly suckled the sensitive skin around her nipple. His hands moved lower on her body and his mouth followed. He glided his lips along her skin.

She shifted slightly, and he grinned, because he knew she was ticklish. Hooking his index fingers into the sides of her lavender lace panties, he lowered them.

Francesca raised her hips so that he could remove sweep them away. As soon as they reached her knees, she used one foot to snag the fabric and finished lowering them.

Remy’s finger found her slit. “This is how I like you and wet, just waiting for me.”

“Remy,” she whispered.

“What do you need, sweetheart?” he asked as his finger outlined her pussy lips.

“I want you inside of me,” she said, her voice pleading.

Slowly he shifted his body over hers, and she opened her legs wider to make room for his hips. “Put me inside you.” He loved the feel of her hands on his cock.

She grasped his hardness and positioned his head at her opening. He slowly entered her. Her legs encircled his thighs as her arms covered his shoulders.

Remy looked into her eyes as he filled her. “I love you.”

“I love you too, Remy, she said, her voice was a little hoarse. “Now fuck me.” She shifted her hips a few times to give him the idea of what she wanted.

A chuckle escaped as his hips started moving.

God, she was so tight. At every stroke, she met him, demanding more.

Remy shifted his arms and captured her wrists, pulling them over her head. Frankie didn’t fight his mastery as the pumping of his hips picked up speed. Her ankles looped around his waist tightly, her heels ground into his ass. He made sounds deep in his throat, and she was moaning with every deep stroke.

His balls were so tight, he struggled to hang on. He knew she was close, but he wanted to push her over before he let loose.

“Oh, God, Remy. Oh, please.”

He felt her contract around him, and the pressure ignited the explosion at the base of his spine. Long past his climax, he continued pumping into her. She raked her fingernails over his ribs, digging in deep.

When he could breathe again, he rolled off of her and pulled the covers over them both so their sweat-covered bodies wouldn’t feel the chill.

She snuggled into his side.

“Give me a minute, and then I’ll get a washcloth to clean you up.” He hugged her with one arm.

“Don’t bother. If you wake up in a couple of hours, you’re going to fuck me again anyway.”

He could feel her smile as she said the words against his chest. “You make it sound like that’s a bad thing,” he teased.

“Yeah, it’s a real chore—good sex with a hot man.” A giggle escaped at the end.

He pinched her ass. “I can always withhold.”

She moved her hand lower, resting her fingers around his now soft cock. “You can try.”

“Okay, you win. I’ll fuck you in an hour or two.” His laughter was softer as he smoothed her hair.

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