All In (Casino Nights #2) (11 page)

Read All In (Casino Nights #2) Online

Authors: Melanie Jayne

Tags: #Casino, #Long Distance, #Older Woman, #Older Man, #Menage

BOOK: All In (Casino Nights #2)
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He switched topics. “So have you heard from Trevor again?”

Her frown deepened to a scowl. “Nope.” She sighed loudly. “Look, I agreed to tell you every time that he’s messaged. Don’t make this into an issue, Remy, because it’s not.”

He raised his hand in mock surrender. “Whoa, I don’t want to fight over this.” He left off the “again” part.

“I didn’t want to fight about it the first time.” She chewed on her bottom lip as her eyes narrowed.

“I’ve been honest with you. You’re with me, and I’m possessive. Another man comes sniffing around, I’m not going to like it.” He knew that Francesca didn’t appreciate this side of his personality, but knowing that Ochoa worked with her, and now Trevor was texting, made him burn.

“I don’t even know how Trevor got my phone number. My phone beeped one day and the message said, ‘Hey, it’s Trevor.’ I was surprised. I told you that.” She was wiggling her foot, a sure sign she was aggravated.

“Trevor has his ways. If he wants your phone number or your credit report, he can get them.”

“He’s a hacker?”

“No, Marc is the hacker. Well, he has many skills. Hacking is just one of them.” He didn’t even know where to start if he had to describe Marc. “We had some specialized training. When Trevor got out, he got more.” He drained the rest of his beer and leaned away to put it on the table beside the bed.

“So, he knows some covert type stuff.” She smiled.

“Why the smile?”

“Trevor is like James Bond.” She laughed.

“No, he’s not.” He said the words, but hell he had no idea what new skills Trevor had acquired.

“So, what does he do? I mean, what is his job now? Who does he work for?”

When he didn’t answer immediately, she continued, “I noticed that at dinner, everybody talked about their work except for Trevor. You all didn’t ask him for any updates.”

Remy bristled. ”You were paying awfully close attention to Trevor.” He hated that he sounded so prickly.

“I wanted to get to know your friends. I noticed because he was the one who asked questions but gave few answers. I know about his sex life, but nothing about his work life.” She blushed, remembering his offer.

“I don’t ask too many questions. I just hope that when I call, he answers and is all right.”

“You care about him a lot, don’t you?” She handed her now empty bottle to him to dispose of.

He placed it on the night stand beside his own. “Yeah, he’s the one that I’m closest to.”

“I like him. I also like that you care about him. He reminds me of Rico. They can take care of themselves, no doubt, but I think they have trouble connecting with others. Not for a quickie, because we both know they can do that, but as in friendship.”

“Trevor is always the first to want to go out or travel some place, but he doesn’t talk much about himself.” He draped his arm over her shoulders.

She shifted closer to him. “I know very little about Rico’s history. I’ve put together bits and pieces over the years. I worry about him. Hopping in and out of so many beds and lives without building anything has left him a little empty. I’ve seen it in his eyes the few times he’s let his down his guard.”

Remy sighed. “I know that I come off as being jealous…”

“No, you are being jealous,” she corrected him.

He stared at her for a few moments. “Okay, I am jealous.” The muscle along his jaw jumped.

“In Chicago, Rico did bait you a little bit,” she admitted. “But nothing is going on there, never has and never will. In fact, he approves of you.” She ended with a “take that” head bob.

He grunted. “He told you that?”

“Yes, along with a few other bits of wisdom about alpha males.” She glanced at him.

He narrowed his eyes. “I know that Trevor likes you. He told me he thinks you’re hot and sweet.”

“I was shocked the first time he contacted me. Remember, I called you.”

He nodded because she had.

“When you got so worked up about it, I sent or copied you on every communication. I’ve got nothing to hide, Remy.”

He let out another loud sigh.

She shifted and sat Indian style, tucking the sheet under her arms to cover her breasts, and moving away from him.

“Trevor can be very ruthless when he wants something, though sometimes he can be patient.”

“What could Trevor want from me?” She started counting on her fingers. “He asked me to arrange that he cover Lacey’s bar tab during their stay. He told me he enjoyed meeting me in Denver, and then he asked for some advice about a wedding gift. I don’t see the nefarious plot, Remy.” She pursed her lips and threw up her hands.

“He wants to have sex with you,” he said through gritted teeth.

She looked away, her hands playing with the sheet’s edge, folding and then unfolding the cotton. He waited patiently.

“You mean his offer for a ménage, don’t you?” she asked softly. “He wants to be with us, Remy.”

“Yeah. He finds you attractive, and you two have clicked. I know how he operates, and this is his M.O.”

Her gaze raked over his face. “We’re back to that, are we?”

“Yeah.” He shifted, watching her.

“I feel like you’ve trapped me in a corner. If I ever ask for that, then I validate your feelings of jealousy, and if I don’t then …”

The realization hit him between the eyes and between his legs. “You want to do it. You want a night with both of us.” He felt his cock stir and the heat pulse through his veins.

“It’s an intriguing offer.” She shrugged, not meeting his glance. “Me being with two sexy men, I sort of pictured you dominating us both, and that’s a huge turn on.”

He had to admit, he liked her idea—he liked it a lot. “So you want it.”

She bit her lip and nodded. “Maybe.”

“I’ll talk to Trevor.” His heart pounding, he looked away, not wanting her to know just how excited he was.

“If—” she had to clear her throat, “if I change my mind, that’s all right, isn’t it?”

He pulled her onto his lap.

She squirmed and ended with her legs draped over one thigh and her ass between his legs. “Francesca, I don’t want you to ever do something you don’t want. This is for you, baby. I want to fulfill a fantasy for you.”

“You’re doing this because you care.” It wasn’t a question but a statement.

“Right. This thing between us is going somewhere, Frankie. I told you that I would be open to sharing you once, but the clock is ticking on that offer. When I put a ring on your finger, that’s it, you’re mine and I won’t share you.”

“You sound so sure that’s where we’re headed.”

He lowered his eyebrows. “What the fuck do you think we’re doing here? We talk every day, and we jump on planes so that we can have a night together.”

“I like this, and you, Remy. But you’re moving things too fast, don’t you think? I mean, we both have busy lives, and sure, we can make time for our calls, but that’s twenty minutes a day. You’re talking about much, much more.” Her voice roughened.

“In two weeks, my job is done. I can go where I want. I don’t have anything tying me to Indianapolis. I can live wherever I want.”

“So you’d come to Las Vegas? Because I can’t. I mean… I don’t want to leave my job.” Her chest started to heave, her eyes were huge.

He put his hand on top of hers and threaded his fingers through hers. “Yes, I’m planning on making a trip to see you. I want to meet your friends. I’d like to take Jimmy and his wife out to dinner so they can get to know me.”

She was taking in unsteady breaths. “You want to meet my parents?”

“Of course. Why? Do you think they won’t like me?”

“No,” she sputtered. “I mean, Jimmy has never mentioned having a problem with you, and my mom, well, Rose likes everyone.”

Not exactly a ringing endorsement. “Well, Jimmy might change his mind when he realizes I’m sleeping with you.”

“He already knows that, and by the look he gave me when I told him I was coming here, I’m thinking he guessed there’d be very little sleeping going on,” she teased, squeezing his hand.

“Great. I picture having ‘the talk’ with Jimmy O’Haire, and that sort of makes my balls shrivel.”

“Oh come on, Marine. I doubt that it will be too scary, or at least I hope not.” She giggled.

He framed her face between his hands. “I’m in love with you, Francesca. I’m willing to do whatever it takes, no matter how much the thought of your father in full intimidation mode makes me uneasy. You’re worth it.” He kissed her thoroughly.

She was still draped across his lap, and her eyes were closed, “I knew you were a tough, alpha male,” she said, her voice a sexy purr.

That she didn’t return the sentiment wasn’t lost on him. He would just have to be patient with his woman. She was skittish, but she was here in his arms. He could give her time.

She relaxed into his body, resting her cheek against his chest. “I’m falling too, Remy. You’re not alone in this relationship.” She let out a ragged breath. “I’m nervous and scared, because I don’t want to fuck this up, but I’m right there with you.”

He smiled so hard that his cheeks hurt. He ran his hand up and down her arm, needing the connection. “Glad to hear it, babe.”

She burrowed more deeply into his body.


Chapter Seven


In the two weeks since she had last been with Remy, they had talked more often and for longer periods of time. These conversations covered subjects ranging from their favorite books and movies to their histories with their friends, family, and co-workers. She felt closer to him. She was learning little things like the fact he hated the smell of lemons. He also had a weakness for Seventies rock. She loved to hear his stories about growing up, fishing and hunting with his dad. His mother had insisted that he learn to cook and do his own laundry when he turned thirteen. He shared that his underwear was pink for most of that first year.

When he talked about his mother, she could hear the warmth in his voice. He was an only child, and since his father had passed twenty years ago, Remy kept close tabs on her.

Francesca sat at her desk with her legs crossed and one shoe was dangling from her toes. “I have to get my own room, Remy. Yeesh, I can’t stay with you if I’m meeting your mother.” He was an idiot. First impressions were important, and she knew his mother wouldn’t like that she was sharing his room and his bed, right out in the open. She started to pace around her office.

“Babe, I’m forty-six. I think my mom knows I have sex. You aren’t the first woman I’ve brought around.”

She overlooked that factoid because she had limited time to talk to him today. He didn’t understand why she was making a big deal out of this. Men were clueless about some things. “I want your mom to like me, and she won’t if she thinks we’re throwing our sex life in her face. Trust me on this, please.”

“We are having sex. I don’t think she’ll have any problem unless we do it in front of her.” He laughed in her ear.

She felt her blood boil. “This isn’t funny. It’s really important, okay? Making a good impression is a big deal to me.”

“So, let me get this straight. For the first two nights, we’re staying in two separate rooms... That’s what you want?” He said that last bit very slowly.

“On different floors. No sneaking into rooms after your mom goes to bed, either,” she added hastily.

“Frankie, that isn’t going to happen. I’ll agree to the two rooms for the nights she’s there, but I will be coming to your room after Mom goes to bed.”

“Then make sure my room isn’t next to hers. In fact, get me a room at the opposite end of the hotel, just in case I get loud.” She blushed. Sometimes, she lost all control and was very vocal. Remy didn’t complain, but the couple staying next door to their room in K.C. had given them funny looks in the hallway.

“I’ll take care of it. And Frankie, I like the idea of making you scream,” he said, his voice dropping low and gravelly.

She swore her pussy clenched. “I’ll change my flight so that I get in earlier.” She moved to her desk and checked the yellow pad she’d been making notes on. “I’ll order the wedding gift and have it sent to Lacey’s parents’ address.”

“I’m sorry to make you change your plans, but mom wants to meet you, and since we’ll be in Florida, it all came together.”

He had mentioned that his mom was high energy. Now, she wondered if the woman was a bit of a bulldozer. “I want to meet her, too. I can change my ticket as soon as we hang up.” She made another note to grab Hadley and go through her closet for the right clothes. She’d already purchased a dress to wear to the wedding, but now, she needed to find some things that she would look fabulous in, but were still appropriate to meet her lover’s mother. She felt more confident when she knew she looked good. For this meeting, she needed all the confidence she could find.



Francesca was sitting on one of the famous pink hotel’s many terraces, enjoying the breeze and the view of the beach. It was a beautiful, clear day in Florida, and even though it was hurricane season, the outlook for the rest of the week was temps in the high-seventies and clear. She’d arrived late the previous evening and had slept in that morning. Remy and his mother should be in their rooms by now, and she was mentally preparing herself for “The Meeting.”

She took another sip of her tonic water and lime and reviewed everything she knew about Louise Cooper. Remy had described Lu as a whirlwind. At age seventy, she lived in a gated community in Boca Raton. She was a retired junior high math teacher who was active with her clubs and golfing. She loved her only child.

Francesca stared off at the horizon, giving herself a mini-pep talk. She’d met the parents of her boyfriends over the years. Her ex-husband’s mother still sent her birthday and Christmas presents. She was skilled at small talk and employed said skills every day at her job, but for some reason she was extraordinarily nervous about this meeting.

It’s because he’s the one, her inner voice told her.

There was no point in arguing with the voice because it was right. She wanted Lu to like her, just as she wanted Remy’s friends to like her.

She’d dressed casually for this event, wearing a loose-weave, dusty-rose, short-sleeved sweater with a matching cami, faded jeans, and sandals with colored stones on the straps. It was a sunny day, and she wished that she had brought a hat, because she’d made it a practice long ago to stay out of the desert’s brutal sun. She’d applied high SPF sunscreen, but now worried that she might burn.

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