Alien Slave (12 page)

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Authors: Tracy St.John

Tags: #fiction, #erotica, #scifi, #scifi erotica, #new concepts publishing, #mild bdsm forced seduction multiple sexual partners, #alien slave

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Unexpected tears prickled Dani’s eyes.
She blinked hard, holding them back. “You have no reason to worry
about me. I’m just a whore.”

Is that how you see
yourself, sweetling?”

What else would I

Krijero smiled, the expression as warm
as the hand he stroked her face with. Dani basked in it despite
herself. “What about smart and fun? How about resourceful, brave,
and loyal? Aren’t you those things?”

She clenched her fists at her sides.
She would not let him in. Not an alien whom she’d only met the
night before. “No one cares about that. All anyone cares about is
what they can get from me, whether it’s sex, money, or staying
quietly in the background and not causing a fuss.”

Damn it. Her stupid mouth had run off
again, telling more than she wanted anyone to know.

I’m sorry that’s what
you’re used to. You’re worth a lot more than that.”

Dani jerked away, out of his reach.
Screw this. She should have stuck to the terms of her contract. “Go
away. Just leave. The brothel won’t refund your money, but I

She stared hard at the floor, waiting
for them to go. Holding back the tears that flooded her eyes,
doubling her vision.

Your parents were good at
that, weren’t they? Pushing you away, leaving you on your own, and
using money to make up for it?”

Dani didn’t remember launching herself
at him. The next thing she knew, her fists were pounding Krijero’s
chest as hard as she could hit while she cried, “Shut up! Shut up!”
over and over in harsh sobs.

The huge alien took her abuse, standing
still as her blows thudded against his body until her fury
exhausted itself. Then he gathered her to himself, holding her,
stroking her hair as she cried. Other compassionate hands joined in
the soothing, petting her arms and back. Dani buried her face in
the hollow of Krijero’s shoulder, needing any shelter. Even that of
an enemy.

That’s why when he lifted her chin and
pressed his lips to hers, she melted into the kiss. Clinging to the
man she’d just attacked, Dani dove into the illusion of his
concern, the lie that another person might care.

Her clothes fell away, tugged free by
the surrounding Kalquorians. They lowered her to a cushioning mat
on the floor, tender fingers and mouths caressing her grief away
until she gasped with need.

But when Dani reached for Gelan’s
crotch, his sexes straining the fabric of his pants, he drew her
hands away. “No, little girl. This time is for you. Relax and let
us show you how it should be between men and a woman.”

You’re my

Then serve us through
letting us serve you.”

The Dramok made no sense to her. None
of them did. Her storm of anger should have sent them stomping to
Pob, demanding a more compliant playmate or their money back.
Instead, Gelan’s kiss swept her away from care, his tongue lapping
the whole of her mouth with thorough grace. Wynhod’s lips worked
delicately on her breasts, suckling with a sweetness that brought
fresh tears spilling down her cheeks. Krijero gently mouthed her
womanhood, sipping her juices with reverence as if partaking of a
rare elixir. They fed on her body, but it was her arousal that
gorged on the feast, growing with every taste.

While Gelan kissed and Wynhod suckled,
Krijero concentrated his warm, wet mouth on Dani’s clit, sucking
and flicking his tongue over the sensitive nub. He slid two fingers
into her sheath, curling the tips to press hard against the nest of
nerves that felt best. In and out he pumped, hitting that sweet
spot and rasping his rough raw-silk tongue over the distended
nubbin of flesh. Her whole body electrified, racing towards orgasm.
She writhed, her body bucking helplessly against the tide of
sensation washing over her. The three men working her with such
care never missed a beat, riding her jerks and jolts with

Krijero sucked hard on her clit, and
orgasm exploded over Dani. She shouted into Gelan’s mouth, her
fingernails sinking into his and Wynhod’s skin. Her stomach seemed
to twist in on itself with the force of the uproar. She heaved and
convulsed, the men clinging to her thrashing body to continue their
delectable assault.

Just as Dani’s throbbing sex began to
calm, Krijero found her G-spot once more, simultaneously swirling
his tongue forcefully over her clit again. She screamed with
renewed cataclysm, her body shattering under the men’s ongoing

There was no escape from the gentle
onslaught of their mouths and hands. Again and again they brought
Dani to shuddering completion until she begged for

Please, enough, don’t, I
can’t, oh please, not again…” The words streamed from her lips as
she shook her head, trying to evade Gelan’s kiss.

Once more, my little girl,”
he cajoled, his mouth pressing to her ear, his rough tongue tracing
the whorls. “Come for us again.”

As if he held command over her body’s
involuntary responses, she immediately ignited, her pussy spasming
tight around Krijero’s tireless fingers. She strained against the
men pinning her down, but there was no escaping the delicious

Dani could only beg when she recovered
her senses enough to talk again. “Please, stop. I’ll be good, I

But you are good, Dani.
You’re a good person. Say it.”

He had to be kidding. After all she’d
done? The stupid decisions she’d made? The thoughtless way she gave
into whims that always landed her in trouble?

If ‘good’ could be summed up in a
person, it sure as hell wouldn’t be Danielle Watson.

Krijero’s tongue scraped over her clit
in a barrage of hard rubs, and she went out of her skull with
climax once more. The pleasure had crossed the line into exquisite
torment until she could bear no more.

When she finished screaming this time,
her ragged voice poured from her throat. “I’m a good person, I’m a
great person, I’m the best Earther to ever be born, now stop for
God’s sake!”

I suppose that will do for
now,” Gelan said. Wynhod and Krijero’s mouths left her overwrought
flesh at last.

Dani sagged in their arms, let them
arrange her so that she draped over their laps when they clustered
around to cradle her, to stroke her still trembling body, to
whisper kindnesses as if soothing a fussy baby. They treated her as
if their lives centered on her, as if she was the only person that
had ever mattered.

They confounded her, these men from the
species that had destroyed her world and yet brought her such
pleasure with little care for their own.

* * * *

When the clan finally returned to their
guest quarters about five miles outside of the wilder center of
Ler, Gelan’s fatigue weighed his body down. It had been a taxing
day, both physically and mentally. Somehow he thought the mental
aspect, dealing with a delectable but obviously damaged Earther,
had been more exhausting than physically battling the

He considered the round bathing pool as
his clanmates undressed. It was deep. The water that would flood it
would be warm. Tempting. A good place to gather his roiling
thoughts that threatened to hold off sleep no matter how tired he
was. But as Krijero and Wynhod fell into the bed made to
accommodate a Kalquorian clan, Wynhod spooning the smaller man and
curling an arm and leg protectively over him, Gelan scented the
mixed aromas of Kalquorian and Earther sex. A lovely bouquet to add
to his dreams, he decided. Rejecting the bath, he pulled his
clothes off and got into bed, sandwiching his Imdiko in the

Stretching an arm across his clanmates’
waists, Gelan murmured into Krijero’s tousled hair, “I’d say it’s
been a good vacation so far.”

He let the other two’s breathing lull
him, inhaling their spicy scents and the ghostly remnants of Dani’s
musk. Sweet dreams indeed, if he could shut his mind down to sleep.
Dani’s pretty face, alternating between stubborn, euphoric, and
heart wrenchingly sad, kept appearing before his mind’s eye. Most
of the standoffishness she’d affected right after their dinner had
disappeared by the time they’d left her. Her eyes had been warm
again, her smile bright. Only the occasional guardedness in her
eyes let him know the Earther still harbored doubts about sharing
her body and thoughts with them. Gelan hated leaving her alone at
the brothel that way. He wanted to hold her until her anger and
pain vanished.

Who am I kidding? I want to hold her
because she feels right.

Wynhod’s voice broke through the
darkness. “Am I the only one wishing she was here?”

Krijero snickered, his voice sleepy but
still alert. “Haven’t you had enough for one night?”

If you mean sex, yes. I was
thinking how nice it would be just to have another body to warm the

Gelan kept his tone careful. “For one
night or more?”

Wynhod propped himself up to look at
Gelan over Krijero’s shoulder. His eyes glittered in the dim light.
“She won’t remain here. A clan will find her and buy her contract
at some point. Why not us? We have the funds saved.”

Krijero stiffened between them. “I
thought we agreed we weren’t going to fight the odds of gaining a

Wynhod’s tone matched Gelan’s for
caution. “No waiting for the lottery on Kalquor for this one. No
vying for her attentions against hundreds of others.”

She doesn’t want

Not yet,” the Nobek agreed.
He grabbed his handheld off the bedside table and tapped. The green
wash of illumination from the little computer showed Gelan
Krijero’s tense face.

Rubbing his reluctant clanmate’s
shoulder, Gelan said, “If we buy Dani’s contract, that means no
worrying about rejection.”

Krijero stared into his eyes. He
suddenly looked every bit as tormented as Dani. “Only until her
contract runs out. She might not want us when it’s over, and the
Imperial Clan has ordered no more forcing Mataras to clan for the
next five years.”

Before Gelan could respond, Wynhod
grunted at his readout. “At her present rate of payback, Dani has
slightly more than three years left at that brothel. She’s
expensive, but we can swing it.”

Gelan thought. They’d not only have to
pay off her contract, but pay for the care of the Earther.
Clothing, food, nice things to let her know she

Why not? The three of us are a long way
from retirement anyway. Besides, it will set us back on all our
plans only what, ten years? Maybe not even that.

His excitement at the notion surprised
him. Even when Earther women proved compatible with his species
he’d known the odds of clanning one had been steep. The cataclysmic
end to the war had cut their numbers dramatically. The moratorium
against forcibly clanning the repressed females had made his
chances even less.

Gelan had thought he was okay with
that. Having Wynhod and Krijero as lifelong companions seemed
enough. He had looked to his future and found it

Now here was Dani. Spirited, sexually
free, and adventurous. A woman who needed a strong leader. A woman
who could provide children. A woman to warm their bed

A woman he could perhaps fall in love
with. Gelan had never acknowledged how he yearned for that until
this moment.

To his clan he said, “Three years
should be long enough to convince her to stay, if we do find her

Krijero continued to fret. “She’s got
problems with trust, and not just because she blames Kalquor for
Earth’s destruction. Her family issues will be a

Gelan exchanged a look with Wynhod. The
Nobek put his handheld down and wrapped himself around Krijero once
more. His fierce nature was masked as he stroked the Imdiko’s
tousled hair like a mother calming a nightmare-inflicted

Gelan also pulled closer to his
clanmate. “She’ll be an interesting challenge for your skills,” he

Krijero refused to look at him. “I’m a
criminal psychologist. I analyze law breakers. I don’t fix
traumatized Mataras.”

Of course Wynhod cut right to the
chase. “And you’re afraid of getting your heart broken again. Admit
that’s your biggest objection.” Despite his harsh words, his tone
remained gentle, his touch soothing.

Krijero cringed anyway and didn’t
answer. Gelan’s rage for the pain his Imdiko continued to feel over
the past … over the way his trust had been trampled on … woke

The Dramok growled, “I swear if I ever
meet that man, I’ll pound him senseless for clanning another
Imdiko. He was a fool to give you up.”

Krijero sighed. “It doesn’t matter

It shouldn’t, but you’re
still hurting after all this time. There’s no reason to think
you’re unworthy, Krijero. We didn’t reject you, did we?”

Wynhod snorted laughter. “Reject him?
We were the ones chasing him for three years.”

Krijero finally found a smile. “Yes,
you did.”

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