Agent M: Testament (The Agent M Series Book 2) (19 page)

BOOK: Agent M: Testament (The Agent M Series Book 2)
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“Meryl is,” she paused to correct herself from sounding too emotionally invested. “Agent Lewis is strong. She’s the one of the best I’ve ever seen. Despite her personal history, she’s been able to overcome any obstacle that stood in her way. She’s not on to shy away from a fight either. I admire that in her. She’s never afraid to challenge what’s wrong and fight for the things she believes in.  I mean, how many people walk away from a billion dollar empire to work for us? There’s something special about her that I don’t think any of us have realized. Whenever the going gets tough, she’s always standing strong. If we had one of her at every branch, we’d have nothing to worry about.”

“I see.”

Adrian was almost flabbergasted. He’d never seen those two agents painted in that light before. While their mission objectives seemed to clash with standard operating procedure, they always got the job done. Adrian cursed at himself for being a little overzealous and foolish during those times. Protocol was important but nothing trumped employee morale. It was always their bodies on the line and neither one of them ever backed down when the department needed them the most.

“Well, see to it that you get some rest. I’m going to make a few calls but I’ll be outside if you need me.”

“You should go back to the office Adrian,” Nicole boldly stated.

“What?” He was almost at a loss for words. “I can’t leave you here. Not like this –”

“Nothing’s going to happen to me within these walls,” she interrupted. “I couldn’t be in a safer place. Besides, the office needs you. Now more than ever. I’ll have my phone with me. Let me know if anything urgent comes up but for now.”

After a deep breath, Nicole continued.

“I’ll just get some rest.”

Adrian gave his superior one last look. This one was filled a professionalism but masked behind those eyes appeared a small twinge of remorse. The irony of the situation was thick. For what seems like the first time in a long while, Nicole was the one who was following protocol and Adrian had almost become insubordinate.

“Understood Commander.”

He walked out of the door immediately, carrying on as if it were business as usual. Nicole could hear his footsteps echoing down the hall as he left. Her eyes gazed back towards the window and the rising sun before her eyes. At least she’d have a calming view for the days to come. No one could ask for more with so little of them left.


March 24th, 2013 5:15AM (local time)

Vladivostok, Russia

Colonel Lee and his men were as quiet as ghosts sitting inside the pitch black container. They had remained stationary and motionless for the past couple of hours. Their proud military training has steeled their resolve. Knowing that the People’s Army was on the verge of making a glorious comeback, these men could have waiting in there for weeks need be.

The ride over the border nearly wrecked their nerves and resolves. Thankfully, things proceeded smoother than anyone could hope. Unbeknownst to Colonel Lee, the army had some fairly deep pockets as of late thanks to a certain unnamed benefactor. The influx of cash and resources has greatly helped fund their past and current efforts. General Song was adamant had Korea held out just a few more weeks the entire tide of the battle would have been changed. Now they were stuck playing catch up.

“Colonel,” one of the soldiers whispered. “What is the purpose of our mission?” He boldly asked.

Lee admired the inquisitiveness of his soldiers. It was a trait he respected. A lot of men will just fall in line and do as they’re told. Men who ask questions will later grow into men who will answer them. Those are the ones who will eventually lead in his place.

“That has not been disclosed Private.”

Normally the Colonel would be more active in obtaining detailed information concerning any mission or operation under his direct command; especially one of such great significance. The months of being beaten down and living off meager sustenance must have taken a greater toll on Lee than he originally thought. He was just so excited to be given a great purpose again he neglected to ask for any more information. Even the cryptic warning given by the Sergeant before they left didn’t register any inquiring thoughts or ideas.

“But how will our efforts help bring back peace to our country?”

The soldiers were getting a bit more adamant. This didn’t surprise their superior. According to their instructions, the fate of their beloved country rested in their well trained and willing hands. They should have been privileged to receive that information but the current state of political affairs did not allow for such luxuries.

“The word of the Generals is unquestionable. They believe in this mission and entrusted us to carry it out. We should feel honored to be a part of it.”

Nods of approval and grunts can be heard among the ranks. The Colonel definitely has a way with words than his men agree with.

“So,” the soldier asked meeker than his previous two, “What are we going to do?”

Colonel Lee had a sound response to give. One that would hopefully quell any more questions and inspire confidence.

“We follow orders. That is what we do.”

All of soldiers simultaneous gave their superior a salute. Although it couldn’t be seen in the darkness to which they sat, Lee felt honored to be a part of this fine group of men.

A large honking noise shook the confines of the container. The time to ship out had finally arrived. All of Lee’s men blew a visible sigh of relief. The added noise during the flight would allow them to breathe a little easier while moving around and eating. Colonel Lee welcomed it and anticipated a good journey towards their destination. The hour of their vengeance drew near with every passing moment and the honor of carrying it out was given to Lee and his men. He never felt prouder to be a part of the People’s Army.


March 24th, 2013 9:45AM

Washington, D.C.

Meryl left the Director’s office with mixed feelings. She felt great about the assignment knowing the head of the Bureau not only had her best interests in mind but also called her one of his finest. That should have been enough to keep her going for months. However, Nicole’s sudden incident still weighed heavy in her mind.

A familiar face greeted her not too long after she left. Tracy looked eager and hungry to please. He approached Meryl with a heavy smile.

“How’d things go in there?”

“Fine,” she replied with a measure of politeness added in. “So, where to next?”

“We’ve got a general inquiry meeting to attend to go over the basics of the operation. From there, it’ll be a series of training classes for the next few days. We’re going to get you all up to speed on policies, politics, and Korean culture to make sure your presence doesn’t arouse suspicion. Pretty much for the next week, we’re going to train you to become an official member of the President’s cabinet.”

All of that sounded like standard operating procedures. So far so good. Meryl was looking forward to this challenge. Most Americans don’t ever get a chance to even meet the President of their country let alone work for him.

Tracy led the way through the ensuing chaos of the office and quickly came to a halt in front of a long conference room. The windows were large but heavily tinted. Not a single trace of light could escape from within. Like a proper gentleman, Tracy opened the door for Meryl and escorted her inside.

Half a dozen agents stood and sat around a large conference room table. Each of them had a laptop not too far from their seats. Three projectors displayed various data and images pertaining to the upcoming operation. The sole standing agent maneuvered around the table and quickly greeted Meryl with a strong but welcoming handshake.

“Special Agent Conner Williams,” he spoke.

This agent was fairly average in height and weight nor was he physically imposing in the slightest. His salt and pepper colored hair was short and thick. Agent Williams definitely had a few more years on most of the people in the room but what he lacked in youthful exuberance he sure made up in intelligence and experience, according to his dossier anyways.

“You must be Special Agent Meryl Lewis, correct?”

“Yes sir,” she replied. “It’s a pleasure to be working with you.”

“Pleasure’s all mine Lewis,” he walked her in and pulled out a chair for her. “The Director’s had nothing but good things to say about you and your partner for a while now. I’ve been looking forward to meet the agents that our boss holds in such high regard.”

Looks like all of the extra effort Meryl has put in around the office has paid off lately. She had done a good job of impressing the Bureau in her short time here. It took the L.A.P.D. two years before they recognized her in such a manner. Granted that may be on account of all of her previous write ups holding her back.

“I’ll keep it brief but let me introduce you to the team you’ll be working with over the next week,” said Williams.

He started to around the room, clockwise from where Meryl was seated and began the formal introductions.

“Next to you we have Agent Marshall Hayes. He’s our political expert and will training you on all of the specific White House SOPs you’ll need to follow. Then we have Agent Shelly Yuan, our translator and lead in the field of Asian history and culture. She’s going to teach you some basic greetings as well as mannerisms on how to act and what to expect in their presence. Agents Robert Murphy and Paul Langdon they’re our field leaders and responsible for handling all of the behind the scenes work in our operation. And finally there’s Sergeant Bill Bower with the Secret Service. He’s here to help coordinate our operation and to make sure everything is following protocol.”

With the exception of Agent Yuan being the only female of the group, none of them had any real distinguishing features worth noticing. Maybe the lack of sleep had finally gotten to her and started to wear on her senses but most of their faces just blurred into one standard mess. Meryl did her best to remain focused and attentive, even if it meant feigning interest at the highest degree.

“It’s nice to meet all of you,” Meryl chipped in. “I’m looking forward to working with you all.”

Everyone smiled and gave a standard greeting. They all looked very pleased to be working here, or at the very least, were pretty good at pretending like it anyways.

“Alright then, now that the pleasantries are out of the way, let’s get down to business.”

Agent Williams began his spiel. Meryl locked her eyes and sharpened her mind on all of the information being presented. For an operation of this size, it’s not uncommon to see this many people in the room all working towards the same goal. It wasn’t necessarily a bad thing. Meryl was just used to more intimate meetings usually between her, Michael, and Nicole. With both of them out of the picture, it would be a bit heartbreaking but instead of feeling down about it, Meryl looked at this as an opportunity to shine. This would be her operation to make or break. She wanted to live up to the legendary reputation that was building up all around her. If she didn’t keep up, it would slip right by her.

The meeting continued on wearing on Meryl’s resilience to stay awake. Everything about it felt standard. If things stayed at this pace, the next couple of days were going to be a piece of cake.


March 24th, 2013 12:48PM

Los Angeles, CA

A half hour of sleep was all that Adrian afforded himself on the flight back to headquarters. With his superior in the hospital and two best agents out of the office, it was up to the Special Agent in Charge to carry the load from here on out. He walked through the empty office with a powerful aura swelling around him. Not that anyone would notice since it the place was mostly deserted on this and every other Sunday since. He would like to attribute it to the sense of pride he felt for being the temporary boss but it was mostly thanks for the four cups of coffee he pounded between Vegas and L.A.

A series of sharp buzzed came from within the S.A.C.'s coat pocket. Adrian quickly grabbed his phone and answered.

“Go for Fischer.”

“Adrian, Tom Prince.”

Adrian was a bit surprised to hear back from the Vegas S.A.C. seeing as their business was concluded last night but grew increasingly more curious as to why he called.

“How can I help you Tom?”

“It's about the bust last night. I was having my guys go through Logan's files but they hit a crossroad. Normally I'd send this off to D.C. and have their analysts take a look at it given the severity of situation but I thought I'd give you guys a call first and see if you wanted a crack at it. Nicole was very invested in the operation last night so that's why I'm calling.”

“Did you speak with Commander Wells first?”

“I did. Just got off the phone with her,” Prince happily replied. “She sounds like she's doing better. Hear anything new from the doctors?”

Adrian shook his head as if Tom was standing in the room right next to him.

“Nothing yet. But I'll touch base with you as soon as I hear something different.”

“Please do.”

Thinking about his superior’s condition seemed to create a giant pit in his stomach. Nevertheless, duty calls.

“What did the Commander have to say regarding the matter at hand?”

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