Agent M: Testament (The Agent M Series Book 2) (17 page)

BOOK: Agent M: Testament (The Agent M Series Book 2)
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“Good luck on your journey,” waved Adriel from inside the driver’s seat of the black Mercedes Benz CLS63 AMG coupe.

The organization known as Testament knew how to ride in style but Davis was quick to assure Michael on the ride over that this was a gift from one of the many people they have helped throughout the years.

“Take care Adriel,” Davis waved back and walked alongside his new companion towards the next step on their quest.

The FBI agent still had his apprehensions about continuing this assignment. He gave a quick thought to attacking Davis, jumping the pilot and taking off by himself but dismissed it soundly soon after. Unless he was able to take out this organization as a whole, it would only be a mere bump in the road to find him again. And besides, he needed to put on a good show for these guys. He was being tested after all.

They climbed up the built in staircase and entered the luxurious aircraft. The clean smell of leather poured through the spacious confines of this vehicle. Cream white graced the interior of the cabin with a small run of black marble along the sides. Michael took the lead and sat down in the very first seat. Davis quickly plopped down right next to him and strapped on the safety belt.

“Good morning gentlemen,” chimed a voice over the radio. “It is currently 1:13AM and according to our data it will be a smooth flight over the Pacific towards our destination. I ask that you kindly strap yourselves as we prepare to take off momentarily.”

“Thank you for doing this on such short notice Elijah,” called Davis.

“It’s my sincerest pleasure to aid a Paladin in their time of need,” he replied.

Davis turned his attention towards his strong but silent companion.

“Elijah has just recently received the title of Cleric in our organization. Though young, he is one of our best pilots so rest assured Michael. You are in both good and capable hands.”

Michael did not offer a response. He turned his head towards the window and stared out at the black abyss. His body was still fairly worn out from his previous battle but a good night’s rest would help alleviate that minor concern. The chances of actually catching some decent sleep seemed distant. Even after all of the kindness Testament has shown Michael up to this point he still held his reservations. Before he knew it, his eyes were shut and the thoughts of anything other than peace began to dwindle. Sleep found Michael quicker than he anticipated and hopefully by the time he woke up, they’d already be back on the ground.





March 24th, 2013 8:19AM

Washington, D.C.

Golden rays of light pierced through the shallow plastic confines of the beige window screen. The bright sun rose quickly over the horizon finding its way into the young FBI agent’s presence all too early. Meryl’s body demanded more rest. She had hoped to sleep through most of the flight but was only able to catch roughly a good hour. Sadly enough, it wasn’t all in a row. Being blessed with having a first class seat should have made it easy and yet, something had made Meryl feel restless throughout the trip. Maybe it was the adrenaline still sneaking through her system after the shootout or the sour taste left in her mouth when leaving Adrian Fischer behind. Whatever her mind was trying to justify, her eyes couldn’t help but steal occasional glances at the empty seat next to her.

The plane touched down at Dulles International Airport and not a moment too soon. Meryl popped of her seatbelt and was the first out the door. She barely waited for the announcement before grabbing her bag and heading down the tunnel. The quicker she got there, the quicker this would all be over and she could return to normal life. Well, as normal as normal gets for a rambunctious agent of the FBI anyways.

As she passed into the gate she spotted someone holding a sign high above their head with her name and Michael’s written on it. They must have had good reason too because Meryl couldn’t see much else besides the white board and a pair of small fat hands holding them up. She quickly moved through the crowd and approached the one so desperately trying to get her attention and confirmed why he had to do so.

“Good morning,” Meryl called. “I’m Special Agent Meryl Lewis.”

She extended her hand out to greet the short and stocky man. He had the look of a desk man written all over him. The poor guy was shorter than Meryl and her height was barely above average for a woman. He had soft and neatly trimmed brown hair and a pair of fairly thick glasses pressed upon his face. Not bad but not quite what Meryl was expecting from the main branch of the FBI. Though if he shaved a few pounds he might be considered mildly attractive.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you Agent Lewis,” he eagerly replied while vigorously shaking her hand.

His excitement showed in spades. Perhaps he should be let out of the office a little more often.

“I’m Special Agent Tracy Rogers and I will be your liaison for the duration of your stay here in D.C. If there’s anything you need just let me know.”

“I’ll be sure to do that Agent Rodgers. And please, call me Meryl.”

His grin became wide after hearing Meryl’s words.

“And I go by Tracy, or even Trace if you’d like.”

Meryl could feel his gaze extending not just on her but through her.  He looked as though he was expecting something more. Then it hit her before he even spoke.

“I thought there was another with you.”

Rogers couldn’t hide the puzzled look on his face. He tried to stare over Meryl to catch a good look at the gate.

“Special Agent Michael Madison?”

“Nope. Just me.”

Meryl glanced behind her and quickly returned with a forced smile.

“Michael, err,” she caught herself quickly before sounding too informal with someone from the head office, “Agent Madison will be arriving later.”

“Well, alright then,” replied Tracy hoping to still ignite some enthusiasm within his new guest. “If you’ll just follow me. I have a car waiting for us outside.”

Tracy quickly maneuvered through the crowd with Meryl following closely behind. They soon found their way outside and into the cool breeze of the crisp Maryland air. The sun was already blaring down and giving the clean blue sky a brilliant shine.

“Right this way,” directed Tracy. He pointed Meryl over to his parked and stereotypically colored black Lincoln LKZ. Meryl always enjoyed the subtle privileges of carrying a badge. Being able to leave a parked car in front of an airport security was highly frowned upon in today’s political climate. It’s the little perks that always made this job worthwhile because the salary certainly left more to be desired.

Meryl opened the door only to find a manila folder occupying the passenger seat. Tracy quickly picked them up and passed them over to her as she entered the vehicle. The car was well cleaned and surprisingly roomy. Either Tracy or his superiors were looking to make a good impression of how things work in the main office.

“That is the dossier going over the activities planned for this week. Feel free to take a look at during the ride.”

“Thanks,” replied Meryl as opened up the packet.

Typical papers stared back at her detailing and outlining all of the major events going on. The flight coupled with lack of sleep had gotten to her more than she was letting on. It was too much of a beautiful day to waste it buried in work this early in the morning. Meryl decided to pursue small talk instead.

“It’s a shame they’ve got you working on a Sunday.”

“That’s been the story of my life for the past month,” Tracy quipped. “With all of the preparations for this meeting going on, the Director’s had us working seven days out most weeks. Lot of stuff happening and not enough eyes to track it all. We’re being particularly careful to watch any kind of unique activities and nip them in the bud before they have a chance to grow.”

“Anything wild happen so far?” Meryl retorted hoping to hear a funny or interesting response in in return. Hopefully both.

“Fortunately things have been quiet. I mean, there’s a lot more traffic and some things that would normally get listed as low priority get kicked up to top but nothing too out of the ordinary. The Director’s been under a lot of stress thanks to all this. I think that’s why he recommended you and Agent Madison for the operation. We’ve been so busy keeping things under control here I don’t think the Director could afford to lose anyone.”

Meryl didn’t feel as relieved as she thought she would after hearing that news. The last year on the job has been anything but quiet so this should be a welcomed break.

“Did the Director pitch this OP to Secret Service?”

“No ma’am,” Tracy quickly countered. “This one came from the Commander in Chief himself. I wasn’t privileged to be on that meeting but our new President is trying to make sure all of the branches of government are playing nice together. So he proposed this joint OP to the CIA, FBI, and Secret Service. Of course, no one was going to turn down the President. Especially when he’s still fresh into his new role. So, grudges were quelled and lines of authority were blurred once they all sat down and came up with a plan that they agreed was the best course of action.”

That got the gears in Meryl’s head to spin.

“Does the President really think this meeting is a potential security threat?”

“Heck no!” Tracy joked. “This wasn’t even his idea. His security advisors said came up with the original plan. To them, anyone who steps through that door is a security threat. Even you and me. We’re just on the lower level than most. They had so many ideas running through their heads about what could happen that the President stepped in to put the matter to rest. That’s essentially why he suggested the cross-organization team up.”

“And have all the plans been finalized?”

“Pretty much. Just waiting for the last two pieces of the puzzle,” Tracy said sending over an implied wink in Meryl’s direction.

The car began to slow down upon arrival at their intended destination. It was hard to believe Meryl was just here over a year ago right after graduating from the FBI Academy in Quantico just down the road. The massive gray structure standing at almost ten stories high wouldn’t look like much upon first glance. Most people wouldn’t be able to tell the J. Edgar Hoover Building apart from the latest dot-com company. However, it is truly what’s on the inside that makes this place special.

“We’re here.”

Tracy stopped the car in what looked to be a parking spot reserved just for him in-between two marked vehicles and killed the ignition. The doors popped open seemingly simultaneously as both FBI agents took their leave. Meryl made sure to grab the files and followed Tracy along through the entrance of the building. Black trimmed glass doors slid open automatically upon their approach. They casually stepped through and approached the security kiosk. Tracy already had his badge well in hand before he spoke.

“Special Agent Rogers with Special Agent Lewis.”

Meryl handed over her badge in a similar fashion to her liaison. The security guard gave it a quick once over and logged their entry into the system. He handed back both badges promptly.

“I’ll alert the Director to your arrival.”

“Great, thanks,” nodded Tracy as he escorted Meryl to the elevators.

He tapped the button and waited patiently for its arrival. Once the doors opened, they stepped in and began their ascension to the main floor.

“Don’t worry, we’re going to have fun from here on out.”

Meryl smiled politely and nodded. She didn’t think she looked particularly nervous but perhaps he was just trying to ease any tension. This was FBI headquarters after all. Most agents don’t even get to see this place after graduation while others want nothing more but to come back. Any agent that aspires to be something more will inevitably wind up working in this building. Meryl wasn’t exactly sure it was right for her. Definitely not right at this moment but that’s where she lived. Thinking about the future wasn’t really her style.

The elevator came to a halt and opened to a scene of controlled chaos. Even though it’s been a year since she’s been in the building, Meryl never remembered it being this busy. Everyone appeared to have a place to go, phone call to make, or meeting to join. The only thing missing would be papers flying and they could classify this as the world’s first man made tornado.

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