Agent M: Testament (The Agent M Series Book 2) (18 page)

BOOK: Agent M: Testament (The Agent M Series Book 2)
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Tracy led the way through the bedlam of agents and within no time at all arrived at the office of the Director of the FBI. He gave a gentle knock on the door.

“Sir, we’ve arrived.”

Throughout the commotion outside, a distinct “Come in,” could be heard through the door.

Tracy opened it up and allowed Meryl to step through first. The thing that caught Meryl’s immediate attention was just how big the Director’s office was. Sure he was responsible for the entire operation and wellbeing of the Federal Bureau of Investigation but it appeared to be as nice and eloquent as some of the top CEOs in the country. Meryl had a bit more experience with that than she cared for which would explain why a place like this felt so memorable.

Seated at the desk with a computer masking most of his features was Howard Miller, the FBI’s current Director for the past three years. He had soft gray hair but a stern face and sharp facial features. Though he was old enough to be Meryl’s father he looked tough as nails with a physique to back it up. His desk was completely buried in papers and all of the walls of his office were coated with hundreds upon hundreds of photographs. None of them looked like they were personal.

“Special Agent Lewis,” the Director spoke pulling himself from his chair.

He approached Meryl swiftly and extended his hand.

“It’s a pleasure to see you again.”

His voice was deep and gruff as if sleep was a suggestion rather than a necessity. Meryl made sure to silently clear her throat in a vain attempt to sound less tired than she actually was.

“And you as well sir,” Meryl replied hoping to sound with equal amounts of professionalism and glee.

This man was his boss after all. Though not directly, he could control the future of Meryl’s career with a single email.

“I trust you had good flight given the accommodations,” he said while walking back to his desk.

The director offered chair nearby for his newly arrived guest.

“Why don’t you go ahead and take a seat.”

Meryl took his offer graciously.

“Thank you sir.”

“Agent Rogers,” The Director called. “Give us a few moments. I’ll call you when we’re done.”

“Yes sir,” replied the portly FBI agent.

The door shut behind him and left Meryl alone with the most powerful man in her organization. Though meeting him only once and briefly at that during graduation, she didn’t feel nervous in the slightest. They were the ones that called her here. She felt honored above all else.

“Sorry to bring you in on a Sunday but I’ve got the President breathing down my neck about getting this thing off the ground. The sooner we get you up to speed, the sooner we can get through this mess and go home.”

“I’m looking forward to working with you sir and I welcome the opportunity to offer my assistance.”

That sounded a bit more robotic that Meryl had hoped but she couldn’t help it. She had nothing but the utmost amount of respect for this man. If not for him, Meryl wouldn’t have been allowed to work in the L.A. office. She would have probably been stuck here.

“How are things treating you over in Los Angeles? Not driving you nuts there already I hope.”

“Not at all,” defended Meryl. “Things have been going really well. I enjoy coming into work every day and the people I work with. I couldn’t ask for much more than that.”

“That’s what I like to hear. Speaking of such.”

Howard began while pulling up a file from on top of his desk. He tossed it across and it slid gently over towards Meryl before coming to a complete stop. She opened it up to see a page full of accounting data filled with some very large numbers.

“I just heard back from the Vegas field office. Looks like there’s close to a couple hundred million dollars’ worth of untaxed cash under Mr. Logan’s account. Once we get a solid conviction, that money will be going straight back to the taxpayers.”

Meryl tried her best to hold back a smile. She barely succeeded.

“Another great job from you two as always,” praised Howard. “If you’re looking for a change in scenery, I’d be happy to take you out of L.A.’s hands.”

Meryl politely laughed at the comment.

“Thanks. I’ll keep that in mind.”

With the pleasantries out of the way, the Director thought it best to get right down to business.

“Let’s get to it then. With the Koreans arriving in six days, we’ve been hard at work here coming up with a plan that works best for everyone. Our joint efforts with the Secret Service and CIA notwithstanding, everything you do will be under my jurisdiction. Is that understood?”

“Yes sir,” she wholeheartedly replied.

“Good. If any one of them gives you so much of an ugly stare you let me know.”

Meryl nodded. His levity about the situation was reassuring. The Director may have been humble but still carried an aura of distrust. It’s a shame to see government agencies at each other’s throats like this but it’s been business as usual for the most part.

“I trust Agent Fischer has briefly gone over the details.”

“Briefly, yes.”

“Good,” the Director smiled.

He was an easy man to please in some respects.

“These peace talks are on the President’s highest priority. He wants to ensure everything goes well. Though we’ve liberated a nation of people there are still some that don’t consider our actions noble. That’s why the President wants to bring together both nations to work out a plan that works for everyone. Hell, if he can get us to play nice with the CIA, I’d say he’s more than up to the task at hand.”

Without giving Meryl a moment to enjoy his last comment, the Director continued.

“Safety is the number one priority here. He wants both nations to feel like they are on equal ground and free from any potential threats. Of course, if you ask three different agencies how safe our nation’s headquarters is you’re going to get three different answers. The President wants to change the image of our nation in the eyes of those who thought so negatively about us only a few months back so he’s doing whatever it takes to make us appear humble and forthcoming with their needs.”

“Where is this meeting being held?”

The Director scoffed.

“The Oval Office.”


This revelation sent tons of alarm bells ringing in Meryl’s head. According to the expression on her superior’s face, he at least shared similar sentiments.

“The President has affirmed and reaffirmed that opening up his doors to these two nations would bring about the quickest resolution. Naturally it’s a security nightmare having so many foreigners and diplomats within the walls of the most sacred building in the country but the President insisted.”

“And all the departments agreed?”

“Technically it’s the safest building in the country. We’ve got cameras and audio surveillance covering every inch of that place twice over. Guided tours have been shut down for the past month to clean up and ensure no foreign affects have been left over or planted. We’ve got everything on lock down to make the most impenetrable fortress in our nature even more secure. All of our ducks are in a row. Now we just need to make sure it stays that way.”

Meryl nodded. The Director seemed so sure that everything was under control but the way he explained it to his subordinate made it seem like he was trying to convince himself more than her.

“You have the distinct pleasure of being the only agent from our department to sit in on the meeting undercover. Two Secret service agents will be accompanying the President throughout the day of course but that’s standard operating procedure. We’re having you posing as the President’s direct aid and liaison to the meeting. You’ll be the first to meet both nations as they arrive, ensure they have everything they need, and watch over things as the meeting progresses. Of course, you’ll be wired so we’ll be listening in but you’re mainly going to be our eyes in this operation. The President is ordering that the security cameras be taken offline during these meetings at the request of both Korean nations. As much as everyone wants to be a part of history, this is meant to be a private affair. According to the President anyways.”

That was an interesting proposition from their Commander in Chief. Normally, anyone with a decent internet connection could log in and watch the Oval Office at work all day. Meryl was starting to like what she heard about their new President as this discussion progressed. He was starting to sound like Meryl’s kind of guy.

“I’m honored sir.”

“Don’t be,” the Director scoffed.

That took Meryl back a step. Howard looked so annoyed that she instantly felt uncomfortable sitting in here with him.

“It wasn’t my idea but our foreign advisors said that it would in our best interest if there were a woman in the room. They said it would work to both nations’ benefit. Their culture naturally looks down on females and having someone there in a position to where they can feel authoritative will help both parties play nice.”

Meryl felt the sour tinge of disgust coat the back of her throat. Throughout all of her life she had to fight tooth and nail to prove that she was not only equal to men but, for the most part, superior as well. The fact that she’s being demoted back down to the gender stereotypes she fought so hard to overcome was almost enough to induce vomiting. She was nearly ready to walk out of that door without so much as a wave goodbye and never look back.

“But damn it, if they want a woman watching over them in there I’m sure as hell going to make sure they get our best.”

The Director’s compliment sent a rush of blood flooding into Meryl’s cheeks. He not only completely empathized with Meryl’s plight but seemed just as angry. At least he had the decency to give them someone worthy to sit in that room. Meryl decided to placate their Korean guests. It certainly wouldn’t be the most belittling undercover assignment she ever took. That honor goes to yesterday’s events in Vegas.

Changing gears, the Director pulled up another file on his computer.

“It’s a shame I can’t put you both in the same room but the Secret Service was adamant about having Agent Madison join them for this operation.”

Though she regretted it personally, Meryl respected their decision from a professional’s standpoint. It wasn’t like they were on separate Ops. They’d be working in the same building. Just different offices.

“Speaking of which. It’s a shame Agent Madison was able to join us today.”

“About that,” Meryl started.

The Director cut her off.

“We’re not about repeat history are we Agent Lewis? I can’t speak enough about Agent Madison’s results but his methods leaves more to be desired. If I can’t keep my own agents in line, that reflects poorly on me. I can’t have another AWOL incident. Especially at a time like this,” Miller sighed drinking in the severity of his words.

“Now, is there anything you’d like to tell me about what happened that would ease my thoughts and maybe allow me to sleep for a few minutes tonight?”

Meryl took a deep breath. Words couldn’t express her feelings at this time. There wasn’t anything she could tell him that he didn’t already know. She was in the dark as much as he was. Still, Meryl just couldn’t abandon Michael. Wherever he was, whatever he was doing, she was sure he had his reasons.

“Agent Madison,” she began.

Her instinctual reaction was to shove her bottom lip under the safe confines of her pearly white teeth but that move would have screamed her insecurities at the highest ranking officer in her organization. This wasn’t the time to be timid. She just had to be honest.

“I’m sorry,” started Meryl, “but Michael is a model employee. He is timely, efficient, and unlike most people would just speak the words, Michael has proven that he’d give his life for the FBI if that were the only solution available. Not that he has much of one now all things considering…”

Meryl stopped herself from revealing too much of her deeper personal thoughts on the matter. She took another deep breath hoping to convey all of her feelings into one final thought.

“I’ve never seen anyone work as hard or sacrifice everything as he has. I don’t think we should ever question what Michael’s up to but rather commend him for doing so without ever asking any himself.”

“Shit,” the Miller coughed. “So you don’t know either? I was hoping if anyone did, it would be you.”

“Excuse me?”

Meryl quizzically stared back at him. Before she could speak in his defense, the Director chimed in.

“I commend you on your words Agent Lewis,” he started. “You’re absolutely right. Every word of it. Hell, I’ve known it since the day he started. Everyone has their little quirks. Whether it’s shying away from authority or constantly butting heads with it.”

The last words were met with a raised eyebrow pointed squarely at Meryl. He didn’t even try to be subtle calling her out on those legendary instincts of hers.

“Either way, I still have a job to do. I just wanted to make sure that you both still knew which team you’re playing for. Is that clear Agent Lewis?”

Meryl nodded. It was embarrassing enough she already had a reputation around this parts that shit didn’t dare continue living up to it.

“I already got an earful from Agent Fischer as well. I knew he’d be good down there but not that good. I hope he hasn’t been causing you any undue stress. I sent him to get L.A. organized but if he’s getting in your way you just let me know and I’ll take care of it. That is my gift to you for taking on this assignment Agent Lewis and being an otherwise model employee throughout your year with us.”

A professional compliment and invitation to speak directly with the head of your organization was enough to make Meryl’s day. Things were definitely looking up for her tenure at the FBI.

“That reminds me,” started the Director as he picked up his desk phone. “I need to touch base with him and see how Director Wells is doing.”

“What?” Chimed in an inquisitive Meryl. Her eyebrow raised sharply.

“You haven’t heard?” He replied. “Nicole collapsed outside of the airport just before your flight took off.”

“Oh my God,” Meryl gasped.

Her heart nearly stopped at that very moment. Thankfully she was able to get out three coherent words before the rush of emotion swelled over her.

“Is she okay?”


March 24th, 2013 7:29AM

Las Vegas, NV

Nicole Wells rested gently on the freshly pressed hospital bed with her gaze fixated on the window. The sun had just started to rise yet it felt like ages since she’s been able to simply relax and enjoy a view like this. She still hadn’t fully gotten over the embarrassing events that transpired just a few hours ago but Nicole relished in the fact that she was awake and alive to appreciate this beautiful moment.

The Sunrise Valley Hospital was very accommodating after her little episode near the airport. The last time Nicole remembered fainting thanks to her Sarcoidosis was right before she was first diagnosed. There hasn’t been another incident since which triggered thoughts that Nicole did not want to confront.

Sitting across from her, Adrian Fischer appeared to be the epitome of a perfect gentleman. He watched over her immediately after she fainted, called emergency services and stayed with her throughout the night to ensure everything was going to be okay. Their little spat seemed like it never transpired. Though he was a little rough around the edges and followed protocol a little too closely for Nicole’s taste, he wouldn’t let any ill feelings he may hold against her get in the way of doing the right thing. That was more than enough to drive Nicole’s guilt right up the wall.

The door calmly opened and Dr. Haresh Nayar stepped in with chart in hand.

“Good morning again Agent Fischer,” he smiled and nodded.

“Hello doctor,” Adrian replied standing up and shaking his hand once more. “What have you been able to find?”

He was a tall man with dark brown skin and midnight black hair that looked very young for his age. A finely pressed white coat he wore over his light blue dress shirt and brown slacks appeared as if the colors had been specially made for him to wear. He’d been on site for the last few hours and had given Nicole a lot of attention during that time at the request of her subordinate.

“Ms. Wells’ condition is rather unique. I just got off the phone with her physician back in Los Angeles and he forwarded all of her medical records. Looking over them I’d say we’re surprised she’s managed to go this long without being on permanent medical leave.”

Adrian had a suspicion that was the case. His superior always had a way to keep things hidden. It appears her luck has finally run out in this case but Adrian did not feel like it was a victory. He’d never admit it to her directly but Nicole Wells was the best Assistant Director to ever step in that office. Her record for closed cases was impeccable and she had a naturally affinity to command and lead. If only she adhered to protocol more often. Unfortunately, that’s probably what made her so damn good at her job.

A few more pages flipped on Dr. Nayar’s clipboard as he continued.

“I’m still waiting for the test results to come back to see what we can do for you Ms. Wells but until then I’m afraid we’re going to have to hold you here for observation for the next few days. I like to keep an optimistic outlook on things but given the data I received I’d like to file this under better safe than sorry.”

Nicole couldn’t even find the strength to give the doctor a look. She continued to stare out the window hoping to enjoy one last moment before the world came crashing down on her once more.

“I’ve asked the nurses to pay special attention to you Ms. Wells for the duration of your stay. If there’s anything you need, please let them know. I’m going to be around for a couple more hours but I promise I won’t go anywhere until I’ve gotten the results back and can give you a solid answer.”

“Thank you doctor,” smiled Adrian.

That was something Nicole had rarely seen on that man but with her eyes fixated on the Nevada landscape outside, she missed another opportunity to spot it.

The doctor left the room which prompted Adrian to walk over to Nicole and stand between her view of freedom. There was no way in hell he was going to let her walk away from this line of questioning.

“How are you feeling?”

“I already told you Adrian,” she defended.

The last words she’d spoken were to Meryl before she left to D.C. Her voice sounded a little coarse but no worse for wear.

“I’m fine.”

“Could have fooled me,” he casually retorted. “I knew there was something going on. I’ve been watching you for weeks Nicole. You haven’t been well since the undercover OP at the high school. Tonight was the breaking point. Why have you been pushing yourself so hard?”

Adrian’s words sounded casual and comforting. This was rather unlike him. They rarely, if ever, called each other by their first names. Maybe if Nicole had given him the benefit of the doubt they may have been able to go beyond tolerating each other’s existence. In another world, they even could have been friends.

The question asked forced Nicole to ponder a formidable response. She knew there wasn’t much time left for her. All of her work up to this point has been for a purpose. Death staring her in the face yet again couldn’t force her to tell him the truth. Not that she didn’t trust him, which she didn’t, but because it involved the life of another. Nicole couldn’t burden this man with that knowledge. It was her cross to bear. She couldn’t tell him the truth so Nicole resorted to what she does best.

“After Joshua passed, there was a big void in the office. Everyone felt so vulnerable and afraid. I couldn’t let our department suffer so I took the burden upon myself. I buried myself in work. To a fault maybe. With all of the chaos going on every week, people started to forget why they were so afraid anymore. And then it was business as usual. Pushing myself a little harder every day for the sake and wellbeing of my staff is nothing compared to burden of living in fear.”

“And Agent Madison and Agent Lewis? Do they share your sentiments?”

Nicole paused for a moment.

“Agent Madison is a unique individual. He’ll do whatever it takes to get the job done. He…”

She stopped herself for a second wondering if this was worth speaking. It may ease Adrian’s worries and perhaps lead him in a more positive direction so she continued.

“He was so fragile before he joined the Bureau. Almost broken, in a sense. But he grew stronger and hardened himself for everyone’s sake. I know for a fact that if he could go back in time, he would switch places with Joshua in a heartbeat.

BOOK: Agent M: Testament (The Agent M Series Book 2)
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