Read Aegis: Catalyst Grove Online
Authors: Nathan Roten
Pusher A Pusher has the ability to fire energy into solid surfaces, then having the energy deflect at any angle. |
Bridge The bridge gifting is normally developed in the introverted personality, whereas the subject prefers to work in the background, not wanting to be the center of attention. Aquatic A very rare gifting indeed. Surge The surge gifting is a term to describe rapid movement. Former The Former gifting gives the subject the ability to form objects out of the raw power given by the catalyst. The Aegis The gifting of the full power of the Aegis has not yet been found or understood by either side. |
Nathan Roten grew up in the mountains of North Carolina where he spent hours on end acting out the epic scenes playing in the theatre in his head. Knowing that he had to eventually grow up, he attended Appalachian State University, and moved on to be co-owner of 2 companies. In 2011, he began his official writing career with the publication of his non-fiction book, Embark. Now, with the desire to be that kid again who wages epic battles in his head, he has come back to his love for fiction. Aegis: Catalyst Grove is his debut novel. He resides in the small mountain town of Boone, North Carolina with his beautiful wife and two children.
Nathan would like to invite you to connect with him wherever you are in cyberspace:
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I hope you have enjoyed Aegis. I consider it an honor that anyone be willing to spend their hard earned money on my work. You will come to find that an underlying theme in all my books will be having a higher purpose. To take a step outside of the mundane, normal world and be a part of something much bigger than any one person. That to me, is the definition of epic. I hope you continue to enjoy these adventures as much as I enjoy writing them.
I wanted to take this section of the book to simply thank you. You could have spent your money on a more established book; one trending or topping the charts, but instead, you took the chance on this one. For Indie Authors such as myself, you have no idea how much that is appreciated. So THANK YOU!
In this day and age, the success for any author is still in word of mouth; the most effective way being in the form of reviews. If you enjoyed this book; if you connected with the characters, got caught up in the suspense and battles, resonated with some of the underlying themes, or if you just want to help an Indie Author such as myself connect with their readers, then would you take a few precious moments out of your day and leave a review? That is a very quick and free way to show appreciation to an author. Leaving a review will do many things. It will let me know what you think, it will help the visibility and reach of this series, and most importantly, it will give me warm fuzzy feelings all over. You can leave your review here:
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I first want to thank God for giving me the passion and gift of writing.
I am here today because of your love.
None of this would have been even remotely possible without the support of my family.
Kelly, Anna Gray, & Sam- I love you so much.
Thank you for all your love and support.
Mom, Dad- Thanks for your encouragement and constantly listening to my ideas and development.
A special thanks to Jordan for doing a stellar job on the editing.