Aegis: Catalyst Grove (40 page)

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Authors: Nathan Roten

BOOK: Aegis: Catalyst Grove
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He ran through the opening of the arch where the door had just been, continued around the side, and back around to where he had first stood.
“What is going on?”

Alex pulled the door back open, revealing the inside of the Mansion.
“I told you it was secretive,” he said.
Graham ran back inside, then back outside to take another look.
He could clearly see the tree line and blue sky, just above the arch, but when he ran inside, he could also clearly see the twelve foot high ceilings, knowing there was at least another floor above.

I don’t understand,” stammered Graham, in a very incoherent sentence.

“It is a long story.
I’ll be sure to explain later.
For now, just be glad it is concealed, though I think you have always known that there was something special about this place.”

Alex was right.
Graham did always feel at peace here.
He could never put his finger on the reason, but there was always something magical and comforting about the arch.
Now he knew why.
There was a secret Mansion behind it.

Alex showed Graham back into the living room.
He explained to the others that it was time to take them back to their Orphanages.
The destruction of Portfield Manor had made headline news, and naturally each Orphanage Director and Matron was concerned for the welfare of their kids.

“I have met with Ms. Winstone and Mr. Pitman.
I assured them that you are all perfectly healthy and in tact.
They are eager to see you all.”

“What about the adoption?
Where will we go now that the Manor is gone?” asked Kel.

“Everything is still in order.
I have many homes here in Portfield.
We obviously cannot have the in-home visitations required for the adoptions here in the Falcon, so for the next few months, we will have to be at the other end of the county in the Millstone District.
Once everything is finalized, we will remain here at The HQ.
Until then, you will need to be on your guard.
No one else will be able to see your powers or catalyst bands, but don’t give them an open door to rumor or ridicule.
Go about your business and daily routine until I return for you.”

Everyone gave their good-bye’s and wishes of good luck for Graham, Damien, Kel and Ailey during their final days at their Orphanages.
Alex told them to go back upstairs, where a new set of clothing was provided for each of them to change into.
The sweatsuits with the golden sun emblem would obviously raise too many questions.

Once changed into normal clothes again, Chase had a car parked at the edge of Wellington, ready for Alex to take the kids back.

Addressing them all, Chase said, “It will go by faster than you think.
Trust me.
You will all be back here before you know it.”

Chase walked the kids through the woods and loaded them into the car.
He waved goodbye as the car faded into the distance, then disappeared into the woods towards Falcon.


Scattered Pawns

It was late, and everyone had turned in for the evening.
Only Alex and Cavaness sat at the large dining room table made from two giant slabs of oak.
They were deep in conversation and thought.
The lights in The HQ were all off, except the chandelier hanging over the table, making the seriousness of their conversation tangible.
An air of tension filled the room as they discussed what had just taken place.
Alex stared at Cavaness, his fingers wrapped around the small handle of his coffee mug.

“That is what he said,” said Alex, breaking the silence between them.

“Are you confident he was in his right mind when he said it?
The boy did have quite a time.
When that much power flows through a person, sometimes it makes ones’ recollection disjointed and unreliable,” replied Cavaness.

“I am sure Cavaness.
Both Kel and Ailey corroborated his statement.”
Alex stopped as he lifted his cup to his mouth.
He let the steam dance under his nose for a moment before taking a sip.
“Graham told me about Silas’ remarks.
He knew information about their time in Catalyst Grove that no one else could possibly know.”

Cavaness sat there with one arm on the giant table and held his other hand to his mouth, running his fingers down the sides of his goatee.

“I just can’t imagine it being anyone here.
Silas was a psychology professor in his former life.
You know how he messes with the mind.
Maybe he was mentally trying to tear Graham down.”

“Of that I have no doubt, but I also do not believe that is the whole story.
Silas knew the giftings of Kel, Ailey and Damien.
He knew about Graham’s inability to let his power come to the surface, and there is the most obvious fact that they knew about our facility and it’s location.”
Alex gently pushed his mug aside, as he shifted his gaze from the table to Cavaness.

“No my friend.
I know we do not want to believe it, but we must.
We have a traitor among us.”

Cavaness let out a deep and heavy sigh.
“And what of Portfield Manor and The Grove?
Are we to rebuild it?”

No, I don’t think we can.
It has been exposed now.
They would just burn it again.
We need to send a message to the other facilities.
I will get word to Corbin and he will tell the rest to be on guard.
You know just as well as I that once you step foot here, you can detect it’s energy signature.
If Silas had enough time here, then he will know how to find the rest.
Our first priority is to warn the others.
Only then can we focus on developing our final recruits and flushing out the one who has turned against us.”


Alex took hold of his mug and held it up to Cavaness.
Cavaness took his cup and clanked it against Alex’s mug.

“We dodged a tremendous disaster today, and for that I give thanks.
Moments like these are few and far between these days.
Let’s enjoy them while they last.”

“I’ll drink to that,” said Cavaness.

They both took a sip from their cups in acknowledgment that they were all safe and healthy.
A trying time was upon them.
Tomorrow, they would begin their hunt for their betrayer, but tonight, they were going to celebrate a victory, no matter how small it may be.

He limped trough the dimly lit stone corridor in haste, stopping at the large wooden door to knock.
Two resounding thuds of the metal ring bounced off the door.
Silas impatiently tapped his foot against the floor, the scroll in his hand repeatedly tapping in the hollow of his empty hand.

“What is it,” said a deep, icy voice.
The ’s’ drug out, as if pronounced like a hiss from a snake.

“I bring good news, my Lord,” replied Silas.

“Then by all means, come in,” said the voice from the other side.

Silas opened the door and shut it gently behind him.
Pulling his cane from underneath his arm, he continued walking into the room, his limp obvious and pronounced.
He flinched with every step, trying to hide his injury, but so far unsuccessfully.

“What is this?
What has happened to your leg?

“This is proof that the boy, Graham, is the one we have been searching for.”

“And where is this boy?”

Silas lowered his head in shame, like a dog about to be scolded.
“He has escaped.
We barely made it out alive.
We were in a cavern, and when he went off, the whole place imploded.”

The man’s face grew dark, and his eyes lit with anger.
“So, what you are telling me is that you failed.”

Silas’ voice was now beginning to quiver.
The one thing worse than bringing bad news was to look as though you were making excuses for your failure.

“No, my Lord.
We did confirm that he is indeed the one we have been searching for.”
Silas brought the rolled up scroll over the the vacant table in front of him.
“We also have this.”

The man in the shadows stood from his chair and walked over to the scroll.
Silas unrolled the scroll, revealing a map displaying a detailed sketch of the seven continents.
Hundreds of small orange dots were scattered throughout the land masses, most of which had a small purple flame hovering over top.

“We believe we have found all of them.
40 percent have already been destroyed, and the others will be overtaken by dawn.
As soon as I escaped that cavern, I sent the details of the energy signatures of their training facility to our teams.
Every Former blanketed the sky in search of the specific details I provided.
They were all found within hours.
The Aegis recruitment pool has just dried up, my Lord.
They will be devastated.”

The faint glow of the purple flames casted a sinister glow on the man’s face, making his grin look exceedingly evil as the flame’s reflection danced in his pupils.
“This is good.
This is very good.”

Silas put his hand to his chest and bowed, almost falling as he shifted his weight from his hurt leg to his strong one.
“Thank you my Lord.
It has not been an easy mission, but it has been a successful one.”
Silas paused, trying to choose his next words carefully.

“May I humbly ask a favor from your Lordship?”

The man was still staring at the purple flames, his grin fading a way in annoyance of the request.
“What is it?” he spat.

“It is….my leg. I have tried to heal it myself, but the injury is too severe.
In light of our victory tonight, I was hopeful you would see fit to restore it.”

The man looked intently at Silas, deep in thought of how to handle the situation.

“You have done well tonight.
Alex will be most devastated by the news of his fallen facilities and personnel.
In this, you have made me proud, and for this I commend you.”

Silas stood high, taking pride in his Lord’s contentment.

“However, your mission was to verify the boys’ ability
bring him back with you.
In that you have failed.
It is only because of the destruction of the training facilities that I will not completely tear your worthless leg from your body.
Leave now, and let your handicap be a constant reminder that I expect the orders I give to be completed.”

Silas stumbled back in fear, catching his balance against the stone pillar behind him.
“Ye..yes your Grace.
Thank you for your kindness.
I will not fail you again.”
Silas regained his composure and limped to the door, closing it behind him.

The man walked back to his throne-like chair picking up a small black bishop from the chessboard beside him.
He twisted it in a circle between his thumb and index finger before swiftly moving across the board, knocking over all the white pawns on the first row, then throwing the black bishop down on it’s side.

Mentally addressing Alex, he spoke to the white king chess piece.

“One step at a time brother. One step at a time.”


The Official Power List revealed in Catalyst Grove:


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