Acting On Temptation (Temptations) (22 page)

BOOK: Acting On Temptation (Temptations)
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I smile, “I like you being possessive over me.”

He leans over me, “Oh really you like it.  Tell me what you want.”

I look at him through almost a drunken haze, “Well right now I want you to make love to me and later tonight when we are in our room, I want you to fuck me
, hard.  I want you to make me come so many times that I could sleep for a week.”

He takes my mouth in a forceful kiss, then after removing our clothes he kisses and touches every inch of my body.  It’s almost like he’s worshipping it or savoring it.  We make love right there by the river holding each other.

Chapter 40


Driving back to school looking at my beautiful Anna sitting there, I know I want to be with her every second for the rest of my life.

I grab her hand, “Hey Sweetie.”

She looks over, “Yeah.”

“So when do you think you wanna get married?”

She smiles, “I don’t really know, this is all still so surreal to me.  Every few minutes I think Oh My God I’m engaged.  I have a fiancé.  It just doesn’t seem real.”

I laugh, “Oh, it’s all very real and we are going to revisit how real it is when we get home.”

She giggles, “I know that’s real you perv.” She looks at me, “Why? When do you wanna get married?”

I shake my head, “Hell I’d marry you tomorrow, but I don’t think you’d go for that.”

She barks out a laugh, “No, I wouldn’t.  I want Gabby to be involved in my wedding and that will be easier for her after the baby gets here and is at least a few months old.”

I nod, “Okay so the baby is due in June/July so what do you think of next Winter Break?”

She looks at me like I’m a crazy person, “How about next Summer when the baby is a year old or close to it?  Then maybe he or she can be in our wedding too.”

I shrug, “I guess I can handle that.  So what are we going to do about the living arrangements?  I know Linc is already looking at buying a house, I saw him looking at real estate websites.
But I mean with them having a baby and all I understand.”

“Well, I don’
t think we should jump into buying a house yet.  I know you have money now, but I think we should pretend like you don’t until we actually graduate.  Then we can buy a house where we decide to live.”

I nod, “Good point.  So do you wanna stay renting the place we are at?  I mean I don’t know with the Daria and Cade situation.”

She laughs, “Yeah, I have a feeling that will all be real interesting.  Plus, lets see what Linc and Gabby decide to do, then see what all happens with Cade and Daria?”

“Okay and then if we have to we’ll just rent an apartment by ourselves.”

She smiles, “Sounds good to me.”

“Have I told you in the last five minutes how much I love you?”

She smiles, “Yes, but I can never hear it enough.”

I smile, “Well, I love you.”


A few hours later we pull into our driveway.  When we arrive the front yard is full of police cars
and crime scene tape.

I get out of the car, “What in the hell is going on?”

Anna rounds the car, “Where is everyone?”

All of a sudden we see an
ambulance with Daria sitting in the back her face is bloody.  We run over to the ambulance and Anna jumps in the back, “Daria what’s going on?  Where is Cade?”

The EMT’s are trying to get Anna out, “Ma’am we have to take her to check for broken bones.  Ma’am we need you to get out of the vehicle.”

I step forward, “Sir, if you’ll just give her a minute, this is our house.  We are just trying to figure out what’s going on?”

The EMT looks at me, “Sir she isn’t going to answer any questions, she’s been almost catatonic since we got here.  I think she’s in shock, her parents are meeting us at the ER. The deputy over there can answer your questions.”

I nod, “Anna baby come on let Daria go get checked out, her parents are waiting on her.”

She comes reluctantly
with me and we walk over to the deputy.

I step up, “Excuse me officer, this is our house and our friends
? Can you tell us what happened and where our friend Cade is?”

The officer looks at me, “He was taken to the hospital to get checked out and then he’ll be taken in for questioning.  The assailants have been arrested and are getting checked for injuries, but they will not be released on bail or anything.”

Anna looks at him with a sudden clarity, “Why were they here?”

The officer looked at her, “It appears they were after the young lady Ms. Broxton.”

I look at him confused, “Who is Ms. Broxton?”

Anna looks at me, “It’s Daria’s real last name.”  She looks to the officer, “She uses the last name, Jones now.  She would probably appreciate it if that is the name they use at the hospital.  Most likely this is the very reason she uses it.”

The officer nods and walks to his car. I look at Anna, “Is there something you wanna tell me?  I know Cade was pissed with you guys about keeping secrets and that’s the reason they split.”

She sighs, “Look I don’t really know much, I know about the last name thing and I know Daria’s real Dad is part of an organization that I don’t feel comfortable talking about.  Not out here anyway, I’ll explain what I can on the way to the hospital, but you better call Gabby and Linc.  They have to know about this before they get here, I have a feeling the shit is going to hit the fan.”


Linc and Gabby’s Wedding Day April


I walk down the aisle in front of Gabby, looking over at Russ.  He looks pure edible in his tux.  All the guys are so handsome.  As I reach the front I turn around to see my Dad and Gabby come through the archway. She’s so beautiful.  No surprise our mother isn’t here and was a complete bitch about it all.  I feel so sad for Linc’s mom, they left the seat next to her open in remembrance of his Dad.  Before I know it they are kissing and Gabby is reaching for her bouquet I’m holding.  I guess I’ve been daydreaming this entire time.

I walk to the center and loop my arm through Russ’s.  He kisses my cheek, “You look beautiful sweetie.”

“Thank you.”

An hour or so and five million pictures later we finally get to go to the reception.  We walk over to the area
where I see my sister and Cade dancing so I take a quick picture with my phone and send a quick text.  Then I see them go sit alone at a table together while Linc dances with his mom.

I look over to Russ, “Hey why don’t
you dance with your Mom or Viv?   I’m going to talk to my sister and brother for a minute.”

He nods, “Just save me a dance for later.  You looked so beautiful tonight I can’t wait for
later I’ll get to hook up with a bridesmaid.”

I roll my eyes and
walk over and sit down.  Cade looks up, “So I’m thinking Gabby takes the crown for hottest knocked up chick getting married ever.”

I laugh, “Well it looks like I sat down just in time.”

Gabby looks over at us, “Well if you mean hot as in temperature then yes I’m hot, because this little guy I’m carrying is like my own little portable heater. Who ever talked me into actually having a wedding? I’m not sure but what I’m going to murder them.  Between the wedding, closing on the house, moving into the house, getting the nursery ready, it’s just been a lot to deal with.”

I look over at her, “Well everything today turned out beautiful, it was perfect.  The only thing I wish was different is that Daria could be here with us
and of course Marshall.”

Cade shakes his head, “Let’s not talk about her right now.”

Gabby looks at him, “Cade, Anna and I know you are hurting, but we both miss her and wish that she could be here that’s all we are saying.”

He stands up, “You don’t think I miss her?  You don’t think I wake up every morning missing her touch, the feel of her skin against mine
? Her smell on my sheets.  Hell yes I’m hurting.  I was lied to, my heart was broken into a million pieces, I literally thought I was going to watch her die and she still wouldn’t come completely clean with me. Never mind I can’t talk about this anymore.”

He storms off and
I look at my sister, “Hey its okay.  I know he’s hurt but he eventually has to see the bigger picture.  I mean none of us can change any of it now.”

She wipes a tear, “I know but, I don’t know that he’ll ever get over her.  I mean she’s the only girl to own Cade’s heart.  Did he tell you he’s going home this
summer?  I want him here when I have the baby, but he says he just can’t.”  She’s crying a little harder.

I shake my head, “No he didn’t tell me that, but I’m not shocked.  I think being around us is just a reminder of everything he’s lost.  Maybe he just needs sometime to clear his head.”

She nods, “Maybe.”

I smile, “I’m going to get some wine and I promised my fiancé a dance.” As Linc walks up I walk away.

I find Cade and grab his shoulder, “Okay look I know you are upset with all of this but, you have to be here when Gabby has the baby.  She’s upset about you going home for the summer, and she thinks you won’t be here for the baby to be born.  Now you are our brother.  Whether or not we all came out of the same vagina or not is irrelevant.  You have been there in some form or fashion for most of our major life events, so you will have your ass up here when she has that little boy.  Do you understand?  If you don’t I’m talking to Lydia.  So pull up you big girl panties.”

He nods, “I know and yes I’ll be here for the baby.  I just have some thinking to do and I need some downtime to do it.  Okay?”

I nod, “Okay.”  I feel hands wrap around my waist, and glance up to see Russ.

He leans into my ear, “You owe me a dance.”

I giggle at the vibrations on my ear, “I guess I do.”

We make our way out to the dance floor, looking over at Gabby and Linc dancing I can’t wait for my wedding day.  I see Cade dancing with Vivy and my dad dancing with
Lydia.  This time last year, I was hoping and praying I would get to move in with Gabby.  Then after I got to college, I tried to resist the temptation known as Russ. Well I’m glad I didn’t, I’m glad I acted on it.  I feel my cell phone vibrate in my bra. I pull it out and check the text message.

  She looked beautiful, thanks for the pic wish I could take away his pain.


Russ looks at me, “Who is texting you right now?”

I look up at him, “Just somebody we used to know that still cares.”

Cade has found and lost the love of his life in the past two years. Daria Jones has been running from a past that has caught up with her and wrecked her relationship with her one true love. Can Cade and Daria fix things or are they too stubborn?

Cade and Daria’s Story next in

The third book in the Temptation series

Fighting Temptation…

About the Author

Photos by Shelly Sale

S.M. Donaldson is a wife and mother based on the Gulf Coast of the Florida Panhandle.  She’s funny, sarcastic and has been known to have a potty mouth.  She’s worked in many different fields in her life but, she has always dreamed of writing short stories and books.  She recently penned her first series of novels
Sam’s Choice
Sam’s Fight for Freedom.
  She is currently working on
The Temptation Series

To learn more about S.M. Donaldson visit her at:

Twitter: @

More titles by S.M. Donaldson

Sam’s Choice

Sam’s Fight for Freedom

(The Sam Series)

Lying with Temptation

Acting on Temptation

(The Temptation Series)

Just the Other Sister

(A Novella)

As always if you enjoy these please feel free to review them where you purchased them. 

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