Acting On Temptation (Temptations) (9 page)

BOOK: Acting On Temptation (Temptations)
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Anna rolls back on her side of the bed, “Ugh, what do you have to go talk to Coach about?”

“Well, they were reviewing the tapes from yesterday and if they see that Skylar let me get hit on purpose then, they’ll take action against him.”  I lean over to her and kiss her gently, she pulls me in harder.  I chuckle, “Damn for someone who hasn’t done much in the sex field you sure know how to get someone going.”

She giggles, “Think of it as nineteen years of sexual frustration.  Plus, I just had to find someone I wanted
enough and trusted enough to do those things with.”

I roll my eyes back in my head, “Shit I’m going to kill Skylar, he’s not even here and he’s messing up my game.”

I stand up and she rolls over on her side, “I’m going back to sleep, I‘ll see you when you get back.”

I bend down and give her one more kiss, I can’t get enough of those lips,
and “Mmm, Yeah I’ll see you in a little while.”


              When we arrive at the field house I see Skylar’s truck there along with most of the team’s vehicles.  Linc looks at Cade and I, “Oh this should be fun.”

I walk through the doors and everyone is looking around like
What the Fuck is going on?
  I look over at Skylar and he looks like shit, Anna really did put the beat down on his ass.

About that time Coach walks through the door, “Alright, sit your asses down.  Now I reviewed the tape from yesterday and as much as I
think what I suspect is true I can’t prove it.  So everyone is going to play nice and get along.  Skylar every damn day I see you, you’ve had the hell beat out of you.  So stop doing whatever you’re doing.  Do you wanna tell me what happened?”

Skylar scoffs, “No.”

Jason speaks up, “I will, Anna Lewis kic
ked the shit out of him yesterday in the tunnel.  But he deserved it. He was saying things that aren’t nice to say about girls and they were lies.  Then I found out he slapped her the night before.  So he should be glad that he was already limping away from the tunnel when she told me or else I’d have finished his ass off.  Oh and all of us really know that you did let Russ get hit on purpose you prick.  So not only did you try to sabotage a teammate you tried to sabotage our entire team you dick.”

Skylar looks over at Jason with a cocky grin, “Whatever you wanna think.  You shouldn’t worry about me and what I do or your girlfriend’s big mouth.”

Jason goes to stand up but Coach stops him.  Coach takes off his hat and rubs his head out of frustration, “Skylar, you just be damn glad your
last name is on a building here or I’d kick your ass off this team in a damn heartbeat.  Now, since regardless if yesterday was on purpose or not, which I suspect it was, you still failed at your job on the field. Now, dress out and go run the rocks.”

Skylar bolts up, “What the hell?  I wasn’t the only one who made mistakes on the field.”

Coach got right in his face, “Yeah, but you’re the only one who has no remorse, who is a privileged little prick, who slaps girls and then gets the shit kicked out of his self by them.  So GO RUN THE DAMN ROCKS! BEFORE I QUIT MY JOB JUST SO I CAN KICK YOUR ASS MYSELF!”

We all sit there in silence for a few minutes it seems like. Meanwhile Skylar slams shit around in his locker.  Once he leaves the room everyone bursts out laughing.  Coach tries not to but he even chuckles a little, “Alright, guys let’s not let this mess up our game, Russ will be out for a couple of weeks to make sure his shoulder heals properly, so Cade and Jason you will be picking up some slack.  I want you guys to go home get some rest and have a good Sunday.  Oh, and make sure you boys call your Momma’s, I’m sure since yesterday’s game was televised they all wanna make sure you’re okay.  Russ, I need you in my office.”

I stand up and look at Linc.  Linc sits down outside Coach’s door, while I go in.  “Have a seat Russ.  I want you to know I feel like a real shit that I don’t have enough to kick that little shit off my team.  Doc, myself and several of the other coaches reviewed the tape and reviewed it last night and where we could see what he did, there isn’t enough to prove it.  Especially to a university that loves getting his Daddy’s money.”

I nod, “Coach, what if I had some proof that he’s not eligible to play at all?”

He leans forward, “I’m listening.”

“Linc come in here and bring that folder.”  Once Linc walks in he shuts the door and lays the folder on Coach’s desk.

Coach opens the folder and starts reading.  He looks up at me, “How did you boys get this?”

I look at him, “Well, we all went to the same school.  He was just as big of a prick then. We knew his Daddy bought his way in here.  Because hell the dickhead can barely read, so we knew he didn’t take the SAT or have the grades to get here.  So, before we moved here we did a little recon work at the school. Some of the advisors there felt just as helpless when it came to his Dad.  Let’s face it. His money did a lot for the school, so what teachers and counselors thought was shoved aside by the principal and the school board.”

Coach looks up at us like we just gave him a winning lotto ticket.  “Thanks boys this helps, because as much money as his Daddy gives this place they still wouldn’t like to have a scandal like this hit the papers and cause investigations.  The NCAA and everybody else would be involved.  You boys keep this under your hat for a day or so.  Russ you go home and take care of yourself.”  We stand up to leave and Coach laughs, “Oh and tell Ms. Lewis that she did a really good job kicking his ass.”

We laugh and walk outside where Cade is waiting on us and he looks pissed.  He throws a piece of wadded up paper at us and says, “Come on let’s go to the house and talk to the girls, before I get charged with murder.”

We get in the car as Linc is driving out of the parking lot I un-ball the paper to see a naked girl, wait Anna. Also her phone number with the words ‘Call for a Goodtime’ under it.  I ball the paper back up, “What the fuck?  How did he get her picture?  Linc turn this car around I’m going back to kill him myself!”

Linc is shaking his head, “Nope this is just something else we can talk to coach about.”

Cade still looks like he may explode, “I want to kill him, I want to know how he got pictures of her or if she was stupid enough to pose for him.”

I look back at Cade, “She’d never pose for him.”

Cade scoffs, “Those are posed pics Russ!  How in the Hell else would he get them?”

I un-ball the paper again, knowing that Anna would never pose for pictures like that. I look at the pictures closer, “Wait this is Anna’s face but not her body.”

Cade looks up and Linc looks over as they both say, “What?”

“Anna doesn’t have any tattoos, this girl has a little one on her hip bone.  Also, this girls boobs are too small to be Anna’s”

Cade lets out a breath like he’s been holding it in for years and flops back in the seat.  Then he straightens up and looks at me, “Wait how do you know that Anna doesn’t have any tattoos and how do you know what her boobs look like?”

Linc looks in the rearview mirror, “Do you really want him to answer that question?  I mean come on we all knew.”

I stop them, “Wait, Anna and I have not had sex.  Let me just clarify that.”

              They both kinda chuckle but then Cade looks up, “We still have to talk to Anna, before she sees these I don’t know where all they are but I think we need to search campus today since its Sunday.  Hopefully not too many people haven’t seen them.”

I look back at him, “Where was this at?”

“Under the windshield wiper, I didn’t see any on the other guys cars just ours.”

We pull up in the driveway and I nod, “Well guys let’s get this over with.”

We walk in the front door and are automatically
greeted by the girls they were asking so many questions finally Cade whistled really loud.  Then he said, “TIME OUT.  We’ll answer all the questions but we need to talk right now.  Sit down.”

The girls all sit, we fill them in on what happened with the coach and what we gave him on Skylar that we had.  Now comes the difficult part.  Cade sits down on the other side of Anna, “Well Short Stuff, while Linc and Russ were talking to coach I found this on the car.  Now I didn’t see it on any of the other cars.”  He un-balls the paper, her hands go up to her face and she starts crying.

She’s shaking her head, “That’s not me.  How could someone do that?”

I stroked her hair, “Sweetie we know it’s not you.  I told the guys you don’t have a tattoo and this girls boobs are smaller than yours.  Plus you would never do something like this.”

Gabby storms across the room and snatches the paper.  She storms to the foyer and Linc runs after her, “Baby come back in here.  We are going to handle it.”

She stomps back in the living room, “I’m going to fucking kill him.  I’m not standing by while he tries to ruin my little sister.”

Linc pulls Gabby into a hug as she starts crying, “Gab, we are going to look around campus today and see if he put them anywhere else.  Since its Sunday hopefully not many people have seen them.”

Daria stands up, “No, he’s going to take them down.  I’ve had enough of this asshole.  Where is he right now?”



              Daria is holding her phone looking at the guys, “I said where is he right now?”

Russ shrugs, “I think he’s still running rocks at the stadium.”

She looks at me, “Anna you are coming with me, the rest of you stay here.”

Cade stands up, “You girls aren’t going there by yourselves.”

Daria throws him a scary look, “We won’t be alone, but I can’t have you guys go with me.  But trust me the problem will be resolved in an hour or so.”

Everyone is looking around, Daria never gets serious like this.  “Come on Anna dry it up and let’s go.”

Gabby steps up, “I want to go with you.”

Daria looks back, “No, trust me on this one.  I can’t have you there drawing attention Gab because you’ll try to kill him.  Just trust me.”

I stand up, “Guys just let us go, whatever Daria
has going on if it gets out of hand I’ll call you guys.”

Daria and I walk out to her car, once we are inside and pulling out of the driveway she gets a call on her phone.  “Yeah…either one of them…just send them to the stadium…I know, but he’s pushed my last button… I love you too. Bye.”

              I look over at her thoroughly confused.  “Daria who did you just say you loved, because I know it wasn’t Cade?”

She looks at me, “Listen, you are going to learn a few things about my life today that no one else in the house knows.  You have to keep it a secret.  This is part of my personal life that I don’t talk about much. I was talking to my Dad.  I called in re-enforcements so to speak.”

As we pull into the stadium parking lot I see Skylar walking out to his truck.  My first thought is to jump out and kick the shit out of him again.  Daria grabs my hand, “Just wait a second, they should be pulling in any minute.” 

A car pulls in behind us, and Daria gets out and motions for me to get out.  We walk over to Skylar’s truck.  He looks at me, “What the fuck do you want?  You freakin cock tease?”

Daria steps in front of me, “Now listen needle dick, you are going to go take down any of these fliers you put up and hope that no one else saw them.  Do we understand each other?”

He tries to shove past her, “Whatever bitch.”

She does some little take down move, the next thing I know he’s on the ground begging her to let him up.

She looks down at him, “Now, these two guys over my shoulder.  They are going to follow you while you take down all of the fliers and if they feel like you don’t do what I’ve told you to do, you’ll pay big time.”

“Whatever just let me up.”

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