Acting On Temptation (Temptations) (17 page)

BOOK: Acting On Temptation (Temptations)
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“But Momma…”

She points her finger to the back door, “You two act like spoiled little boys, now out back you go.  We’ll let you know when you can come back in.”

Amy looks at Russ and glares, “Russ you better go on outside, don’t embarrass me like that again. I don’t care how old you are.”

My Dad chuckles, “Those boys are pretty serious about food.”

Everyone at the table sighs and Gabby laughs, “You should try living with them.  They and when I say they I mean Cade too.  They fight over the last of everything; I don’t think they are even really hungry they just don’t want the other one to have it.”

              I nod, “I totally agree, the other day they were fighting over an ice cream sandwich like it was the last one that was ever going to be made.”

Rand laughs, “Those two have been that way since they were little.”

I look through the room to the back door to see the two of them looking like lost puppies outside the back door.


After making them wait a little while longer we let the guys back in to eat dessert and get ready to do a few gifts.  I brought Gabby and Linc’s from Russ and I.  I wish I’d known Dad was coming I would’ve brought his gift.

We pass out the few gifts, Gabby and I let Dad know we left his at his house. 

All of a sudden I hear Gabby squeal, “Oh My God Linc!”

Russ is chuckling; he knows what’s going on.

Linc looks around the room, “Everyone calm down.  Gabby I love you.  I never knew how much I could love someone, until I was lucky enough to win your heart.  Will you marry me?”

              Every female in this room is crying including me, well and our Dad is too.  Gabby nods through tears, “Yes!”

Linc looks at the parents in the room, “Just so y’all know I plan on waiting until we finish school.  But I just wanted her to know how much I love her and that I want her for the rest of our lives.”

Now I’m crying even harder.  Apparently from the way my Dad is looking Linc must’ve already talked to him before this, along with my sneaky boyfriend.  I’ll get him back. He’ll learn to share secrets with me.

I can’t hold it anymore, I jump up and run to Gabby hugging the life out of her.  We are both crying and laughing. I tell her through tears, “I’m so happy for you.  I love you and Linc both.  I’m gonna kill Russ for not telling me about this.”

There is so much excitement going on, Linc’s sisters are squealing.  Mary and Amy are so just beaming and all of the fathers are in one corner nodding and back slapping.  Maybe this Christmas is going to be alright after all.



              After everyone toasted and celebrated a little bit longer, for Linc and Gabby, my parents, Anna and I head home.  Walking into our house, after my parents say their goodnights, I look at Anna, “So do you wanna open your Christmas now or in the morning?”

She looks up at me and smiles, “We can open those gifts in the morning, unless you really wanna open them tonight.  I was thinking something different for tonight.”

I lean down and whisper in her ear, “Oh, So do you wanna be naughty or nice tonight for Santa?”

She grins, “A little of both maybe.”

“You better get to my room, before we figure this out right here in my parents living room.”

We make it to my bedroom, shutting the door behind me.  I pull her against me so she can feel how much I want her.  I spin her around backing her up against the door pushing her hands above her head, “You are so damn sexy.”  I nibble on her neck, “And so sweet.”

She moans, “Yeah well I shouldn’t be so sweet to you since you didn’t tell me that Linc was going to propose to Gabby tonight.”

I chuckle, “Yeah, he threatened my manhood and I know how attached to that you are, so I felt it vital to keep the secret.”

She looks up at me, “I guess if you were protecting your man-bits then I can forgive you.  Did Cade know?”

I nod, “Yeah, just you, Gabby and Daria didn’t know.”

She pops me on the arm, “Asshole.”

              I spin around walking her backward to the bed, “Awe sweetie don’t be pissed, I’ll make it up to you several times, a few time naughty and a few times nice.”

She giggles pulling her shirt over her head, “Well then you better get started this is going to be a long night.”


Christmas morning we both wake up very satisfied.  I mean I think some sort of Christmas miracle happened last night because I don’t think I’ve ever been able to get off that many times in that short amount of time.

              She rolls over and smiles, “Merry Christmas.”

I kiss her and mumble against her lips, “Merry Christmas.”

She giggles, “We better get up while I’m still able to walk.”

I laugh, “Oh really.  Well am I at least out of the doghouse for keeping secrets?”

She looks over her shoulder as she’s getting up, “Oh yeah.”

We both dress quickly and walk out into the living room, my parents are both already having coffee. 

              My mom looks up, “Merry Christmas you two.  Are we ready to open gifts?”

We nod and sit down on the couch.  I look over at Anna, “Sorry to disappoint you, but I didn’t get you an engagement ring.”

She chuckles, “Okay I guess I’ll forgive you.”

My mom hands us our stockings, yes Anna already has her own stocking.  I hand Anna her gifts from me and she hands me a couple from her.  We all begin to open.

My Dad lets out a cheer, “Yeah, I got a gift card for Cablea’s.”

My mom rolls her eyes, “Great…”

We open all of the things my parents got us, mostly gift cards because we are poor college kids.  All of a sudden I hear Anna let out a scream, “OH MY GOD RUSS!”  She’s jumping up and down.  She opened the tickets to Bama Jam.

She still jumping up and down, “This is awesome…I can’t wait.  You know Miranda Lambert and Blake Shelton are both going to be there this year?”

I nod, “Yes, sweetie that’s the reason I got them.”

She’s still giddy, “Thank you I love it so much and I love the perfume, it’s my favorite too.  Now open yours.”

I open the cologne she got me, and the new wallet.  I open the next thing and it’s a gold ID bracelet turning it over it reads, “Its Only Yours.”  I know the double meaning behind it, she means her heart and that beautiful pink…

“Russ.”  My mom breaks me from my thoughts.  I know I’m grinning.

I look up and clear my throat, “Ma’am?”

“Well, what is it?”

“Oh an ID bracelet.”

Mom smiles, “Well, let me see it.”

I hand it to her and she smiles, “Oh that’s so sweet Anna.”

My Dad looks over, “Well, what does it say?”

My Moms smiles, “It’s only yours…talking about her heart.  That is so sweet Anna.”

Anna smiles, “Thank you.”  Then she looks at me with that evil temptress grin.

I lean over and kiss her cheek, “Thank you.”  I whisper in her ear, “Oh and I know what else is only mine.”

She laughs, “Your welcome.”

A few minutes later we take my Mom out to see her gift, she starts crying.  She’s wanted one of those for years and my
dad finally made it come true.  Anna and mom both ooh and aah over the craftsmanship of the wood work.  After that we spend the rest of the day hanging out around the house, until Anna’s dad comes over for a brief visit before he had to head home.

Chapter 31


              “Bye Daddy, I’ll see you soon okay?”

My dad hugs me, “Okay.  Are you guys coming home for Spring Break this year?”

“Well, we were thinking about it.  Well going down to the beach anyway for a few days.”

He nods, “Okay sounds good just keep me posted.”

I’m wrapped up in a hug with him, “Yes sir.”  I start to choke on the tears I’ve been holding back, “I’m so glad you came up here Daddy.”

He holds me tighter, “Me too.  Well, now you and your sister get to plan a wedding.”  He chuckles.

I laugh, “Yeah I guess we do.”

We let go of each other and he looks at Russ extending his hand, “Well Russ, it was great to finally meet you.  Thank you for taking such good care of my baby here.”

Russ is still shaking his hand, “Oh I try, and she can be trouble sometimes.”

I pop him on the chest, “Hey mister.”

My d
ad is laughing as I finish walking him to the car.  I look over at him, “Hey keep us posted on everything else, you know the crap with Mom and all.”

Dad nods, “I’ll keep you posted on some things.  But I don’t want you and your sister drug into the middle of all of this.”

I nod as he gets in the car and I watch him drive away.  Russ is waiting for me at the door to the house.  He pulls me into a huge hug whispering in my ear, “I love you so much sweetie.”

I smile, “I love you too.”

“What do you want to do tonight?”

I lay my head on his chest, “Can we just snuggle in your bed and watch movies, maybe eat a sub or something?  I’m tired and I’ve had all the Christmas food I can stand.”

Russ laughs, “Sounds great to me, what kind of movie do you want to watch?  A scary one so you can snuggle up to me?”

I chuckle, “No, I really want to watch one of my favorite Christmas movies, if that’s okay.”

He fake rolls his eyes, “I suppose, as long as it isn’t that bell ringing angel wing movie.”

I bark out a loud laugh, “You mean,
It’s A Wonderful Life
?  No, that movie gets on my nerves.”

He chuckles, “Well then what is it?”

“Well there is actually two of them.  Don’t laugh,
National Lampoons Christmas Vacation
Ernest Saves Christmas.

He of course starts laughing, “I love those movies too.”

I jump a little, “Yay, Gabby used to always bitch when I would make her watch them with me.”

He tilts his head back, “It takes a very smart person to appreciate Ernest.”

I smile, “I know right?”


A couple of hours later we sit here surrounded by junk food, subs and sodas.  We are both laughing a
Chevy Chase, I swear this movie never gets old.

The squirrel just leapt out of the Christmas tree, when we hear the house phone ringing.

A minute later I hear Amy scream.  Russ and I both jump off the bed and run down the hall to the living room.  Russ rushes to his Mom, “What’s wrong?”

His Dad is standing too at this point, “Amy, what’s wrong honey?”

She looks to me and then to them.  “There was a bad accident, someone lost control of their car and swerved hitting Marshall, Linc and Gabby head on.  That was Vivy, we need to get to the hospital.”

I feel like the room is tunneling out.  I can’t breathe.  I can hear Russ, “Anna breathe baby, come on breathe.” 

I finally catch my breath as we are running out to the car.  Hugh is trying to stay calm and drive.  I look at Amy, “What did Vivy say?  Did she say anything about Gabby?”

BOOK: Acting On Temptation (Temptations)
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