Accepted Fate (48 page)

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Authors: Charisse Spiers

BOOK: Accepted Fate
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"Show me how much you want it. I need to know that no one else can make you feel the way I do. I need to know you'll never want anyone else to touch you the way I touch you. I will ruin you." My lips brush hers, teasing her and pulling on her bottom lip, then her top. Sliding my tongue inside, I find hers and feel it flutter against mine.

She hooks her legs around my waist, digging into my butt with her heels. Clamping down on my waist, she pulls my lower body closer to hers allowing me to slowly enter her core. I don't know if I will ever get used to how tight of a fit it is. Every. Single. Time. She moans as she inches me into her and it is the most beautiful thing I've ever watched.

She leans her head back and rests it against the edge, closing her eyes. Pushing my hips back until I'm out as far as she can reach, she pulls me back entering her once more. I just stare at her in complete awe. Watching her pleasure herself with my body is the most erotic thing I've ever seen hands down. I can't take it anymore.

Resting my knee on the bench for support, I dig my toes into the floor of the Jacuzzi. Grabbing her hands in mine and placing them along the top of the Jacuzzi, I begin moving myself, lifting her by the waist to meet me. Placing one hand between our bodies, I touch her sweet spot, stimulating it the way she needs. "Breyson. I'm close. Will you go with me?"

She doesn't even have to ask. Her wish is my command. Leaning forward, I continue moving slowly, making love to her the way she deserves. "As you wish beautiful. Let me feel you." As she begins clenching around me, I pick up pace just as I can feel my own release on the edge. As she pulsates around me, we fall off the ledge together in unison.

Holding her around the waist, I change our positions to where she is straddling me but never breaking our physical connection to each other. I suppose these are the moments that make trusting your heart completely worth it; the times when you can look your beautiful girl in the eyes and know that you would die before living a single second without her. Being with her is the ultimate unknown, but it's an unknown I'd take over a life of knowns any day of the week. She makes me crazy, sometimes scared or mad, but isn't that the beauty of loving someone fully? To love them through every emotion and not just the good ones.

I may not know what's at the end of this road we call life, but I do know one thing. I want her with me; every second of every day that she'll allow herself to be and the ones that she doesn't, I'll spend every means I know how chasing after her. "Every day I wake up I live for you Kinzleigh. My heart now beats for you; my mind now thinks for you and my soul thrives for you. My body longs for you and will never forget you. I will love you infinitely. Time will never cease in my love for you. We may be young but maybe we were one of the lucky ones; one of those couples that get to experience our lives together."

Running my fingers through her now wet curls, I kiss her lips. "One of the wisest men I've ever met told me that young love was the best kind of love because you get to experience more highs and lows of life together. I think he was right because I want every facet of my life to include you. You changed me Kinzleigh. You made me want something I never wanted for myself."

Swiping the tear that has now fallen down her cheek with my thumb, I place it in my mouth, sucking the salty wetness from it. "That was beautiful." She kisses me in various places all over my face and body. "I don't know what I did do deserve someone like you. You're too good to me Breyson. Why do I get someone like you?"

"I'm so good to you because you're you. You love me for who I am and don't try to change me or conform yourself to please me. You don't try to win my love or expect it. It makes it so much easier. You didn't earn me baby or deserve me, you were born for me; made for me before we were ever conceived. We just had to grow up separately is all. That day on the beach was just part of our destiny fulfilling itself." 

"Well if I ever thought it was impossible to be rendered speechless by a boy, you just proved me wrong. Will you stay with me tonight? I want to sleep in your arms. My parents shouldn't be back until tomorrow evening." She starts to disconnect our bodies but I hold her down for just another slither of time. Moments like these are few and far between.

"I would love nothing more than to hold you while you sleep, but I want you to do something for me too." She scans my face trying to sense my mood. She'll never guess what I'm about to ask her to do with me, but after seeing her reaction to my cowboy costume, I can't help myself.

"What is it?" She is playing with the short hair at the nape of my neck and that mixed with the warm temperatures of the water in the cool night air is placing me on the verge of a sleep induced coma.

"I promised Pops, my grandfather, I would help him at his ranch tomorrow. He's shorthanded and I haven't helped him the way I normally do. I haven't been out there since before I left for California; therefore, I'm overdue. I want you to come with me. Spend the day with me. Please?" I stroke a light trail up and down her arms and kiss her on the lips in an attempt to persuade her if necessary.

"Okay." One little word from her is all I need "Let's go to bed." Exiting her body, I stand and leave the warm water of the Jacuzzi.

Pulling on my jeans, she begins picking up the scattered pieces of clothing that remains. "I'll meet you upstairs, okay? I have to run to my truck and get my bag."

Looking at me, she fails at holding back her smile of excitement. She saunters over towards me and pulls me in her arms. "You brought a bag? Meaning you were planning to stay before you got here?"

That smile is the very smile that thawed the ice and broke the chains that once were present around my heart; the very one that still weakens me on contact. "I stopped by my house right after I left Simon's. It's just the next street over."

Her eyes soften as she looks at me. "I thought you were mad at me. I said some hateful things and I'm sorry. I can be a little quick to speak and slow to think instead of the opposite as I should be."

How could I ever stay mad at that face? "Beautiful. You would have to do a whole lot more than that to send me packing. You had good reason to say some of the things you did. I don't blame you. I let my jealousy to keep you mine get in the way of rational thought. This is new to both of us. We'll work through it, but together...Okay?"

Closing her eyes, she breathes a sigh of what seems like relief. "Together is good. I can do that. Just be patient with me."

Kissing her, I place my hands on her shoulders and turn her around to face the door. "Always baby. Now, go get dressed before someone sees my woman and her beautiful body. Flaunt what you were given, as long as it's for my eyes only. I don't want to have to hit someone else tonight. I'll meet you up in a minute." As she walks off, I slap her on that perfect, round, bare butt, causing her to squeal. I couldn't resist myself. It was tempting me and I failed the test, miserably.

After walking to my truck to retrieve my duffle bag, I come into the house ready to find my woman. When I enter the back door is when I hear it. It sounds more like a screeching sound and it's loud but is drowned out. Walking up the stairs quietly, I slip into Kinzleigh's bedroom door unnoticed. What I see as I enter makes me stop in my tracks.

Leaning against the door frame, careful not to make any noise, I stand there with my arms above my head, resting on the doorframe and watch, imprinting this moment into my memory. Kinzleigh has her ear buds in, facing in the opposite direction and she's dancing her heart out, singing(more like her attempt at rapping)
Work bitch by Britney Spears
. She is singing at the top of her lungs, completely uninhibited. Have you ever heard someone say it sounds like a coyote howling in a tin can? Well, this is what I would envision it would sound like. All while she is shaking her
bon bon
Ricky Martin
would say in a bright pink camisole and a pair of multicolored panties that reveal the bottom of her cheeks.

The song must have switched and she still doesn't notice me standing here. Some might say this is an invasion of privacy, but who am I to disturb her private concert? This time she is screaming out the lyrics to
The heart of Dixie by Danielle Bradbery.
She is now throwing her arms in the air, swaying to the music at she hits the climax of the bridge. I know now that she was definitely not destined to be a singer, but she's still the most beautiful thing I've ever seen, dancing around in her panties, squawking the song lyrics, completely unashamed. Honestly, I'd rather be front row to her show than my favorite singer. 

She picks up a brush off the dresser and begins pretending it's a microphone. I have to bite my tongue to keep from laughing at the risk she will think I'm making fun of her. She is in her own little Kinzleigh bubble. She finally mutters, "Where is Breyson? Surely it doesn't take that long to get a bag."

She turns around and when she sees me her face drains of its bronzed glow, paling. Her eyes widen as if she was caught with her hand in the cookie jar before dinner. I can't help the smile that is being displayed across my face. "How long have you been standing there," she asks as she quickly pulls her ear buds from her ears.

"Long enough." She spies the brush in her hand and begins brushing her hair as if that's why it was there to begin with. I begin walking towards her.

"How long is long enough, exactly?" Her cheeks begin to pinken as she speaks from embarrassment.

"Long enough I got front row seats to a surprise concert." I smile hoping she doesn't get upset.

She begins braiding her wet hair to the side. "You weren't meant to see that. I got a little carried away," she whispers and shrinks down slightly.

"Baby, You're no
Christina Aguilera
but I'd rather have front row view of you dancing like that any day. Let's go to bed, beautiful girl." With that statement, I slid off my jeans replacing them with boxers, switched off the light and carried her to bed.


I awaken from the best night's sleep I've ever had. Looking down, Kinzleigh has her leg thrown over my pelvis and her arm draped over my chest with her head tucked under my chin. It surprises me that I never woke up. I am normally a very hot natured person and end up usually kicking the covers off, even with the air conditioner turned way down. If I sweat, I'm not sleeping, which in turn will piss me off. I have to have my sleep. To my surprise, I didn't wake up once with her halfway on top of me, radiating body heat.

I need a shower and she still looks completely at peace. In my attempt to slide out of the bed without waking her, she begins talking in her sleep. I can only make out every few words. So far it's something about rope, chocolate syrup, and a blindfold. What the... As I'm trying to process these three words, she begins laughing and panting my name, saying something about how it tickles.
Oh my hell is she having a dirty sex dream? My innocent little Kinzleigh? Where does she even know such dirty thoughts?
All I know is I can't move. I want to hear more.

"I like it dirty, mmmm give it to me rough baby. Spank me." My breath catches in my lungs, refusing to break through. Please keep going. This is by far the most erotic thing I've ever heard come from that mouth of innocence. "That feels so good. Yeah like that. I'm so ready for you. Don't stop baby. Breyson..." She trails her hand down my torso and grabs my manhood; full grab around my shaft. Fuck me seven ways to Sunday, I can't take this anymore. I am completely aroused. Without saying one word, I stand from the bed and cradle her in my arms before sprinting towards the shower.

Halfway to the bathroom, she wakes up. "Breyson? What are you doing?" I set her on her feet and turn on the shower.

Discarding my clothes and hers, quickly, I have to ask. "Were you having a dirty dream? Do you have a secret fantasy you need to share with me?" As soon as it's out of my mouth her face turns blood red and she begins looking off. I grab her by the chin to look at me. "It's nothing to be ashamed of Kinzleigh. Tell me. You have me so turned on right now, I feel like I'm about to combust."

"Promise me you won't laugh?" Laughing is not in the vicinity of my mind right now. She has me so wound up I feel like I can't breathe.

"You have my word." I run my finger through her center to see if she is as turned on as she appeared in the dream and when it's confirmed, I press her to the wall roughly and kiss her greedily. "Tell me." My body is pressed firmly against hers.

"Well Adalynn showed me the Kindle app for my iPad and gave me a list of book recommendations. I've been reading before I go to bed and some of them are erotic. Right now I'm reading
In Flight by R.K. Lilley.
I guess they kind of followed me to dreamland." She hangs her head as if she is ashamed.

"Is this stuff you're interested in trying?" The idea of experimenting with her is only turning me on more.

"Would it make me dirty and slutty if I said yes?" Oh dear sweet sally! This is every guy's darkest fantasy and she's scared it makes her look slutty of all things.

"Baby, always tell me if you want to try something new. I'm your man. I want to please you. It's only slutty if you're sleeping with several men. It's not slutty or anything to be ashamed of, if you want to try it with your boyfriend. Get me?" She nods and I think I'm going to start now as I push her into the steamy confinements of the shower.


I turn into the long dirt road of Pops' ranch. Weaving around the curves along the way, I grab Kinzleigh's hand, interlocking our fingers on top of the center console. I'm breaking her in nicely. I didn't even have to tell her what to wear when she walked out of her closet in a pair of jeans and her boots Adalynn got her for her birthday, with a long sleeve, clover green, button down over a white tank. She is gorgeous with her long, thick, blonde curls that flow down her back stopping mid center. It's the first day in November. Usually, it's still hot but today there is a breeze out.

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