Accepted Fate (47 page)

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Authors: Charisse Spiers

BOOK: Accepted Fate
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He looks between me and Breyson for a minute before he finally responds. "Sure Kinzleigh, I'll meet you at my truck." When I stand to follow after him, Breyson grabs my arm. "Baby please don't leave with him. I'm begging you to talk to me. I'll do anything if you'll please talk to me."

I hand him my keys because I know I can't drive right now. "I'll talk to you in a little while. I need some space to think Breyson; alone. Can you please just give me that? I promise I'll talk to you in a little while if you want. I just need to be by myself for a bit. I give you my word. My parents are gone for the night on business so you can stay over if you want to talk."

Hesitantly, he grabs the keys and nods. He looks torn and it kills me, but I'm not used to all this drama. It's screwing with my head. "I love you Kinzleigh. I'm so sorry."

"I know." It's all I can say and I turn around to leave.


Pulling into my driveway, I'm glad to be home. I'm emotionally worn after tonight. What was supposed to be fun and laid back has turned into a night from hell. Simon's face is now swollen and he has a blackened eye along with a busted lip. "I'm sorry, Simon. It's not right what he did to you. It wasn't your fault. We started fighting before we even got to the party."

He reaches across the truck and puts his palm on my cheek. "Shh. It's not your fault. You don't have to apologize for him. I've had my ass handed to me worse than this. This is nothing." He attempts to lighten the mood by laughing but it's unsuccessful.

He gets out of the truck and I meet him at the front. Walking me to my house, we go around back towards the pool. Taking off my shoes and rolling up my pants, I sit on the edge and place my feet in the cool water. "You can sit if you want."

Taking a seat beside me, he does the same. "Why do you want to be with someone that tries to control you? You deserve better than that Kinzleigh."

"He's not usually like this. He'll learn. No one will ever control me." I don't really feel comfortable having to defend mine and Breyson's relationship to him. It's really none of his business.

"You shouldn't have to wait around for him to be the kind of guy you need when you could have it with so many other guys." He isn't doing anything but confusing me further. He's always been a nothing but a friend, but I feel like this is overstepping his boundaries.

I find myself staring off into the water, trying to think, but the alcohol is just inhibiting me from doing so. "Kinzleigh."

Looking over, Simon has now moved closer to me. Grabbing my face in his hands, I realize what he's doing. Do I want this? I don't have the same feelings for him as I do for Breyson. He closes in on me and before his lips touch mine, I whisper. "Please don't."

"Why not? How do you know you don't want it if he's been your only option?"

His lips are too close for my comfort. I attempt to lean back but he holds me close. "Because I love him. He's the only one that's ever on my mind. The truth is, I'd rather fight with him than get along with anyone else." Everything just became so clear. My own words woke me up like a light bulb that's been out and finally started working. I'm so stupid. "Simon I'm sorry. I think you should go."

The tears begin to fall. I've hurt him over my selfishness. Without saying a word Simon nods. He looks at me briefly but then speaks low. "He's lucky to have you, ya know. I hope he realizes that. Just remember if he messes up, you do have other options. I like you Kinzleigh; probably more than I should. I don't care if it pisses him off. If you change your mind, you know where to find me." He goes to stand and walks away.

"I'm the lucky one." The words come out with a reverence to them. Why didn't I realize this before? As soon as Simon is out of sight, I run to my purse in search of my phone.

As soon as I finally find what I'm looking for, I scroll through my call log and hit the most recent call. After the first ring, the call picks up. "Hey baby."

His voice hits home. This is everything to me. "Breyson, I'm so sorry. Please forgive me. It's all my fault and I'm sorry. I'm so stupid." I'm crying hysterically in the phone. I can barely even decipher what I'm saying. "I'd rather fight with you everyday than be with anyone else. I know that now. I'm so sorry. Please come over."

"Shh baby, I'm already here. It's okay. Turn around." I turn around and he's standing behind me at the gate entrance. Putting his phone in his pocket, he begins walking towards me. Dropping my phone on my purse, I take off running in his direction. Once I reach him, I jump in his arms and he catches me. "I'm so sorry Kinzleigh. You were right. I should have never tried to tell you what to do. It'll never happen..."

I stop him mid sentence with a kiss. His lips feel so good against mine. Now that we're together, my heart doesn't ache anymore. He completes me. I've never been good at explaining my emotions, but I want to show him. Deepening the kiss, I run my fingers through his hair. I could kiss him for hours but it's not enough. I'll never get enough of him. Breaking the kiss, I grab his face to look me in the eyes. "No Breyson, I was in the wrong. I need to say this. I don't like being talked to like I'm a child but instead of acting the way I did, I should have talked to you about it when you asked. For that I'm sorry. I seemed to have had an epiphany through all of this. Like I said on the phone; at the end of the day, if I had the choice to fight with you or be perfect with someone else, I would choose to fight with you every single time. Whatever it takes, I'm always yours; always have and always will be. Whatever that entails, I'll accept it. I love you so much. I need you Breyson. Take me to bed."

He is grinning from ear to ear. That beautiful smile makes me melt every time. "I thought you'd never ask, beautiful. I love you too baby. Always."



This is the path my life has taken. There are officially two phrases I never want to hear come out of that pretty mouth ever again. One,
I'm done
and two,
it's over.
When I heard that come out, I stopped breathing. Yeah, call me whipped if you want but this girl is my life. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know when you've found something worth cherishing. This is mine.

Tonight has most definitely been hell on earth, but in the end she knows she wants me and no one else. That alone makes everything worth it. It almost killed me when I saw Simon grinding himself all over her. No one touches what's mine especially in the case they actually know it's mine. He knows how I feel about her and that we're a couple. His behavior was disrespectful to any man, which is why I lost it. Someone needed to teach him a lesson. I will stake my claim at whatever cost. Hitting him felt so good it scares me. I shouldn't like dishing out that kind of pain on someone else. This is what she does to me. She has my emotions running all over the place: love, hate, hurt, and happiness. With her, I've experienced it all.

When she kissed me, there was something different there. Something that hasn't been present any of the other times she's kissed me, including the time she told me she loved me: vulnerability, anguish. What she put into that kiss was sacred. Something I may never see again. She kissed me as if she was scared I wouldn't want her back; if she only knew. She could most likely commit murder and I wouldn't want her any less. I'm in too deep with her; almost drowning. There is no backing out now. It's full throttle from here on out. I need her as much as I want her. I just need to control my jealously around her. One phrase that came out of those beautiful little lips that I'll remember for the rest of my life;
I'd rather fight with you everyday than be perfect with someone else.
Damn. What do you even say to that? She just keeps stealing my heart more and more and she already has it all.

She asked me to take her to bed and that is what she'll get. I can barely keep my mouth off of her, much less my hands or any other parts. She doesn't realize how beautiful she looks. I've been dying the entire night watching every red blooded male in her presence all but drooling at the sight of her. As I walk towards the door with her in my arms, I notice a Jacuzzi and I have a better idea. "I need to put you down for a minute baby."

"Is something wrong?" Nothing but the fact I'm about to feel that beautiful body in its entirety against mine in the warm water.

The Jacuzzi is in the covered area in the back of the house not far from the back entrance. It's placed in a nook made from a trellis, with cafe lights hanging from above and it's covered in ivy. That makes it completely out of sight to anyone but those coming out of the house. "No. I just have something I want to do with you." Upon setting her flat on her feet, I lift the cover and make sure the heat is turned up as hot as it'll go. One thing about Jacuzzis are they feel amazing when you first get in but after time they cool down significantly from being left uncovered to the air. The digital thermostat reads one hundred and two degrees Fahrenheit. Perfect.

Discarding the cover, I take her hand and pull her towards me. Removing her headband, I toss it on the patio. Grabbing each braid separately, I slide the pony tail holder down her blonde hair, removing them. "I love your hair down." Running my fingers through her hair, I clench a fistful and pull, angling her face to me. She closes her eyes at the act. Maybe my beautiful girl likes it a little rough.

Releasing her, she groans as soon as my touch vacates her body. She looks me over and her eyes hood at the sight of my costume which gives me an idea to be brought up later. Hooking my thumb under her top, on each side of her breasts, I remove her clothes in one swift motion down her body. I guess less is more in some cases. Squatting as I slide them down, she rests her hands on my shoulders for support. Picking up one foot at a time, I remove her clothes and shoes from her feet, kissing her leg. She is absolutely impeccable.

Standing back up, she bites her lip as she takes me in. She brushes her fingers up my abdomen and over my chest, stopping on my shoulders and sliding off my shirt, down my arms, letting it fall to the ground. When she hooks her hand behind the waist band of my jeans, I know where she is headed. Toe to heel, I remove each boot one by one. "You look so sexy like this. I can't keep my eyes off of you. You're mine as I'm yours, right?"

If she couldn't get sexier, she just did. Claiming me as hers out loud is possibly the sexiest thing I've ever heard. I've never wanted to be claimed by a woman until her. She works to unbuckle my belt. "Everything I have or will have is yours. Heart, mind, body and soul, physical means, it's all yours forever. I don't want anyone else Kinzleigh. I'll never want anyone else but you. I've fallen in love with you and only you...until death do us part. I wait for her reaction, expecting her to freak out. Instead, she places her arms around my neck, leaving my unbuttoned jeans and jumps in my arms.

"You sure do know your way to a girl's heart, Breyson Abercrombie." A solemn tear escapes the corner of her eye. "How am I supposed to ever be normal when you say things like that to me? How am I supposed to survive when you leave me? One way or the other, you're bound to leave me. It's inevitable."

Running my fingertips along her bare back, my heart ache's at the words coming from her mouth. How could she ever think I would leave her? Just because we're only eighteen, doesn't mean I'll ever want anyone else. No one would ever compare to her. I would marry her the day we graduated if she wanted to.
Did I really just fathom that? Marry. Would I marry her? At eighteen? Whoa...I would without a second thought.

"This is the new normal Kinzleigh. I want you to look at me in the eyes and listen good. The only way I'm leaving you is in a box, six feet under; the one and only way. As long as I am breathing and alive, I will come for you no matter what the situation is. The only person that has the power to take me from you is God almighty himself. Do you understand?" Her eyes soften and she kisses me hard; harder than she's ever kissed me before. She starts rubbing herself against me, in the opening of my jeans and I can tell she's ready from the moisture that's left behind. Holding her up with one hand, I pull a condom from my pocket before I remove my jeans and briefs with the other and step inside the Jacuzzi.

Sitting in the corner, the water is warm on our bodies all the way to our chests. She straddles me and begins rubbing against me, telling me what she wants. I've been pretty stupid around her so there's one thing I have to know. "Baby I love you and I'm not trying to kill the mood but have you had your period?" She blushes and almost looks embarrassed to be discussing her menstrual cycle. I'm pretty sure once guys start having sex, the period becomes a good thing and not a bad. I've never really had to think about it much because I've always been extra careful until her.

Before her, birth control was always the first topic. My girls were always on birth control, plus I always supplied and wore a glove and pulled out before ejaculation...until her. Truthfully, I've been pretty damn careless with her. "Yes, I have a period every twenty eight days and I haven't missed one."

Opening the condom with my teeth, I toss the package over the side of the Jacuzzi. Standing, I turn her around and place her on the corner seat. Leaning in closer, I take her lips in mine. They are so soft and sensual. The warm moistness of her saliva, mixing with the chlorine in the water from the jet splashing our faces is only turning me on more. Lowering my hand in the water, I roll on the condom and take hold of her thighs in my hand.

She has wrapped her arms around my neck and pulling me as close as she can. "I love you Breyson. I need you. Don't make me wait. Please."

Is it wrong that every time she begs I feel like beating my hands on my chest like a caveman? Lining myself up with her I need to hear it again. "Say it again."

Her brows scrunch in confusion. "I love you?" I shake my head and push in just barely, stilling. "I need you?" Still not what I'm looking for, I shake my head once more. "Please don't make me wait, Breyson, please, I need to feel you. I need to connect with you in a way no one else has felt me."

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