A Sinful Calling

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Authors: Kimberla Lawson Roby

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For my mother-in-law and two uncles


Lillie C. Roby

July 4, 1935 – April 1, 2015


James Henry Tennin, Sr.
September 9, 1925 – October 29, 2015


Deacon Earl Lee Rome
November 4, 1933 – November 2, 2015


I  love and miss you all.

s the choir sang, Dillon gazed across his 1,000-plus-member congregation and could barely contain himself. His heart raced with excitement, and it was all he could do not to break into laughter. The reason: He felt more like a rock star than he did a pastor, and his plan was working brilliantly. Even from the pulpit, he could tell that the members of New Faith Christian Center loved and worshiped everything about him, and he couldn't have been more pleased.

And who would have guessed that a man of his character, someone tainted with such a sinful past, could achieve this kind of glorious success? Especially with the way Dillon had tried blackmailing his own father, the infamous Reverend Curtis Black, and had slept with his own brother's wife. Those two indiscretions alone had occurred just over three years ago, however, thankfully—for whatever reason—Curtis and Matthew had forgiven him. Dillon and Matthew certainly weren't the best of friends, and Dillon could tell that his dad still didn't trust him either, but again, they no longer held his past crimes against him. Although, it wasn't like they ever called or spent time with Dillon the way he would have liked.

But the best news of all was that his sister Alicia had turned out to be his favorite person, and she was now closer to Dillon than she was to any other family member. The two of them could easily serve as poster children for popular clichés, as they were definitely thick as thieves, two peas in a pod, bosom buddies, and the list went on. They were as close as any brother and sister could be, and they stood up for each other—probably because they were now both the black sheep of the family. Still, they'd made a pact, and because Dillon didn't have much of a relationship with anyone on his mom's side, God rest her soul, he cherished the one he had with his sister. This was part of the reason that he'd decided very quickly that she would be New Faith's chief operating officer. He was also grateful to his brother-in-law, Levi, who'd invested all the initial funding to get the church up and running.

Because of drug-related charges, Levi had done time in prison, but he was a changed man and anyone could see that he loved Alicia with his entire being. Levi had also proven beyond question that he would do anything to protect Dillon and the ministry, and he was the perfect chairman of the church's elder board.

Although, it wasn't only Alicia and Levi who genuinely cared about Dillon, because he now had a gorgeous wife who loved him, too. Raven, who sat smiling at him in the front row, was his everything, and he couldn't be more grateful to have married her. He was thankful to finally have found a woman he trusted and appreciated, because before Raven, it had been no secret that he'd never had much respect for any woman, not even his own mother. Of course, there was no denying that, like his own, Raven's past wasn't pretty, but she loved, honored, and respected Dillon, and that was all that mattered to him. Yes, Raven had once served as chief financial officer at his dad's church, and she'd served a few years in prison for embezzling a hundred thousand dollars from the ministry—out of desperation to repay her gambling debts—but today, she was a different woman. She'd been completely delivered from her casino addiction, and she was the ideal first lady. The women of New Faith Christian Center certainly thought so, and they viewed her as a stellar example. To them, she represented the fact that anyone could change for the better if he or she wanted to, and they admired that. Dillon was also happy to say that part of his success as a pastor, as well as the growing of the congregation, was a result of Raven's notable business acumen. She was exceptionally good with numbers, and while she wasn't New Faith's CFO, she'd given Dillon daily advice in terms of how to handle church finances in an entrepreneurial fashion. Dillon had listened to every word and had carefully followed her suggestions, and as a result, the church leadership as a whole had very few complaints when it came to his operational decisions. It was the reason the membership was solid and increasing weekly.

But on a more personal note, Raven was the kind of woman most men would be proud to have. Not only was she head-to-toe beautiful, she was also highly intelligent, confident, and sophisticated. She didn't seem at all like the woman he'd heard about before meeting her—nothing like the felon who'd finished a stint in prison. It was as if she'd taken lots of time to learn everything she could about culture, class, and elegance, because along with her dressing the part, she decorated their home in the same manner. She carried herself with total refinement, and Dillon was glad she'd contacted him right after he'd become estranged from his dad and siblings and had been forced to move back to Atlanta. Raven had told him that she didn't want anything from him, but that a friend of hers had filled her in on his situation. She'd certainly understood what he was going through, particularly since she'd made her own mistakes and had been ousted from her CFO position by his dad. She'd then shared that because she'd had the opportunity to work so closely with his father and his church, she knew the ins and outs of Deliverance Outreach's daily operations. This conversation alone had gotten the wheels spinning in Dillon's head, and it was then that he'd decided he was going to become a minister. It was true that he'd learned a long time ago that it was much more customary for a minister to be called by God to preach, but truth was, Dillon hadn't been called by anyone. He'd called himself, and he wasn't ashamed of it. He'd founded his own church in the living room of his tiny apartment, and he was prospering nicely because of it.

This, of course, made Dillon think about his former fiancée, Melissa. What a dimwit she'd been, and while he hadn't seen or heard from her since that night she'd confronted him three years ago, he hadn't forgotten what she'd done to him—and he wasn't planning to leave this earth before paying her back. Just thinking about the way she'd taken all his money and run off with their idiot lawn boy, Country Roger, made him cringe. Yes, Roger was a grown man, but to Dillon, he'd been nothing more than a raggedy-mouth child who'd needed tons of dental work. Dillon had known from the time he'd hired him that he was a knucklehead, but Country Roger had come cheap and he was good at what he did. Still, not once had Dillon imagined that Melissa would be foolish enough to start sleeping with Roger behind his back and then run off with him, taking just about every dime Dillon had.

Not long after Dillon had met his dad for the first time, Curtis had given him five hundred thousand dollars, trying to help make up for all the years he hadn't been a father to Dillon, and his aunt had left him a hundred fifty thousand when she'd passed. But after spending two hundred thousand buying a condo and furnishing it, that had left him around four-fifty, and Melissa had gotten into all his bank accounts and taken the money for herself. She'd then betrayed him even further by giving proof to his dad that Dillon had been trying to blackmail him. Worse, the night she and Country Roger had left, Country Roger had held Dillon at gunpoint so that Melissa could say everything she wanted to him. Melissa had somehow, out of nowhere, discovered that she had a backbone, and she'd spoken to Dillon as if he were some moron. She'd acted as though she'd never loved him and was no longer afraid of him. The latter had shocked Dillon the most, because for years he'd controlled her every thought and move and had kept her in line. He'd made sure she'd known who ran things in their relationship, and sometimes when she'd acted stupidly, he'd had no choice but to physically remind her. But on that final evening, she'd turned into a woman he hadn't recognized and had seemingly lost her mind.

That was okay, though, because again, Dillon would eventually seek retribution. It was true that three years had passed, but he hadn't forgotten, and there were times when he lay awake at night thinking about it. He wished he could simply move on the way he knew some good Christians would, but no one stole from him or humiliated him and got away with it. He just couldn't live with something like that, and when the time was right he would handle things the way he saw fit. He'd made a promise to himself that he would never put his hands on a woman again the way he had with Melissa, but he would still find a way to get his revenge.

After the choir finished singing its last song, a few church announcements aired on the TV monitors, and Dillon got up. He buttoned his Italian-made black pinstripe suit and stepped in front of the glass podium.

“This is the day the Lord hath made, so let us rejoice and be glad in it.” He began with the same scripture he quoted every single Sunday. He didn't speak these words because the scripture meant any more to him than any other scripture he'd read; he did it because this was the scripture he'd always heard his father open with. He'd even once heard his dad say that he also quoted it each morning when he woke up, so Dillon decided that if this particular scripture was working for his dad, it would certainly work for him, too. But Dillon had taken his approach a step further, as he had taught
members to quote it back to him.

“This is the day the Lord hath made, so let us rejoice and be glad in it,” his parishioners spoke in unison.

“It is truly a blessing to be alive,” Dillon said. “It's a blessing just to be able to say we woke up this morning in our right minds and in good health. Amen?”

“Amen,” everyone said.

“You know, for some reason I feel like sharing my testimony this morning. Many of you have heard it before, but today I feel led to share it for our new members and any visitors who are present.”

Dillon looked toward the ceiling of the sanctuary and closed his eyes. He did this to gain sympathy, and he didn't open them until he'd mustered up real tears. He wasn't in the mood for doing any crying today, but he'd learned early on that his church members pitied him a lot more when he did. It was one thing for a woman to shed tears, but it was something totally different when a grown man did it, and he gave them a great performance.

Dillon opened his eyes and sniffled.

“Take your time, Pastor,” more than one person said.

Dillon took a deep breath, and tears streamed down his face. “I'm so sorry, but I just feel full today. God has been so very good to me, and He's brought me a mighty long way. My aunt used to say those very words all the time, and now I know what she meant. Life hasn't always been this great, though, because no matter how much I've forgiven my father and moved past what he did, it's still very hard sometimes. It's hard to imagine that any man would sleep with a woman, get her pregnant, and then cut her off like a piece of trash. But that's exactly what happened. Then when my mom gave birth to me and asked my dad to take care of me, he refused. And not only did he refuse, but when he was forced to take a paternity test, he somehow worked it out so that his play brother took the test instead. But even that wasn't enough, because then my dad paid off a couple of strippers my mom worked with. He got them to say my mom had been stealing money from the strip club she worked at, and she was fired.”

When Dillon saw a couple of women already wiping tears, he swallowed hard and sniffled again for deeper effect.

“Please excuse me, but telling this story never gets easier.”

Many people nodded with approval and gave their full attention to Dillon.

“After my mom got fired, though, and then learned that the paternity test showed my dad wasn't my father, she begged him to tell the truth. She begged him to help take care of me. She also threatened to tell his fiancée everything. And that's when I suddenly ended up missing one day. Then, about an hour after I was taken, my dad called my mom and told her that if she ever wanted to see me again, she would sign a document stating that he wasn't the baby's father. She then had to agree to never contact him again. Of course, my mom signed it, but she couldn't live with losing her job and having my dad deny me the way he did. So she borrowed a friend's car and crashed it into a tree. She killed herself when I was only a newborn. My mom was a stripper, and knowing what she did for a living caused me a lot of pain—it was the reason I grew up having no respect for any woman except my aunt—but she didn't deserve to die.”

Dillon shed more tears, and although his initial tears had been forced and phony, the ones he shed now were very real. His heart ached terribly, and it was all because he'd never gotten to know his mother. His mom's sister had been the best mother figure she could be, but Dillon still longed for his birth mother. He also wasn't sure he'd ever stop blaming his father. He'd tried to love his father and forget about what Curtis had done, but he couldn't. Maybe if Curtis had welcomed him with open arms and immediately loved him the way he loved his other three children, Dillon could have felt better about things. But that hadn't happened. Instead, his dad had made it very clear that his precious Matthew was the son he truly loved and that his two daughters, Alicia and that brat Curtina, were the loves of his life also.

“I'm sharing this story because I want people to understand that when parents make selfish decisions, they affect a child for the rest of his or her life. Being forced to basically grow up as an orphan is the reason I made so many bad choices. I committed a lot of sins and hurt a lot of people, but today I'm a completely different man. God has delivered me from sin. He called me to minister, and I thank Him for giving me another chance. He'll give everyone in here another chance as well. He's a good God, and none of us would be
without Him,” he proclaimed, speaking louder than he had been. “We don't deserve his grace, mercy, and favor, but I'm here to tell you that He gives it to us anyway. He forgives us because He loves us, and if you agree, you ought to give Him a huge amount of praise today! Praise His sweet, holy name!”

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