Read A Place to Call Home Online

Authors: Christina James

Tags: #Contemporary, #Literature & Fiction, #Contemporary Fiction, #Romance

A Place to Call Home (34 page)

BOOK: A Place to Call Home
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“What?” the kids said together.


Mac smiled for the first time in weeks. “Aidan, can I trust you to watch Ry and Luke for a day or two?”


“Sure,” he said, his smile reaching ear to ear.


“Can I trust you two to behave while I’m gone?”


“Depends,” Ryan said.


Mac glared. “Depends? Watch yourself, son.”


“It depends if you’re going to come back with Hannah.”


Mac grinned, his heart pounding. “Well, that all depends on her, but I’m sure as hell going to do my best to convince her.”


“Bring flowers, daddy,” Luke said. “Girls like flowers.”


He leaned down to Luke. “Do they now? And how do you know that?”


“Shelly told me.”


“And who’s Shelly?”


Luke glanced at Ryan and Aidan then whispered in Mac’s ear, “My girlfriend.”


“Is that so?” Mac smirked and stood. He’d barely gotten used to his oldest boy dating. Mac didn’t even want to think about Luke dating.


“Dad,” Aidan said. “Go bring Hannah home.”


going to ask her to marry you, right?” Ryan asked, tugging on Mac’s arm.


“If she’ll let me, son.”


“Can we call her Mom?” Luke asked, his big blue eyes wide.


“I’m sure she’d like that a lot. She loves you guys so much, you know.”


“We know,” Aidan said. “Like she loves you. I’m glad you finally admit you love her and stopped making excuses not to live your life. It wasn’t your fault about our mother. She just had different plans for life. Now you deserve to make some of your own, Dad.”


Mac pulled him into a hug, and then Ryan and Luke didn’t hesitate to join them.


“I do love her,” Mac said. His heart raced with thoughts of getting Hannah back and asking her to marry him. He had to have her in his life, had to make her understand what she meant to him. Starting a life together would take effort from both of them, but he couldn’t think of anything else he’d rather do. He released his sons from the hug. “Okay. Be good guys. Please. I’m going to go get my little brat.”


Chapter Forty


Hannah hated morning sickness. And she wanted to know who named it for the morning when it lasted all damn day. Every day.


She had been exhausted, her breasts ached, her stomach rolled, and now someone knocked at her damn door. They’ll go away, she told herself, sitting on the bathroom floor against the wall, willing her stomach to settle.


The bell sounded again.


She dragged herself up, cursing whoever waited at the door. She hurried to brush her teeth and shuffled to the door.


“I’m coming,” she yelled. “Who is it?”


“Hannah, please open up.” Mac’s voice floated through the door.


“Austin,” she whispered her hands resting on the wood. “Oh no.”




She placed her forehead against the door. What would she do now? If Jane had anyone watching her, then Mac showing up on her doorstep would blow the whole deal. Shit!


She opened the door in a slow fashion. Heart pounding, she stared at the handsome face that had never left her dreams. “Hi, Austin. What are you doing here?”


“Christ, Hannah. What the hell do you think?” He forced his way inside and shut the door behind him. “I came to get you back.”


“Oh, Austin. Please don’t do this. Don’t put us both through this.”


She slipped away and sat on her couch, hoping she could keep from puking long enough to get him to leave. He followed her and stood in front of her, arms crossed.


“You want to tell me what’s going on, Hannah?”


She looked up at him. Had Jane contacted him? Had she pursued custody after all? Hannah fought the anger pulsing through her. If she had suffered for nothing then Jane would pay dearly. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, so just get to the damn point instead of me playing guessing games.”


“Ah. There’s the Hannah I know and love.” His expression relaxed, the corners of his mouth edging into a slight smile. “The one with bite.”


“Austin, I’m sorry you came all this way for nothing. I’m staying here.”


“Even if I ask you to marry me?” He removed a small box from his pocket.


She stared at his hand then looked at his eyes. Oh, my God! He’d come to propose? And Jane wanted to take the kids, rip the family apart! It would be so easy to say yes, fly into his arms, and never leave his side. But damn it! She couldn’t ruin Mac’s life by marrying him…not until she’d taken care of Jane once and for all. Oh, why hadn’t he waited another week or two?


He stood there so incredibly sexy and handsome glaring down at her. God, he was everything she ever wanted—and everything she couldn’t have.


Her fingers covered her lips. “What?”


“Do you want me to get down on my knee? Just say so and I’ll do it. I’ll do whatever it takes to convince you to come home with me, Hannah. I love you and want to marry you.”


She bit her lip in hopes of keeping the tears at bay. “I’m too young to get married.”


“Try again, Hannah.” His eyes hardened.


She stood, hands on her hips, and stared him down, pulling strength from deep within her to keep her charade going. She needed more time. “Well, I am.”


“No you’re not.” He sent her a hard stare. “Just tell me the real reason you’ve decided to walk away from the one good man in your life?”


Standing this close to him, with a future offered, had awakened all the desires she had tried to keep at bay these past weeks. It took her a moment to regain her composure before speaking. “I told you from the beginning, damn it, you knew I wouldn’t be staying, Austin.” She stepped closer to him. “So no, I can’t marry you.”


“Can’t? Now isn’t that an interesting choice of words.” He glanced around the room. “Spill it, Hannah. I can tell something’s bothering you. If I did something wrong, just tell me, and I’ll apologize.”


“I can’t marry you, Austin. My life is just too complicated. I’m sorry. You should go now.”


“Fine. I had told you before I wouldn’t beg you, and I lied. I came all this way, have practically begged and pleaded with no luck. Sorry to have bothered you.”


“Austin, I’m sorry.”


“Not as much as you will be, Hannah. Not when you wake up some morning and realize just what the hell you’ve thrown away. Because despite how angry I am with you, I’ll always love you, brat.” He turned away but stopped at the door. “Oh, I almost forgot,” he said stomping back and handing her an envelope. “That’s from Ryan. Said you were expecting it.”


She took it and begged her mouth to form the words. She needed to tell him everything. She had to tell him about Jane and the custody issue and their baby. But then his fingers dug into her waist and pulled her hard against his body. When his mouth landed on hers, he devoured it. She retuned the passion with a fury. When he suddenly stopped and stared into her eyes, she stood breathless and stunned silent.


“You’ll think of me, Hannah. You’ll think of me.” With those haunting words, his hand slid from her waist, he turned and marched out of the door and out of her life.


She wanted to cry. She wanted to sink to the floor and cry. But she knew all too well crying solved nothing.


The man she loved had laid his heart on the line, asked her to marry him, and pledged his love. Hannah couldn’t play Jane’s games any more. Hannah’s temper intensified while she stomped to the table, grabbed her cell phone, and dialed.


Getting voicemail, she left her message. “Mr. Delaney, I’ve had all I can take of this shit Jane is putting me through. You have exactly one week to deliver me Jane VonFlagan on a fucking silver platter, or I’m going to Mac with the whole damn story and what ever happens from that point at least we’ll be together to deal with it. Don’t disappoint me, Mr. Delaney. I want this fucking over with. Now.”


Hannah disconnected.


“There,” she said out loud to herself. “Now I feel better.”


But seconds later she high-tailed it to the porcelain god she’d come to despise these last few weeks.




Mac sped off Interstate 95 to a rest area. He took out his cell and texted Aidan’s cell since they would no doubt be out at the lake on this hot day. He typed in his solemn message.


She said no. I’m coming home. Be there by eight. Make dinner. Behave.


He merged back onto the Interstate and drove within the speed limit even if his temper wanted him to put the accelerator to the floor. But that would only manage to get him a speeding ticket he sure as hell didn’t need.


Hannah had told him no. She turned him down flat. But why? He could understand if they’d had a fight but they hadn’t. Everything had been going so well. He’d felt her love. There’s no way she lied about that. The way she’d looked at him like her mouth was watering. The way she’d kissed him like she never wanted to stop. The way she’d made love to him, sharing her body, taking his.


He slammed his fist against the steering wheel. God, it just didn’t make fucking sense. The whole situation nagged at him. The Hannah he knew and loved would tell him if she had been mad at him—oh she’d friggin’ broadcast it—so it couldn’t be him. And there’s no way it had anything to do with his kids since she obviously loved them as much as he did him.


Okay, then if the redheaded, little brat wanted to have space, then he’d give her damn space. But he sure as hell wasn’t waiting forever. When he thought she’d had enough time to think about things, he’d pay her another visit.


Only this time, he wouldn’t leave empty handed.




“Thank you, Mr. Delaney,” Hannah said and hugged the thin elderly man. “I don’t think I can ever repay you for all you’ve done for me.”


He’d delivered what she needed in less than the one-week deadline she’d given him.


“Nonsense. You’ve paid me well for my services.” With a bony finger, he pushed his glasses up his nose. “I’m just sorry it took so long and so much money. I usually don’t worry about a client having to pay. Hell, if they want the info, it’ll cost them. That’s always been my motto. But not with you. I truly am happy things are going to work out for you.”


“Thanks to you finding the right public officials to bribe to get what we needed.”


“Well, that’s the sinful part of my business.”


“The sinful part of my business is my double layer chocolate mousse.”


“Which I plan to have the next time I’m at one of your restaurants.”


“If you’re ever in Charleston, you be sure to stop in. I’ll be there,” Hannah said, her heart swelling with the news, knowing she could get her life back.


After letting Mr. Delaney out of her house, Hannah wasted no time. She’d already packed and was ready to go. But right now she needed to make one very important, very overdue phone call.


“Hello, Jane. Hannah O’Leary. Don’t even think about hanging up because you’ll want to hear what I have to say.”
Hot damn! Didn’t that feel good to say?


“I doubt it, but I’ll amuse you for a moment while I await my pedicure.”


“I’m going back to Mac, and you can try to fight for custody. I don’t care.”


She laughed. “Now that’s not too bright of you. You’ve managed to give me a little project to fill my time.”


“Well, I’m freeing your schedule up now.” With the phone to her ear and her hand on her waist, Hannah spoke with clarity. “You’re not going to file for custody, Jane. You were never going to fight for custody, were you?”


“Don’t try to call my bluff, dear. You won’t like the consequences.”


“Oh, I’m not worried about that, Jane. You see I’ve already called the media to let them know the widowed heiress Jane VonFlagan will be pursuing custody of her three boys.”


“You did what?” Jane screeched.


Got you, bitch!


“I think it’s time you listen to
now, Jane. I know you lied to your dead husband about having three children. In fact, as far as he knew you had no children. I also know if it’s discovered you do have kids you’ll lose all that precious money you inherited and love so much. You see my private detectives uncovered a copy of your prenuptial agreement, and it was sure interesting. I especially liked reading the stipulation concerning you having no children. My sources tell me your dead husband put that in there to protect his own children’s inheritance. You, as his wife, got some of his fortune, but his children didn’t have to worry about any stepchildren fighting them for theirs. Are you paying attention, Jane?”


“Hannah...” Jane sounded so meek.


“Oh no. You shut up. I’m not done. Your husband’s will also reiterates you must have no children prior to your marriage or you forfeit your inheritance. Are you ready to forfeit your millions, Jane, for custody of your boys?”


“No,” she said, her response quick.


“I thought so.” Hannah took a deep, steadying breath. Triumph was hers. “Now this is the most important part of this conversation, so listen carefully because I won’t repeat myself. You will
try to keep me away from Mac and the boys again. If you ever interfere in our lives again, I will broadcast your sordid little secret on every media station. Is that clear, Jane?”


“Yes,” Jane agreed.


“Oh, and Jane? Don’t call Mac’s boys unless you can say something nice and not be a bitch.”


“Fine,” Jane said.


Hannah hung up and wanted to dance but worried her stomach wouldn’t handle that too well. “Guess we won’t be hearing from you again,” she said to her cell phone. Grabbing her purse and car keys, she bolted out the door.


Chapter Forty-One


Hannah parked in Mac’s driveway, careful to be quiet. Stepping out of her car into the cool night air did wonders for her stiff legs. She hurried to the back door, flashbacks of when she’d snuck in with the blueberry muffins causing a smile to creep across her lips. With her hand over her tiny belly-bump, Hannah braced herself for the ride of emotions waiting for her when she entered the house. After being away from the MacDevins and enduring Jane’s malicious threats for the past month and a half, well, she felt certain she could face an army right now…and win the battle.

BOOK: A Place to Call Home
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