A Place to Call Home (35 page)

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Authors: Christina James

Tags: #Contemporary, #Literature & Fiction, #Contemporary Fiction, #Romance

BOOK: A Place to Call Home
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Hadn’t she done her best to be a safe driver on her ride from Savannah? At least that’s what she told the State Trooper who’d chastised her and issued a ticket. But excitement had overwhelmed her. Slowing down couldn’t be done.


At last, she would be home with her family. Her heart raced, her breathing deepened with each step that brought her closer to Mac. God, she couldn’t stand the anticipation of finally being able to see him and the kids.


But she wouldn’t just barge in on them. After turning down his proposal, Mac would surely not be too receptive to her just showing up on his doorstep. But when she finished explaining, he’d understand.


She stepped onto the porch and knocked on the back door. No answer. She knocked harder. Porkchop barked. No answer. She pounded on the door. Were they sleeping? It was only nine o’clock and the lights still streamed through the windows. Porkchop’s barks grew louder and so did Mac’s voice when he hollered something.


When Mac opened the door, he stared, his eyes widened and his mouth hung open. When he swallowed, his expression became blank. Regaining his composure had been quick, the chill in his voice expected. “Are you lost?”


Her heart pounded so hard she thought might pass out. Even when she wanted to launch herself into his arms, she forced herself to wait until she could be certain he wouldn’t toss her aside after all she’d put him through. Baby steps tonight. They had so much to discuss. “Please, can I come in, Austin?”


“My. Such manners. Learn not to swear in Savannah?”


“Please.” Her heart wanted to explode and the swine wanted to be pissy with her.


He stepped inside, stalking away from her and into the parlor. She followed him, her footsteps slow.


“Sorry, boys, we have to interrupt our movie.” He turned to face Hannah, arms folded. “We have company.”


Luke ran to her, throwing his arms around her waist, his big blue eyes wide, his smile ear to ear. “Hannah! I knew you’d come back.”


“Easy, Luke,” Mac said, each word etched with hurt. “I’m sure she’s just passing through. Buy another restaurant, Hannah?”


“Actually I’m glad you’re all here because I have some explaining to do.”


“You think?” Mac said, his brows furrowed.


“Please let me speak. It’ll make sense. I promise.”


“Dad, let’s give her a chance,” Aidan said, even though his wariness remained evident in how he studied her, like he expected her to change her mind and run.


There’d be no more running for Hannah.


Mac looked at him then back to her. “Seems you have an audience. Go ahead.”


Up until this moment, she’d looked forward to her return, believing that finally being able to be honest would be easier than when she’d had to say goodbye to them. But standing here, staring into their faces, gave her pause. How could she explain the truth knowing it would hurt them because it concerned their mother? On her drive from Savannah, she’d been excited at the thought of repairing her relationship with the boys, but now she realized that it would cause more grief for them.


Hannah swallowed, knowing above all else that she loved them, and they deserved the truth. “Boys, I hope what I tell you tonight doesn’t hurt your feelings but I expect it will.”


“What? Anymore than you’ve already done?” Mac snapped.


She glared. “Will you hush up and let me talk?”


“What’s this? The old Hannah’s back?” Mac asked.


She huffed and ignored him. “As I was saying, I don’t want to hurt your feelings, but I think you’re all old enough to hear the truth about why I had to leave Charleston for awhile.”


to leave?” Mac’s harsh expression softened.


“Yes. I never wanted to leave. In fact, I had made up my mind to stay. But then I received a really bad phone call.”


“From who?” Aidan said.


Hannah hesitated. Who knew telling the truth would be so difficult especially since she’d waited so long to get back to them? “From Jane. From your mother.” She glanced at Mac. “She threatened to take custody from you. She told me if I didn’t leave you guys then she had enough money to bribe judges and be granted custody of the boys.”


?” Mac exploded. “And you didn’t tell me?”


“How could I?” With her defenses up, she shared what she had held in these past weeks. “I was so scared she could do it. She threw her millions in my face, saying she had the means to take the boys from you and then send them to separate boarding schools so they wouldn’t see each other.”


“Jesus!” Mac said, pacing.


“Don’t worry. She won’t be going for custody. That’s what I’ve been working on since leaving you guys.” She shuffled Luke’s hair and smiled, pleased with herself to have fixed the problem. “I hired a private detective to find dirt on her. But Jane was really good. She covered her tracks on everything. We couldn’t even find a speeding ticket. But then the detective found her pre-nup. She lied and said she had no children. If it was found she did, then she’d lose all her money. So I let her know if she ever tried to keep me from you guys again or ever threatened to take custody from your father, I’d broadcast her secret to the media, and she’d lose all her money.”


“Of course she chose the money and not her kids,” Aidan said. The bite in his words showed the edge of his hurt.


“I told you I didn’t want to hurt your feelings.” She moved to his side and ran her hand up and down his arm. “I knew this wouldn’t be easy for you to hear. But I also knew you’d all be happy to stay here with your dad. And that your dad would’ve fought tooth and nail to keep you guys.”


“But you fought for me instead,” Mac said, his words holding the understanding she had hoped for.


Her gaze connected with his, her love for him overpowering her. She wanted to run into his arms but knew she still had to give him time. This had been a lot of information to take in.


“I had to, Austin. I couldn’t let me be the reason you lost your kids.” She stepped toward him. “I love you, Austin. I love you, boys. I couldn’t be the reason.” Despite her best efforts, tears threatened to pour from her eyes and she sniffled. “She never had any intention of following through with her threat. She just hated me and wanted to screw with me. But I kept my temper in check,” she said glancing at Mac. “And with patience I never knew I had, I beat her at her own game.”


“And how much of your money did you spend doing this, Hannah?” Mac asked moving closer.


“All of it.”


“What?” Shock covered his face. “You were valued at two million.”


“That’s right, you’d Googled me. I forgot.” She waved him off. “I’ve got seven restaurants all earning a profit. I’ll replenish my savings in no time. I’d do it all over again. ”


“Hannah. You spent two million so I could keep my boys with me?”


“With us.” Staring at the love of her life, she trembled with excitement. God, here stood the man who had showed her what family should be. “I was hoping we could also talk about that.”


Mac stared at her for what seemed like eternity, and she waited, holding her breath. “Okay, boys, scram. You heard the lady. She needs to talk to me.”


“Sure,” the boys said, all wearing smiles.


“Daddy,” Luke said and tugged on his arm.


Mac bent down to be on eye level. “Yeah, buddy?”


“Ask her to marry you.”


Aidan and Ryan edged closer.


Mac smirked and glanced at them. “Do you guys think I should? Again?”


“Yes,” they all said.


“Then get out of here and let me work some magic,” he said, smiling wide.


The boys disappeared up the stairs.


“So you came back for me?” Mac asked stepping toward her with a casual manner.


“Maybe.” She grinned and placed her hands on his waist when he stood in front of her. “I thought about what you said. You know about how you love me and all.”


“Oh, yeah?” His blue eyes brightened.


“And since I love you back, I think it’s about time I get myself a permanent address.”


The way he stared at her with serious eyes, her heart melted.


“Did you have one in mind?”


His hands moved to her waist, his finger digging in to her skin. The simple touch thrilled her to her soul.


“I did.” She glanced around. “I think this one is perfect. That is, if there’s room for me here.”


A deep growl emanated from his throat. “I think we can make some adjustments, but we’ll fit you in. So what happens to us when you want to start another restaurant, Hannah? I have to tell you now I won’t be able to handle you leaving for extended periods of time to set up new places. And I won’t be able to handle you deciding you can’t stay in one place any longer.”


Her hands ran along his back and shoulders, enjoying the swell of muscles, the firm flesh under her touch. “Then it’s a good thing I’ve stopped finding places for new restaurants and have decided to focus on the ones I have.”


“So you won’t get the urge to run away?”


“Only when you rile my temper.”


“Oh, when I rile your temper?” He cocked an eyebrow.


“Yeah. You have a good way of doing that. But even then I’ll only run down to the property line to cool off.” Her fingers brushed across his cheek, the five o’clock stubble a glorious prickle. “If you still want me, Austin MacDevin, then you’re going to have me for life. I promise.”


He wrapped her in his strong arms. “Now that sounds like a plan, my little brat.”


“Okay, you need to tell me why you call me that.”


A rumble of laughter vibrated through his chest. “Because you always speak your mind. No matter what. Stand up for what you believe in. And have been a pain in my ass since day one. The name just suits you, brat.”


 “And I wouldn’t change a thing about you,” Mac added, kissing her lips.


“Don’t you have something to ask me then?”


“Nope,” he said and smirked. “I already asked you once. It’s your fault you turned me down. Now you’ll just have to live with me here in sin.”


“Austin!” She slapped at his chest.


He grinned while digging into his jeans pocket. He held the ring up and she stared at it.


“You carry diamond rings around in your pocket?” she whispered.


“Only since you turned me down the first time.”


“Oh, Austin. Really?”


“Really. Now can you hush and let me get through this so I can kiss you and the boys can come out because I know they’re listening?”




His gaze caught hers. “Hannah, I love you and always will. You showed me what it was to live life again. You make life interesting. With you around there’s never a dull moment. I love all of you, temper, mouth, and stubbornness. Most of all I love your heart. I’ll try my best to make you happy every day of our lives. So what do you say this time? Will you marry me, brat?”


“Yes, Austin. On one condition.”


“What?” His eyes widened. “You can’t put a condition on a marriage proposal.”


“I just did,” she said and laughed.


He gave an exaggerated sigh. “Okay. Let’s hear it.”


“That you tell me again you love me. I like to hear it.”


“If you marry me, I’ll tell you every day, forever, that I love you. I truly love you, my little brat.”


“I love you, too, Austin. Yes. I’ll marry you!”


Mac slipped the ring on Hannah’s finger. The single stone twinkled brightly in the gold setting. She couldn’t tear her gaze from her hand, the diamond signifying a love she had only dreamed of before she had met Mac.


When she raised her head, Mac kissed her, his mouth devouring hers until she lost her breath.


“Aidan, Ryan, Luke,” Mac yelled while keeping Hannah in his arms. “You can come out now. She said yes!”

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