A Passionate Discovery (Self-Discovery Series) (31 page)

BOOK: A Passionate Discovery (Self-Discovery Series)
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underwear she pulled on was sexy, but by the time she had finished with her
makeup and had pulled on her dress Carla felt she looked anything but. The
white Converse she pulled out a box matched her dress well, but did little to
lift her appearance beyond the realms of cute.

“You need
any help before I get out of here?” she asked, returning to the living room.

whistled when she saw her friend, grinning at Carla’s outfit. “Look at you,
sexy girl.” In her opinion Carla looked more like a high-school cheerleader
than a college graduate in the dress and sneakers she had on; the kind of
jailbait that could tempt a man into trouble.

“Oh yeah,
this is my seduce him look,” Carla said with a giggle and a toss of her still
damp ponytail. “No man can resist me when I put this outfit on.”

“I bet
they can’t.” Seeing the look on her friend’s face Scarlett turned serious. “I
think you look gorgeous, honey, and if Jason doesn’t like your outfit tell him
to lump it.” She winked and then tapped her lip. “On second thought, don’t do
that, he’d probably enjoy punishing you for it and we can’t have that, not with
everything we have to get done tomorrow. I need you at full mobility and
flexibility, not suffering from another night with Mr.
I-don’t-know-the-meaning-of-the-word-restraint; you make sure to tell him

Carla shook
her head at Scarlett’s comment. “Yeah, I’ll be sure to tell him that for you,
for all the good it will do.” Giving her friend a quick hug and a peck on the
cheek she grabbed her purse and made her way down to her car.

As usual
she felt a nervous knot build in her stomach as she drove to Jason’s house. The
uncertainty of what was going to happen brought on the now familiar feeling of
excitement and fear.







After parking
the Lamborghini in front of Jason’s mansion, Carla got out of the car and made
her way up the stairs to the front doors. She hadn’t managed to settle herself
during the drive over and hated that her hand trembled as she reached out to
ring the doorbell. Worse than her hand trembling was the stickiness of her
sweaty palms, which she attempted to dry on her dress.

When the
door opened to reveal the butler, Carla hurriedly stopped what she was doing
and forced a smile.

“Master Jason
asked that you wait in his bedroom, Ma’am, he has left a note for you on the

you.” Carla smiled again, stepping past the butler she headed up the long
flight of stairs to the mansion’s main bedroom.

into the elegant room Carla sat down on the oversized bed and picked up the note.
She was filled with disappointment when she read the note Jason had left for
her, he was stuck in negotiations with a client and didn’t expect to get home
until the early hours of the morning.

As she
read the note again, Carla couldn’t help but wish he’d thought to call her if
he wasn’t going to be home. She could have stayed at the condo and made a start
on sorting her things out, even if she couldn’t put most of it away. Instead
she was stuck at the mansion; Jason’s note told her to make herself at home but
she didn’t feel all that comfortable with doing that.

Since the
bottom of the note told her to sleep naked it was clear that Jason intended to
wake her when he got home. It might end up being a tame night, but at least she
would have some time with him.

the note back on the nightstand Carla stood up and quickly stripped off;
folding her dress she set it on a chair in the corner of the room, along with
her underwear. Her sneakers she put under the chair, out of the way. She then
slipped under the covers, naked, and settled down.

Though she
had had a full day with the move, and the shopping spree that afternoon, Carla
found sleep elusive and soon enough she gave up her attempts to drift off, it
was clear she wasn’t going to manage it just then. Instead she took advantage
of the opportunity to do something she hadn’t done in a while, since meeting Jason
in fact, she turned on the television and surfed the channels.

couldn’t find much that interested her and eventually she left the TV on an old
black and white movie. It wasn’t a great film, but it was light entertainment,
and didn’t require her to think very much so she could just let it run while
her mind drifted.

When the
film finished Carla turned the TV off and slid back down beneath the sheets,
finally feeling as though she could drift off, which was exactly what she did.


Carla woke
abruptly as a hand clamped over her mouth, cutting off her breathing. She tried
to bring her own hands up to free herself but the moment she did that a weight
settled on her body, effectively trapping her against the mattress.

The room
was pitch-black, so she couldn’t see anything of her attacker, but the weight
on her hips and the way he kept her almost completely still, despite her best
efforts to free herself, indicated he was a big, strong man.

Terror filled
every fiber of her being as she struggled to free herself; she had an idea of
what her attacker had in mind and the thought filled her with adrenaline,
giving her the strength to free one of her arms from the knee that had been
pressing it into the bed.

reached up to the hand over her mouth, trying to push it away so she could
scream. It was impossible; her attacker was just too strong, he barely seemed
to notice her efforts.

It wasn’t
until she tried to claw at her attacker’s face that he paid any attention to
her free hand, grabbing it in his he shoved it away from him, raising it above
her head out of the way and holding it there.

When his
weight shifted off her hips she thought she was going to have a chance to
escape, but before she could even try she was roughly rolled over on the bed so
she was on her stomach, her face buried in the pillow beneath her. The pillow
did as good a job of cutting off her voice as the hand had, and she found she
still couldn’t make an audible sound. In fact the pillow was worse, she
couldn’t even try and make a sound while her face was pressed into it; it was
all she could do to breathe.

As she lay
there, unable to even struggle without threatening to choke herself on the
pillow, Carla found herself wondering who it was attacking her. It couldn’t be
any of Jason’s servants, not the ones she had seen up till then anyway, none of
them were as big or as muscular as the man on top of her. The only thing she
could think was that it must be one of his friends from the dungeon; she didn’t
know if Jason allowed his dungeon friends to use the house when he wasn’t there,
but she was sure it had to be someone with access to the house, she had seen
the security system that protected it.

about Jason made her wonder where he was; hadn’t he said he’d look after her,
that it was the job of a Master to look after their submissive. Where was he
when she actually needed him?

attention was brought back on to what her attacker was doing when she heard a
tearing sound. At first she didn’t know what it was, though it sent a shiver of
fear running up her spine, and then she identified it. It wasn’t the sound of
something being torn; it was the sound of tape being pulled off a reel.

There was
no time for her to wonder what the tape was going to be used for; she had no
sooner identified the sound than she found out. While her assailant kept her
arms stretched above her head and gripped both her hands in one of his, he
wrapped the tape around her wrists, winding it around and around until she
couldn’t separate them.

the hand that was holding hers let go and she was rolled onto her back. She had
no chance to take advantage of her mouth being unblocked however, she barely
had time to realize it was before tape was shoved over her mouth and clamped
into place, once again robbing her of the ability to be heard.

tried to swing her arms down to hit her attacker but he caught her wrists
before she could land the intended blow. The next thing she knew he had
produced the tape again and had her secured to the headboard. While he was
doing that the lower half of her body was free, and she took advantage of that,
bending herself almost double so she could lash out at him with her legs,
attempting to kick or knee him.

She managed
to land a few blows, though they did little to stop him. She even tried to bend
herself far enough to rip the tape from her mouth with her toes, though in that
she failed miserably; despite her best efforts she couldn’t get her feet
anywhere near her mouth.

There was
a low chuckle from her attacker when he realized what she was attempting to do,
a chuckle that sounded vaguely familiar, and then he grabbed her left foot.
Effortlessly he straightened her leg out and held it still as he secured her
ankle to the foot of the bed, though in the process he suffered a couple of
good solid kicks to the back of the head, once Carla figured out where to aim
her kicks.

When her
other ankle was taped and bound to the bottom of the bed as well, Carla’s panic
went into overdrive. She was helpless, and could barely move her body at all,
let alone fight against her restraints, and she found herself hyperventilating.

The feel
of fingers tracing their way up her thigh had Carla twisting and writhing
within her restraints, desperate to throw off the fingers, to close her thighs
and prevent what she knew was about to happen. She could do none of that
however, her spread-eagled position on the bed prevented it, all she could do
was scream and moan and whimper into her gag as the monster over her thrust his
long fingers into her core.

Even on
the occasions Jason had penetrated her anally she hadn’t felt as violated as
she did then; she could have stopped Jason any time she wanted. This though,
this violation she couldn’t stop; she couldn’t fight her attacker off and her
cries and pleas for help barely made it past the tape covering her mouth.

If her
assailant could hear her pleas then he was of no mind to heed them, he
continued to thrust into her dry sheath with brutal force, leaving her raw as
she continued to writhe and twist to try and avoid his invading fingers. After
a minute or so she felt his hand, the one not penetrating her, press down on
her hips, holding her still as he cruelly finger-fucked her.

warning the tormenting digits slowed their relentless thrusting, and with an
agonizing deliberateness that was almost worse than their previous frenzy began
to slide in an out of her. She knew with a clarity beyond her own experiences
that he had changed tactics to try and make her enjoy the evil act he was
forcing upon her; if had been possible she would have reached up and torn his
eyes out.

The hand
on her hips didn’t hurt, but it was applying enough pressure to ensure she
remained still and all she could was lie there, tears streaming from her eyes
as her body responded, against her will, to the manipulations of the man over
her. The thought that her body wanted what he was doing to her, that it desired
the contact, wanted it to continue, worse, it wanted more than just his
fingers, was more humiliating than the thought of him taking her brutally by
force, regardless of what her body wanted.

No! No!
No! She cried out from behind the tape that bound her mouth, hating the wetness
she felt between her thighs.

the fingers withdrew and the figure leaned close to her, his mouth next to her
ear, his hand on her mouth. “I’m going to fuck you so hard and deep you’ll
scream the house down, sweetheart,” he whispered, pulling the tape away, and
leaning in to kiss her.

recognized the voice instantly and her eyes widened in shock, she couldn’t
believe who had attacked her and bound her hand and foot and been about to do
‘that’ to her, it just wasn’t possible. For several long moments, moments that
seemed to stretch into eternity, she found herself frozen in disbelief, unable
to do anything but lie there as he kissed her unresponsive mouth.

she came to her senses and twisted her head away, forcing their lips apart.
“Get off me you son of a bitch!” she screamed, bucking and heaving in frenziedly,
trying to throw his body off hers.

down, Carla, it’s me, it’s Jason.” He tried to calm her, reaching over to turn
on the lamp that sat on the nightstand.

couldn’t believe he thought she would calm down just because it was him who had
bound and gagged her, and acted like he was going to rape her, rather than
someone else. “I know who it is you fucking asshole, now get the fuck off me!”
she screamed again.

calm down, you’re going to hurt yourself.” Jason continued to speak calmly to
her, as if she was panicking over nothing.

Calm down!
How could she calm down? Calming down was the last thing she wanted to do just
then, she wanted to get free so she could show him just what she thought of his
latest stunt. She wanted to claw his eyes out, scratch his face, knee him in
the balls, anything to make him feel some of the pain she was feeling just
then; only blood would satisfy her, she thought. The moment she thought of
blood it came back to her, the safe word, the word she could use to tell him
everything was not alright and she wanted it to end, the word he had given her
right at the start, before the ten nights had begun. How could she have
forgotten it? She felt so stupid.

“RED!” she
screamed out at the top of her lungs. “Red, you fucking asshole, red!”

He moved
off her as he’d been struck, the look on his face revealing that he knew then
he’d gone over the edge of anything she could deal with. “I’m going to untie
you, sweetheart,” he spoke soothingly.

“Do it, quickly!”
She was shaking in anger and fear, her chest heaving from everything. She
forced herself to take deep slow breaths to try and calm down but it didn’t
work, it was going to be a long time before she felt calm again, she thought.

He cut
away the tape that bound her ankles and then reached up to release her wrists.
The moment he did she rolled away from him and off the bed, hurrying across the
room to the chair where she’d put her dress. He could see the panic in her eyes
as she turned to watch him warily while pulling on her clothes. “Sweetheart,
calm down, we need to sit and talk about this.” Getting off the bed he took a
few slow steps toward her, not wanting to scare her any further.

from the knife in Jason’s hand to his still hard cock, and then up to his face Carla
took a step back, fear on her face, and almost tripped over the chair behind
her. “Don’t you fucking come near me. I swear, if you do I will scream this
house down.” She hoped his servants didn’t ignore everything they heard because
she damn well planned on getting out of there.

“I won’t
touch you, sweetheart, honest, just calm down.” Realizing he was still holding
the knife he had used to cut her free he tossed it behind him onto the bed. He
was surprised by her reaction to the situation, he hadn’t thought she would
respond the way she had, the other women he’d done it with had panicked
initially but then gotten into the spirit of it and really enjoyed the
scenario, the final surrendering of control.

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