If you felt depressed, anxious, tense, angry, or sad when you read the previous section, stop and imagine for a minute all the other people who live in similar situations. Trust me, you are not alone. It is estimated that 80-95 percent of all families could be labeled dysfunctional. 4
If I had seen myself in all the negative labels that are bandied about in self-help books, I'd never get out of bed in the morning. If I internalized everything that has been said about battered wives, alcoholics, codependents, adult children of alcoholics, and incest survivors, I would have a laundry list a mile long of my deficiencies and the desirable qualities I lacked. All the labels may be true, but there is more to me than labels.
When I first heard that many incest survivors become chemically dependent, I felt ashamed because that's what I did. Then, after some more work on the issues, this fact became a relief. I said, "I'm glad my life is a clichéit means that I have a lot in common with a lot of other people." I decided not to cave in to the negativity in my life, and to take credit for my work toward recovery.
Those of us in recovery have a new vision of family life that is free of shame. We have a vision of ourselves as healthy, responsible, and joyful people. We have become life-affirming, rather than the walking wounded.