A New Hope (The Second Chance Series Book 2) (23 page)

BOOK: A New Hope (The Second Chance Series Book 2)
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Chapter Sixty-Two


The x-rays showed that Elliot didn’t have anything broken, but he was bruised up pretty bad. When they made it home Conner, Callie and Rylee were sitting at the kitchen table with Kiara and Manuel. “Oh my gosh.” Callie said and rushed over to Elliot.

“Are you alright, little bro?” Conner asked him.

“I feel like I caught a baseball with my face, but other than that I’m great.” Elliot answered sarcastically.

“Thank you, Elliot.” Conner said sincerely.

“I will always protect her.” Elliot said seriously. “She’s the only family I have left.”

“That isn’t true.” Rylee said and wrapped her arms around him. “We’re your family now too.”

Elliot grinned as much as his swollen face would let him and said, “I should have never complained about not having time with Karla. If I hadn’t we wouldn’t have been there and he wouldn’t have tried to hurt Karla.”

“You cannot blame yourself for this.” Conner said. “Garrett should have never been let out of jail. If anyone is to blame it’s the idiots who let him out.”

“I agree.” Karla said and pulled Elliot into her arms. “I am so sorry you got hurt, Elliot.” She said into his hair.

“It wasn’t your fault. I told you earlier that I would do the same thing again.”

“Does everyone think I’m helpless? Do you all think I’m incapable of taking care of myself?” Karla asked in frustration.

“Karla, no one thinks that.” Conner said and walked towards her. “We just worry because we all love you.”

“Whatever, Conner! You all love Callie, Kiara and Rylee too, but you don’t treat them like they’re fragile pieces of glass that could break at any given moment. I’m NOT fragile and I am NOT going to break! In case you all failed to notice I didn’t cower in the corner today when I faced Garrett. Yes, I lived through hell, but I came out of it stronger. I am so sick of all of you treating me like a glass doll that needs to be handled with care. I love all of you, but I am sick of you all thinking I need protecting!” Karla threw up her hands in frustration and stormed out of the kitchen.

They all sat there in silence for a moment before Kiara spoke. “I guess she told us.” She said and everyone looked at her like she’d lost her mind. “What? She’s right. We all do treat her like she could break at any time. I’m not saying we do it intentionally, but think back over the past year to every time one if us has stepped in instead of letting her fight her own battles. Or better yet, think about all the times she’s been hurt and one of us has blamed ourselves instead of the one responsible.”

“She’s been hurt so bad though.” Conner said in a defeated tone.

“She has.’” Kiara agreed. “But she isn’t the person now that she was then and she’s trying to leave the past behind and focus on the present and the future. How can she do that if we’re continuing to shove the past to the forefront of the present? You all think about that. I’m going to talk to Karla.” Kiara said and walked out of the room.

She paused in the door and turned back to face the room. “Another thing. Conner, she loves you, but if you don’t stop treating her like she’s going to break then you’re going to push her away.”

She walked out then, went straight to Karla’s door and knocked.

“Go away.”

“Not going to happen, Karla.” Kiara answered in response.

“Have it your way.” Karla said, but didn’t open the door.

Kiara stood there for a minute and looked at the closed door. She could hear the tears in Karla’s voice and knew her sister regretted lashing out like she did. “I agree with you.”

After another few seconds she heard the click of the lock and Karla opened the door a crack. “You do?”

“I do.” Kiara answered and Karla opened the door wider for her to enter. Once she was inside Karla closed and locked the door again before sitting on her bed and hugging her knees to her chest.

“Why can’t everyone see that I’m tired of being sheltered?” Karla asked quietly.

“I don’t know, Karla, but I want to apologize for my part in it. I didn’t even realize I was doing it until you pointed it out and I don’t think anyone else did either.” Kiara answered just as quietly.

They sat there in silence for what felt like forever before there was a knock at the door. “Karla?” Conner asked softly.

“Guess I need to let them in.” Karla said to Kiara and she nodded her agreement.

When she opened the door Conner’s arms instantly wrapped around her. “I am so sorry. I never meant to make you feel like that.” He whispered in her ear.

“We’re all sorry, Karla.” Rylee said from behind Conner. “We didn’t even realize we were doing that until you told us.”

“We never knew we were hurting you.” Andrew said as he entered the room. When he saw Conner’s arms around Karla he cleared his throat loudly and Conner released her. “Karla, none of us think you’re weak and none of us think you aren’t capable of handling yourself. We just don’t want to see you get hurt again.”

Karla looked at him with tear filled eyes. “I know and I’m sorry for my outburst earlier. I love you all, but I need to know that you all know I can handle myself and I don’t need saving anymore.”

“Oh, honey, we know that.” Leslie said as she wrapped her arms around Karla. “We’re sorry for making you feel like we have been. I promise to try to do better.”

“Me too.” Rylee said from behind her.

Everyone agreed and Karla gave them a watery smile.

“Thank you all. I’m ready to keep the past in the past and focus on the here and now.” Karla told them and they nodded their agreement. “Alright, now that I’m over my temper tantrum let’s move on to more important things.”

“Like dinner?” Conner asked and everyone burst out laughing. 

Chapter Sixty-Three


Three weeks after the incident at the go-cart track Rosa got to leave the hospital and move into an assisted living facility. She still had very little use of her left arm and couldn’t use her left leg at all, but she was alive and she was getting the best medical treatment possible. She made the decision to sell the house in Puerto Rico so Manuel had flown back there to pack up everything and put it on the market. He was back already and Christmas was approaching. Andrew was going to bring Rosa to the house to celebrate the holiday with them all.

Karla was happy for Kiara and Manuel, but the closer it got to Christmas the more concerned she became for Elliot. “I want to take Elliot Christmas shopping.” Karla told Leslie as they were loading breakfast dishes. “Just he and I.” She clarified.

“I still have some shopping to finish too so we can all go, but I’ll leave you two alone and let you talk. I can tell you’re worried about him.”

“I think he’s missing his dad and Nana.” Karla said and looked at the door to make sure Elliot wasn’t coming in. “I think we should go to Texas for a couple of days and let him visit their graves.” She suggested.

“Andrew can’t get time off this year, but you and I can take him if you want.” Leslie suggested and Karla smiled.

“I think that’s a great idea.” She agreed.

“It’s settled then. I’ll make the plane and hotel reservations when we get back from the mall and then we’ll surprise him with them. What do you think?”

“That sounds awesome. I don’t want to stay a full week though. Maybe three days? Andrew can call The Robertson’s and see if Hank can meet up with us one day and hang out with Elliot. I think Elliot would like that a lot.”

“I think he would too.” Leslie agreed. “Want to go find Elliot so we can go?” Leslie asked as she loaded the last plate in, added the detergent, closed the door and turned the dishwasher on.

“On it.” Karla said with a grin and took off upstairs. She stopped at Elliot’s door and knocked softly.

“Come in.”

She opened the door and poked her head in. “Want to help me finish my Christmas shopping?” She asked.

“Just you and me?”

“Yep. Well, Leslie will be there, but she’ll be doing her own shopping and I need a guy’s opinion on what to get Conner.” She said with a grin. She knew if he thought she needed his help that he would agree to come.

“Give me five minutes.” Elliot said with a grin.

“I’ll be timing you.” Karla teased and headed into her room to grab her coat and phone.

When she walked back out Elliot was coming out of his room too. “That was more like two minutes.” She said with a grin and headed downstairs with him right behind her.

“Ready?” Leslie asked as she slipped on her coat, gloves and hat.

“As I’ll ever be.” Elliot said, making Karla grin at him.

“Let’s head out then. I sent Andrew a text letting him know where we are. His shift is over in about thirty minutes and he may worry if we aren’t here since Manuel and Kiara are with Rosa today and won’t be here to tell him.”

“Sounds good.” Karla said as she walked out the door. “Leslie, I want to ask you something.”

“Sure, you know you can ask me anything.”

“Can we stop and pick up the book for me to study for my learner’s permit?”

“Sure we can.” Leslie answered with a smile.

“Thank you.” Karla grinned and looked back at Elliot. “Are you going to ride with me when I get my license?”

“If you drive a car like you do a go-cart then no, not gonna happen.” He said with a grin.

“Well if that’s how you’re going to be then I won’t offer to drive you places.” Karla teased and Elliot laughed.

They taunted each other good naturedly all the way to the mall. When they went in Leslie went in one direction and they went in the other.

“I want to get Conner something special. Something that means the same thing as my necklace. What do you suggest?”

Elliot stood there and thought a minute. When he locked eyes with Karla and grinned she knew he had an idea. “Follow me.” He said and took off in the direction of Karla’s favorite jewelry store.

When he stopped in front of it and pointed at the display in the window Karla grinned. “You are brilliant, little brother. One of those would be perfect.”

She walked in and started looking at the vast selection of leather rope bracelets. When she found one that had a blank silver plate on it she waved the sales clerk over. “How long would it take to have this engraved?” She asked as soon as the clerk walked up.

“We don’t have anyone in front of you so about two hours, tops.” He answered with a grin.

“Perfect.” Karla said. “Do you have a pen so I can write down exactly what I want it to say?”

“Here you go.” He said as he handed her the pen and the engraving card. When she was finished she handed it back to him and grinned. He read the card and smiled back before tucking it into the box with the bracelet. “You can pay for this when you pick it up Miss Hall.”

“Sounds like a plan. I’ll be back in two hours.” She said and walked out of the store with Elliot behind her. Once they were out she led Elliot to the video game store where she got Manuel a new game and then to Kiara’s favorite clothing store where she got her some warm sweaters and a matching scarf and hat set.

“Is it time for lunch yet?” Elliot asked as he walked out of the store carrying a bag.

“We have just enough time to eat before I have to pick up Conner’s gift. What do you have there?” She asked and nodded toward his bag.

“I got Mallie and Maddie a hat and scarf set like the one you got Kiara.” Elliot answered with a grin. “Wanna see them?”

“I sure do. You know I can help you if you need it. I am a girl after all.” She said as she pushed his shoulder a little.

“You’re a girl?” He asked playfully. “Wow, I didn’t know that.”

“You’re funny.” She said sarcastically. “Let’s get some lunch. I’m hungry.”

Chapter Sixty-Four


Later that afternoon Karla sat on her bed and looked at Conner’s gift for a minute before she wrapped it. She really hoped he liked it. She closed the box and took a deep breath before she got off her bed and walked downstairs to where Leslie sat at the bar. “Do you want to see what I got Conner for Christmas?” She asked Leslie.

“If you want to show me I do.” Leslie said, not wanting to violate Karla’s privacy.

Karla laid the box in front of Leslie and slid onto the stool beside her. Leslie opened the box slowly and took out the bracelet. When she read what was engraved on the front tears filled her eyes. “It’s beautiful.” She said in a soft voice.

“Turn it over.” Karla directed.

When she did the tears in her eyes slid down her cheeks. “He’s going to love this.” She told Karla and wrapped her arm around her shoulders. “Are you nervous about giving this to him?”

“I am. The words on it are what I feel in my heart every time I think about him. I need him to know what I feel, but don’t have the courage to say.”

“He’s one lucky guy.” Leslie told her as Andrew walked into the room.

“Who is?” He asked as he slid onto the stool beside hers. She could smell his soap from his recent shower and she smiled at him.

“Conner is.” She answered and looked at Karla for permission to show the bracelet to Andrew. When Karla nodded she handed the box to Andrew and he opened it slowly.

When he read the words she’d had engraved on it he placed it back in the box and handed it back to her. “Those are really deep, strong words for someone as young as you and he are.”

“Andrew.” Leslie started to scold him for his comment, but Karla stopped him.

“It’s alright, Leslie. He’s right. They are strong, deep words, but they are strong, deep feelings too. Conner is my
like Leslie is yours, Andrew. I know we are young and I know that we both want a lot out of life before we settle down. I want to go to college and then med school before I even think about marriage, but if we do happen to decide to get married before then I know that he will support any and every decision I make. You and Leslie married while you were still in med school and look at you now.”

“She’s right, Andrew. They’re both smart and capable of handling anything life may throw at them.”

“Karla, I had a talk with Conner the day after your birthday and he told me how much he cares for you and I believed him. He proves it every day. I just want you two to be careful. I don’t want to see either of you get hurt.”

“I know. You both know how much I love you, right?” She asked them.

“We do.” Leslie assured her.

“You two, Elliot, Manuel, Kiara, Conner, Rylee and Callie are the people I love most in this world. If I lost any of you I would be lost.” Karla said with tears in her eyes.

“We aren’t going anywhere.” Andrew assured her.

“We aren’t either.” Manuel said as he walked into the kitchen with Kiara and Elliot right behind him.

Karla wiped her cheeks and looked up at Manuel. “How’s Rosa?”

“She’s doing better today. She’s excited about coming here for Christmas, but is disappointed that she’ll miss Mass. She hasn’t missed a Christmas Eve Midnight Mass in sixty years.” Manuel answered her.

“Isn’t there a Catholic Church right across from her apartments?” Leslie asked.

“There is, but the staff said they can’t take her because they’ll be shorthanded that night.” Kiara told them.

“Let me see what I can do.” Andrew said and walked to his office.

“I don’t know what he can do, but if anyone can make something happen it’s Andrew.” Leslie said with a smile as she looked at the love surrounding her.

“I think we should fix dinner while he’s doing what he does because he has rotation starting at nine.” Karla said and hopped down off the bar stool.

Thirty minutes later Andrew walked into the kitchen and was assaulted by the smell of roasting chicken and apple pie. “I can always tell when Karla’s in the mood to cook.” He said with a grin as he sat down beside Manuel. “I talked to a nurse friend of mine who just happens to be Catholic and just happens to attend the Cathedral that is across from Rosa. She has agreed to pick Rosa up and take her back home so she can attend Mass safely.”

Manuel looked at him in astonishment that quickly turned to glee. “Are you some kind of angel sent from Heaven to watch over this family?”

Andrew laughed robustly and laid his hand on Manuel’s shoulder. “Not by a long shot, but you, Kiara and Rosa are family and I take care of my own.”

“Well you have sure helped us a lot. I have absolutely no way to repay you for everything.” Manuel told him.

“See that smile on Kiara’s face?” Andrew asked and Manuel looked at his sister and nodded. “That is all the payment I need. Now, the reason I was in there so long was because as soon as I hung up the phone with Nancy I received another phone call. Leslie, Karla, can you two come here for a minute please?”

Once they were sitting at the table Andrew looked at Leslie and grinned. “Bob called me. He wanted to let me know that the adoption papers are ready. We can stop by tomorrow and sign them and Karla will legally be our daughter.”

The room erupted in cheers. Elliot walked over to Karla and hugged her tight. “Your wish is finally coming true, sis.” He said as tears rolled down her cheeks.

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