A New Hope (The Second Chance Series Book 2) (25 page)

BOOK: A New Hope (The Second Chance Series Book 2)
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Chapter Sixty-Eight


Later that night Karla knocked on Elliot’s door. When she heard his quiet, “Come in,” she opened the door, walked in and sat in the chair at his desk.

“How are you doing, Elliot?” She asked softly.

“I’m alright. Today was a little hard, but being surrounded by people helped.”

“I have a surprise for you.” She said and handed him an envelope.

“What is it?” He asked as he gingerly took it from her hand.

“Open it and you’ll see. If I tell you, it isn’t a surprise.” She responded with a smile.

He grinned at her and quickly opened the envelope. When he pulled out three plane tickets her launched himself off the bed and into her arms. “We’re going to Texas? When?” He asked in excitement.

“Day after tomorrow.” She answered. “Our plane doesn’t leave until noon so we have time to file the papers for my name change before we leave.”

“I have to call Hank.” Elliot said in glee. “He’s going to be thrilled.”

“Hank and his parents already know.” Karla told him before he grabbed his phone and called his friend. “Andrew talked to them last week when we started planning this. That’s the second part of the surprise. Instead of getting a hotel we’re going to be staying with them.”

Elliot yelled in happiness and wrapped Karla in another hug before he remembered that The Robertson’s lived in Karla’s grandparent’s old house. “Are you going to be alright staying there?” He asked in concern.

“I’ll be okay. As long as you’re happy I can handle it.” She told him, but he wasn’t convinced.

“Are you sure?” He asked again.

“Elliot, I can’t promise that being in that house won’t stir up memories, but I can handle them. I think I need this as much as you do.”

“If you’re sure.” He agreed hesitantly. “But I want you to promise me that if it starts to be too much that we’ll get a hotel room.”

“I promise.” She said, knowing that she would force herself to deal with it for him.

“Then we have a deal.” He said and hugged her again. “This is the best gift ever. Thank you, sis.”

“I just had the idea, Elliot. Leslie and Andrew are making it a reality.”

“Are you going to start calling them mom and dad instead of Leslie and Andrew?”

“I’ve been trying, and I do sometimes. I’m hoping that with time I’ll be able to all the time.” She answered. “For now they’ll remain Leslie and Andrew though.”

“Can I ask you something?”

“You can ask me anything.” She answered.

“Do you think they’d ever want to adopt me?” He asked quietly.

Karla was surprised by his question. “I know they would, but I didn’t know if that was something you would want.”

“Dad died seven months ago. On the day he died part of me died too, but I was okay because I had Nana. When she died I was lost. I didn’t know what was going to happen to me, but there y’all were, helping me pick up the pieces. When I found out the farm was going to be sold it was another blow, but Andrew stepped in and saved that too. He and Leslie are like angels sent from Heaven to watch over us so, yeah. I would love to legally become their son.”

“Oh, Elliot. I don’t know if they realize that you would even want them to adopt you. I know they already think of you as a son though and I know that they would adopt you in a heartbeat if they knew that’s what you wanted.”

“How do I let them know without actually saying it?”

“I don’t know, but I’ll figure out a way. Do you trust me?” She asked with a grin

“Completely.” He answered quickly.

“I’ll figure it out, but for now I think we need to get some sleep. Leslie loves Christmas and she’ll have us up at dawn to eat breakfast and open gifts.”

“Goodnight, sis.” He said and hugged her tight. “I’ll see you in the morning.”

“Goodnight, Elliot. See you in the morning.” She said as she released him and walked out the door.

When she was gone Elliot sat on his bed and thought about their conversation. He would always love his dad and Nana and he didn’t think they would mind that he loved Leslie and Andrew. He was sure they would want him to be happy and he knew they would be happy knowing he’d found people like The Peterson’s to care for him. He laid down with these thoughts still running through his head and when he drifted off to sleep he dreamed of the past. 

When Elliot headed downstairs the next morning he was greeted by the sounds of laughter coming from the kitchen. When he walked in he saw Leslie and Karla standing side by side at the stove cooking breakfast.

“What’s for breakfast?” He asked as he sat in Andrew’s usual spot at the bar.

“French toast with homemade strawberry syrup and bacon.” Karla answered.

“It smells awesome.” He told them.

“Thank you, Elliot. It’s one of Andrew’s favorites and after a long night in the ER I’m hoping this puts him in the Christmas spirit.” Leslie said with a grin as she heard the garage door open. “There he is now.”

Andrew walked in the door a couple minutes later and grinned at the smells filling the air. “Merry Christmas.” He told them with a grin. “Manuel just called me and they’re on their way with Rosa so I’m going to move your car out of the garage so he can park in there. It’ll be easier to get her in the house from the garage.”

“I’ll have you a cup of coffee ready when you come back in and breakfast is almost done.” Leslie told him with a smile.

“Sounds perfect.” He said, kissed her forehead and walked out the door.

“Let’s get the food on the table.” Leslie said, and by the time everything was on the table Andrew was helping Manuel get Rosa in the house.

“Merry Christmas everyone.” Leslie said. “Now let’s eat.”

They all laughed and started eating.

Chapter Sixty-Nine


Christmas day passed in a flurry of activity. After breakfast they gathered around the tree and exchanged gifts. Then they watched
Miracle On 34
until Bob, Meghan and Harvey showed up. Once the hyper-active six year-old came in the rest of the day was devoted to talk of Santa Claus and what he got for Christmas.

“I love you, little man.” Karla told him when he finished telling her for the fifth time about the red go-cart Santa brought him. “But, if you don’t stop bouncing I’m going to drop you.”

“I love you too, Karla.” Harvey told her and placed a big sloppy kiss on her cheek before he scrambled down and took off into the other room.

“Man, he is a bundle of energy.” She said as Leslie walked up beside her.

“Yes he is. Before long you aren’t going to be able to pick him up like that. He’s almost as big as you now.” Leslie said with a grin.

“He’ll always be my little man.” Karla said and grinned back.

“Until he’s bigger than you.” Leslie murmured and laughed at Karla’s expression.

“I’m probably as tall as I’ll ever get and he’s already up to here on me.” Karla put her hand about mid-way up her stomach. “So there isn’t any doubt he’ll outgrow me, but he’ll still be my little man.”

“You’re going to embarrass him with that nickname at his high school graduation aren’t you?” Leslie asked with a snicker.

“You know I am. Maybe at his wedding too.” Karla answered and Leslie laughed out loud.

“What’s so funny over here?” Andrew asked as he put his arms around Leslie’s waist from behind.

“We were just talking about my nickname for Harvey and how I’m going to embarrass him with it when he gets older.” Karla grinned and Andrew laughed.

“You’re evil sometimes, sis.” Elliot said from behind them.

“You better watch it or I’ll come up with an embarrassing nickname for you too.” Karla said with a grin.

“I’m outta here.” Elliot said and he ran off to find Harvey.

“Smart kid.” Andrew said and Karla laughed at him.

“That he is.” Leslie agreed.

“I think it’s time for some music.” Karla suggested and Andrew smiled.

“Let me grab my guitar and we’ll see what we can do about that.” He said and went upstairs.

For the next couple of hours they sang Christmas carols and ate a simple dinner together. After dinner Bob, Meghan and Harvey left and Manuel and Andrew loaded Rosa into Manuel’s car so he and Kiara could take her home. Once everyone was gone and everything was cleaned back up Karla and Elliot went upstairs to pack for their trip to Texas.

“Are you going to be alright here without us for a few days?” Leslie asked Andrew once the kids were gone.

“Of course.” Andrew said as he wrapped his arms around her. “I’m going to miss you like crazy though.”

“I’m going to miss you too. We’ll only be gone three days though.”

“I know, but I’ve gotten used to the noise and activity that’s always in the house. I know Manuel and Kiara will be here, but they’re both really quiet.”

“Maybe you should invite Conner, Callie and Rylee over. Then you’d have all the noise you could ask for.” Leslie teased and Andrew laughed.

“I think I’ll be okay without them.” He told her. “Now, don’t you have packing to do?”

“I do.” She said and headed upstairs.

Andrew headed into the kitchen and was sitting in his usual spot at the bar when Manuel and Kiara walked in.

“I found an apartment.” Manuel said as he sat on the stool beside Andrew.

“Where is it?” Andrew asked. He didn’t want the boy in a bad neighborhood and Nashville was littered with them.

“About two blocks from here.” Manuel told him. “I met a guy at Abuela’s apartments who has an apartment in the building by the high school and he’s going to have to move, but he still has a year on his lease. I’m going to take over his lease for him. With the job you got me at the hospital and the money I already had in savings I’ll be alright.”

“Those are great apartments. They were only built about four years ago.” Andrew told him. “When are you wanting to move in?”

“He’s leaving on January 1
and I’m taking over the lease starting then.”

“Sounds like you have it all worked out.” Andrew said. “Now you just have to break the news to Karla.”

“It’ll be alright. At least I’m staying close.” Manuel said. His thoughts weren’t on Karla though, they were on Callie. There’s no way he’d move very far until he worked out his feelings for her.

Chapter Seventy 


The next morning Andrew helped Leslie load the car while Manuel told Karla about the apartment he found. “I hate that you aren’t going to be here, but I’m glad you’re staying close.”

“There isn’t anything for me in Puerto Rico anymore. My family is here now. Tennessee is my home.” Manuel assured her.

“Manuel, I know you have a thing for Callie and I know she’s part of the reason you’re not going back to Puerto Rico.”

Manuel sat there for a few minutes before he spoke. “I can’t explain what’s going on because I don’t understand it myself, but the moment I laid eyes on Callie I was drawn to her. I know she’s your best friend and I will never do anything to mess up that friendship, but I can’t seem to stay away from her.”

“I don’t think you should fight it.” Karla told him.

“She thinks all I see her as is another little sister.”

“Yes she does, but she likes you too and I think you should talk to her. Tell her how you feel and see where it goes.”

“I may do that.” He said and hugged her. “Have a safe trip, little sister. I’ll see you when you get back.”

“Talk to her.” Karla said before she hugged him and walked out of the kitchen. After she left he sat there for a few minutes before he shook his head and went upstairs to start packing.


A little while later Karla, Leslie, Andrew and Elliot were at the courthouse filing the papers for Karla to legally become a Peterson. “Seems everything is in order.” The clerk told Leslie as she handed the adoption papers back to her. “All I need is a couple signatures and you’ll be all set. The finalized papers will be mailed to you in six to eight weeks and then you can get all your identification documents changed.”

“Thank you, ma’am.” Karla said with a grin as the clerk handed her a pen. She signed her name to the forms then handed the pen to Leslie who passed it to Andrew when she was finished.

“Okay. Y’all are good to go. I’ll get these filed ASAP. Have a great day.” The clerk told them when Andrew handed her the papers and pen.

The trip to the airport was quiet and when they made it Andrew walked with them as far as he could. “Have a safe trip.” He said and pulled Leslie into his arms. “I am really going to miss you.”

“We’ll be back in three days.” She said and kissed him softly.

“I know, but my entire world is going for those three days. I love you all.” He said and hugged Karla and Elliot. “Please stay safe.”

“We will, dad.” Karla said and Andrew beamed at her.

“We’ll see you in three days.” Elliot said and stepped back.

Andrew watched them until they made it to the security check point before he turned and left. It was going to be a really long three days. When he made it back to the car he sat there for a few minutes before he started the car and headed to the hospital.


When their plane landed in Texas Leslie, Karla and Elliot were met by Hank and his parents at the airport. When they made it to their house Karla stood in the driveway for a minute, just staring at the house, before she walked in.

“Karla,” Elliot said as soon as she walked inside. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah, Elliot, I’m fine. Just remembering a little.” She answered as they walked to the kitchen.

“How long have you lived here?” Leslie asked Mrs. Robertson.

“We bought the house from the previous owner’s daughter after her dad passed away. That was about nine years ago I guess.” She answered.

“You bought it from my, umm, our mother.” Karla said when she walked into the kitchen. “You bought it from Diane Hall didn’t you?”

“We did.” Mrs. Robertson said. “Are you the little girl who lived here?” When Karla nodded Mrs. Robertson smiled. “I have something for you. We found it when we were cleaning out one of the bedrooms and I never had the heart to throw it out.”

“What is it?” Karla asked. She couldn’t remember anything that could have been left from all those years ago.

“I’ll be right back.” Mrs. Robertson said and walked out of the room. She was back in less than a minute and handed a small box to Karla.

“Oh my gosh.” Karla said in astonishment. “I thought Diane threw this out.”

“What is it?” Leslie asked.

“It’s a memory box. Grams helped me make it when I was four and we filled it with pictures and small things I made over the years.”

Leslie sat down beside Karla and looked at the box. On the outside it had
Karla’s Memories
written in pink glitter and was decorated with an assortment of butterflies, flowers and hearts. “Do you want a minute alone to look through it?” She asked Karla.

“Could you stay and look through it with me?” She asked.

“Definitely.” Leslie said with a smile.

Karla opened the box and started pulling out the little things that were inside. She and Leslie sat there for about an hour and looked at everything that was in it. Karla told Leslie the memories behind everything and by the time she was finished Leslie was in tears.

“These are wonderful reminders of your childhood.”

“Yeah they are. Thank you Mrs. Robertson. I seriously thought Diane threw everything like this out.”

“You’re welcome. I found it under a dresser in the room that was painted pink with multi-colored butterflies. I’m assuming that was your room.” Mrs. Robertson told her.

“Yes ma’am. I remember now. I hid it under the dresser when Diane moved in because I was afraid she’d throw it out.”

“I’m glad I kept it. When you were here back during the summer I remember y’all saying your grandparents used to live here, but it didn’t click with me that you were the little girl who lived here.”

“It’s okay ma’am.” Karla said as she wiped her cheeks. “If you’ll both excuse me I’m going outside for a bit.”

When she walked out the back door she walked straight to the line of trees to the right side of the house, sat under the big oak that used to have a tire swing in it and slipped into memories of her life before Diane.

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