A New Hope (The Second Chance Series Book 2) (19 page)

BOOK: A New Hope (The Second Chance Series Book 2)
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Chapter Fifty-Two


The next couple of weeks passed quickly. They aced their project and their team won the competition again. Elliot testified against Mrs. Pence and things had calmed down at school for him again. Rylee was missing Dominic, but she was starting to snap back to her usual self. As the Halloween dance approached they started planning out their costume ideas.

“I think we should do super heroes, maybe Marvel Comics characters.” Conner suggested.

“I think you’ve lost your mind.” Callie said and Rylee laughed at her. “We did X-Men last year and my face had a blue tint to it for a week. Not gonna happen again.”

“I remember that. You all turned so many heads I thought people were going to get whiplash. I had never seen a group of freshman make that bold of a statement.” Daniel told them. “Karla, you were Storm right?”

“I was and I loved it.” Karla said with a grin.

“I think every guy in the gym loved it.” Daniel said. “I wonder if Jake realizes that was you.”

“What does it matter if he does or not?” Conner asked. “That was almost a year ago.”

“Oh, no reason really, but at the time he was drooling over Storm. He wanted to go talk to her, but she was always with Wolverine and he thought they were a couple. You were Wolverine weren’t you Conner?”

Conner nodded and Daniel laughed. “Man, Jake is going to flip when I tell him that his Storm is Karla. He looked for her in the halls until December before he gave up on finding her. He’s going to kick himself when he realizes he’s been working side-by-side with her for months now.”

“That is kind of funny when you think about it.” Callie said with a chuckle.

Conner scowled at her. He didn’t like the idea of anyone thinking about Karla like that. “Karla did make quite an impression as Storm.” He said and stroked his hand down her hair.

“I like the comic book characters idea, but I think DC would be better than Marvel. There are more females to choose from in the DC bunch.” Daniel said and Callie smiled.

“Or we could go with book series characters.” Karla suggested.

“That’s my girl. Always thinking about books.” Conner teased her.

She stuck her tongue out at him and elbowed him in the ribs. “We did comic book characters last year, but if we have to do them again, I want to be Batgirl or Cat Woman.”

Conner scratched his head and thought for a minute. “Guess I could be Batman.”

They all agreed on doing DC comics and decided to go shopping the next weekend.

When the lunch bell rang they all left the cafeteria and headed to class. They had practice after school and Karla really didn’t want to go. All she wanted was to go home and think about what Daniel said. Did the guys in school really see her like that? Did they really think she was that attractive? She knew Conner did, but she’d never noticed other guys looking at her like that.

“Karla?” Ms. Tame, her history teacher was trying to get her attention. “Are you alright, dear?”

“I’m not feeling well, Ms. Tame.” Karla lied.

“Do you need to go to the nurse, dear?”

“Yes, ma’am.” She answered, stood up from her desk and gathered her things. She just needed to get out of here for a few minutes.

“Here you go.” Ms. Tame handed her a hall pass and she fled the room, not looking at Conner, Callie or Rylee. Instead of going to the nurse she went into the restroom and looked in the mirror above the sink. She saw an average looking girl with mocha colored skin and big green eyes looking back at her. Yes, her skin tone was pretty, but so was the skin tone of a lot of other girls. She didn’t see anything special about herself and she sure didn’t see anything that would cause guys to react the way Daniel said Jake did, or the way Trevor did. She took a deep breath and pulled out her cell phone.

Leslie answered on the first ring. “Karla, are you okay?”

“Can you come get me please?”

“Of course. Is everything okay?”

“I don’t know. I just want to come home.”

Leslie could hear the anxiety in Karla’s tone and immediately grabbed her keys. “I’m on my way. Go to the office and tell them that you called me and I’m coming to get you. Mr. Johnson will understand.”

“I’ll be in the office waiting. Thank you, Leslie,” Karla said and hung up before Leslie could say anything else. She walked to the office and told them that she wasn’t feeling well and had already called Leslie to come get her. When Leslie got there she got in the car and they headed home.

“Are you alright, honey?” Leslie asked her.

“Yeah. I just needed to get away from there for a while. I can’t really explain what happened, but we were talking about the Halloween dance at lunch today and Daniel was telling us how Jake reacted to me last year when I was Storm. Apparently I intrigued him enough that he actually looked for me in the halls of the school for a month. I can’t explain why this caused me to have a small anxiety attack, but I completely spaced out in History class and when Ms. Tame asked me if I was okay I lied so I could leave class. I’m sorry, Leslie. I know I shouldn’t have lied, but for some reason I just couldn’t see Jake today during practice.”

“Honey, that was a year ago and you have a boyfriend now. He and Conner are friends and I don’t think he’d try anything. As for lying, well I don’t see that you actually lied. You weren’t feeling well. It may not have been a physical thing, but emotional sickness can be worse than physical sickness sometimes. You weren’t comfortable at school and I could hear it in your voice when you called.”

“Leslie, I think the guys at school see me as something I’m not. I think they see me as some kind of a prize, an object to be won. If they only knew how damaged I am they would run and hide.”

“Conner knows and he isn’t running anywhere. If anything it made him treasure you more. Listen honey, those boys at school don’t see you, they see what you look like on the outside. You’re beautiful, outside and inside. You aren’t damaged, you’re a survivor, and Conner knows that. Jake didn’t know you then, but I bet if you told him that you were Storm he wouldn’t see you in that costume, he would see the Karla who kicks butt for the team. He would see the Karla he knows as a friend. Maybe you should talk to him.”

Karla sat there in silence for the rest of the ride home, thinking about what Leslie said. When they pulled in the garage she turned to Leslie. “The way some of the guys look at me makes me wonder what they see.”

“Karla, I have to be honest about this. I’m sure some guys look at you and the first thing they think about is sex, but those guys only see the outside you and you know how to handle those guys. You put Trevor in his place and he is one of those guys. Then you have the guys like Conner who look beyond the beautiful shell and into the beautiful soul.”

Karla smiled and got out of the car. “Thanks, Leslie. I feel better now.”

“Glad I could help. How about we watch a rom-com and eat popcorn until the guys get home. We need some girl time.”

“Sounds like a plan. Thank you for understanding.”

“I’m a girl too, remember? I get how you’re feeling and I will always be here for you.”

Chapter Fifty-Three


Later that night Conner, Callie and Rylee stopped by to check on Karla. “Are you alright?” Conner asked as soon as they walked into her room.

“I’m fine. Just had a mini freak-out after what Daniel said at lunch.”

“We talked to Jake at practice.” Callie told her. “Apparently he already knew you were Storm. He told us that he figured it out when he first met us at the meeting last year.”

“Okay, but that doesn’t change the fact that he viewed me as something I’m not because of a costume.” Karla told them.

“True, but he knows you now and he knows that you are more than what is on the surface.” Rylee told her.

“I get that my reaction was irrational, but I also know there are several guys at school who view me as something other than what I look like and I’m not comfortable with that.”

“Karla, has someone said something to you?” Conner asked, fury lacing his voice.

“Conner, calm down.” She told him and pulled him closer to her. “No one has said anything, but I see how some of the guys look at me. I know I can’t control their looks, but I don’t have to like them either.”

“Karla, you are beautiful, smart, funny, caring, kind and a lot of other things and people see that. Of course some guys are jerks and only see the beautiful shell, but anyone who knows you sees everything.” Callie said and sat on her other side.

“Cal’s right.” Rylee told her. “Jake was worried about you because you weren’t at practice. He was worried that what Daniel said had upset you.”

“He was? Why?”

“Because he considers you a friend, Karla. He doesn’t want things he said almost a year ago to damage the friendship you two have now.” Callie answered.

“Plus, he knows you and I are together and that I won’t let anyone hurt you.” Conner said and kissed her forehead.

“I guess I need to text him and let him know that I’m alright.”

“I already did.” Callie said as she slipped her phone back into her pocket.

“Thanks, Callie. Why don’t we head downstairs and the three of you can tell me what I missed in Chem?”

“Sounds like a plan.” Conner said. “We can see what Leslie is fixing for dinner too.”

They laughed and headed downstairs together. When Karla’s phone signaled an incoming text she pulled it out and looked. It was from Jake.
I hope you are feeling better and I think we should talk.

Karla was confused about what they needed to talk about, but didn’t linger on it when she answered;
I am feeling better, thank you. What do we need to talk about?

I’m gla
. We need to talk about what Daniel said today. I don’t want to leave any room for confusion. Can we talk tomorrow during lunch? I want Conner there, too, please.

Karla thought about this for a second before she answered.
Umm…sure. We can talk tomorrow during lunch and I don’t think Conner would have it any other way.

Great. Thank you, Karla. Have a good nigh

“That was weird.” She said and handed Conner her phone. “Look at the texts from Jake.”

Conner took her phone and read the text messages from Jake. “Hmm..that is a little weird.” He said and handed her phone back to her. “But, I can see what he’s trying to do. He’s wanting to reassure you and that’s why he’s wanting me there. He doesn’t want anyone to talk.”

“It just seems weird to me that he would want to talk about it if it was nothing to begin with.” Karla murmured as they walked into the kitchen.

Elliot was sitting at the table doing his homework and Karla sat beside him. “Need any help, Elliot?” She asked.

“Nope. You have taught me how to work around my dyslexia and now I don’t have nearly as much trouble as I used to have. You’re the best big sister in the world.” He said with a grin and started writing again.

“And you’re the best little brother in the world. I love you, Elliot”

“I love you too, Karla.”


Later that night Karla called Manuel. They hadn’t spoken in over a week and she was starting to get worried. She had called several times, but hadn’t gotten and answer. When he finally answered she felt a sense of relief wash over her.

“Manuel, thank God. I have been so worried. Is everything alright?”

“Karla, I was about to call you. No, everything is all wrong. We were in a car accident last weekend. Kiara and I were both pretty beat up, but Abuela isn’t doing well at all. We were coming back from Mass and a truck pulled out from a side street without stopping and hit the driver’s side door. Abuela was driving.”

“Oh my gosh.” Karla said in shock. “What are the doctors saying?”

“Her entire left side is basically shattered. She has a collapsed lung and a fractured skull.” Manuel said in a tear filled voice. “I’m afraid she isn’t going to make it, Karla.”

“I’m going to talk to Andrew and see if we can come there.”

“No, there isn’t anything you can do and you don’t need to miss school.” Manuel told her.

“How’s Kiara?”

“She’s hanging in there. Her left arm was broken and she has a lot of bruises, but other than that she’s physically alright. We’re both worried about Abuela though. Right now the doctors are telling us that there is only a small chance she’ll ever wake up. Karla, I don’t know what we’ll do without her. She’s always been the one we could count on.”

“Manuel, take a deep breath. I want you to listen to me. Screw school and everything else, you and Kiara are my family and I’m coming to you one way or another. Do you understand?”

“I understand. I love you, Karla. I have to go. The doctor just walked in.”

“I love you too, Manuel. I’ll be there as soon as I can get there. Until then know that I’ll be praying.”

When Manuel hung up Karla ran downstairs and told Leslie, Andrew and Elliot what had happened.

Chapter Fifty-Four


The next day was a really bad day for Karla. They couldn’t get a flight out until the following day so she went to school. She talked to all of her teachers and got her assignments for the rest of the week and at lunch she talked to Jake.

“Karla, I need you to understand that I was attracted to you last year. You are a very beautiful girl and half the guys on the team are attracted to you, but none of us would ever act on that attraction. The main reason for that is Conner. You two are clearly meant to be together and I would never try to come between you. Now if it weren’t for him I would have already asked you out. You’re not only beautiful, but you’re also smart and funny and one of the nicest people I know. You would never intentionally hurt anyone and you are a true and loyal friend.”

“Jake, do you mind if I ask you a question?” Karla asked.

“You can ask me anything.”

“Would you have ever been attracted to me if you hadn’t seen me in the Storm costume?”

Jake looked at her for a minute before he took a deep breath and answered. “How did I know you were going to ask that? Conner, don’t punch me when I say this. I was attracted to you before that. I had seen you at the pep rallies and wanted to meet you, but, believe it or not, I’m really shy when it comes to talking to girls. I tried to approach you several times, but you were always with Conner and I thought you two were together.”

Conner sat there quietly for a moment, letting what Jake said sink in, before he spoke. “You aren’t the only one who wanted to go out with her. I watched how the guys looked at her. There were a lot of them, my brother Kevin included.”

“Kevin never wanted me for me, he wanted me because he knew he couldn’t have me.” Karla said.

“Not completely true. Kevin wanted you from the moment he saw you in that green bathing suit of Cal’s.” Conner told her.

“But he wanted what was on the outside, not the inside. I’m not the girl people see when they look at me.”

“I know that better than anyone.” Conner said and he kissed her on the top of the head. “You are a lot more than people see.”

“I agree with Conner. Karla, you are a very beautiful girl, but you are so much more than that. If Conner here does something stupid and lets you go I’ll gladly pick up the pieces because any guy would be very lucky to have a girl like you.”

Karla laid her head on Conner’s shoulder and looked at Jake. “Thank you for saying that. Now I have to tell you something. I won’t be at practice again tomorrow. My brother and sister in Puerto Rico were in a really bad car accident last week and their grandmother isn’t doing well. I’m going there for a few days.”

“Don’t worry about anything but your family. We don’t have a competition for another two weeks and you’re the top one on the team so you’ll be alright.”

“Thank you, Jake. I promise to let you know what’s going on.”

“Please do.” Jake said. “Now I have to get to class. I actually have to focus to keep my grades where they are. Not everyone has a photographic memory.” He said with a grin and a wink at Karla.

When he was gone Karla turned to Conner. “Did you look at me as a sex symbol when we first met?”

“No. Karla, I saw you as someone who needed a friend. I saw you as someone who needed protecting. I wanted to wrap you up and keep you safe from anything and everyone who wanted to hurt you. I know now that you don’t need protecting, but back then all I wanted to do was protect you.”

“I don’t know how long I’ll be gone.” Karla said and laid her head on Conner’s shoulder.

“I know. I’ll be here when you get back. I promise.” Conner told her as he stroked her hair.

“I know you will be. I’m glad you will be.” She said and closed her eyes.

When the lunch bell rang they walked to class together. The rest of the day passed quickly and when Karla got home Andrew greeted her at the door. “We aren’t going to Puerto Rico.”

“What? I need to be there for Kiara and Manuel. You told me last night that we could go.” Karla said as tears formed in her eyes.

“We aren’t going because I’m having Rosa transferred here. I made a few phone calls and discovered that the hospital she’s at isn’t capable of dealing with her injuries so I’m paying to have her flown here. I am going to set her up with the best doctors in the area and make sure she gets the best care possible. They are already in the air and will be here in a just a few hours.”

“You’re bringing them here?” Karla asked in astonishment.

“I am. I figured it would be better for them to be here so Rosa can get the best medical help she can get.” Andrew said with a small smile.

“You are the best man in the world. Thank you.” Karla said and hugged him tight.

“I love you, Karla, and will do anything to make you happy. You, Leslie and Elliot are my world and I will always do everything in my power to give you three what you need.”

“I love you, Andrew. Thank you for everything.” Karla said into his chest. When she released him and headed upstairs he checked in with the plane. Rosa wasn`t doing well at all, but he hoped his friends could help her.

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