Authors: Carol Rutz
Tags: #Law, #Constitutional Law, #Human Rights, #Politics & Social Sciences, #Politics & Government, #Specific Topics, #Intelligence & Espionage
After more than 50 years of such activity and cover-up, it is high time to expose this practice and prosecute the perpetrators. The previous attempt by the U.S. Senate in 1977 was not followed through.
We who are injured victims of human rights abuses in U.S. nonconsensual classified research, in military/intelligence/corporate/ university or private sector testing, as part of various training and classified research demand the following:
All human experimentation without consent be immediately ceased including any exposures, harassment or experimentation to U.S. citizens using the following:
• Nuclear (ionizing) radiation
• Biological weapons
• Biological process control weapons including brain wave manipulation
• Microwave and radio frequency radiation
• Sub audio infrasound and ultrasound weapons and testing acoustics, including audible, subliminal brain washing, harassment and intimidation, electromagnetic field weapons, environmental harassment
• Chemical weapons
• Extra low frequency (ELF) and very low frequency (VLF) pulse wave weapons
• Radar, laser-radar, and radar holography, sonar lasers and holograms, visual and media harassment implants, retinal implants
• Remote monitoring
• Satellite surveillance
• Any other defense/intelligence/health research that is nonconsensual using technology and methods which denies U.S. citizens our human rights, constitutional rights and rights to due process of law.
Our needs for investigations and enforcement of the law to protect our constitutional rights has not been properly addressed. We are told we must prove everything in order to get an investigation started, and yet due to the technological sophistication of the nature of our complaints, it is nearly impossible for us to do this. We are naïve to the sophistication of the engineering involved. We have limited financial resources. Many of us have been ignored and attempts have been made to discredit us. We therefore also demand the following:
We demand a Congressional and Presidential investigation into fraudulent use of our tax dollars in continued illegal radiation testing and other experimentation that is injuring us.
We demand we be notified and sent our true records of all that we have been exposed to.
We demand appropriate compensation for all our losses including but not limited to physical injuries, psychological injuries, and other damages.
We demand we have the appropriate support for our medical, technological, and engineering evaluations and needs necessary to solve our technological problems and injuries.
We demand that Congress pass new laws to strengthen protecting us, such as laws to force appropriate intelligence agencies and Inspector Generals to investigate our complaints.
We demand enforcement of existing laws that are supposed to be protecting us that are currently being ignored. These laws include:
Title 32 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 219, Federal Policy for Protection of Human Subjects
Department of Defense Directive 3216.2 Protection of Human Subjects in DOD Supported Research
Title 10, U.S. Code Section 980
Title 10, U.S. Code Chapter 32, Section 1520
U.S. criminal and constitutional laws
President Clinton’s Memorandum of March 27, 1997, Title 3 -
Strengthened Protections for Human Subjects of Classified Research
World Law including the Nuremberg Code and the following:
• U.S. General Assembly Resolution 51/37 passed in 1996, The European Parliament Resolution A 4-005/99 passed on Jan. 29, 1999 which includes an international convention introducing a global ban on all developments and deployments of weapons which might enable any form of manipulation of human beings
We demand a separate independent cabinet post to bring our complaints to, when other agencies fail in their own oversight.
We demand that this committee be constantly updated and versed in all aspects of testing, training, research, and weapons and all that is being currently developed including what is classified.
We demand this committee have full authority to investigate, to help us, and to enforce the law. There should be no conflict of interest for those appointed to work within this committee.
We demand a repeal of the National Security Act for it is being used to protect criminal acts of those with unlimited powers currently being used to abuse U.S. citizens.
We demand criminal charges be brought against those who have so gravely injured us, and that those who have so callously ignored our complaints be removed from their positions of authority in public office for they do not deserve to serve the public.
Bring us the justice we deserve.
Office of Special Investigations within the Criminal Division of the Department of Justice
Create Multiple Personalities for specific tasks
DID Dissociative Identity Disorder was formerly called Multiple Personality Disorder.
Most individuals with DID report histories of severe and repeated physical, sexual, or emotional abuse in childhood.
This process usually involves the shaman entering a trance, a special form of the abaissement de niveau mental that Jung so often mentioned. Trance as such is important in many forms of magic and is currently the subject of investigation in many branches of science.
Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency, the JIOA was a special intelligence office reporting to the Director of Intelligence in the War Department, comparable to the intelligence chief of today’s Joint Chiefs of Staff.
Office of Strategic Services, America’s first spy network and forerunner of the CIA.
In the early fifties a hydrogen bomb was exploded on this very island, leaving a mushroom shaped cloud that went 25 miles into the atmosphere and 100 miles in diameter. Our own ships were standing by only 25 miles away to measure the effect of the blast.
In 1983 Barbie was extradited from Bolivia and stood trial in France for crimes against humanity. It was then that Washington admitted that he had worked for U.S. Intelligence, that he was a known war criminal, and that he had been allowed to escape.
Nelson was asked to resign by Harry Truman because of his involvement in this policy.
Before coming to USA he worked at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute with Rudin, the architect of Hitler’s eugenic laws. He argued for the sterilization of the healthy relatives of schizophrenics, as well as of schizophrenics themselves. Kaiser Wilhelm Institute was also where Josef Mengele sent “experimental materials” from twins in the concentration camps.
In late 1953, the investigators of NY State Psychiatric formed a private corporation called “The Research Foundation for Mental Hygiene, Inc.,” and were awarded two additional contracts to conduct studies with LSD and mescaline type drugs on psychiatric patients. The Inspector General notes that details regarding the performance of those contracts were not found. Thus, it cannot be stated with certitude that the patients used were volunteers, or policies established by the Army to govern the use of humans in research were adhered to in all cases.
No relation to JFK or his family
SI - there is no mention of what it stands for in document, although it appears to stand for Sleep Induction if you refer to #17.
Pressure in the right place cuts off the flow of blood to the brain, apparently causing a rapid coma-like condition. CIA Mori ID 140394
Charles Oulton, the Science Correspondent for
The Express,
said in a 1998 report: “Scientists have solved the mystery of how information received by the brain in childhood can be retrieved years later. They have found that early lessons and experience leave a memory trace, which can lie dormant until adulthood; and then be reactivated when we need it. The process even starts when we are in the womb. New connections between nerve cells are created by the brain and remain in storage until needed.”
Document CIA Mori ID 149463, 11/26/51, “Since veni-puncture is undeniably the most efficient and successful method for introducing chemicals into the subject, it is obvious that the subject will be aware that a needle has been used in his arm. However, our work and the work of others indicate that there is a strong possibility that total amnesia or an almost total amnesia will follow the use of our technique as a general rule.”
CIA Mori ID 144700, 4/26/52, pg. 3, “Drugs Sodium Pentathol, sodium amytal, and barbiturates in general. Evaluation: These techniques have been proven to be effective and they involve little risk to the subject if administered under competent medical direction. CIA Mori ID 140394 dated 2/25/52, Q: Have you ever had any experience with drugs? A: Yes, many times. I worked with doctors using sodium amytal and pentathol and have obtained hypnotic control after the drugs were used. In fact, many times the drugs were used for the purpose of obtaining hypnotic control.”
CIA Mori ID 190885, 1/1/50, Drugs and Electricity, “Research work on the use of electric shock and the encephalograph in interrogation. Particular emphasis on the detection of prior use of electric shock and the ‘guaranteed amnesia’ resulting from it.”
Cheese was a favorite word of Sidney Gottlieb who owned a goat farm and made cheese.
Whenever anyone called me
“Little Girl”
that would trigger my 2 year old alter to come, consequently; my body could be 5, 10, 20 or 30, but the alter presenting was only two.
Under instructions from his Wall Street law firm, McCloy had lived for a year in Italy serving as an adviser to the fascist government of Benito Mussolini. An intimate collaborator of the Harriman/Bush bank, McCloy had sat in Adolf Hitler’s box at the 1936 Olympic games in Berlin at the invitation of Nazi chieftains Rudolf Hess and Hermann Goering.