A Nation Betrayed: Secret Cold War Experiments Performed on Our Children and Other Innocent People (42 page)

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Authors: Carol Rutz

Tags: #Law, #Constitutional Law, #Human Rights, #Politics & Social Sciences, #Politics & Government, #Specific Topics, #Intelligence & Espionage

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Rockefeller University, 59
Rocky, 42
Rodahl, Dr., 151-153 Technical Services Staff, TSS
Ross, Dr. Collin, xvii, 105 19, 105, 106, 107
Rudolph, Arthur, 97 testicular irradiation experiments,
155, 156
Tien, H. C., 44
transdermal optical perception,
San Jose Project, 172 57
Savannah, Georgia, xv, 188 Trifa, Valerian, 77, 78
Scheflin, Dr. Alan xv, 22, 65 trigger codes, 52
179 Tufts College, 227
Schellenberg, Walter, 32 Tulane University, 180, 200
Schubert, Heinz, 32 Turner, Admiral Stansfield,
Schwend, Friedrich, 92 xvi, 28, 46
sensory deprivation, xvii, xvii, Tuskegee Experiments, xiii
47, 48, 61, 183
Sergeyev Detector, 50
Shadow Government, 35
Shadowland, 19, 54 Ustase, 8
Sima, Horia, 77
Six, Franz, 32
Skorzeny, Otto, 8, 77, 95 Vanderbilt Experiment, 147, 148,
Skull Valley, 176 201
Sloan-Kettering Institute for Vatican 8, 74, 223
Cancer Research, 140, 171 Veterans Dioxin and Radiation
Smith, Walter Bedell, 77 Compensation Act of 1988, 168
Society for the Investigation of von Braun, Werner, xii
Human Ecology, 46 Von Falkenhausen, General, 30
Southern Research Institute, 200, 225 von Weizsacker, Ernst, 31
South Nassau Communities Hospital, 167
Stanford Research Institute, 66 Walter Reed Army Institute, 93,
Stereotaxic, 64, 65, 132 142, 143
Strughold, Hubertus, xii, 225 Wev, Bosquet, 3,
Whitney, John, 33
Willowbrook, xiv,
Wisner, Frank, 32, 38, 72-74, 77
Wolff, Harold, 46, 48, 49, 52, 59
World Bank, 32
World Organization Against
Torture, 168
Wright Patterson, xii, 55
Yellow fever, xv, 188


ZR/RIFLE, 54, 55



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