A Nation Betrayed: Secret Cold War Experiments Performed on Our Children and Other Innocent People (16 page)

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Authors: Carol Rutz

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BOOK: A Nation Betrayed: Secret Cold War Experiments Performed on Our Children and Other Innocent People
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“Mengele was part of an experiment with young men. They seemed to be training a set of men such that they would do anything they were told. I was the surprise element that they weren’t expecting. It was spring of 1955. He was the man with the clipboard in this experiment. There was also a colonel named Sandy, a red-haired square jawed man, who was the local in charge. They were using military facilities for these experiments, and the men were brought from Ft. Campbell in Clarksville, Tennessee. They seemed to be some sort of Special Forces dudes who were being trained. This actually went on from the summer before 1954 until spring just before I was six in 1955.”


Gerald Posner documents Mengele’s trip to Switzerland in April 1956 with a 2-hour stopover in New York.
He must have felt safe from detection. But why, unless he had been coming and going unnoticed before this trip! It was April 1956 through September 1956 that the previous survivor reports him showing up at least four more times to do programming.


I can’t say if the above survivor and I ever met during these experiments, but I too was privy to Mengele’s torture in 1956 when I was almost nine years old. After a summer vacation to my cousins in southern Ohio, I was taken to the Adirondack Mountains where I was programmed. This vacation was a way to conveniently explain my absence to the rest of my family. I remember how happy I was to escape the drudgery of home. My cousin and I sang songs, played an old player piano, and took walks through the quaint streets downtown where the movie theatre was located. I learned life could be free from the worry of molestation, and that kids were supposed to relax and just have fun.


I had a rude awakening when I didn’t go directly home, but was taken on a long drive by my dad to a rural looking place with a winding road that led up to an airplane hanger. Inside suspended from the rafters in the ceiling (operated by pulleys) were cages
with naked kids in them. It seemed that most were younger than I. I was placed in one of these cages, and like the others deprived of food and water. I become very cold and continually hunched over to hide my nakedness. Every time I tried to sleep, someone with a cattle prod reached through the bars and poked me. He had very long nails and seemed to enjoy this torture. He was able to stand next to any cage by using something like the cages that we were in to reach us. When he wasn’t torturing one of us kids, he stood on the ground with Dr. Black. They both smiled with evil grins, and our tears had absolutely no impact on them.


The purpose of all this torture was to prepare us for programming. There was a hospital where each of us was taken after the torture made us compliant. The training I had involved easels and blackboards. This was where I was taught about the meridians of the body, and shown how to run energy up and down these meridians. It was preparation for later experiments in which I would use my mind to attempt to psychically kill. In another experiment an alter was created and made to memorize binary code. If this robot alter did not completely and accurately repeat back what it had been taught, I was returned to the cage.


Trauma based programming was theoretically the reason for some of the torturous things perpetrated on survivors. It was the cruelest form of mental brainwashing, and left the child completely disassociated and open to programming. Josef Mengele was a master at this.


Mengele became so convinced no arrest warrants were going to be issued for him, that he applied for a passport using his true identity. On September 11, 1956, the West German Embassy in Buenos Aires issued Josef Mengele of Gunzburg identity papers in his own name. He had been living under the assumed name of Helmet Gregor. Using the identity card he obtained a West German passport. He made numerous trips to South American countries and visited his family in Switzerland.


It was on a business trip to Santiago, Chile in February 1957 that he met with Walter Rauff, the SS Colonel who developed the mobile gas vans that killed 97,000. In 1957 a survivor reported contact with Mengele in Augsburg, Germany and in the Camp Dora/Nordhausen Hartz Mountain area. This same survivor reports being flown in a helicopter in 1957 to Camp David, and then taken underground to Raven Rock where Mengele did programming with a violin. The Hersha sisters also report in
Secret Weapons
that Raven Rock was a place where they were taken for programming.


In July 1958 Josef Mengele flew to Montevideo, Uruguay to remarry and returned to South America to live in a house in the Olivos Suburb that bordered on the back of what had been President Peron’s palatial home. He was arrested under the alias Dr. Gregor for practicing without a license in a back street abortion clinic in Buenos Aires.


At the beginning of 1959, Mengele’s father died suddenly. He fled to Paraguay in May 1959, and in July the first demand for his extradition was made after an arrest warrant was issued. He traveled back and forth from Buenos Aires and Paraguay often, as well as having contact with survivors in the States.


A survivor reports remembering a “doctor”, a man who wore a white coat and seemed to act “in charge,” in or near Detroit, Michigan in 1959 or 1960. The survivor says:


“The man had a German accent and wore small wire-rimmed glasses. He was not very tall, perhaps only five foot eight or shorter? He had the most intense eyes. They were a dark brown and very scary. He had wavy brown/black hair, and he spoke in a mixture of German and English, with more German when he was yelling or very excited. I remember associating him with the ‘daisy’ game--where you have a daisy and you pluck the petals and say, ‘he loves me, he loves me not’.”


This survivor assumed he was Mengele from the similarities between drawings she made of this man, and pictures she viewed of him in books as an adult.


A Canadian survivor remembers Mengele showing up at a Catholic orphanage three times a year for two weeks in 1959, 60, 61, and 62. He went by the name Father Joseph and used drugs and hypnosis in his programming of this survivor to connect electronic tones to colored geometrically shaped building blocks. He also used cat and dog [male-female] programming, plus the use of tones connected to scents to create groups of flower children alters. The scents were later connected to tuning-fork tones for the purpose of specialized programming. This was done by selecting certain vertebrae for electroshock, while playing the tone and administering the scent.


In January 1960 a second request for extradition was made for Josef Mengele. The Mossad were hunting for escaped Nazi’s and Adolf Eichmann was discovered. Eichmann was kidnapped and interrogated in May 1960 about Mengele’s whereabouts. According to Gerald Posner, Eichmann and Mengele met in 1952 and were seen at the ABC city center café from time to time in Buenos Aires.
Sometime in 1960 Argentina finally decided to issue a warrant for Mengele’s arrest and for more than a year no one had news of him. Fearing capture it was thought he fled Paraguay and took up residence in Brazil. It seems our government was also quite busy working with him doing brainwashing and programming.


My contact in Montreal where the abortion was performed was in early 1960. Another survivor reports contact with him where “foundational programming” occurred in the summer of 1960 in Kansas City. The survivor explains,


“By foundational programming I mean, abuse to create many traumatized alters to use in programming more specific functions later on and in creating internal system structure. There is a memory of him creating specific trauma bonding. He split the alters so that one would remember him being very loving, but it included a lot of sexual abuse and other parts would experience terror at his cruelty. With the first one, he somehow created the experience that he was inside our mind being very nurturing and teaching her that she will always want only him. Then later he abandoned her abruptly, and made her feel worthless and cast-off. With another alter he was mean, creating a rage alter by killing a little boy she had felt bonded with as her little protector. In a different memory some alters call ‘the white room’, he did electroshock with drugging and some kind of rotating equipment to create even more helpless feelings and confusion. It was blinding white light that was overwhelming, whether or not our eyes were open or closed. This abuse resulted in three ‘adult’ alters that reinforced internal loyalty programming. If they tried to stray from it, they always started to experience intense pain from the first part of the white room abuse, so they always backed off and got back in place. He also did some internal structure and programming on a Kabala theme, locking different alters and alter pairs into various parts of the structure by separate abuse incidents.”


A survivor who was also programmed by Dr. Black says he also used the alias’s Dr. Schwartz, Joseph and Yusef with her, and she describes him as having metal braces on at least one of his lower legs, next to his ankles. She reports similar methods being used to do a specific form of base programming on her. For the most part, she did not know what location she was in or her age. She says,


“This was not unusual for me, because I had so many alter-states that I switched between in moments of fear and distress. Using me as their guinea pig, Dr. Black taught dad how to break a child’s psyche and create alter-states. Later on I would watch dad create what he called “chains” of alter-states in children. He would begin by traumatizing the host alter-state (aka ‘host personality’) and then traumatize each resulting alter-state until it went ‘under’. Each time a part went under and a new part with no memory emerged, dad assigned this part of the broken personality a name. Either at that time or afterwards, he recorded the names and traits each alter-state seemed to have. Being an engineer, he usually used flowcharts and blueprints. Dad did this over and over on a “chain” of alter-states until no more emerged, or they were so limited in personality that there was nothing left to work with.


When I was a little girl, I was taken somewhere by my parents by foot up a paved drive on a hill past a row of one-story, small, red brick, flat-roofed buildings to our left. At the top of the hill was an odd black railroad car sitting all by it self. A good distance away from the right of the train car  perhaps a half-mile, was a large multi-story, flat roofed white or light beige exterior building. Dr. Black later told me the building was a hospital he sometimes was at.


As I got ready to climb up into the train car, a curly-haired blond mother with a little blond boy came out. Dr. Black, the dark-haired tall slim doctor was inside the doorway. I remember his dark eyes, which may have been made darker by the lack of strong lighting inside the car. After I went inside, he told me that the boy had tried to kill his mother with a knife. The doctor explained to me that he was interested in children with aggression. He seemed interested in studying aggression in me. Inside the train car on the side facing the hill was a long, narrow wooden table. I do not remember now what he did to me in that car. He played some kind of music in that train car. That is also still vague. I believe he used a radio. The music seemed to be a part of what he did to me during our time alone together. I once remembered what he did to me there, but no longer am able. Perhaps this is for the best.


When I was three years old (1958), Dr. Black told my father in front of me never to talk baby talk to me. Even at that age, I was to talk in complete sentences like adults do. I was not afraid of Dr. Black in some of those child alter-states, because he didn’t give a physical indication of when he was going to hurt me. However, Dr. Black would tongue-lash other men when they made mistakes under his orders. He had no tolerance for that. He would act condescending towards them. It was like he had made himself god and nobody else could ever hope to get as perfect as he was.


Dr. Black used nursery rhymes and songs with me. A biggie he used was the “Engine That Could.” He modified it with me, however. He told me that he considered it to be wrong to tell me to say, “I think I can” because that still gave me a way out. He taught me to say, ‘I can’ or ‘I can do this!’ over and over again. Of course, what I ‘did’ was always for them, not for myself.


The down side of that conditioning was that if I believe I can do anything–especially hard physical work–then, to fail is to be a failure. To do is to be. This was one of Dr. Black’s legacies inside me. He wanted me to be ‘uber’ (his word) or super. To be more than anyone else in school, which is still a problem. I had to always be stronger and smarter. I believed him. When he talked to me this way, his voice was very smooth.”


Not unlike the survivor who was tormented and programmed in Kansas City, this survivor explains what happened to her after a horrible sexual trauma that Dr. Mengele put her through before he programmed her. She says,


“I remembered that Dr. Black had very shiny black shoes and a black suit and plain coat that didn’t have a single wrinkle in them. He wore a very white, unwrinkled shirt. His hair was perfectly slicked but not greasy. He stood straight and was probably at least as tall as my father (6’), although since I was only a little scared four-year-old girl, he was a giant to me. I could maybe reach his zipper or belt, also black, which I suspected was preferable to him since he was a flaming pedophile.


It may have been the summer of 1959. I had been in that room several times. The walls of the room, which was probably no more than maybe 12 foot by 16 foot were paneled with possibly stained, horizontal light brown-ridged wood. I distinctly smelled cedar. The windows were paned, set in horizontal rectangular fashion in the walls, maybe one-half of the way up. There were more than two panes per window, with no drapes over them. There may have been big hardwood trees outside with leaves.

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