the primary symptoms include swelling with burning, stinging pain such as hives, insect bites, bee stings, chickenpox, measles, conjuctivitis, sore throat, and sties.
Modalities: The child who will benefit most from apis is easily irritated, fidgety, and clumsy. She is hypersensitive and cannot bear the slightest touch on the inflamed part. Her mouth is dry. Her discomfort is aggravated by heat, and she may feel worse around 3 P.M. She feels better when sitting up, uncovered, in cool air, with the application of cool compresses or after a cool bath.
General uses: Arnica is the remedy to use as first aid in common injuries, sprains and strains, or the stiffness, aches, and pains that follow heavy exercise. Arnica helps normalize heart activity after injury, thus stopping hemorrhage, and helps the body reabsorb blood clots and the blood pooling under the skin that causes hematomas (black-and-blue marks). Arnica stimulates the repair of bruised and damaged blood vessels, and reduces pain and swelling. It is effective in treating ruptures of the tiny blood vessels that appear in the whites of the eye after injury as well as black eyes, and is used before and after surgery to lessen shock, relieve pain and swelling, and promote healing. Should your child undergo circumcision; suffer a fracture, sprain, or strain; or have his fingers or toes caught in a door, give Arnica! Taken before and after strenuous exercise, arnica will help prevent muscle aches and stiffness. For muscle aches, sprains, and strains, using both arnica tablets and gently massaging in a gel or ointment will help; for injuries where the skin is broken, or for head injuries, use only internal doses of Arnica.
Modalities: The child who will benefit from arnica will feel bruised and tender, achy, stiff, and most likely exhausted. He will feel better lying down with the windows open to let in fresh air, but worse from motion, exertion, touch, cold, or heat.
Arsenicum Album (white arsenic)
General uses: Arsenicum is often the best remedy when a cold, sinusitis, sore throat, cough, flu, allergy, or asthma attack begins after your child has been chilled, or when symptoms of exhaustion appear after completing a major achievement. Arsenicum is also useful against conjunctivitis, diarrhea, indigestion, food poisoning, fever, headaches, nervous restlessness, insomnia, and impetigo.