A Little Less Conversation (9 page)

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Authors: Rhyannon Byrd

Tags: #Romance, #Erotic

BOOK: A Little Less Conversation
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Raw lust rolled through his system, thick and sticky, and all he could think was,
Fuckin-A, this woman is dangerous

“Is that why you picked me for your ride tonight, Mel?” he gritted through the clenched line of his teeth as sweat beaded his brow. He added a second finger to the first, moving them deeper into her with a knowing, twisting motion, her tender pussy so wet it was making soft, liquid sounds as he thrust into her, forcing his thick fingers hard and deep in an evocative rhythm that matched the needs of his cock. “Were you looking to end your long dry spell with a man who could really make you cream, honey? I wonder which rumor it was that snagged me as the lucky guy. My size? My kinks? The fact that I like my sex a little rough and a whole lot sweaty, wild and out of control? Or was it the fact that I can go all night when I’m in a mood, hungry for it until I can’t move and a woman can’t walk straight? Which one, Mel? Come on, we’re
, aren’t we?” he taunted, dragging his teeth down the taut tendon between her neck and shoulder while she writhed on his fingers. Her hips arched against him, pushing him even deeper, while a raw sound of need, desperate and low, caught in her throat. “Come on…you can tell me.”

“No,” she mumbled, shaking her head as if to clear it from a haze. “I-I don’t think you really consider me your friend. Do you, Mark? I wish you’d just talk to me—that you’d just explain why you’re suddenly acting like this.”

He stared into those misty eyes, wishing like hell he could hate her at that moment, when all he really wanted was to lose himself in her. “Why?” he echoed in a hard, controlled tone. “How about because I don’t like feeling used, Mel. It’s an ugly fucking feeling, and one I’m not looking forward to repeating. But there’s no reason not to take advantage of it while in the moment, now is there, beautiful? God forbid we get hung up on

Then, before she could respond to that telling remark, he had her about the waist, carrying her up the stairs until they’d reached her small landing and her purse was slipping from its snagged perch at her elbow to thud dully against the wooden planks beneath his feet. Mark took a quick look at his surroundings, then lowered her to the painted wooden bench beside her door, his deep breaths pulling at the thick air, its scent heavy and warm with the smells of potted flowers and lush, green plants that seemed to overflow from every corner. His slightly shaking, impossibly eager hands slipped off her panties, and then found her knees, forcing them apart as he knelt between her thighs. His long fingers fisted into the fragile fabric of her skirt and ripped it to the side, leaving her open and vulnerable. And that’s exactly how he wanted her. Wide open, without defense, the same goddamn way that he felt.

A niggling little voice in the back of his head muttered something about dumb-ass male ego and idiotic conclusions, but his pride raged and obliterated whatever small voice of reason might have managed to help him calm down and think the events of the last ten minutes through more clearly.

No, a man’s pride was a savage, fickle beast, and Mark couldn’t outrun its jeering.

It was too much, and he felt that whipping, whapping crack of his control snap like a sharp, sizzling sound that jerked through his body. “Never let it be said that I left a woman wanting,” he said thickly.

He was angry, but he was hurt too, and that pissed him off more than anything. But he was going to enjoy it. If this was all he get could get, damn it, he was going to invade and stroke and consume every sweet little inch of her, before she sent him packing.

“What are you doing?” she gasped, planting her hands against the whitewashed wood at her sides, trying to seek leverage as he pushed her thighs wider apart, making room for the broad width of his shoulders.

“What am I doing? Getting ready to go down on you,” he muttered, the words husky and raw. He brought both thumbs up the heavy seam of her slit, using them to part the shy, swollen lips, uncovering the tender, hidden secrets within. “Getting ready to take a slow, deep taste—to eat out Melanie Green’s drenched little cunt.” The soft glow from her porch light spilled over her shoulders, illuminating the curly riot of her hair like a golden halo, her eyes like twin sparks of light as she gazed down at him with a look of stunned fascination.

Holding her drowsy, heavy-lidded stare, Mark ran his thumbs softly over the slick, sensitive folds, pushing them into the hood until he trapped the ripe bud of her tender clit and pumped it within his grasp. Her swollen lips parted as a low, animal sound purred in her throat, hungry and wanting, and he knew in that moment that he was going to want this woman for the rest of his life. Knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that he’d fallen in love with her—and all she wanted from him was sex. An ugly, wrenching knot of angry pain twisted deeper inside him, and he ripped his gaze from that dangerous landscape of her expression, only to find himself focusing on one that tore at him just as deeply.

Despite the pale light from above, her sex remained shadowed in mystery, the glistening flesh only just visible in the flickering light. He used his thumbs to hook her outer labia and pulled them wide, leaving her open and at his mercy.

“Do I need to be more specific?” he groaned roughly. “I can, honey. I can tell you all about how I’m getting ready to suck and lick this hot little cunt that you offered up tonight, Mel. How I’m going to keep you spread wide open, just like this, and fuck this tender little hole with my tongue, shoving it as deep into you as I can get. Give this hot little thing whatever it wants, until you’re ready to give me whatever

He waited the space of two seconds to see if she would tell him no, and when no outraged denials came flinging back in his face, he pushed her knees up, sending her off balance so that she tilted back against the outside wall of her apartment, her backside nearly sliding off the bench, and pressed his face into the humid warmth of her sex.

Aw, hell
. The perfection of the moment nearly killed him.

Driven by need, he pressed closer, opening his mouth over the lush heat of her silken folds, exploring with the deft, greedy stroke of his tongue through the parted pads of her labia. With his pulse roaring in his ears, he licked a long, hungry line from the puffy rim of her vulva, up to the swollen, thrumming nub of her clit, knowing he’d never enjoyed a woman more. Knowing that none would ever compare. Her clitoris pulsed against his tongue like a tiny heartbeat, so eager for ecstasy and release, and he closed his lips around the delicate knot with a soft, succulent suckle, then nipped gently with his teeth, before suckling at the tender peak once again. She was wildly delicious. Mouthwatering. So good, he wanted to keep his mouth on her forever, or at least whenever she wasn’t crammed full of his cock.

Mel’s back arched, and from beneath the thick fringe of his lowered lashes, Mark watched her press her fist to her open mouth to keep from screaming out her pleasure as the first orgasm hit her hard and sharp, while he milked it from her with ruthless skill. Like a flower unfurling beneath the warm sun, her cunt bloomed, lush and earthy in its desire, exquisitely primal in its quest to lure him in. With a harsh, rumbling growl, he angled his face to the side and pressed deeper, closer, licking and laving with the sensual scrape of his tongue until he reached her shuddering slit and pierced it with a lusty thrust that damn near brought her ass off the bench.

“Oh hell, that’s sweet. Sweetest fucking thing I’ve ever tasted,” he all but snarled in a low, smoky rasp, wishing he could detest her for being so damn delicate and delicious. For being everything that he’d ever wanted.

“God, not again,” she moaned hoarsely, twisting beneath his mouth as her body tightened once more. “I can’t…can’t do it again.”

“You can. If I wanted to, I could make you ripple and cream all night long, Melanie. Give me another one,” he said in a coaxing, husky drawl. “Let me feel this sweet little pussy suck on my tongue. Right now. And I want it
. I want it to feel like you’re trying to suck me right up inside you.” He tongued her vulva, then pressed into the warm, slick heat of her pussy, using one thumb to press down on the sensitive bud of her clit, while her scent and taste captured him, locking him in its vise—and just like that, she came again. It was a powerful, rising wave of ecstasy that he felt roll through her like a storm-ravaged gust, and a fresh, delicious wash of juices filled his mouth, drugging him with her lush, voluptuous taste, making him want to come so damn badly his dick jerked within the confines of his jeans, the fat, broad head wet and angry and swollen.

Not yet
. Goddamn it, he wasn’t ready to let her go.

Mark took another long, intimate taste of her tender folds, then raised his head to find her looking at him in the moonlight, big brown eyes so wide, they reflected the hanging pearl of the moon behind him. He imagined that he could witness his own harsh reflection trapped there in those luminous depths, the sharp angles of his face tight with self-disgust for wanting things he couldn’t have.

She pulled her lower lip through her teeth and leaned forward, her slim fingers once again moving over the long, distended ridge of his cock as it struggled for release. He tried but couldn’t stop the rough growl that broke through his clenched teeth as she stroked him, squeezing him through the soft denim, her sweet rhythm telling him that she didn’t know a whole hell of a lot about touching a man, but was more than ready to learn. God, but it tempted him to take her. Just rip his fly open and sink into that fist-tight, velvety heat, giving her exactly what she’d asked for.

He could have her. Right now. It’d be so outrageously fucking easy—but he couldn’t do it.

“No,” he muttered, stumbling back to his feet, feeling his expression pull tight with tension and myriad unnamed emotions that he couldn’t put a face to. “Not like this, damn it.”

.” His name slipped from her lips on the ragged edges of a moan, her chest rising and falling with the rapid pace of her breath as her hands struggled to right her skirt and cover the glistening, exposed folds of her pussy, while her eyes blinked up at him, wide and questioning. “Please talk to me,” she panted in a throaty plea, and the sound of her voice twisted him up, his own lungs burning with the harshness of his breathing. “I don’t understand why— I mean, was what I asked for so wrong? Why are you so angry?”

“If I am, what’s it matter to you?” he grated out of a rough throat growing dryer by the second, while her sweet, sexy taste still filled his mouth, tripling the pain in his dick. “I may not be willing to fuck you, but you got what you wanted. You needed to come, and you did,” he grunted, wiping his mouth with his shoulder, then ripping the fingers of his left hand through his windblown hair so roughly that it stung. “Harder than you ever have before, I’d be willing to bet. In fact, you were easy, Mel. Even easier than what I’m used to, and that’s really saying something, sweetheart.”

She jerked as if he’d physically struck her. “Damn it, Mark! Why are you being so ugly?”

“Ugly?” He gave a short laugh, the dull sound completely without humor, and shook his head at her obvious naïveté. “You wanted to get down and dirty and come, and I came through for you. But if you know what’s good for you, you’ll stay the hell away from me, Melanie, because next time I won’t be able to stop myself from giving you
what you’re asking for. And unless you’re a hell of a lot wilder than you look, I don’t think you’d care for the experience.”

* * * * *

Reality was slow to return as Melanie slumped there, propped against the chilly wall at her back, the salty air cool and calming as it caressed the naked heat of her still flushed, mostly exposed skin. With sluggish movements, she forced her muscles to work, pushing the hem of her skirt farther down, until it covered her knees. God only knew what had happened to her panties. Mel sure as hell didn’t.

, she thought, that man should come with a warning label.
Hazard: sexual overload may fry your brain cells.
Thankfully, she still possessed a few capable of triggering thought, and it was only moments later that she fully realized she’d just let him walk away from her after issuing that infuriating set-down.

Allowing him to have the last word, and a rude one at that!

Damn it, she wasn’t going to stand for it. Her ego might take some serious bruising, but she was tough. Tougher than people gave her credit for, at least. Whatever sheepish pride she possessed could afford a few dents, if it meant rectifying whatever bizarre misconceptions he’d taken with him when he’d walked away from her.

With a deep breath, she got to her feet, only to smack her palm against the wall when her legs wobbled, muscles quivering like jelly. Holy moly. He’d turned her body into a trembling limp noodle and he hadn’t even slept with her—not that what he’d given her hadn’t been breathtakingly wonderful, if you excluded the dickhead attitude that came along with it. Using her free hand to tuck the tangled mass of her hair behind her ears, she gave her head a little shake, trying to clear it of the lingering effects of those whopping orgasms, and squinted against the soft dark of night to find him.

Seconds later, she picked out his tall outline walking down the moonlit stretch of sand, the ocean a dark, endless mystery roiling in frothing laps against the coastline. She bent to remove her sandals, only to realize that she wasn’t wearing those either, idly wondering if they’d gone the way of her panties. But she didn’t have time to look for them now. Mel sped down her stairs, across the gritty asphalt of the parking spaces she shared with the other tenants, and took off across the giving sand of the beach, the cool, damp grains squishing between her toes as she raced after the tall, imposing figure of Mark Logan. He sensed her as she closed in and turned, just in time to say, “What the he—” before she launched herself at him, tackling his big, hard body to the ground in a move that would have made any professional linebacker smile with pride.

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