A Little Less Conversation (17 page)

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Authors: Rhyannon Byrd

Tags: #Romance, #Erotic

BOOK: A Little Less Conversation
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“That’s it, baby,” he ground out through clenched teeth, watching her shatter as he used his free hand to reach beneath her and pinch one swollen nipple between his rough thumb and forefinger, pumping it in perfect rhythm with his cock. “Oh angel, you feel so good, I can’t hold it.”

She cried out, shouting and screaming and sounding like a woman who was experiencing the most intense, convulsive climax of her life, and it pulled him in, pulled the dark, deepening wave of pleasure out of him, until he jerked into her hard, the cum rolling up through his dick like an eruption. It pumped out of the fat, buried head of his cock in a vicious, pulsing, powerful wave that made him growl and grind into her, another inch shoving through that tight ring of muscle, and they shook together, trembling and slick as their bodies shuddered against the other, their cries raw and primal in the soft, heavy sweetness of the sex-scented air.

When the last ripple and pulse finally faded, Mark released her wrists, wrapped his shaking arms around her shivering body, and put up a valiant struggle to find his breath. “Oh god, Melanie, honey, that was incredible. I think you short-circuited my brain.”

“I can’t believe it was even better than my fantasies,” she murmured softly, and he felt sublimely heavy with happiness as he laughed a deep, rich sound of male delight against her temple. A moment later, they fell onto the tangled sheets of her bed, his harsh breath in her ear, heavy body pressing her into the mattress, and as she sent him a wicked look over her smooth shoulder, they shared smiles of pure, unadulterated satisfaction…and sweet, everlasting love.


Later, after a sensual shower of eager, curious hands and pleasurable discovery that led to another frantic encounter that took them from the bathroom to the bedroom floor, and finally the bed again, they lay tangled in her sheets, their skin slick and warm, chests moving with slow, deep breaths as they struggled to find enough air.

“Your brother came by earlier,” she murmured around a yawn.

His head jerked up from the pillow. “What?”

Melanie laughed out loud. “You know, you say that a lot. Why is that?”

“Because you’re always shocking the hell out of me,” he said with a quick kiss and a slow smile, before rolling to her side and asking, “What in the hell did Cain want?” His smoky green gaze narrowed. “He didn’t ask you out, did he?”

She swatted at his chest. “No, you goof. You’re his brother! Of course he didn’t ask me out.”

Mark snorted. “Mel, I could be the King of England and it still wouldn’t stop Cain from going after my woman if he wanted her.”

“He’s stolen your girlfriends before?” she asked with stunned surprised.

“No,” he snickered, “but then you’re a hell of a lot more than my
. And…I know he thinks you’re hot as hell.”

“Really?” she smiled, knowing she was blushing at the thought.

“Yeah, and don’t look so happy about it,” he grumbled. “I’m going to be beating him off with a stick for years to come, until we find him his own woman.”

“Well, to answer your question, he came to convince me to believe in you.”

He snorted another arrogant sound of disbelief. “You’re shitting me.”

“Uh, no,” she laughed, wrinkling her nose at his less than savory choice of exclamations, “I’m not.”

His look clearly said he wasn’t buying it.

“Honestly, Mark. He came by and tried to talk me into giving you another chance. He wanted me to find you and be honest about what I wanted from you, since he…he seemed to think you really wanted

He studied her out of piercing eyes. “And that’s why you’re here, Melanie?”

“Where?” she asked, sitting up, clutching for a corner of the sheet to hold against her breasts.

In one swift move, Mark had her tumbled to the bed, trapped beneath him. “In my arms, under my body, drenched with my cum.” His voice came smooth and deep, like rich, thick honey.

“Of course not!” she said indignantly. “I’m
because I love you, you dolt. But it was terribly sweet of him to come over. He was so tense and anxious with brotherly concern.”

“Now I know you’re shitting me,” he laughed, making that damn snorting sound again.

“You know,” she murmured, “we have
to find you another expression, Mark. But no, I’m not
shitting you
, as you so eloquently put it. He really was worried for you.”

“Well color me surprised and slap me stupid,” he drawled. “I never would have believed it.”

“Well, it’s true. And don’t you dare go throwing his concern back in his face.”

He tried to disguise the wicked gleam of anticipation that had brightened his gaze with a look of utter innocence. “Would I do that?”

Melanie wasn’t buying it. “What’s your middle name?”


“Then Mark Joseph Logan,” she muttered, “you bet your fine ass you would, and I won’t have it.”

“Yeah?” he asked huskily, arching his brows. “This sounds interesting. Just what are going to do about it?”

His devilish humor was contagious. A slow smile spread across her face, so wide she could feel her dimples cutting grooves into her cheeks. “Hmm…I bet I can make it worthwhile.”

His eyes narrowed, intent green gaze full of smoldering anticipation. “I’m listening.”

She wet her lips, her cheeks burning with color. “It…uh, will probably involve lots of licking and sucking. And…

“Yeah?” he rasped, twin dark spots of color burning strong on his cheekbones, his eyes heavy, lips parted and full. “I think you ought to start right now.”

“I couldn’t agree more,” she laughed. Then her laughter faded, and she said, “I want to keep you satisfied, Mark. That night, I hated watching you walk away, knowing you’d be leaving me to go find some hot floozy who could satisfy your hunger. It ate away at me all week, wondering
you were doing. Wondering
you were doing it with.”

happen, angel. This, my hunger,” he grinned, all wicked mischief and carnal intent as he rubbed his granite-hard erection into the giving softness of her belly, “is all yours. I’ve got a one-item menu for the rest of my life, but there’s a thousand different ways we can serve it up.”

“Mark,” she laughed, her eyes watering at his playfulness.

“I know, it’s corny as hell,” he smiled, “but you make me…
.” The word rolled off his tongue like the sweetest of promises, and she recognized the gift that he’d offered her—another tender insight into his soul that was all hers. “Happier than I ever imagined I could be, Melanie,” he said huskily. “That’s my only excuse. I can’t help it.”

All the significant things she wanted to say in return crowded into her tight throat—so Melanie settled for pulling his mouth down to hers, responding with a slow, love-filled kiss that said it all.

* * * * *

The day passed in a sublime, sexual lassitude that neither wanted to end. They stroked and hugged and rocked softly against each other, their bodies burning with the excitement of love and discovery, eager to touch and taste and learn.

“So,” Mark sighed with soul-deep satisfaction hours later, rolling to his back and pulling her across his chest, while one big hand rubbed the back of her head, tangling her curls, “as soon as I can walk, I’ll get Cain to start helping me get your stuff moved over to my place. I’d move in here, but my place is bigger and I don’t wanna crowd you.”

“Mmm…you better wait before you call him. I don’t plan on letting you outta this bed for at least a few more hours.”

“Maybe I should tell him to plan for tomorrow afternoon.” He let everything he felt for her fill him up, until it felt as if it were pounding through his veins, and he knew she could see it, all of it, burning in his fiercely possessive gaze.

“Yeah, that sounds better,” she said breathlessly. “We’ll need to break for food by then anyway.”

“Oh man, you’re turning into an insatiable little sex maniac, aren’t you?” he drawled with keen anticipation, reaching down to grope her sweet little bottom.

“You think so?” she asked with a brilliant, blinding smile, and he pulled her higher onto his chest until she draped his body like a blanket of warm, willing, wonderful woman. All his, and he was going to spend the rest of his life making her deliriously happy for gifting him with her love.

“I think you’re amazing. And mine. And I’m madly in love with you. Would you like me to
you all about it?” he asked with a teasing grin, knowing she was already hungry for him, and god only knew his cock was hard and ready to please, pressed between their bellies.

She arched one slender brow, her beautiful brown eyes shimmering with humor. “Are you going to let your body do the talking?”

He tsked playfully, shaking his head from side to side. “And here I thought you wanted a little less conversation from me, sweetheart.”

“What can I say? I like your body language, Marky boy,” she drawled with a cocky grin that would have made even an arrogant bastard like Cain proud. “Go ahead and
to me some more. I’m all ears.”

Mark threw back his head and roared with laughter…and then gave her exactly what she wanted.


About the Author


Rhyannon Byrd is the wife of a Brit, mother of two amazing children, and maid to a precocious beagle named Misha. A longtime fan of romance, she finally felt at home when she read her first Romantica novel. Her love of this spicy, ever-changing genre has become an unquenchable passion—the hotter they are, the better she enjoys them!

Writing for Ellora’s Cave is a dream come true for Rhyannon. Now her days (and let’s face it, most nights) are spent giving life to the stories and characters running wild in her head. Whether she’s writing contemporaries, paranormals…or even futuristics, there’s always sure to be a strong Alpha hero featured as well as a fascinating woman to capture his heart, keeping all that wicked wildness for her own!

Please visit Rhyannon’s website at
, and contact her at
[email protected]
. She loves to hear from readers.


Rhyannon welcomes mail from readers. You can write to her c/o Ellora’s Cave Publishing at 1056 Home Avenue, Akron, OH 44310-3502.

Also by Rhyannon Byrd


Against the Wall

Down and Dirty anthology

Magick Men: A Bite of Magick

Magick Men: Shot of Magick

Sexy Sweet: Triple Play

Waiting For It



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