A Little Bit of Truth (Little Bits) (14 page)

BOOK: A Little Bit of Truth (Little Bits)
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“I may or may not have told her about operation Whores TBW,” wait… what? “Whores to be wed. I thought it had failed…”

“Wait, you and James aren’t getting married?” This is bad, I’m helping organize the bachelor party! Something I’m actually looking forward to.

A small fist hits me in the chest and glaring purple eyes attack my face, “You two are perfect for each other and neither of you realize it!” her voice gets higher and slightly hysterical, “And I’m not a whore!”

“If the shoe fits,” I mumble around a laugh and instantly regret it when she starts beating me over the head with a small spoon. “Quit it. Quit it. Ouch.”

“Sit, eat,” she orders and slams my full plate of food in front of me.

Feigning fear I immediately do as I’m told, “Yes dear.”


The door opens and closes, in walks
Beth, “Hey Jake I was just…” she stops in the doorway and takes note of Maya sitting beside me. “Oh, umm… sorry. I didn’t realize you had company.”

Beth,” I explain, “this is Maya.”

I’ve spoken to
Beth about Maya, she instantly relaxes although I’m unsure why she was tense in the first place. “Hi, it’s nice to finally meet you. Jacob talks about you guys a lot.”

“Ugh,” Maya grunts and glares at

God dammit. “Maya,” I warn.

Beth shuffles nervously as Maya stares her down, “Umm… am I interrupting something?”

Maya says, “Yes.” As I say, “No.”

Eye roll. “Maya, be nice.”

She stands up, “It was nice to see you again Jacob. I’ll call you.” Then she turns to
Beth. “I spent far too long concocting operation Whores TBW and I’ll be damned if I let you and your perky little knockers ruin it.” Then she slaps me around the back of the head.

“What did I do?” I whine, stifling my laughter.

Her eyes narrow to slits, “Keep Mr. Jakey in your pants or I swear to god I’ll chop it off and hang it from my Christmas tree.”

My hands instinctively cup my groin, “O…” and she’s gone. “…
kay then.”

“Well, she seemed nice,”
Beth blinks a few times. Then I howl with laughter, “Yeah. She’s interesting that’s for sure.”

“She looked really serious.”

I cringe, “I never underestimate that woman.” We both nod slowly, still absorbing Maya’s outburst. Then I ask, “Why are you here?”

“I was in the area and thought I’d see if you were available for lunch.”

“Ever heard of knocking. I could have been doing something.”

“Oh… I’m sorry.”

“Don’t worry about it. I’ve eaten now though.”

Her face falls, “Yeah, I can see that. How about we go…”

My phone ringing cuts her off, I hold up my finger and answer it, “Talk to me.”



“What are you wearing?” I say in the sexiest voice I can muster.

“Just a second,” there’s a rustling followed by a door closing. “Wearing? Shorts and a tee.”

“Hmm, get naked.”

“What are you wearing?”

“Me?” I don’t know why I just asked this.

“Well, yeah obviously.” His chuckle is deep and sexy.

Now I’m horny. “I’m naked.”


“Serious, I just had a shower. Used a new body wash and lotion. I smell like caramel,” I laugh a little when I hear him groan. “Maybe you should come round.”

“I…” I hear more rustling. “On my way.”

Then I hear
Beth, “What about going to the movies?”

Then I hear him curse. “
Beth, we’ll have loads of time to act like a couple in England. I’ve only got a short amount of time to spend with my friends.”

“Oh,” is all I hear her say.

“I’m on my way,” he announces before the line goes dead. I quickly jump in the shower and wash myself down with my new body wash.


And then I wait.

And wait.

Still waiting.

More waiting.

Then my phone rings. It’s a text.


Something’s come up.


Something’s come up?

Something. Has. Come. Up.

That’s it? Something has come up? That’s all I fucking get? Not even a phone call or an explanation?

What the hell am I supposed to do with that? What am I supposed to think about that?

I’m pissed. If this was Maya I’d also be pissed. Or worried. Yeah, probably worried because Maya would never text me saying, ‘something has come up.’ With no further explanation.

Why am I even obsessing over this? Who cares?

Not me. Not at all, not even a little. Now the initial anger has worn off I’m totally fine.


Four hours pass.

After reading my weekly magazine and locking my thoughts away there’s a knock at the door. I already know who it is, there’s only one person who knocks to the Mission Impossible theme tune.



Chapter Twelve




“Hey,” I rub my cold hands together and step inside of Marie’s apartment.

She nods but otherwise remains silent.

“Sorry I let you down.”

“You didn’t,” she responds with a shrug. “You texted me to let me know. That’s fine.”

Oh. “Oh, well,

Then I dive in, I can’t resist, she looks stunning and tasty in nothing but her dark blue, fluffy robe. My lips instantly meet her neck and fuck me, she wasn’t wrong, she
smells and tastes like caramel.

“Hmm,” I moan and slip my hands into the robe.

She squeals and tries to push me away, “Stop it. Your hands are cold!”

I’m absolutely freezing, and she’s so warm. I don’t stop, I’m not that generous. Instead I wrap my arms tight around her, making sure my body is flush with hers. Then I grab her thighs and lift her until her perfect tits are level with my mouth.

“Jacob,” she pants and her back arches, her head falls back against the wall. Her legs grip my hips like a vice, her arms wrap around my neck, her hands tease my hair as I nibble and suck on her right nipple and then her left.

My body is thrown backwards and I hear a scatter of buttons and a tear. How did she get loose of my grip? Who cares? My back is now against the wall, my shirt ripped open and Marie’s lips, tongue and teeth are moving across every sensitive spot I have on my torso.

When this girl has sex, she learns quickly where all of your best spots are and she fucking remembers for the next time.

Wait a minute, this is my show!

Curling my hand gently around her slim throat, I push her back again and quickly throw my shirt off while keeping her pinned to the wall with my chest. She cries out when I thrust my hand between her legs and kiss my way down her body until I’m on my knees. My face level with that perfect slit that offers me so much pleasure.

Her fingers wrap in my hair, “Stop teasing me.”

I grin and get to work, making sure to tease her inner thighs first. Then my tongue dips in, slowly grazing her clit. Her legs tremble, I press my thumb against her sensitive nub to stop her from going anywhere.

“Stop fucking around,” she grunts at me, pressing my face to her.

My hand comes up and connects with the side of her thigh.

With a shriek she gasps, “You did not just…”

“Patience woman,” I bite her hip, making her instantly calm. “Let me do this how I want to do this.”

“Maybe you should just do it… that would fucking… ouch, stop slapping me!”

With a very swift and a rather slick move, I stand and throw her over my shoulder, then carry her into her bedroom and throw her on the bed. She lands with a bounce and a grunt. I don’t give her time to shout at me as my face is back between her legs and this time I’m not teasing.

My thumb works her as my tongue prods and probes her entrance.
Fingers find my hair, her hips buck against my face. I work her gently, then hard, then gentle. Over and over again until my tongue aches and my lips swell from the stimulation.

I love
the taste of her juices, in fact, I don’t think I’ve ever enjoyed doing this so much in my life. I don’t want to ever stop.

She gets wetter and wetter with each second, her moans getting louder and louder.
Then her channel clenches around my tongue, I thrust it in as far as I can manage.

And she screams, her legs grip my head, her back arches, hands
grip my hair so tight I’m certain I’ll have a bald patch by the end of her orgasm. Not even one ounce of me fucking cares.

If this is how men go bald I’m happy to join that club.

As she’s coming down I rip my trousers off and climb over her. Her teeth sink into her lower lip. Perfect fucking lips, I want to suck on it. That pouty lower lip that has driven me crazy in ways that shouldn’t be possible.

A long groan escapes me as I sink into her pulsing warmth, then I descend. Wanting to catch her lip between my teeth. My mouth misses and gets her ear. I try again, she buries her face in my neck and pushes her hips up against me.

Whatever, this feels too good to give a shit about anything else right now.


“Yes ma’am,” I smile and slam into her, my hands lift me from the bed so I can see our joining. See where my body vanishes into hers only to reappear a moment later. I slow my pace, almost hypnotized by the view. “That is so hot.” Her tits jiggle slightly, her lips quiver, her legs tense, all at the same time my body burns.

My pace slows, I need to see this. I want to watch it, call me weird but it’s a beautiful sight and it’s making me harder than I’ve ever been.

And then it’s over, after thrusting and pounding into her like a madman, with no real rhythm, just wild sexual instincts, I finally let loose a stream of my seed straight into her womb as she shakes and cries out.

Then we sleep.





It’s morning, I’m comfy. Or at least I was until Marie woke up and just sighed a long deep sigh that clues me in on the fact she’s irritated about something.

She pushes my weight off her and climbs out of bed, I lift myself up onto one elbow and watch her sexy naked body vanish into the bathroom. Did she have clothes in her hand? Why would she have clothes in her hand?


“Marie? Are you okay?” I hope I didn’t hurt her
last night, I was a little bit rough.

“Yeah.” Her response comes through the door as I attempt to open it. It’s locked.

“Open the door.”

“Just a sec.”

I shake it again, my heart hammering. Something’s wrong. “Marie. Open the fucking door.”

“Just a sec!” She snaps in annoyance.

Maybe she’s nervous. I mean, today is the big day. Her photos finally go live in a high end magazine. She’s supposed to be meeting with Loryn, Lucas, Maya and Summer at noon to view it together. It’s not even eight in the morning yet.


“Don’t call me that!”

My body stiffens automatically at her tone. I hear the shower start and figure this conversation is over until she gets out, I quickly get dressed and check my email on her laptop.

When she exits her room, looking freshly primped and smelling great I cautiously seek her eyes. She blanks me and heads straight to the kitchen.

“Are you nervous?” I lean against the door jam and watch her pour a coffee for herself. No response. “I’m sure they’ll be great.” Her shoulders tense as she leans on the counter facing away from me. “I’m sorry I let you down last night.”

“You didn’t,” she says angrily. I scoff because it’s clear I’ve pissed her off, it isn’t like her to just ignore me though. Marie is an outspoken person, she holds nothing back so I’m not sure how to handle this. “I’m not mad at you.”

“Looks like it,” eye roll.

She spins to face me, “I’m not fucking mad at you Jacob. I’m mad at me!”

Although she does tend to lash out when in a bad mood, maybe she’s just in a bad mood.

“Meaning nothing, just leave it.”

“Are you excited for tomorrow, your first paying customer?” I’m trying to change the subject, trying to get her to smile. It’s not working, she doesn’t respond. “No Jacob? Yes Jacob?” I grin wickedly. “Fuck this frustration out of me Jacob?”

Her blank stare pierces me, it takes everything I have not to wince. I’ve really pissed her off
, or at least, it looks like it. Although like I just said, Marie is blunt, when you piss her off she tells you. So maybe this has nothing to do with me, maybe she just needs time to think over whatever is turning in her head.

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