A Little Bit of Truth (Little Bits) (11 page)

BOOK: A Little Bit of Truth (Little Bits)
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She smiles with excitement, “Awesome. Let me just grab my purse.”


I’m bringing Beth.




What does that mean? My lips quirk, maybe she’s jealous.




Loryn is hyperventilating already. If she faints, cries, pukes or makes an idiot of herself it’s all on you!


Oh, well, that explains that.


You got it. I still want my blowjob though.


You have to sign the papers first ;-)


I’ll sign them while my dick is in your mouth.


I’d say, sure go for it, but dude… you can’t multitask.


Babe… I played with a tit, your clit all while thrusting into you from behind. That right there is multi-tasking.


Touché friend, touché.


“Girlfriend?” Beth asks me. I’m stood in the middle of the room, phone in my hand and a huge smile on my face. Not good, I must look like an idiot.

“No, one of my closest friends, you’re about to meet her.” She links her arm through mine and follows me out of the room.


Chapter Nine




“Calm down,” I laugh at Loryn as she fidgets in her seat, p
reparing to meet another famous person.

“I think I just peed a little,” Gross. I laugh, she laughs.

“What’s so funny?” Jacob’s here. He sits and I feel Loryn tense beside me as Beth comes into view. Yep, she’s stunning. As I expected. “It’s rude not to share.”

“Oh my god! I’m such a…” I pinch Loryn’s leg and smile apologetically at
Beth who is taking the seat opposite her. Loryn instantly shuts her mouth but her body is still trembling.

“I’m Marie,” I lean forward and shake her hand.

“Beth,” she smiles back. She seems sweet so far.

Jacob’s foot strokes my leg under the table, I switch my smile to him. “Good day?” he asks.

“Yep, forms tonight?” I wonder if he catches my hidden meaning.

His eyes darken and his lips part, “Yeah. Forms definitely tonight.”

With a sultry smile I lean back in my seat.

“So you guys have been practicing lines? That must be hard, I wouldn’t be able to remember it all,” Loryn effectively steers the conversation. My eyes don’t leave Jacob’s, a smile touches his lips, the same smile that touches mine. Shit I’m wet.




“Deeper!” I cry out and he delivers. My legs grips hi
s hips, my back is pressed against the wall. “Fucking deeper!”

“Christ,” he groans and presses forward. My feet then hit the ground and my body is pushed none too gently over the couch. Effectively forcing me to bare my ass to him. Not that I care. He slams home
, I cry out, loudly, without shame or reservations.

My hand bats his away so I can tweak my swollen and sensitive nub, this way he can concentrate on his thrusts without the distraction of having to play with me. His hands squeeze my breasts, each more than a handful. Thumbs circle my nipples. So close.

It happens, he cries out with me. Gripping my tits with an almost bruising force, his body jerks making his hips pump rapidly into me, without rhythm. until every last drop of him leaves his body and enters mine.

Then I’m falling over my head with a squeal as he lifts my legs and drops them on the couch. His body covers mine and his hard length slides inside once more. We’re apparently not finished. Fucking love his stamina!




“This, or this?” Jacob asks. I blink at him, shampoo bubbles leaking down my forehead.

“That one,” I point to the navy blue shirt in his right hand.

“Good choice,” he nods his approval and vanishes back into my bedroom. I quickly rinse my hair
, he enters the bathroom again.

“These, or these?”

“Those,” I point to the light blue denim jeans in his left hand.

“My thoughts exactly,” and then he’s gone again, the door shuts behind him. I begin to condition my hair.

“Hair like this? Or like this?” He messes his short blonde hair and then smoothes it back.

“Just fucked,” I opt for the first style. He grins and with a little wax on his hands, messes up his locks. “Perfect.”
He looks fucking brilliant.

Then he sits on the closed toilet, “Are you about to wash yourself?”

“Well, yeah. That’s kind of the point of a shower Jake,” I laugh and rinse my hair.

“Awesome,” he grins and relaxes back, his eyes on me.

What the hell is he doing? “Don’t you have something to do?”

“The question should be, someone to do? But yeah, I do have something to do. I’m doing it right now and then I have someone to do, I’m doing her in a minute,” his blue eyes sparkle with mischief. I laugh and soap up a sponge, I bend over so my body is folded in half and start washing my ankles, carefully and slowly working my way up with the soft sponge.

Upon looking up, Jacob’s eyes are on me and to his pupils are dilated and hungry looking, his trousers are pulled down to his knees and his hand is wrapped around his gorgeous, swollen cock. Hasn’t he had enough?

I laugh again, “What are you doing?”

“Nothing,” he grunts and his nostrils flare when I slowly rub my soapy hands over my tits and over my navel.

“Pretty sure that’s not nothing.” I point to his hand pumping away at a leisurely pace.

He only smiles and continues working himself. I never thought I’d get pleasure in seeing a man masturbate. I was wrong. This has to be
most beautiful fucking thing I’ve ever seen. Not to mention it’s making me wet.

“You good?” I ask with a smirk.

He nods and moans when I lick the running water from my lips. “I’m good. Really fucking good.”


“So good,” he groans low in his throat. It sends a pulse of excitement through me. “Christ you’re so damn hot.”

I reach forward, ready to turn the shower off.

His clear demand makes me stop, “Don’t fucking touch it. You have no idea how sexy you look right now.”

“If you say so.”

“I’m recording this,” like hell you are. “Or better yet. When I go to England, I want you on Skype, in the shower, every fucking day.”

“We have six nights left,” I remind him.

“Then I’m fucking filming it.”

“Yes sir,” I grin. “If you let me out of the shower… I do have to moisturize. My. Entire. Body.”

“Turn it off,” and then he vanishes into the bedroom.

It’s nice knowing just my body and movements have this effect on him.




I shovel a bite of pancake into my mouth. It’s time to tell Marie about the plan
Beth and I are setting in motion tonight. “So…” I clear my throat, praying she won’t take my remaining six nights away but understanding if she does. Shit. What if she doesn’t want to see me anymore? I should have said no but my agent thinks this is a good idea to get promo for the movie. “I need to tell you something.”

She looks up from her phone, “Is it good news or bad news?”

Good question, “Depends on the person who’s about to receive said news. Depends what their reaction is.”

She nods, places her phone on the bar be
tween us and leans forward on her forearms. Her ass sticks out a little, it’s distracting. “Out with it then.”

“Me and
Beth, we’ve been asked to do something.”

“Yeah?” she blinks and
pops a piece of orange into her mouth. Her luscious lips glisten with its tangy juice. Fuck. Okay, head in the game Jacob.

“Right, well,
to promote the movie we’re about to film, they think it would be a good idea if the world were to believe that Beth and I are dating.” I prepare for a bad reaction.

She looks thoughtful for a moment before responding, “You honestly think that’s a good idea?”

Shit. Here it comes.

“I mean, how are you going to, ‘break it off’ at the end? What if you get portrayed as the bad guy?”
Or not.

Huh, I never thought of that.

“What if she plays it off for more attention?”

Never thought of that either.

“What if you get caught screwing another woman? That would look really bad for you.”

Also an excellent point.

Then she shrugs, “I can understand both sides, but she’s famous, maybe even more so than you. You got a bunch of teen girls that worship the both of you. When you break up it’ll affect them, I know this shit because I cried my eyes out when The Spicegirls split up. It broke my heart. Then we all looked for someone to blame.” She spins her phone under her finger. “You need to really think about it, maybe get it in writing that there will be no foul play on either side.”

Fucking brilliant.

“But like I said, it’s up to you Jake,” she smiles sweetly at me and makes her way around the bar. “It’s your career and your life. We’re friends, I’ve got your back whatever you decide.” Then she cups my face with her hands and places her tangy, sweet lips against mine. Followed by her kissing my forehead and stepping out of the kitchen.

That went well.
A little too well.


I follow Marie’s advice and message my agent.


If I’m gonna do this shit, I want it in writing that it’ll go smooth.


No problem. I was thinking the same thing.


“Babe?” I call when Marie’s phone starts vibrating. “Phone’s ringing.”

“Answer it then,” she calls back, she’s definitely on the toilet.

The number is anonymous, I answer it, “Hello?”

Put Marie on,” it’s a man’s voice. My body gets tight, especially at his tone.

She’s not available right now.”

She will be. Put her on.”

Not gonna do that.”

I hear him slowly let out a
n annoyed breath, “Look buddy, tell Marie to come to the phone.”

“I would but I don’t have a name. So no, I’m not doing Jack shit.”

“Christ. How many days?”


“How many times you fucked her?”

If he were here right now, he’d be missing his teeth something bad. “
Look here asshole…”


The phone leaves my hand, I spin to face Marie who now has the phone pressed against her ear, “Hey Kev.” Kev? “No, that’s my friend Jacob.” She pauses and laughs. “Yeah, that’s the one.” She looks at me, “Kev says he’s sorry.” My mouth drops open. “No, of course not. I have time, what’s wrong?” She gasps. “Shit, that sucks. No, of course, I’ll come over. Are you okay?”

Who the fuck is this guy?

“It’s no problem,” she smiles sweetly and then laughs twice. “Yeah, I bet! I know, I’ve missed you too.” My body tenses again. “I’ll bring the ice cream.” She laughs again, “Nah, he won’t mind. He’s busy tonight anyway. Alright, awesome. Yeah, you know I do. Bye.”

Then she smiles, it’s huge and my stomach drops. “Who the fuck was that?”

Her smile doesn’t falter, “An old friend.”

“He’s an asshole.”

“He’s had to deal with a few assholes because of me, if he was rude, I’m sorry.”

“Who is he?” My hands clench into fists.

Now her smile is gone, “You’re being weird.”

Shit. “Sorry, I just… he didn’t sound pleasant. Why didn’t his number show up on the screen?”

“He’s a cop, he probably used his work phone to call,” she shrugs and I follow her into the room.

For some reason I want to know more about him, I don’t know why. Maybe it’s a male ego thing, not getting to have the last word and then being expected to accept a second hand apology. “How’d you two meet?”

“Why are you asking?”

She leans over, her tight jeans straining against her firm, perfect fucking ass, and pulls her shin high boots on.

BOOK: A Little Bit of Truth (Little Bits)
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