A Little Bit of Truth (Little Bits) (8 page)

BOOK: A Little Bit of Truth (Little Bits)
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“Where is your dad Marie?” I push, knowing I shouldn’t but I do anyway.

She tenses for a moment before responding, “He’s gone.”

I don’t know what to say, so I don’t say anything. I’ve never experienced loss, I’ve never experienced enough love to experience loss so I remain quiet. Not wanting to say the wrong thing.


“I want to go and see Lucas tomorrow,” Marie says suddenly, most likely to change the conversation. “I haven’t seen him properly in a few days.”

“You two are quite close aren’t you?”

She looks at me funny for a moment before responding with nonchalance, “Yeah, I guess we are.”

“How did that happen?” Why am I so interested?

“I don’t know,” she laughs a little nervously. “We just started talking and then started talking more.”

“A bit like us? I’ll never forget the day I tried to get in touch with Maya about the advert I was doing for her products
, and got you instead.” A thought hits me. “Considering you don’t work with Maya… how did you get my number?”

“I was sleeping with the dude that arranges all that shit,” she responds flippantly. “Why did you want to get in touch with Maya?”

Good question. “Because I wanted to meet the owner of the product.”

“And then you
two became close.” I shrug in response and inwardly smile at her craftiness. She’s completely turned my own question around to me. She gasps and slaps me on the chest, “You fancied her! You totally wanted her to wet your Wilbert!”

I laugh loudly at her term for my dick
and roll her onto her back, “That’s not true.”

“Oh I’m telling her!” She starts cackling now. “You little adulterer… she has a husband.”

“I didn’t want to fuck her,” okay, kind of a lie. I did but then I didn’t because I met someone else who I wanted to fuck even more. “I wanted to fuck you.”

She rolls her eyes and tries to push me off her. I stay put. “You’re such a liar.”

“Actually I’m being serious,” tucking her hair behind her ear I press my lips to her nose. “When I first saw Maya, of course I thought about it. She’s sexy, funny, intelligent, etc. Who wouldn’t?”

“Yeah,” Marie agrees and I feel relief at the fact she’s not storming away in a huff. “I’d screw her if I swung that way.”
Great to know… seriously… that’s an image I’ll cherish forever.

“And then I got to know her friend, who wouldn’t give me the time of day…”

She interrupts, “Because I thought you were after my married best friend!”

“I thought it was sexy.
The whole being aloof thing. It was refreshing.”

“Then we became friends.”

“That we did.”

“And then we accidentally bumped the nasties.”

I laugh once, “Yeah, that too.”

“And then we became friends again.”

“Yep,” I nibble on her neck and her legs wrap around my waist. “And I begged you to let me into your sweet tasting pussy again.”

“To which I said no.”

“Why did you say no?” I nudge her chin up with my nose to gain better access to her throat.

She trembles as I gently torture her skin with my mouth. “That night was intense.”

“It was beyond intense.”

“It freaked me out a little bit…”

My head snaps up at her words, “Yeah?”

“It was… intense.”

Chuckle. “You’ve said that.”

“I’ve had my fair share of fuck buddies Jacob, not one of them felt as good as you did.”

“Right back at ya lady,” I roll so I’m on my back and she’s straddling me. Time to get off this conversation. “This night isn’t over yet. Little Jake wants to play.”

She grins wickedly and sinks down onto me. This has got to be the best night of my life so far.




So, like yesterday morning, I again woke up with a dick inside me. Not that I mind in the slightest, it has to be the best alarm in the world. Then I fell asleep feeling achy and sore, and again I’ve woken up to an empty house. Jacob has probably gone to work, he’s left me the same text that he left me yesterday. The lazy bastard probably forwarded it to me again rather than retyping it. I laugh a little at the thought.

He must be exhausted though, we didn’t get to sleep until nearly two in the morning and then he fucked me awake at almost six. I didn’t hear him leave but I’m guessing he left at about seven. Poor man. Tonight I’ll make him sleep if he decides to stay. Besides, I don’t think my ‘mini’ can handle much more.

It’s safe to say I’ve met my match in that department. I’m certain I’m being filled by the greediest cock in the world. He’s fucking insatiable, I can hardly keep up with him! This is madness. Yet just the thought of him sinking into me, losing control and pounding away like a cowboy hell bent on breaking me in like a stallion, is enough to get the juices flowing once more.

My bath is calling me, I don’t normally like having a bath but I need to soak my painful body.




Indian food tonight?


I smile at my phone and respond with a quick yep before turning to Lucas. I arrived literally five seconds ago after two hours in the bath and another hour getting ready to face the world.

“You’re walking funny,” is the first thing Lucas says as I walk past him in his wheelchair.

He’s right too, I am walking funny, because my thighs are covered in chafes from the night before. “I’m not walking funny Luke… I’m just walking. Maybe you should try it.” I pat him on his head and try not to laugh out loud at the pout on his handsome face. “Where’s Loz?”

“Don’t call me that!” I hear her call from… wherever the hell she is in this place.

“Somebodies testy,” I snigger and drop onto the couch, Lucas stops by the armchair in the corner. Loryn walks in, smiles brightly at me before taking her seat in the armchair. “Thought I’d pop by.”

“That’s good,” Lucas looks all too happy about my arrival. I’m about to question him but there’s no need, he quickly follows through with. “She’s driving me fucking crazy.”

“He won’t rest,” Loryn frowns at him like a mother would at a naughty child.

“Dude,” I laugh. “He’s in a chair with wheel’s, that’s resting.”

“Thank you,” Lucas says to the heavens and Loryn sighs. “Besides, I feel fine. I start on crutches next week.” This is awesome news.


Where you at?


With Lucas and Loryn. What’s wrong?


Nothing :-) Just popped by with lunch but you weren’t in, forgot you were going there today.

Sorry stud.


When I put my phone back in my bag both Loryn and Lucas are staring at me. Loryn blurts, “Oh you’ve so fucked him!” Is it that obvious who I’m texting?

The only person who I’ve told about Jacob and my night of passion many months ago is Lucas. I’m shocked that he hasn’t mentioned it to Loryn.

“Yep,” I laugh when they both gape. “What? He’s single, I’m single.”

I never saw it coming,” Loryn says with a shake of her head. Now it’s mine and Lucas’ turn to gape at her like she’s insane. “What?” She asks wide eyed and innocent. “I didn’t.”

Lucas smiles at Loryn like she’s the cutest thing he’s ever seen, he then grabs the back of her neck, she gasps sharply but Lucas swallows it when his lips meet hers. It’s brief but it’s sweet. I find myself smiling at them both.

“I was thinking,” Loryn says, her cheeks a little pink. “We’re going to need somebody else to work in the salon, maybe two people depending how busy it gets. What do you think?”

And just like that the conversation changes to work. I agree with her though, the way bookings are going right now is insane. Turns out I have more fans of my work than I initially thought. I’ve done shoots for magazines, families, books, etc. So my name is out there but not well known. Although I don’t want to be ‘well known’ I just want to be known enough to make a comfortable living.

We definitely need a bit of help around the salon, as I’m going to be in the studio most of the time, plus, I can barely braid hair let alone cut it. Loryn agrees to put an ad out in the morning so I don’t have to.




Today is what I would call, one of my lonely days. I’m at present, sat at a fancy ass table eating a ninety dollar sandwich, speaking with publicists from my next movie. They’re telling me what I should and shouldn’t do, what I should and shouldn’t wear. It’s starting to piss me off, but it’s my job. So I jot down a list of things… including… no BDSM? What the fuck?

“It’d be easier for us if your skin wasn’t bruised,” left man states.

Right man sniggers, “Or whipped.”

What kind of shit do they think I’m into? I only nod in response and wave the waitress over. If I’m going to be sat here listening to this bullshit I need a drink.

“What can I get you?” blonde, big boobs, slim waist. Hell, she’s hot.

“Arsenic?” I wink flirtatiously and nod to the guys who are completely oblivious to everything but their own discussion.

She giggles, “How about a whiskey?”

I nod, “That would be great…” Name?
She points to her right tit covered by her work shirt, I lean closer even though I don’t need to. Just so I can see her name tag. “Heidi. Pretty name.”

She blushes and tugs on her shirt.

My smile widens, “For an extremely pretty female.”

“Umm… thanks,” she responds nervously before turning to the other two gents. I’m going to call them Bill and Ben. “Can I get either of you another drink?”

They both nod at their empty glasses, I stare at her ass as she wanders away. A low whistle escapes me, “She was fine.”

Bill and Ben nod in agreement, for once during this entire meet, they’re silent as they watch Heidi’s sexy hips sway.




I’m guessing Jacob’s not coming. It’s already gone eleven, damn I’m hungry. Ah well.

I snuggle on the couch under a thick comforter and munch on a bag of potato chips. I actually did the food shopping today. My mother would be proud.

Part of me is worried, it’s not unlike Jacob to let people down, but he always lets you know. I should text him but I don’t want him to think I need him here. It makes no difference to me.

Should I text him? No. If he was hurt the world would know about it by now. He’s probably out with friends. Maybe he’s pulled. This wouldn’t surprise me.


I pad into the kitchen and open up the refrigerator, smiling slightly at all of the food, I grab my left over dinner and chow down. Normally I wouldn’t indulge in food but recently with all of the sex, food is all I can think about. Well, food, sex and work are my main focuses.

My phone sounds into the quiet, making me almost drop my plate. I pick it up and tap the screen.


Can you have Amelia for me tomorrow? Pretty please?


What time and where?


From noon? And anywhere you want.


No problem. What are you doing?


I’ve got to help Maya pick a centerpiece for her wedding tables seeing as you refused.


Laughing my ass off right now! You poor unfortunate soul.


I’m never getting married. It’s too much hard work.


I drop my phone on the counter still smiling to myself, put my food away and get cleaned up and ready for bed.



Chapter Seven

Red Handed



With a bag full of candy and crap and a purse armed with essentials I head straight up to Lucas’ apartment to pick up Amelia. I’m actually looking forward to spending some time with the kid. This is why I’m here an hour earlier than expected.

“Oh hey, I wasn’t expecting you for another hour,” Loryn grins and opens the door.

“We have pancakes to eat and a movie to catch,” I say and look around the room. “Where’s the kid?”

“Auntie Marie!” a squealing blonde haired child launches herself at me. I catch her easily enough and give her a tight hug. “Are we doing stuff today?”


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