A Kauffman Amish Christmas Collection (10 page)

BOOK: A Kauffman Amish Christmas Collection
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They nodded, muttering
in unison.

Sandra appeared with a tray containing donuts, mugs, and a coffee pot. “Why don’t you ladies join Kellan and Anna Mae?” She deposited the tray on the table.

“Thank you,” Kellan said.

“We’ll let you all visit,” Sandra said, moving to the door.

“Please let us know if you need anything,” Richard chimed in before following her into the kitchen.

“Thank you so much,” Anna Mae said. She then gestured toward the chairs. “Please join us.”

Vera sat next to Anna Mae while Fannie and Barbie sank into seats at the end of the table. Kellan poured each of them a cup of coffee.

“How are your children?” Anna Mae asked.

Vera prattled on about each of her seven children, and Anna Mae nodded and smiled. Anna Mae then shared information about her life in Baltimore and her work in Kellan’s business and with the quilt ministry. She asked Fannie and Barbie about their families, and they gave her short updates. Anna Mae wished they would warm up to her like Vera had.

“Have you seen
?” Barbie asked while gripping her mug.

“No, not yet,” Anna Mae said. She idly fingered her napkin. “We’re having supper with
at David’s tonight.” She glanced over at Kellan, who gave her an encouraging smile.

“Do you think that’s a good idea?” Fannie asked, lifting her cup to her mouth.

Anna Mae glanced at Vera. “Well, I …”

“I think it’s a
idea,” Vera said. “This is the best time of year for a family to get together and work things out.”

Barbie and Fannie exchanged looks of disbelief. Ignoring them, Vera updated Anna Mae on community news about friends who lived nearby.

“I would love to see everyone,” Anna Mae said. “It would be nice to get the whole family together.”

“It’s too bad you just missed a church Sunday,” Vera said. “That would be a good place to see everyone.”

“We could always come back in the spring and plan to be here on a church Sunday,” Kellan offered.

Anna Mae nodded. “That would be nice.”

They chatted and shared stories for more than two hours.

When Vera glanced at the clock, she stood. “I guess we’d better go. I told Lydia we’d be back by noon. I better call the driver.”

“Would you ladies like a ride somewhere?” Kellan offered, standing.

“Oh no,” Barbie said. “We can call our driver to come and get us.”

“Don’t be silly,” Kellan said. “Anna Mae can rest for a while, and I can take you back to your house.”

Barbie and Fannie exchanged cautious glances and Vera scowled at them. She then smiled at Kellan. “Of course we would like a ride.
, Kellan.”

Anna Mae stood next to Kellan. “I’ll ride with you.”

“No, you rest.” Kellan kissed her forehead. “I’ll take them. I’m sure we’ll see them again soon. I’m going to run and get my coat and keys. I’ll meet you in the kitchen.”

Anna Mae’s eyes filled with tears as she turned to Vera. “I hate to see you go.”

“I promise we’ll get together again soon.” Vera hugged her.
“Ich liebe dich, mei schweschder,”
she whispered.

“I love you too,” Anna Mae said, wiping her eyes. She turned to Barbie and Fannie, who gave her uncomfortable smiles. “It was so good to see you both.”

“You and your family are in my prayers,” Fannie said, touching Anna Mae’s hand.

Barbie said with a nod. “May God bless you and your family.”

Anna Mae followed them to the door where they met Kellan. She waved as they hurried off toward the truck. Tears trickled down her cheeks while she headed back into her
room. It was wonderful to spend time with her sisters, but the cold manner in which Fannie and Barbie treated her was painful. Of course she’d expected it, but she’d hoped all of her siblings would’ve been warm like Vera and Kathryn.

Lying down on the bed, she hoped for a miracle, that her parents would receive her warmly too.

Anna Mae grasped Kellan’s hand while they walked up the path to Kathryn’s house later that evening. Her heart skittered with a mixture of anxiety and excitement when they reached the door. Taking a deep breath, she knocked and then pushed the door open to find her nieces and nephews gathered around her parents.

When her gaze met her mother’s, Mary Rose stood and gasped. “Is that you, Anna Mae?” she asked in
. “Is this my Anna Mae?”

Anna Mae nodded. “
, it’s me,
. It’s really me. Kellan and I came to see you for Christmas.” She turned to her father and found him staring at her, a deep frown imprinted on his face.

Mary Rose rushed to the door. “Oh, my! It’s a
miracle!” She gathered Anna Mae in her arms and wept. “God has answered my most fervent prayers.”

Anna Mae whispered, her voice quavering. “It’s so good to see you. I’ve missed you so much.” Her mother smelled just as she’d remembered — vanilla mixed with strawberry.

“Oh, Anna Mae,” Mary Rose said, taking her face in her
hands. “Let me look at you.” She glanced down and gasped again. “You’re expecting!”

Anna Mae said. “It’s our first.”

“When are you due?” Mary Rose asked.

“January fifteen.” She smiled at Kellan.

He held out his hand. “Mrs. Beiler, it’s so good to see you. You look well.”

“Oh, Kellan!” Mary Rose shook his hand. “Are you taking
care of my

“Yes, ma’am.” Kellan looped his arm around Anna Mae’s shoulders and beamed. “She’s the light of my life. I’m so blessed to have her by my side.”

Kathryn entered the room and rushed over to them. “Kellan! Anna Mae!” She held out her hands. “Hand me your coats, and let’s head into the kitchen. Supper is ready. I made my famous meatloaf and rolls.”

“It smells wonderful,” Kellan said, handing her his coat. He then helped Anna Mae out of her wrap.

Kathryn called. “Go wash up and then get to the table. It’s time to eat.”

The children filed out of the room with Kathryn in tow.

Mary Rose squeezed Anna Mae’s shoulders. “I’ve prayed for you every day since you left. Oh, you must tell me everything about your life in Baltimore.”

“Of course.” Anna Mae glanced over at her father and found him still scowling at her. With trembling legs, she cleared her throat and stepped over to him.
she said. “It’s
to see you. You look well.”

Still glowering, he studied her, but said nothing in response.

“Sir,” Kellan said, holding out his hand. “It’s a pleasure to see you again.”

grunted and looked back at Anna Mae. “You will cover your head in this house. It’s only proper.” He turned to Mary Rose. “I will not eat at the same table as her.” He stood and marched toward the kitchen.

Anna Mae cupped a hand to her mouth to stifle a gasp. She then closed her eyes and took deep breaths to stop her threatening tears. When she opened her eyes again, she found her mother and Kellan studying her.

“This was a mistake,” Anna Mae whispered. “I never should’ve come.” She met Kellan’s concerned gaze. “You were right. I don’t belong here.”

“No, no. Don’t say that. It’s going to be okay,” Mary Rose said quickly. “Your father is just hurt that you left, but he still loves you. Kathryn has a kerchief you can borrow. Your
will come around. Just do as he asks, and everything will be okay. We can set up a small table in the kitchen for you and Kellan. It will be just fine.” Her eyes pleaded with Anna Mae’s. “Please don’t leave. You just got here. I want to visit with you and get to know you again.”

“I won’t leave,” Anna Mae said. “I promise.”

Mary Rose headed out of the room. “I’ll be right back.”

Anna Mae turned to Kellan. “This was much worse than I thought. I never should’ve come here.” Her voice was thick. “I thought for sure he would forgive me, but he won’t. Did you see his eyes?” She sniffed as tears welled up in her eyes.

“Shh.” Kellan placed a finger on her lips. “This wasn’t a mistake. You’ve answered your mother’s prayers, Annie.
You’re supposed to be here. Your father may take a little longer to reach, but we have a few more days. Just give him time and trust God.”

“I have a kerchief for you.” Mary Rose appeared with a head covering. “Let me put this on you.” She put the blue material over Anna Mae’s head and tied it under her chin. “Now, let’s go eat as a family.”

Anna Mae and Kellan followed Mary Rose into the kitchen, where the family was gathered around the large table. In the corner was a smaller table with two chairs and place settings. Anna Mae glanced up at Kellan, who gave a tentative smile.

“It’s okay,” he whispered. “Just do as your father asks, and he’ll come around.” He took her hand and gently pulled her toward the table.

Anna Mae sank into a chair at the small table with Kellan sitting across from her. They followed her relatives’ lead and bowed their heads in silent prayer, and Kellan took her hands in his. With her eyes closed, she silently thanked God for the many blessings in her life and asked Him to work on her father’s heart.

When she heard the utensils hitting the dishes, she looked up and found the family filling their plates. Anna Mae turned toward the table and studied her parents. They looked exactly as she’d remembered them, except for maybe a few more wrinkles on their faces. Henry was still a brooding man with graying brown hair and a matching beard, while Mary Rose still had striking brown eyes and graying light brown hair peeking out from under her prayer

Kathryn rose and brought a platter of meatloaf, potatoes, and green beans over to Anna Mae and Kellan.

“I’m sorry about this little table,” Kathryn muttered. “I tried to talk Henry out of it, but he insisted you sit over here.”

Anna Mae forced a smile. “I expected it but had hoped for something more inviting.” She filled her plate with the meatloaf.

“I’ll sit with you.” Kathryn frowned. “I think it’s wrong for you to be here alone, and I don’t care about the rules. You’re my family.”

“No.” Anna Mae touched her hand. “I don’t want to be the cause of problems between you and David.”

Kathryn stuck out her chin. “I refuse to treat you like an outsider.” She stepped over to the table and whispered something to David, who stared at her, frowning.

“She means business, huh?” Kellan whispered with a smile.

“Kathryn has always been known for speaking her mind and standing up for her convictions, sometimes to the chagrin of my brother,” Anna Mae replied.

Kathryn returned, carrying a chair. She grabbed a dish and utensils from the adjacent table and then seated herself next to Anna Mae. “Your brother isn’t too happy with me, but he’ll have to get over it,” she said. “You came to visit and I’m going to spend time with you.”

Anna Mae glanced toward the table and found her mother smiling at her. She moved her eyes to her father, who continued to frown. Feeling a lump swelling in her throat, Anna Mae studied her glass of water.

Kathryn filled her plate with food. “Tell me what you did today.”

“I had a surprise this morning,” Anna Mae said. “My sisters came to see me at the bed and breakfast.”

“Oh.” Kathryn grinned. “What a nice surprise.”

“Thank you for telling them where we’re staying,” Anna Mae said while filling her fork with meatloaf.

“Gern gschehne,”
Kathryn said. “How was your visit with them?”

Anna Mae explained how Vera was warm and Fannie and Barbie were cold.

Kathryn shook her head. “I’m sorry about that. They behaved the same way when I mentioned you might visit, and I’d hoped that Fannie and Barbie had come around. Still, it speaks volumes that they came to see you. That’s a step in the right direction.” She turned the conversation to the threat of a blizzard while they finished their meal.

After supper, David came over to their table. After giving Kathryn a hard look, he nodded at Anna Mae. “It’s
to see you.” He then turned to Kellan. “Would you like to join me in the barn? It’s sort of a tradition for men to stand around and chat after a meal, even in the cold weather.”

Kellan glanced at Anna Mae, who smiled in response. He then looked at David. “Sure.” He kissed Anna Mae on the head before following David out of the kitchen.

Glancing around, Anna Mae found that Henry had left the kitchen, and she assumed that he had already gone outside. The voices of her young nieces and nephews rose from the family room where they were playing games.

Anna Mae rose and began to pick up the plates.

“Don’t be
Kathryn said, touching her hand. “I don’t expect you to do dishes in your condition.”

“I’m pregnant, not bedridden,” Anna Mae said, carrying dishes to the sink.

Kathryn shook her head. “You may sit and watch me do the dishes, but you will not help. I won’t hear of it.” She turned to Mary Rose. “You sit with her and visit while Amanda and I do the dishes. You two have a lot of catching up to do.”

Mary Rose sat across from Anna Mae and held her hands. “Tell me everything about Baltimore. Are you

Anna Mae smiled and nodded. “
, I am.” She then told her mother all about her quilting ministry at the church and about her job working in the office at the dealership. She asked about her siblings, nieces, and nephews, and Mary Rose told her how they each were doing.

Mary Rose was in the middle of sharing a funny story about one of her nephews when Henry came through the door.

Avoiding eye contact with Anna Mae, he frowned at his wife. “It’s time to go, Mary Rose,” he grumbled. He started toward the door and then turned back to her. “Now.”

Mary Rose’s eyes were wide with shock. “Henry, do you see your youngest
sitting here? Don’t you want to speak with her?”

He kept his eyes fixed on Mary Rose. “I said it’s time to go. I’ll be out front waiting for you in the buggy.”

“Henry!” Mary Rose called after him. She turned to Anna Mae. “I’m sorry. I have to go.”

BOOK: A Kauffman Amish Christmas Collection
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