Highland Passage

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Authors: J.L. Jarvis

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Highland Passage
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Table of Contents

Title Page
Author's Note
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What would you risk to find love?

Mackenzie Cooper has had it with romance. On her way home from another blind date arranged by her well-meaning sister, she is caught in a snowstorm. While maneuvering the twists and turns of the icy road, Mackenzie loses control of her car and crashes into the rocky hillside.

When a rugged Scotsman pulls her to safety, Mackenzie is sure she must be hallucinating. Through the storm’s fury, he takes her to shelter in one of the mysterious stone chambers scattered throughout Putnam County, New York. Snowbound, Mackenzie must wait out the storm with this strange, kilted man who claims to be a Highlander from eighteenth-century Scotland. By morning, she not only believes Ciarán MacRae’s story but has also lost her heart just in time for him to kiss her, promise his love—and then vanish.

Unable to forget him, Mackenzie returns again and again to the stone chamber, hoping to unlock the secret of Ciarán’s disappearance. But if she does, she will have to decide whether her fierce feelings for Ciarán are worth abandoning all that she knows to travel through time to find her gallant Scotsman.






Copyright © 2014

All Rights Reserved.


This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


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Editorial Services Provided by
Red Adept Publishing

Published by
Bookbinder Press



The Nor’easter

“You’re not trying hard enough,” Cam hissed.

“I shouldn’t have to try hard,” answered Mac.

“Barton Hillman is perfectly suitable.”

“For someone.”

Cam narrowed her eyes.

“Look, either it’s there or it isn’t.” Mac shrugged. “Tonight it wasn’t.”

“Or the time before this or the time before that. Do you realize how many times I’ve tried to find someone for you?”

“Do you realize how many times I’ve told you to stop?”

Frustration lined Cam’s forehead. “I don’t want you to be alone.”

“I’m not. Every day I’m surrounded by people who love me.”

“You’re a kindergarten teacher.” Cam rolled her eyes. “You know what I mean.”

Mac glared at her sister. “But do you know what
mean? If I’m meant to be with someone, it will happen. If not, I’ll be fine. Thank you. I love you. Now leave me alone.” She grinned until Cam smiled back, and they hugged.

Hearing footsteps approach, Cam pulled the guests’ coats from the closet. Cam’s husband, in a well-rehearsed dance, helped Mac shrug into her coat. He leaned back just in time to avoid her sable tresses as she whipped them out from inside the collar. Cam handed a coat to their other guest, Barton.

While she slipped on her gloves, Mac watched the affable man layer one side of his cashmere scarf neatly over the other, matching the fringed ends precisely. As he buttoned his coat, Mac was tempted to give the scarf a tug just to make it askew. Resisting, she instead offered her hand and her most charming smile. “It was so nice to meet you, Martin.”

“Barton.” The corner of his mouth curved into an uncomfortable smile as he gave her gloved hand a cordial shake.

Mac winced as she felt a flush creep into her cheeks. “Barton. I’m so sorry.”

Their hands slipped apart awkwardly. Barton offered a patient smile and then turned his attention to donning his own gloves. Barton Hillman was an executive at the same corporation where Mac’s brother-in-law worked. He seemed smart enough. He was friendly, well bred, and impeccably groomed, as her sister had promised. Cam could have been describing a canine.

After planting a kiss on her brother-in-law’s cheek, Mac said, “See you at Christmas.”

“It’s so early,” Cam said. “Are you sure that you want to go now?”

Mac nodded. “Yes, I want to beat the weather.” She peered at the sky, where the lightest flurry seemed to mock her. She fought back a frown as she willed the weather to support her excuse. The weatherman had predicted a wintery mix that would produce four to six inches of snow. Cam tossed her a wry glance, but Mac looked back unfazed. Lame as it was, she would own her excuse.

After the perfectly suitable Barton Hillman escorted her back to her car, Mac drove down the long, private road that led from her sister’s affluent Westchester County home.

Mac’s older sister had married her rich college boyfriend, according to plan. After losing their parents two years earlier in a car accident, Cam had set out with dogged determination to rebuild a life that was safe and secure. With both of her children in preschool, her life was in order, so she had turned to Mac’s.

When she was only a few minutes from home, Mac pulled into a gas station off I-84. While waiting for the tank to fill, she watched the snow fall. The large flakes had begun nearly an hour earlier—just before she had started to cry—and had flown at her windshield and covered the ground in a thickening coating. That had really cut into a perfectly good cry. After an eye roll for Cam, who by setting her up tonight had reminded her yet again that she was single, Mac set thoughts of the evening aside. Sweats, fuzzy socks, and a good book were waiting for her by the fireplace. The best part was that it was only Friday. She had the rest of the weekend to enjoy being alone. All alone. Best part. Mac sighed.

After she was finished pumping, Mac slogged through the freezing slush to her car door and got in. She cursed as she fishtailed out of the station, and she proceeded more carefully down the highway.

“Okay,” she said aloud. “Let’s just get home safely.” A car passed with its brights on. “Thanks! No problem. I didn’t need to see anyway.” She tightened her grip on the wheel. “Sheesh, Mac, if you’re going to be one of those single ladies who talk to themselves, you should at least get a cat so it’ll look like you’re talking to someone.”

Pulling off the highway, she headed down the winding road to her home. Snow weighed down the branches of evergreen trees. Mac had to remind herself that such beauty could also be deadly. She had stood on her deck on such nights and looked into the woods as the cracking of ice-covered limbs cut through the stillness.

“Mind the road,” she told herself as a tire caught a slick spot. Plows had not been through yet, and the snow was well over four inches and still falling.

Mac wondered how long ago it had started. The weather was always worse at her house than at her sister’s. She regretted leaving Cam’s until she remembered why she had made the decision. Cam had cornered her in the kitchen.

“Is that fictional man you’re waiting for worth spending your life all alone?”

“I won’t be alone. I’ll have you.” Mac grinned.

Cam did not. “But you need your own life.”

Those were the words that had cut her. They had always been a team, named Cameron and Mackenzie after their mother’s Scottish ancestors. Love for their ancestral home had been passed down through the generations. Their great-grandfather had told his children, and they in turn told theirs, that in each generation, one child would long for the homeland. Mac had always known she was the one, and Cam had always made fun of her for being born in the wrong place and time.


Mac had once made the mistake of leaving her book on a table when her sister came over. The cover showed a muscular hunk wearing nothing but a kilt and clutching a small-waisted woman while the wind blew his hair and left hers untouched.

With a derisive wave toward the book, Cam had said, “Is that what you want for a husband?”

Mac dismissed her with a smirk. “Of course not! He can be wearing a shirt.”

Cam rolled her eyes and exhaled, but she also gave up. Score one for Mac.

Mac smiled at the memory but grew somber when she recalled what else Cam had said in the kitchen that night.

“You can’t live life alone.”

“And why not?” Mac asked.

“You’ll be lonely.”

“Not as lonely as I’d be if I married without love.”

Cam’s face showed no inkling of understanding.

Mac continued, “I don’t know where to find it—or if I ever will. If I can’t, then I’ll live alone; if I can, then I’ll know it was meant to be.”

Cam shook her head. “It’s not like in the novels.”

For you
. Mac bit back those words. “Maybe not. But I know what I want.”

“And what’s that?”

“I want someone whose arms feel like home.”

“And how will you ever know, when you won’t let a man within arm’s length?”


Mac’s eyes misted with tears. She feared her sister was right. Even so, she would rather live alone than with Martin—Barton. He was nice, but if she had wanted to live with someone nice, she’d go back to college and get a roommate. She didn’t want a roommate; she wanted a soul mate. That was the part that made Cam smirk. Well, Cam could do what she wanted. She’d made the life that she wanted, and she was happy.

“And I’m doing what I want,” Mac said to herself.
Going home to my empty house

She drove past an old stone chamber, one of dozens scattered about Putnam County, New York. The stacked stone structures were too small to be dwellings. They were more like manmade caves that had been weathered and overgrown with grass and moss until they blended into the landscape. Many of them lay deep in the woods; others sat like lonely relics beside country roads. Some thought the ancient Celts had built them, but no one knew for sure.

Up ahead, moonlight gave the chamber a magical glow. Beside it, something moved. Deer?

“No, they’re too smart to be out in weather like this, unlike me.”

Mac’s headlights lit up a man clad in a kilt and black doublet. He stepped onto the road and held his arms up to signal her to stop.

“What the hell?” Mac said.

She slammed her foot on the brake pedal and went into a skid that spun her. The car moved too fast and bounced too much for her to see which way to steer—not that steering would change anything. With a bang, she stopped, and the airbag deployed. She had run into the side of the mountain. That would have alarmed her if the acrid smell from the airbag had not overpowered her senses. She waved her hands, trying to clear the cloud of dust, while “Sleigh Ride” played on the stereo and her horn blared from the impact. She turned the stereo off and leaned her head back against the headrest to steady her breathing and her pounding heart.

Through the steam rising out of her car, she spied a large tree that had fallen across the road. If the kilted man had not stepped into the road to stop her, she would have plowed head-on into the tree. Kilted man? Mac looked about. He was gone.

“Great. I’m hallucinating. That car horn is real, though.” She needed to get out of the car. She struggled to get the keys out of the ignition, but they wouldn’t budge. The car was still in drive but was crunched into a boulder that jutted out into the road. After a struggle with the gearshift, she got it into park and pulled out her keys. Her horn didn’t stop. Dizzying frustration roiled within her. “I can’t think with that noise.”

Her head swam. She pulled the door handle, but it was stuck. She had to get out of the car. She leaned her throbbing head back on the headrest and turned toward the passenger side. It was too close to the rocks. She would have to ease her way out through the driver’s side window. Mac’s hand trembled as she unbuckled her seat belt. Her vision blurred and began to go dark.
Don’t faint now

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