A History of the World in Twelve Shipwrecks (43 page)

BOOK: A History of the World in Twelve Shipwrecks
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  • shipyards
  • Sibyl
  • Sicily
  • Siculus, Diodorus
  • Siebe, Augustus
  • Sierra Leone
  • Silk Route
  • silver
  • bars
  • Belitung wreck
  • ingots
  • mines
  • SS
  • tribute
  • vessels
  • Simaloer
  • Sinbad the Sailor
  • ‘Siren Vase'
  • skin boats
  • slave trade
  • African
  • Britain and
  • exported
  • as gifts
  • wine in exchange for
  • Slavery Abolition Act (1833)
  • Slavs
  • Smith, Adam,
    The Wealth of Nations
  • Snodgrass, Prof Anthony
  • Socrates
  • solar barques
  • Solent, Battle of the (1545)
  • Somali
    , HMS
  • Soudan
  • South China Sea
  • Southsea Castle, Hampshire
  • Spain
  • Spanish Armada
  • Sparta
  • spices
  • spirit world
  • sponge divers
  • Sri Lanka
  • Srivijaya (‘Island of Gold')
  • St Peter's, Basilica of
  • stamps, pottery
  • Stanhope, Philip
  • Stephenson, Robert
  • stirrup jars
  • stone tools
  • Stonehenge
  • stoneware, cobalt blue
  • Strabo
  • Straumfjord
  • Stuart, James, ‘Old Pretender'
  • Sulaim
    n al-T
  • Sullecthum
  • ‘Summer night off the Greenland coast circa year' (Rasmussen)
  • sundials, pocket
  • Sutherland, Peter Cormack
  • Sutton Hoo
  • Swallow
    , HMS
  • Sweden
  • Syracuse
  • Syracuse, siege of (415–13
  • Syria
  • Tailliez, Philippe
  • Taizong, Emperor
  • Tallis, Thomas
  • Gaude gloriosa Dei mater
  • Litany
  • Tang Dynasty
  • Tangier
  • Taoism
  • Taylor, Joan du Plat
  • tea
  • Tekta
    Burnu site
  • Tennyson, Alfred, Lord
  • Terror
    , HMS
  • Tewodros II of Ethiopia
  • Theodora
  • Theodoric the Great
  • Theophrastus,
    Enquiry into Plants
  • Thera island
  • Thessalian marble
  • Third Augustan Legion, North Africa
  • Thomas, Norman Haskell
  • Throckmorton, Peter
  • Thucydides
  • Thutmose (sculptor)
  • Thutmose I
  • Thutmose III
  • timbers, ancient
  • preserving
  • Timor Sea
  • tin
  • ingots
  • melting
  • mining
  • scarcity
  • smelting
  • trade
  • workings
  • tin-isotope analysis
  • Tischbein, Heinrich
  • Titanic
  • Tiye, Queen
  • Todd, Revd John,
    The students' manual:…
  • Tomb of Kenamun, Thebes
  • Tomb of Tutankhamun
  • Tompion, Thomas
  • tools
  • Bronze Age
  • stone
  • trade, maritime
  • copper
  • early
  • expansion
  • intermediaries
  • Trafalgar, Battle of (1805)
  • Trent
    , HMS
  • tribes
  • trireme (galley ship)
  • Trojan War
  • Tudor rose emblem
  • Tunisia
  • Turkey
  • Tusa, Sebastiano
  • Tutankhamun
  • Tyrawly, Lord
  • U-boats
  • Ugarit
  • Ugaritic alphabet
  • Uluburun site
  • umiak (open Inuit boat)
  • United States
  • Urtenu (merchant)
  • Utrecht Treaty of (1713–15)
  • Valley of the Kings
  • van der Delft, François
  • Van Diemen's Land
  • van Lint, Pieter,
    Angelo Custode
  • Vandals
  • Vansittart
  • Varangian Guard
  • Vasa
  • vase paintings
  • vases
  • Velde, Willem van de the Younger
  • Vellan Drang, Cornwall
  • Venetians
  • Venice
  • Ventris, Michael
  • Victoria, Queen
  • Victory
    , HMS
  • Viking burials
  • ‘Viking' (replica ship)
  • Viking seafaring
  • Vinland
  • Virazon
    (research vessel)
  • Vives, Juan Luis
  • Viviano, Giovanni Lorenzo
  • Voet (agent)
  • volcanic events
  • Volodymyr
  • Wales
  • walrus
  • War of
  • War of the Spanish Succession (1701–14)
  • Ward-Perkins, John
  • Warrior
    , HMS
  • watches, pocket
  • weapons
  • bronze
  • European
  • guns
  • HMS
  • iron guns
  • Mary Rose
  • Royal Anne Galley
  • swords
  • Wedgewood, Josiah
  • weights, merchant
  • Weld family
  • Wenzong, Emperor
  • Wessex
  • Whaley, Thomas
  • Wheeler, Mortimer
  • Whewell, William,
    Indications of the Creator
  • Whidah
  • Wilberforce
  • Wilberforce, William
  • William the Conqueror
  • Williams, Daniel
  • Willis, Capt Francis
  • Winchester
    , HMS
  • Windmills, Joseph and Thomas
  • wine trade
  • Witte, Emanuel de,
    Interior of Oude Kerk, Delft
  • Wodrow, Robert
  • Woodcliffe, John
  • Woodliffe, John Martin
  • Worcester
    , HMS
  • writing systems
  • writing tablet, wooden
  • Yaroslav the Wise
  • Yassi Ada site
  • yin and yang
  • Young, Prof Rodney
  • Zeus
  • Zhao Rugua
  • Zhu Yu,
    Pinghzou ketan
  • Zula Expedition (1867)

Also by
David Gibbins



Crusader Gold

The Lost Tomb

The Tiger Warrior

The Mask of Troy

Atlantis God






Destroy Carthage

The Sword of Attila

About the Author

is the internationally bestselling author of the Jack Howard novels, which have sold over three million copies worldwide and are published in thirty languages, and the Total War series of historical novels.

Gibbins has worked in underwater archaeology all his professional life. After taking a PhD from Cambridge University he taught archaeology in Britain and abroad, and is a world authority on ancient shipwrecks and sunken cities. He has led numerous expeditions to investigate underwater sites in the Mediterranean and around the world. He currently divides his time between fieldwork, England and Canada. You can sign up for email updates


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  1. Title Page
  2. Copyright Notice
  3. Dedication
  4. List of Illustrations
  5. Prologue
  6.  1.  Early sea traders of prehistory in the 2nd millennium
  7.  2.  Royal cargoes at the time of Tutankhamun in the 14th century
  8.  3.  Wine trade in the Golden Age of classical Greece in the 5th century
  9.  4.  A shipwreck from the height of the Roman Empire in the 2nd century
  10.  5.  Christianity and early Byzantium in the 6th century
  11.  6.  Tang China, the Land of Gold and Abbasid Islam in the 9th century
  12.  7.  Viking seafaring and voyages of discovery in the 11th century
  13.  8.  The
    Mary Rose
    (1545): flagship of King Henry VIII
  14.  9.  The
    Santo Cristo di Castello
    (1667): lost masterpieces of the Dutch Golden Age
  15. 10.  The
    Royal Anne Galley
    (1721): gold, piracy, and the African slave trade
  16. 11.  HMS
    (1848): to the limit of endurance at the ends of the earth
  17. 12.  SS
    (1941): courage and loss in the Battle of the Atlantic
  18. Photographs
  19. Afterword
  20. Acknowledgments
  21. Bibliography and Resources
  22. Index
  23. Also by David Gibbins
  24. About the Author
  25. Copyright

First published in the United States by St. Martin's Press, an imprint of St. Martin's Publishing Group

Copyright © 2024 by David Gibbins. All rights reserved. For information, address St. Martin's Publishing Group, 120 Broadway, New York, NY 10271.


Cover design by Jonathan Bush

Cover art: shipwreck and diver © Brandi Mueller/Getty Images; bubbles © Osman Temizel/Shutterstock.com; Uluburun shipwreck © Helmut Corneli/Alamy; map © Bridgeman Images

eISBN 9781250325389

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Originally published in Great Britain by Weidenfeld & Nicolson, an imprint of the Orion Publishing Group Ltd., a Hachette UK company

First U.S. Edition: 2024

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