A History of the World in Twelve Shipwrecks (42 page)

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  • Great Pyramid, Giza
  • Greece
  • Greek, ancient
  • Greek language
  • Greene, Dr Elizabeth
  • Greenland
  • Grenville, Roger
  • Grœnlendinga Saga
  • Guglielmo della Porta
  • Guinea
  • Gustavus Adolphus, King
  • Hadrian
  • Hagia Sophia Church, Constantinople
  • Halfdan (Viking)
  • Hall, Hugh
  • Halley, Sir Edmund
  • Halley's Comet
  • Hamilton, Emma
  • Hamilton, Sir David
  • Hamilton, Thomas
  • Hamilton, Sir William
  • Hampshire, Robert Frederick
  • Han Dynasty
  • Hardrada, Harald
  • Harrison, John
  • Hartlebury
  • Harun al-Rashid
  • Harun, Muhammad
  • ‘Hellenistic' kingdoms
  • Henrietta Yacht
  • Henry Grace à Dieu
  • Henry VII, King
  • Henry VIII, King
  • Hephaestos
  • Herbert, Henry, Lord
  • Herculaneum
  • Herodotus
  • Heyerdahl, Thor
  • Hinduism
  • Hippocrates
  • hippopotamuses
  • Holbein, Hans the Younger
  • Holland
  • Hollywood Radio and Television Institute (H.R.T.I.)
  • Holmes, Richard
  • Homer
  • Iliad
  • Odyssey
  • Hood
    , HMS
  • Hooke, Robert
  • Horace
  • Howard, Sir Edward
  • Howard, Katherine
  • Howard, Thomas
  • Hubert, David
  • Hudson's Bay Company
  • humanism
  • hunter-gatherers
  • Hurst, Henry
  • Hyland, Capt Gerald
  • Ibn al-Faqih
  • ibn Fadl
    n, Ahmad
  • Ibn Khordadbeh
  • Ice Ages
  • Iceland
  • India
  • Indian Army, British
  • Indian merchant seamen
  • Indian Ocean
  • indigenous peoples
  • See also
    individual peoples
  • Indonesia
  • Ingstad, Anne Stine and Helge
  • ‘inkstone'
  • Inquisition, Spanish
  • inscriptions
  • Chinese
  • Greek
  • Mary Rose
  • Proconnesian marble
  • Roman
  • runic
  • Viking
  • Instance Papers, Admiralty
  • Institute of Nautical Archaeology (INA)
  • Inuit people
  • invasion, threats of
  • Investigator
    , HMS
  • Ionia
  • Ireland
  • iron
  • Iron Age
  • ironwork
  • Irvine, Captain
  • Isabella of Castile, Queen
  • Islam
  • isotope analysis
  • Israel
  • Italy
  • ivory
  • walrus
  • Jackson, Ralph
  • James IV of Scotland
  • Japan
  • jars
  • Canaanite
  • kylix
  • pithoi
  • stirrup
  • See also
  • ‘The Jewel of Muscat' (Belitung ship replica)
  • Jewish communities
  • Jeypore
    , SS
  • Jingzong, Emperor
  • Johns, Revd Charles,
    A Week at the Lizard
  • Jolly Batchelor
  • Justinian,
    Codex Justinianus
  • kantharoi (two-handled cups)
  • Kantium (Kent)
  • Kapitän, Gerhard
  • Katherine of Aragon
  • Kepler, Johannes,
    Epitome Astronomiae Copernicae
  • Key, Francis Scott
  • Khobi, Georgia
  • Khufu ship
  • kilns
  • Al-Kind
  • King William Island
  • Kingittorsuaq
  • Kircher, Athanasias
  • Kon-Tiki
  • kuangcao
  • Künzl, Dr Ernst
  • Kushan Empire
  • Kyiv
  • kylix cups
  • lamps, oil
  • Langdon Bay site, Dover
  • Lardant, James
  • ‘Lascar Agreements', ship
  • Late Bronze Age
  • lead
  • ingots
  • poisoning
  • seals
  • lead-isotope analysis
  • Lebanon
  • Leidwanger, Dr Justin
  • Leifsbúðir
  • Leonardo da Vinci,
    Mona Lisa
  • Leong Kong
  • Leptis Magna
  • Lethbridge, John
  • letters (artefacts)
  • Lewis chessmen
  • libraries
  • Libya
  • Linacre, Thomas
  • Lindisfarne, Viking raid on (
  • Linear B script
  • Lion Gate, Mycenae
  • lions
  • literacy
  • Liu Xun,
    Ling biao lu yi
  • Livy
  • Lizard Peninsula, Cornwall
  • Lo Basso, Dr Luca
  • ‘Longitude Prize'
  • longships
  • Louis the Pious
  • Lu Yu,
    The Classic of Tea
  • Lyell, Charles
  • Lynn
    , HMS
  • McBride, Peter
  • McClintock, Francis Leopold
  • McKee, Alexander
  • Macrinus
  • Madrague de Giens site, France
  • Magellan, Ferdinand
  • makara (sea-monster)
  • Malaysia
  • Al-Mam
  • Man O'War rock, Lizard Point
  • Maori people
  • marble
  • Mary Rose
  • Mary Rose Museum
  • Mary Rose Trust
  • Marzamemi ambo (Church Wreck)
  • mask, gold
  • Mask of Agamemnon
  • Massalia (Marseilles)
  • Al-Masudi
  • medical practice
  • Medici, Cosimo de'
  • Mediterranean
  • Melanesia
  • memorials, merchant seamen
  • Mendersen, Kapitänleutnant Ernst
  • merchant ships
  • merchants
  • Merenptah
  • Mesopotamia
  • metalsmiths
  • metalwork
  • Mexico
  • Michelangelo
  • migration
  • Milburn, Mark
  • Milvian Bridge, Battle of (
  • Miracula Sancti Demetrii
  • mirrors
  • Mochlos, Crete
  • moidores (gold coins)
  • monks/monasteries
  • monotheism
  • monsoon winds
  • Monte Testaccio, Rome
  • Moor Sand site, Salcombe
  • Moors, the
  • More, Sir Thomas
  • Morocco
  • mosaics
  • Muckelroy, Keith
  • Mullion Pin Wreck
  • Mulready, William,
    The Vicar of Wakefield
  • al-Muqaddas
  • al-Muqtadir
  • Murray, Dr William
  • music/musical instruments
  • Muslims
  • Al-Muta
  • Mycenae site
  • Mycenaean civilisation
  • Mycenaean sherds
  • Napoleon Bonaparte
  • narcosis, nitrogen
  • Nazism
  • Neapolis
  • Near East
  • Neferneferuaten
  • Nefertiti
  • Nelson, Vice-Admiral Horatio
  • Neolithic age
  • New Orleans, Battle of (1815)
  • New Zealand
  • Newfoundland
  • Newton, Sir Isaac
  • Nicene Christianity
  • Niger, river
  • Nigeria
  • Nile, Battle of the (1798)
  • Niqmaddu III
  • North Africa
  • North America
  • Northwest Passage
  • Norway
  • Norwegians
  • Novgorod
  • Nubia
  • Nuestra Señora de la Concepción
  • Odyssey Explorer
  • offerings
  • Ogle, Capt Chalomer
  • olive oil
  • Olmec civilisation
  • Olympia
  • Olympias
    (trireme replica)
  • Olympier
  • Oman
  • One Thousand and One Nights
  • Operation Husky (1943)
  • ophthalmoi
    (ship's eyes)
  • Oseberg ship burial
  • Ostrogoths
  • Ottoman Empire
  • Ottoman Turks
  • Owyn, Robert and John
  • oxhide ingots
  • Pacific Ocean
  • paintings
  • Pais, Acacio Rozario
  • Palaeolithic age
  • Palmers Shipbuilding and Iron Company, Jarrow
  • paper
  • Paracelsus
  • Paribeni, Roberto
  • Parker Chronicle
  • Parker, Dr Toby
  • Parks Canada
  • Parr, Katherine
  • Parry, Capt William Edward
  • Paul the Silentiary
  • Pausanias
  • Paynter, William
  • Paynter, William (son)
  • Pearl Harbour attack (1941)
  • Peloponnesian War (431–404
  • pepper
  • Pepys, Samuel
  • Pericles
  • Periplus Maris Erythraei
    (merchant's guide)
  • Persia
  • Peru
  • Peter Pomegranate
  • Pheidias
  • Philostratus
  • Phips, Sir William
  • Phoenician civilisation
  • Piazzale delle Corporazioni, Ostia (‘Square of the Merchants')
  • pin manufacture
  • P&O
  • pirates
  • bandeirantes
  • Barbary
  • Pistacia terebinthus
    (Cyprus turpentine)
  • Pistil Meadow, Lizard Point
  • pithoi (storage jars)
  • Plague of Justinian (
  • plague passports
  • Plato
  • Dialogues
  • Laws
  • The Republic
  • Plautianus, Gaius Fulvius
  • Plautilla
  • Plemmirio site, Sicily
  • Pliny the Elder,
    Natural History
  • poetry
  • Polo, Marco
  • Polybius
  • Polynesia
  • Polyphemus
    , HMS
  • Pompeii
  • Porcupine Abyssal Plain
  • Porcupine
    , HMS
  • Porpoise
    , HMS
  • Portugal
  • Poseidon
  • pots, cooking
  • pottery
  • Praetorian Guard
  • Prettanik
  • Price, William George,
  • Prince, Capt Lawrence
  • Prince of Wales
    , HMS
  • printing
  • Prize Papers Project (Göttingen Academy)
  • Proconnesian marble
  • Procopius of Caesarea
  • De Aedificiis
  • Persian Wars
  • Secret History
  • Protagoras
  • Protection of Wrecks Act (1973)
  • Provincia, France
  • Ptolemy
  • Puget, Pierre
  • Pulak, Dr Cemal
  • Punic language
  • Pytheas
  • Qatna tomb
  • Qing Dynasty
  • Qudus, Abdul
  • Queen Elizabeth
    , HMS
  • Ra
  • radiocarbon dating
  • Rae, Dr John
  • RAF Coastal Command
  • Raleigh, Sir Walter
  • al-Ramhormuzi, Buzurg ibn Shahriyar,
    The Wonders of India
  • rams, bronze
  • Rasmussen, Carl,
    Sommernat under den Grønlandske Kyst circa Aar
  • Ravenna, Italy
  • Receiver of Wreck
  • Reconquista, Islamic Iberia
  • reed boats
  • Rembrandt van Rijn
  • modelli
  • Self-Portrait with Two Circles
  • Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs)
  • Renaudot, Eusèbe,
    Ancient accounts of India and China …
  • Riace bronzes
  • Richardson, John
  • Ridella, Renato Gianni
  • rings
  • rings, mourning
  • risk, siting
  • river systems
  • Roberts, Bartholomew ‘Black Bart'
  • Roberts
    , HMS
  • rocs (mythical bird)
  • Roman Empire
  • Rome
  • Roskilde Fjord, Denmark
  • Roskilde ships (Skuldelev)
  • Ross, Sir James Clark
  • Ross, Capt Sir John
  • Rowanbank
    , SS
  • Rowe, Capt Jacob
  • Royal Africa Company
  • Royal Anne Galley
  • royal cargoes
  • Royal Fortune
  • Royal George
    , HMS
  • Royal Navy
  • Franklin and
  • gold and
  • peacetime
  • prizes
  • ‘Seaman's Library'
  • slave trade and
  • war and
  • Rubens, Pieter Paul
  • Rule, Margaret
  • runes
  • Russia
  • sacrifices, animal
  • Sacrificio d'Abramo
  • St Mathieu, Battle of (1512)
  • St Peter's Basilica, Rome
  • St Wynwallow churchyard, Landewednack
  • Salakta
  • Salamis, Battle of (480
  • San Pedro Mártir, Church of
  • San Vitale, Basilica of
  • sa
    (‘Three Perfections')
  • Santa Maria Assunta, Basilica of
  • Santa Sophia Church, Kyiv
  • Sant'Apollinare Church, Classe
  • Sant'Apollinare Nuovo, Basilica
  • Santo Cristo di Castello
  • Sauli, Alessandro
  • Sauli family
  • Sauli, Francesco Maria
  • ‘Save Carthage' mission
  • scalpel handles
  • Scandinavia
  • scarabs
  • Schliemann, Heinrich
  • Schliemann, Sophia
  • Scilly Isles
  • Scotland
  • scurvy
  • sea levels
  • seals
  • Second World War
  • Serçe Limani site
  • Severin, Tim,
    The Brendan Voyage
  • Severus, Septimius
  • sewn-plank boats
  • Ş
    eytan Deresi
  • shamans
  • Shang Dynasty
  • sherds
  • Sheriffmuir, Battle of (1715)
  • Sherratt, Rob
  • ‘Ship of State'

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