A Gambling Man: Charles II's Restoration Game (69 page)

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Racine, Jean

Ranelagh, Katherine Boyle, Viscountess

Rawlins, Colonel Giles

Ray, John

rebellions and uprisings: Venner’s uprising; Tong plot; northern uprising; Dublin Castle plot ; Pentland Rising; Popish plot; Rye House Plot

Rebuilding Acts (1667)

Reeve, Thomas, xi

religion: nonconformism in North American colonies; CII’s policies opposed by Commons; Venner’s uprising; urban nonconformism; CII’s practices and beliefs; mood turns against nonconformists; new prayer book; Act of Uniformity; Licensing Act; discontent; Tong plot; effects of religious settlement; Declaration to Tender Consciences; unrest; Conventicle Act; Five Mile Act; Latitudinarians and natural philosophers; satire in drama; CII’s religious reforms defeated; lapse of Conventicle Act; Bawdy House Riots; Pentland Rising; attempts at toleration; Penn defends liberty of conscience; Scottish Act of Supremacy; Scottish act against conventicles; Catholicism and Treaty of Dover; York’s inclination to Catholicism; new Conventicle Act; second Declaration of Indulgence; Test Acts; CII’s deathbed conversion;
see also
Baptists; Catholicism; nonconformists; presbyterians; Quakers

Reresby, Sir John

Richmond, Charles Stuart, Charles, 6th Duke of Lennox, 3rd Duke of

Richmond, Charles, 1st Duke of Richmond and Lennox (son of CII and Kéroualle)

Richmond, Frances Stuart, Duchess of
Stuart, Frances, Duchess of Richmond

Richmond, Mary Villiers, Duchess of

Riley, John: portraits by

Rivers, Lord

Robartes, Lord, 2nd Baron Robartes of Truro

Roberts, Jane

Rochester, Elizabeth Mallet, Countess of

Rochester, Henry Wilmot, 1st Earl of

Rochester, John Wilmot, 2nd Earl of: portrait;; abduction of Elizabeth Mallet; in Second Anglo-Dutch War; and Nell Gwyn; and Minette; verse by; death

Rodrigues, Gomez

Rolle, Samuel

Roos, John Manners, Lord, 1st Duke of Rutland

Rothes, John Leslie, 7th Earl and 1st Duke of

Royal Africa Company

Royal Charles
(ship; formerly
):, Dutch capture

royal court: atmosphere and style; clothes; criticisms; debts; duels and brawls; economies; entertainments; female members; French exiles at; and Great Plague; last days under CII; meals; members; Wits

royal household

Royal Navy:; preparations for Second Anglo-Dutch War; Battle of Lowestoft; Sandwich replaces York as admiral; attack on Bergen; captures Dutch convoy; Monck and Rupert replace Sandwich; Four Days Battle; St James’s Day Battle; attack on Vlie; unrest caused by lack of pay; reductions; in West Indies; Medway attack,
plate 25
; parliamentary grant

Royal Society:; foundation and members; and Fire of London; interest in language; Sprat’s history

Rugg, Thomas

Rumney, Bridget

Rump Parliament

Rupert, Prince: portrait,
plate 6
;; interest in science; and Hudson’s Bay Company; governor of Royal Africa Company; and Second Anglo-Dutch War, Four Days Battle; St James’s Day Battle; Medway attack; constable of Windsor

Russell, Lord William


Rutland, Duke of
Roos, John Manners, Lord, 1st Duke of Rutland

Ruvigny, Henri de Massue, marquis de

Ruyter, Admiral Michael de: in Africa; Newfoundland; Four Days Battle; and Medway attack

Rycaut, Paul

Rye House Plot (1683)


Sackville, Charles
Buckhurst, Charles Sackville, Lord

St Albans, Charles Beauclerk, Duke of (son of CII and Nell Gwyn)

St Albans, Henry Jermyn, Earl of:, relationship with Henrietta Maria; and Treaty of Dover

Saint Evremond, Charles, Seigneur de

St Helena

St James’s Day Battle (1666)

Samwell, William

Sancroft, William (later Archbishop of Canterbury)

Sandwich, Edward Montagu, 1st Earl of:;; in Second Anglo-Dutch War;;; sin Spain as ambassador

Sasportas, Rabbi Jacob

Savile, George
Halifax, George Savile, 1st Marquess of

Savile, Henry

Savoy, Anne Marie, Duchess of

Savoy Conference (1661)

Schellinks, William; paintings by

science; scientific instrument trade


Scott, William


Scudéry, Mlle de

Sealed Knot

Second Advice to a Painter

Second Anglo-Dutch War (1665–67): map; build-up; financing; declaration; English preparations; atrocities in; fleet gathers at Harwich; Battle of Lowestoft; attack on Bergen; capture of convoy; blockade of Thames; French entry; Four Days Battle; French and Dutch activities in West Indies; St James’s Day Battle; attack on Vlie; negotiations; Medway attack,
plate 25
; Treaty of Breda; literary representations; scapegoats

Sedley, Catherine

Sedley, Sir Charles:;
The Mulberry Garden

Sevigné, Madame de

Seymour, Sir Edward

Seymour, Francis, 1st Baron Seymour of Trowbridge

Shadwell, Thomas

Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper, Lord Ashley, 1st Earl of: portrait;; and colonies; and religion; and Second Anglo-Dutch War; alliance with Buckingham, and Treaty of London bluff; Earl of Shaftesbury and Lord Chancellor; Exclusion Crisis

Shakespeare, William

Sharp, James, Archbishop of St Andrews


Sheldon, Gilbert, Archbishop of Canterbury: portrait;

Shrewsbury, Anna Maria Brudenell, Countess of

Shrewsbury, Francis, 11th Earl of

Sidney, Algernon

Sidney, Robert


Simmons, Samuel

Singleton, John



Slingsby, Sir Arthur

Smith, Francis (Elephant)


Somerset, Henry
Beaufort, Henry Somerset, Lord Herbert, Marquess of Worcester, 1st Duke of

Somerset, Mary, Duchess of Beaufort

Sophia, Princess (‘Sophie’; later Electress of Hanover)

Sorbière, Samuel

South American colonies

Southampton, Thomas Wriothesley, 4th Earl of:

Southesk, Countess of

Spain:; and Second Anglo-Dutch War

Spanish Netherlands:


Spragge, Sir Edward

Sprat, Thomas;
The History of the Royal Society

Staple Act (1663)

Star Chamber

Sterne, Dr, Bishop of Carlisle

Stillingfleet, Edward

Stoop, Dirck: paintings by,
plate 7

Strafford, Thomas Wentworth, Earl of

Stroud, Ellen

Stuart, Charles, 6th Duke of Lennox and 3rd Duke of Richmond
Richmond, Charles Stuart, Charles, 6th Duke of Lennox, 3rd Duke of

Stuart, Frances, Duchess of Richmond: portraits,
plate 26
;; marries Duke of Richmond; reconciled with CII; later life and death

Stuyvesant, Peter

Suffolk, Countess of

Suffolk, James Howard, 3rd Earl of




Sussex, Anne Fitzroy, Countess of (daughter of CII and Castlemaine)



Taaffe, Theobald, Viscount (later 1st Earl of Carlingford)

Talbot, Gilbert

Talbot, Sir John

Talbot, Peter (later Archbishop of Dublin)

Talbot, Richard, 1st Earl of Tyrconnell and Duke of Tyrconnell


Taswell, William


taxation: Excise; and funding Royal Navy; Hearth Tax; Poll Tax Bill; and rebuilding of London; wine and vinegar

Taylor, George: slipware by

Taylor, Captain John


Teddeman, Sir Thomas

Temple, Sir Richard

Temple, Sir William


Test Acts (1673)

Teviot, Lord

theatre: actors; actresses; as arena for courtiers to attack enemies; orange sellers; overview; plays and writers

Third Anglo-Dutch War (1672–74)

Thirty Years War (1618–48)

Thornhill, J.: portraits by

Thynne, Sir James

Tillemans, Peter: paintings by,
plate 16

Tillotson, John (later Archbishop of Canterbury)



Tong, Thomas

Toorenvliet, Jacob: artworks by


Torricellian experiment

towns: Corporation Act’s effects; urban political and religious affiliations

trade:; Ireland; Royal Africa Company; and Second Anglo-Dutch War
see also
cloth industry; East India Company; Levant Company

transport:; roads and rivers

Triennial Act

Tromp, Admiral Cornelis Maartenzoon

Tudor, Mary, Countess of Derwentwater (daughter of CII and Moll Davis)
Derwentwater, Mary Tudor, Countess of

Tuke, Sir Samuel

Tunbridge Wells

Turenne, Marshal


Turner, Sir James

Tweeddale, Earl of

Twyn, John


United Provinces (Holland/Dutch Republic); trade, bankers and interest rates; trade rivalry; relations with France; Second Anglo-Dutch War; Orangist supporters; and Fire of London; Triple alliance with England and Sweden;; CII agreement with France; Third Anglo-Dutch War; William III stadtholder;
see also
Second Anglo-Dutch War

Ussher, Archbishop


Van de Velde, William the elder: paintings by

Vane, Sir Henry

Vardes, marquis de

Vaughan, Sir John

Venice: embassies to CII; present to CII

Venner, Thomas

Verelst, Simon: portraits by

Verneuil, Henri de Bourbon, duc de

Verney, Jack

Verney, Sir John

Verrio, A.: portraits by

Vertue, George: engravings by

Villiers, Barbara
Castlemaine, Barbara Palmer (née Villiers), Countess of (later Duchess of Cleveland)

Villiers, Francis

Villiers, George
Buckingham, George Villiers, 2nd Duke of

Villiers, Mary
Richmond, Mary Villiers, Duchess of

Villiers, Ned

Vincent, Revd Thomas

Vlie, attack on (1666)

Vyner, Sir Robert

Vyner, Thomas


Walker, Sir Edward

Waller, Edmund;
Instructions to a Painter

Wallis, John

Walpole, Horace

Walter, Lucy

Walton, Isaac,
Compleat Angler

Ward, Seth (later Bishop of Exeter)

Wase, Christopher

Watteville, Baron de

Weaver, Elizabeth

Webb, John

Wells, Winifred

West Indies

Weston, Edward

Whalley, Edmund

Wharton, Philip, 4th Baron

Whig martyrs


White, Robert: engravings by

Whitehall: description, plans; Banqueting House;; Castlemaine’s lodgings; Chapel Royal; Cockpit theatre; paintings,
plates 15
; royal apartments,
plate 17
; tennis court; Whitehall Stairs



Wild, John

Wild, Robert

Wildman, John

Wilkins, John, Bishop of Chester:; and language

William I, Prince of Orange

William II, Prince of Orange

William III, Prince of Orange (later William III, King): portraits;;; struggle to achieve power in Holland; reasserts position; becomes stadtholder; marries Mary Stuart; assumption of English throne

Williamson, Sir Joseph

Willoughby, Francis, 5th Baron of Parham

Wilmot, Colonel Henry
Rochester, Henry Wilmot, 1st Earl of

Wilson, John

Windham, John

Windsor Beauties

Windsor Castle

wine trade

Wingate, Francis


Witt, Johann de:; and Medway attack; triple alliance with England and Sweden; death

Witt, Cornelis de

Wood, Anthony


cloth industry

Worcester, Battle of (1651)

Worcester, Marquess of
Beaufort, Henry Somerset, Lord Herbert, Marquess of Worcester, 1st Duke of

Worcester House Declaration (1660)

Wren, Christopher, Dean of Windsor

Wren, Sir Christopher: portrait;; as natural philosopher; makes lunar globe; Sheldonian Theatre; and rebuilding of London, St Paul’s

Wren, Matthew, Bishop of Ely

Wright, John Michael: paintings by,
plate 17

Wriothesley, Thomas, Earl of Southampton
Southampton, Thomas Wriothesley, 4th Earl of

Wycherley, William

Wyck, Thomas: paintings by,
plate 24

Wyndham, Christabella


yachts, royal


Yarmouth, Charlotte Jemima Henrietta Maria Fitzroy, Countess of (daughter of CII and Elizabeth Killigrew)

York, Anne Hyde, Duchess of: portrait,
plate 21

York, James Stuart, Duke of (later James II): portraits,
plate 21
;; marriage to Anne Hyde; interest in science and Royal Society; Royal Africa Company; and Second Anglo-Dutch War; Fire of London; and Clarendon’s fall; opposition to his succession; Catholicism; Treaty of Dover; deposition and last days

Farrar, Straus and Giroux
18 West 18th Street, New York 10011

Copyright © 2009 by Jenny Uglow
Maps copyright © 2009 by Reginald Piggott
All rights reserved
Originally published in 2009 by Faber and Faber Ltd., Great Britain, as
A Gambling Man: Charles II and the Restoration, 1660–1670
Published in the United States by Farrar, Straus and Giroux

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Uglow, Jennifer S.

A gambling man: Charles II’s Restoration game / Jenny Uglow.

p. cm.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

ISBN: 978-1-4299-6422-7

1. Charles II, King of England, 1630–1685. 2. Great Britain—History—Charles II, 1660–1685. 3. Great Britain—History—Restoration, 1660–1688. 4. Great Britain—Kings and rulers—Biography. I. Title.

DA445.U45 2009





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